Fourth Place

Fourth Place

“You know, I’d call you a e but Hyung’s four years older than you.”

Cue promptly thrown pillow. 

“Hey!  I was being serious!  I swear you’re practically drooling over him.” The younger by a few weeks managed to duck the flying object, entering the messy room of his close friend.  The elder glared menacingly before turning back to his laptop, screen still active, lovely vibrato still hanging in the air.

“Shut up, Changmin.  You always said I needed a hobby other than Starcraft.” He growled, the video finishing, his fingers typing and searching for the next.  It wasn’t like there was a whole archive out there and he’d already seen all there was to offer, he’d seen it all a million times.  He frowned at the low views, the shortage of comments and the lack of attention.

“And cyber stalking my friend isn’t what I really had in mind, Kyu.” Changmin pointed out, raising a charming eyebrow at the male that was watching the screen intently.  “I kind of wanted you off the computer but it’s gotten you even more glued to it.”

“He’s cute, lovely, beautiful and has the best voice I’ve ever heard, what more do you expect?” It was a little strange to see his usually snarky friend gush so admirably but maybe it was just a fan boy thing.  He’d seen a couple of Kyuhyun’s own fan boys go crazy and tackle anything that he touched so maybe smiling at a computer screen wasn’t so bad.

“You’re insane.”

“I call it infatuation.” Kyuhyun said simply, relishing at the low and husky voice that filled his ears, the long held notes sending shivers down his spine.

“Get a hold of yourself.  You look like you’re on drugs.” Changmin sighing, knowing it was hopeless.  His friend had been addicted to the talented man on the screen for years.  When the younger had barely entered the company, the first thing that Kyuhyun had asked when they met was “can you get me his autograph?” It was unbelievable.  He didn’t ask for a name.  He didn’t offer any polite greetings.  He asked for a freaking signature from someone else.  The usually composed man was known for his cold personality and dangerous tongue.  The one with a renowned melodious voice and long legs.  Changmin knew him as an obsessive puppy that ed at the small male that had a voice better than that of an angel.

“I like to think he is a drug.  He’s ing addictive.” Kyuhyun sent another loving smile to his computer and Changmin could have face palmed.  What the hell?  Was this man in need of a mental hospital?  He’d never even met the guy and he was basically having eye with a computer screen.  And he definitely caught the way the gamer his lips when the boy let out a tiny smile.  “Think about it this way, I’ll never actually do drugs or cigarettes.”

“You know what?  This is pointless.  You’re never going to get over him.”  Changmin shook his head, watching with a mix of disgust and amusement as Kyuhyun shamelessly caressed his computer, as if it was the small male’s actual skin beneath those long fingers.

“So, why are you bothering my time with him then?” Kyuhyun would have pouted if he didn’t realise he needed to protect some of his image.  Even with no fans around, he should at least act like he wasn’t obsessing about someone that wasn’t actually famous.  But the tall male liked to believe he should be.  The boy on his screen should be with Kyuhyun, in the same company, performing fan service together, singing their hearts out.  He didn’t know where the boy was now in his life but he deserved so much more.

“Because I thought you’d like to know that me, Taeyeon and Jonghyun are going to visit him tomorrow.  You know, a little reunion.  We thought maybe he’d like us visiting so he doesn’t think we’re uptight pricks that have forgotten about him.  And you sure as hell aren’t making it easy for us to-”

“You’re the best!” Kyuhyun leapt up from his bed, tackling the younger man to the ground.  They were a sprawl of limbs and the only background noise was a lovely melody accompanied by a powerful voice.  “What took you so long to introduce me?  You guys have been friends for ages.”

“Because I got you your stupid autograph.  And I didn’t want to scare Hyung with your extreme fan boying.  That guy’s shier than his turtle.” Changmin countered, glaring at the male that was pinning him down, “And we thought maybe you’d like to meet him in our stead.” He sighed, Kyuhyun’s face lighting up even more, if it were even possible, “Just be a little sensitive for once, okay?  The world we live in is still a little bit of a touchy subject for him.”

