What's Wrong With Secretary Song?

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"Marry me! If you marry me, you don't have to quit, and I don't have to lose a secretary!" Jong Kook exclaimed, his words ringing out in the silence of the office.
Ji Hyo stared at him in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock at the absurdity of his suggestion. "You are crazy, sir. Why would I marry you?" she replied, her voice laced with disbelief.




It had been so looooong since I had write a proper AU or fics now but here I am. I wrote this due to not being mentally sane after I missed out on meeting Song Jihyo during an event here in Malaysia by few minutes 😭

But anyways, this having no clear plot (i include all typical kdrama stereotypes kinda), just to satisfy my own need so I don't actually expect anything and post it for fun so welp.

So i changed my username so it's the same as my twitter account whew, cheers to finishing this au!


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liulishi #1
Chapter 28: Finally.. I wish this happen on real life..Kim jong kook & Jimy unnie.. dddanggg
Skysy15 #2
Chapter 27: 😍😍😍😍
liulishi #3
Chapter 22: Cheers.. for the successful surgery… take care
shazam7 #4
Chapter 21: Thank you authornim! Hope your brother get well soon
liulishi #5
Chapter 21: Get well soon for your brother authornim.. and take care about your self too..don’t skip meals..sleep well
Chapter 19: fun and exciting, more please!!
Skysy15 #7
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: I'm always waiting for updates every day 😍. Fighting authotnim✨
Skysy15 #8
Chapter 16: 😍😍😍😍
anak_rimau81 #9
Keep it up 😊
Skysy15 #10
Chapter 12: Can’t wait for the next update🥰