Kyuhyun got up, dusting invisible grime off his jeans, “I still think he should have beat you.  Then he would be the one in my room now and for all you know we could’ve been ing.”

“Yeah, yeah, you keep believing that.  Hyung’s probably too shy to even take his shirt off much less get in front of you.” But secretly agreed.  He grit his teeth and remembered the rigged voting.  The judges had shushed him and made them all promise not to tell.  They’d purposely given the three of them more screen time, more coverage, leaving the other with tears in his eyes as he left. 

Based on his cute face and lovely smile, Changmin had somehow been given first place.  His two dongsaengs securing second and third and all three had been hauled off to the biggest idol company in Korea.  But what about the adorable little boy from Cheonan?  The one with small fingers and a truly artistic voice? 

He’d been forgotten, in fourth place.


It’s just another day at work.  Another day of brewing coffee and serving chatty teenage girls their milkshakes.  Nothing changes as he strides through the quaint café, green apron neat and tidy.  A toddler bumped into his leg and barely managed to balance the order of cake and ice cream.  He sighed. 

Just another day at work.

A new song started and Jongwoon couldn’t help but let a tiny smile tug at his lips.  A beautiful mellow voice filled the shop, his hips swaying unconsciously.  How many times had he gone to sleep listening to this particular melody?  How many times had he stuffed his ear buds in, closed his eyes and sang along?  It had been too many to count.  After he’d heard this song the first time, he searched up the rest of the idol’s songs, downloading each and every one.  But this one always stayed in his heart, a song about relentless love, never ending.  Silently, he wishes someone would remember him long enough to even begin those kinds of feelings.

For me, hope is a dream that never sleeps.
Like a shadow by my side you always
Quietly come to me.

The song was quickly interrupted by a high pitched scream, his clumsy fingers almost dropping the precious plates in his hands at the noise.  There was a rush, of people running past him to crowd at the restaurant’s glass door.  There were hand prints on it, from both girls and boys slapping their palms, and he inwardly cursed at having to clean it up later. 

The doors burst open and the crowd immediately dispersed to allow whoever it was in.  There was mass clapping, synchronized screaming and a terrible amount of jumping.  Two men he didn’t recognized helped keep the crowd from getting too out of hand, standing either side of it so they couldn’t tackle the next person who walked in.

Who was definitely someone Jongwoon recognized. 

Oh, what the heck.  It wasn’t just someone he recognized.  He was someone everyone in the freaking café recognized.  He was famous, awfully so, his face stuck on signs, his voice on the radio and his figure regularly on the TV.  Jongwoon took a deep gulp; it was the man who was singing the song that was currently playing in their shop, the same man whose voice was beyond beautiful.  Sunglasses sported on his well sculpted face did nothing to hide his identity from his crazy fans who were screaming for attention from the beloved idol. 

He approached the counter where Jongwoon’s manager was finding it a little hard to breathe.  His boss looked like an infatuated school girl and that was definitely a sight to see.  When the idol took off his glasses, Jongwoon could barely stand.  His legs were jelly under him and he felt like making a dash for the kitchen when the singer made eye contact with him.  A smirk that Jongwoon had seen him pull on variety shows sprang onto his face and it took Jongwoon a full minute to realise that the idol had made his way over to him.

“Found you.” He smiled, taking the tray out of his hands and placing it at some empty table.  Jongwoon didn’t really know what was happening until the taller male had literally lifted him off his feet, flinging him over his shoulder.  He could feel a hand on his to keep him in place and his cheeks flamed red.  “Sorry Manager-hyung but I’m going to kidnap this guy for a while.  I hope you’ll let him off for today.”

“W-Wait!  Y-You’ve got the wrong person!” Jongwoon wriggles a bit in the hold, noting that the hand on his was holding a little too tightly for safety purposes.  There was no way his favourite idol was hauling him off to God knows where.  It was impossible.  Like, who would expect Cho freaking Kyuhyun for give a about a nobody like him?  Only his deepest dreams would.

“I’m looking for a Kim Jongwoon.  You know the one that came from Cheonan with the small fingers and y bed hair?  The one that came fourth in Korea’s largest singing competition?  With the ing beautiful voice?  I’m pretty sure that’s you.  And I’ll be damned as your biggest fan if I can’t even recognize you.” Kyuhyun waved at a few fans, giving them his award winning smile – all of them pretty much fainting on the café floor. 

“W-What?  Yes, my name is Jongwoon and I came from Cheonan but you’ve definitely got the wrong person!” Jongwoon blushed even more, watching his surroundings pass by, Kyuhyun taking him to what looked to be a luxury car parked right outside.

“I know I’ve got the right person.” Kyuhyun chuckled, opening the door to his car and dropping his flustered victim on one of the plush seats, following in suit to sit beside him, their thighs pressed together.  Jongwoon tried to scoot away, and perhaps even make a dash through the other door.  But Kyuhyun followed, squishing Jongwoon between the door and him, locking the door promptly – throwing escape plan number 1 out the window.  “Hyung, let’s go.  You know where to go.”

A man who had somehow just appeared in the driver’s seat and nodded, bringing them to some obscure place.  Jongwoon swallowed loudly, trying to pull further and further away but with every inch away Kyuhyun moved closer, their noses almost touching. 

“P-Please… You’ve definitely got the wrong person.” The older, yet smaller, male pleaded.  And don’t get him wrong.  He had the biggest school girl crush on Kyuhyun, his voice was captivating and his eyes were like a temptation of irresistible pulling.  It was his dream to be so close to his idol but that was what it was.  It was a dream.  There was no way this would be reality unless by some terrible, horrible mistake.

“Why’re you so nervous?  I thought you’d be happy to meet your biggest fan.  And from what I’ve heard…” Kyuhyun snuck a hand to Jongwoon’s waist, cupping the soft side in his palm, keeping him in place not just physically.  “You’re my fan too…”

“I-I am… But you’re not.  D-Definitely not.” Jongwoon shook his head, Kyuhyun inwardly cooing at the cute action.  He was even more adorable in person; it was like looking at a stubborn puppy.  “I-I don’t have any fans.  I’m not popular or famous so how am I supposed to- Ah!  Kyuhyun-ssi please don’t do that…”

Kyuhyun smirked, a handful of Jongwoon’s in his grasp, giving the pert another fond squeeze, “Every time you belittle yourself my hand gets to this .  It’s only a fair punishment.”

“Kyuhyun-ssi, I don’t understand.  Why would you care about a nobody like-” He didn’t even get to finish his question before he felt another affectionate squeeze on his behind.  “Kyuhyun-ssi!” And he really wishes he could push the taller male away, even if deep down he’d always dreamed of Kyuhyun being this close, but there are five strong fingers latched onto his left buttock.

“Wow, you’ve got a really nice .  Best I’ve ever felt.  Even better than what I imagined it would be.” Kyuhyun commented and frankly it was the truth.  It was the small male’s own fault for wearing such nice fitting skinny jeans all the time.  Jongwoon was looking away, pout present on his lips and Kyuhyun almost kisses it.  “Aww, don’t give me that look. I warned you already.”

“You’re a ert.” Jongwoon said crossing his arms, still feeling the erse hand on his , and Kyuhyun chuckles at the behavior.  “How do I even know you’re Kyuhyun and not some gross impersonator who’s going to kill me when I’m not looking?”

“Because…” Kyuhyun sing-songs, pecking the elder on a reddened cheek, seeing shock and embarrassment blossom on his features, “Changmin is the one that asked me to meet you today.  Taeyeon, Jonghyun and him wanted to meet you today but he took pity on me and my mass fan boying and let me meet you…” Kyuhyun paused, “finally.  I’ve waited two years to meet you, you know.”

“C-Changmin did?” There was surprise written in his eyes, “H-How…”

“I can show you my phone if you want.” Kyuhyun reached into his back pocket, taking out his iPhone, scrolling through the contacts.  Yesung saw a familiar name, ‘Shim Changmin’ to be accurate, and a memorized 8 digit number flash before his eyes.  “Now, if I was some random off the street would I really have Changmin’s number?” He pocketed his phone again, seeing the elder shake his head a bit, “Now, do you believe me?  I’m the real Cho Kyuhyun – solo singer from SM Entertainment, proud number 1 fan of a certain Kim Jongwoon.”

Immediately rejection was plastered on the smaller male’s face, hurt and grief surfacing, “I told you, there’s no way that you’re my fan!”  And Kyuhyun almost smiles because the awkward shy politeness is gone.  The real Jongwoon he’d seen and heard of, the one with a cute temper but still just as introverted, coming up – even if just a little bit.  “And can you please stop groping my ?  I’m not used to people touching it!” And it’s a lie but he decides that Kyuhyun’s gentle squeezes are different from the slaps and s he is subjected to by erted customers and passersby.  Why?  He doesn’t know but it’s just different.

“Oh, puh-lease.  I’ve heard the stories from Changmin.  He basically has to guard your with a metal bat to stop everyone from touching it.” And Jongwoon blushes terribly.  It was embarrassing that he had such an issue erts and stalkers and frankly sometimes he wonders why. 

It wasn’t his fault his older brother, that ing diva, destroyed all his loose fitting clothes and left him with super tight skinny jeans and body-hugging shirts and t-shirts alike.  The effeminate man had complained how he shouldn’t waste his firm and skinny legs with those roughly cut trousers and the turtle boy was left with no other choice.  No one dared go against the prima donna that was his brother.  Plus, any and all clothes that were currently not shred and/or burnt in his closet were bought by the elder.  Apparently the younger of the two was not allowed to make his own fashion decisions. 

But really?  Were erts so desperate these days that they would grab anyone?  He was almost certain there were thousands of other asses and legs molesters would love to slap and .  His brother, and Kyuhyun and Changmin and every other one of his friends, would beg to differ.

 “That’s not true!” Jongwoon vehemently protested, “Unless someone is blind and is enough to hump a wall there is no way anyone would want to me.” He yelped once again when five long fingers gave his a nice long squeeze, almost jumping out of his skin from the sensation.

“I’m not blind.  In fact I have 20/20 vision.” He smiled and nuzzled their noses together, their lips dangerously close, “And I’ve heard the stories.” He frowned, deeply and genuinely.  “Why would three rapists go after you, all at the same time?”

“They were drunk!” He objected, the look on Kyuhyun’s face making him want to return some sort of affection, “They were all blind and from beer.  They would’ve grabbed a brick if they saw one.”

“One of them had one beer and the other two were completely sober.  I don’t call that drunk.” Kyuhyun smirked as he saw Jongwoon’s face turn redder from having his lie exposed so easily, “Just admit it.  You’re hot.  That’s why rapists and molesters alike keep coming after you.”

“N-No… I’m not.” He squeaked, half excepting another but received none.

“Why do you keep saying things like that?  You’re such a girl.” Kyuhyun chuckled as he saw an awfully cute blush make itself redder on Jongwoon’s already adorably crimson cheeks, “Well, we’re here.  Let’s have some fun now, Jongwoon.”

“W-Where are we?” Kyuhyun had already tugged him out of the vehicle, long fingers holding his hand like it was a child’s.

“A privately owned karaoke place, just for SM idols.” Kyuhyun smiled, pulling Jongwoon through the well furbished building, finding his allocated room with ease, “I want to hear you sing, Jongwoon."


Eight months down the track, Jongwoon finds himself blushing like a newly wedded bride, holding Kyuhyun’s hand like they were lovers.  Walking through the brightly lit streets, talking like everything under the sun was actually interesting.  Donned in sunglasses and a hat, Kyuhyun hummed his newest single, listening to Jongwoon’s musical laugh because it was just that pretty.  He wanted to hear the low whimsical chuckle on repeat because it really was his favourite song. 

“Are you sure it’s alright?  I want to walk you home.” Kyuhyun pouted, standing outside his company building where his manager was going to pick him up for his midnight radio show.  He cupped the elder’s soft cheeks, staring like the love-struck fool he was. 

“I’m all grown up, Kyuhyun.  I can walk home myself and the last thing you need is to get in some scandal.” Jongwoon laughed, looking away from the younger’s powerful gaze, feeling shy all over again.

“It’s not a scandal if it’s the truth.” Kyuhyun reiterated, sighing when the elder burned a brighter red.  He’d been dancing around the subject of a relationship for a while and the taller male was starting to get impatient.  He’d blatantly, and very loudly, professed his feelings more than once, proposing in the most romantic ways possible.  He couldn’t even count how many times he had serenaded.  “I’m sure the fans would love to see me happy to have you in my arms.”

“Kyuhyun… I should go…” And once again the proposal had been avoided like the plague.  What was going through the elder’s head?  Kyuhyun wasn’t dumb or clueless.  He was more than two hundred per cent sure the smaller male returned his feelings.  So, why was this reaction the one he always got?

“Jongwoon, just give me a chance!  I’ll make you happy.” Kyuhyun said in frustration, deciding that direct was the only way he could be with this man. 

Tense silence filled the air.  The previously carefree, light and dream like atmosphere was gone.  Awkwardness filtered through to their senses as the questions of what exactly they were at the moment came to mind.  What were they?  They held hands, they had dinners together, they hugged too tight for a platonic relationship, hell, they even kissed sometimes.  Sure, Jongwoon had slapped him, such a girl, the first time but they’d had their pecks here and there.  But they weren’t dating. 

“But I won’t make you happy.” Jongwoon finally sighed, he wasn’t going to go anywhere without answering the stubborn male.  His heart ached and yearned for him so much and yet he couldn’t risk it, he couldn’t let the young singer suffer because of his selfish desires; “I’m not good enough to make you happy.”

And he took off without another word.  He couldn’t stand another second of suffocating love.  His words were forced down his throat as he resisted the temptation of three words.  Tears in his eyes, he ran as fast as his slim legs could take him.  He heard footsteps behind him and he assumed that his little getaway would get ruined because Kyuhyun was way faster than him, his legs were much longer.  But the screeching of van was clear and the foot steps were dragged to a different direction and Jongwoon didn’t know how to thank Park Jungsu enough.


“Kim Jongwoon, do you remember me?” Jongwoon wants to say no but that would be lying and Jongwoon at lying.  So, he just nodded as mechanically as possible.  What was he doing here?  Why was he waiting outside his small apartment?  He was sweaty from sprinting back and he had to deal with this now?  He really had no energy to fight back this time.  “Then you know why I’m here.”

“I already told you people that I won’t sign the contract…  Now let me go, I want to sleep.” Jongwoon said tiredly, trying to push past the man to get to his apartment but a strong hand clasped on his tiny wrist, almost bruising.  “L-Let go.”

“The company is sick and tired of you rejecting us.  We’ve amended the contract more than a dozen times for you and yet you still refuse.  They’ve even lowered the amount of times you need to sell yourself and you aren’t even a little compliant.” The tall man growled, tightening his grip, the small male wincing at the burn.

“I don’t want to have to have with directors to get my music to sell!” Jongwoon tried to wrench his imprisoned hand, tears gathering at his eyes.  “L-Let go of my already!  I don’t want to sign the contract no matter what!”

“You’re signing the contract tonight, no negotiations.  And because you’ve been so difficult they’ve upped the amount of times you’ll have to be on demand a week.  Nothing you say can change that tonight you will be part of this company.  You might as well accept the fact before I have to tie you to a chair and make you sign it.” He growled low in his throat, leaning his face dangerously close to the small, meek male. 

Utterly panicked, Jongwoon flailed and kicked, somehow managing to land a blow on the man’s strong shin.  It served it’s purpose and Jongwoon found himself racing down the hall to the stairs, mind nothing but adrenaline.   He lived on the fourth floor so running down the stairs wasn’t too big of a deal but his thighs were burning, claves aching as his marathon continued.  He  kept going onto the street, breath labored and he rushed to the only safe haven he had.



The caller ID that appeared made Kyuhyun’s heart jump and he tried not to look too excited when his phone rang.  It was just before his radio show was about to start but he really couldn’t give a damn.  He thought he ruined any and all chances he had with Jongwoon after their last encounter and yet here he was calling him.  He was over the moon.

“Jongwoon!” He said a little too exuberantly.  He was happy, give him a break.  But the whimpers on the other side, the pants and gasps broke his mood and worry bubbled.  “Jongwoon, what’s wrong?  Are you okay?”

“K-Kyuhyun-ah… I-I’m scared… He-He wants to m-make me sign…” Jongwoon cried on the other end, sobs mixed with harsh breaths were all Kyuhyun could hear and everything else left his mind.  “I-I don’t know w-what to do…”

“What?” Anger and rage and all kinds of negative emotions were felt all in one second and he grabbed his jacket ready to leave the recording studio.  “Where are you?  I’ll pick you up.  Wait, you know where my apartment is right?  I told you where I keep my spare key.  Go there and wait for me.  You can wear one of shirts if you need a change of clothes.” The cute image of Jongwoon waiting for him to come home wearing a shirt clearly two sizes too big flashed and he blushed.  How he wished that was the first thing he saw every day after work.  He would never complain to Jungsu again that he was tired.

“T-Thank you, K-Kyuhyun-ah.” A shocked gasp left the smaller male’s lips and Kyuhyun was dying from not knowing what was going on, “H-He’s coming.  I-I have to go.  T-Thank you.”

The line went dead and Kyuhyun was practically flying to get out.  He needed to get home.  He needed to see Jongwoon.  He needed to make sure he was alright. 

“Kyuhyun!  Where are you going?” He got flagged down and stopped by his manager, Park Jungsu, who grabbed him by his clothed elbow, his jacket already on.

“Jongwoon’s in trouble.  I have to go.  Please, Hyung.  I need to make sure he’s alright.  Can you just get Min and Wook to host today?  I really need to go.” Kyuhyun pleaded and Jungsu saw the sincerity in his eyes.  It’s not every day the disrespectful singer actually begged like the obedient dongsaeng he was not. 

“Just today, Kyuhyun.  Just today.  Just remember if I don’t see you two dating within a week I’m never letting this happen again.” Kyuhyun’s face split into a grin, pouncing and tackling the elder with a mighty hug as thanks before rushing away.  Jungsu sighed.  Those two were beating around the bush too much and he was getting sick and tired for being the chauffeur of their “dates”.  He wanted to be the chauffeur for their dates, without the quotation marks.  How was he to deal with these two?  He walked over to the two DJs in the studio, glad that there was a back up, “Kyuhyun needs to do something today.  Can you two cover for him?”

“Jongwoon-hyung again?” Ryeowook laughed, slinging an arm around Sungmin as they both walked to wear Kyuhyun would be sitting had he not dashed out.  The two boys smiled knowingly, kissing lightly before getting ready to air, whispering something about a couple name for the two.  Jungsu could have face palmed.

Did everyone know?


“Kyuhyun!” The said boy had barely taken a step into his luxurious apartment before a shivering small male had latched himself to his waist.  He recognized the familiar raven hair, messy and y in every way possible, immediately relaxing in the hold.  There was a face buried in his chest and he almost cooed at the cuteness. 

Taking the sobbing, he only just realised his shirt was getting wet by something, man’s face into both his hands, he made him look up.  Swollen eyes and endless tears were all he saw and couldn’t resist the urge to lean down and kiss him.  Just to offer him comfort.  Just anything.  A light peck on the lips was all he could think of, the taste of vanilla and coffee – like always.

“Did he hurt you?” Kyuhyun whispered against Jongwoon’s lips, breath ghosting over the elder’s sensitive skin.  A short shake of his head followed but there was a slight twitch in one of the hands holding so tightly onto his shirt.  He let his hands wander, taking Jongwoon’s in his own, inspecting the baby like fingers.  The small male tried to pull away, in fear of Kyuhyun seeing but the younger held fast and could see the purplish marks around the tiny wrist.  “Oh, Jongwoon… How could he do this to you?”

“I-It’s nothing, Kyuhyun.  I overreacted.” Jongwoon tried to take a step back but Kyuhyun hugged him tight, enveloping his warm arms around the startled man.  It was too tempting, too alluring.  Jongwoon was the forbidden fruit he’d always craved, always gazing lovingly at, never taking a full bite.  How he wanted to reach down and kiss the man senseless and finally taste the unbearable sweetness.  “Kyuhyun…”

“Move in with me.  They won’t touch you if they know you have me.” He kissed the top of his head, lips pressing against the mess of hair.  He breathed in the scent of crisp spring and maybe even his own smell.  And it’s only then does he realise Jongwoon is dressed in a long black pajama top and trousers that were much too long and big.  They hung low on his hips and he definitely saw too much shoulder to be innocent.  He’d met the elder’s older brother a few times and the man was a narcissist to say the least but the guy must’ve been insane for thinking the small male only looked good in tight fitting clothes.  The too big, over-sized clothing was so innocently y that he couldn’t take it.  He fit his lip, hoping he didn’t lean down to taste the exposed shoulder – because it would surely taste amazing.  “Move in with me, Jongwoon.  Give us a chance, okay?”

“Kyuhyun, I can’t do that to you… You won’t be…” But deep down inside, maybe not even that deep it was actually quite close to the surface, he wanted to accept.  He wanted to be able to wake up to the love of his life every morning.  He wanted to wake up to sleepy kisses and lazy breakfasts.  He wanted to come home, make dinner and sit together with nothing but loving gazes.  And then they’d fall asleep in each other’s arms – maybe they would even lead to more later on.  But he shook his head vehemently.  How could he do that to Kyuhyun?  How could he let his love suffer by his side?  How could he selfishly ask for happiness when he didn’t even know if he himself was capable of making Kyuhyun happy?

“I’ll be happy.  If I have you, I’ll be happy.  … Jongwoon can’t you tell how happy I am just seeing you smile?  And when you sing I could die right then and there and the only regret I would have would be leaving you alone.” Kyuhyun hugged tighter, almost suffocating because he never wanted to let him go.  It looked like that company was getting desperate for this pretty man and he would never let them have him.  He’d hire a bodyguard for him if he had to.  Opening his mouth, because the elder was really that dumb, he sang, “There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for? A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you…

“Kyuhyun…” Jongwoon was barely able to get a word out.  He was barely able to understand the situation.  Being the girlfriendless, boyfriendless boy he was his whole life, he never knew how to react.  He’d been serenaded to too many times and yet he still didn’t know how to respond to the emotion filled confession.

“Please just say yes, Jongwoon.  I’ll do anything.” He was begging, pleading.  He seemed to be doing that a lot recently.  It was totally ruining his image.  But it was all worth it for the man in his arms.  There were just too many things he’d regret if he let this male go.  He’d regret it for the rest of his life.  He would be guilty and never be able to have a normal relationship without comparing his significant other to Jongwoon.  Jongwoon was perfection and he had to have him.  In every way.  So, if he had to pull out the big guns then he would.  “Do you know how sad I am when you don’t accept me?  Do you know how upset I get when you don’t give me an answer?  Do you know how much I-”

Now, this was unexpected. 

He seriously never expected another pair of lips to find his.  He’d always been the one to initiate kisses.  And they’d only been light touches, barely even classified as a kiss.  But this one… Holy , Kyuhyun couldn’t help but respond fervently, as a man starved of love.  There was movement and heat and everything was just so right it was wrong to not accept and reciprocate.  There naïve little pecks had transformed into this fiery, heated kiss that held nothing but warmth and affection. 

Kyuhyun quickly dominated, as should be expected, the smaller male even leaning back a bit from the sheer force the younger possessed.  His legs felt weak and he was glad, for once, of the protective embrace he was enveloped in or he would’ve fallen back on his . 

Finally, pulling away, Kyuhyun had never grinned so wide in his life ever before.  He dived in for round two, creating a pool of heat that matched, if not overtaking, the previous.  He couldn’t get enough.  He was addicted already.  Before he’d taken brief tastes but this full blown bite had him hungrily, greedily looking for more.  He couldn’t stand not touching the male, not feeling the burning skin under his fingertips.  He needed more.  He wanted more. 

“I love you.”

And that was all Kyuhyun had ever asked for.  He’d wanted those three words for God knows how long and he’d finally been granted his wish.  He cradled the man even tighter, pushing him against the wall, their fronts flush, lips almost touching.

“I love you too.  You don’t even know, Jongwoon.” He wanted to kiss the older man all over again.  He was already dazed, so star struck that Kyuhyun wanted to see more of it.  He just couldn’t get enough.  There was never enough of Jongwoon.  There was just too much to see, too much to feel, too much to love.  He stared into those chocolate brown eyes as long as he could, hoping and dreaming that they would always look to him the way they were now.  “Stay with me… Live with me, Jongwoon.  I want to see you every day.”

“Okay… I will…” He nodded to Kyuhyun, for extra effect, leaning up on his tip toes just to press another amour filled kiss to his lips.  How had he never said ‘yes’ before?  How could he have let Kyuhyun hold the most depressing look of uncertainty on his face?  To prove his point, his arms wound their way to his neck, kissing the younger’s jaw, because that’s all he could reach without rising up, before pecking his lips again. 

“I love you so much and yet here you are, trying to make me fall even more in love with you.” Their foreheads were pressed together, like all the couples in the movies.  But this wasn’t a movie.  This was reality and reality was the truth.  He chuckled lowly, hands holding the elder’s waist with firm care, “It’s working.”

“I should be saying that about you, Kyuhyun.  Stop making my heart beat so fast, I’ll get a heart attack.” He smiled as they continued to embrace, swaying to their own invisible tune.  It was their world.  Their world where there was only Jongwoon and Kyuhyun – too totally love struck males.  “It’s so embarrassing… I feel like it’s so loud you can hear it.”

“I want to hear it, Jongwoon.  I want to feel it even more.” And there’s a silence.  A quiet, comfortable, Kyuhyun-Jongwoon silence.  He got the message and nodded shyly, willing to give it up to the boy in front of him.  There was no other, no one else he’d like to give it to.

And leading with a sweet hand, they found themselves in Kyuhyun’s bedroom.


Jongwoon can still remember that night.  It had been awfully uncomfortable and yet terribly comforting at the same time.  Such an oxymoron.  He’d been sweaty, crying out quietly behind his hand as Kyuhyun ripped through the tightness.  But after that it had only gotten better.  And it turned out to be the best night of his life.  The first night in his new apartment, the first night with his boyfriend, the first night with Kyuhyun

After that, Jongwoon did end up moving in with Kyuhyun.  The weeks leading up to the move Jongwoon had been practically living with Kyuhyun anyway because the younger had refused to let him go home alone.  Just in case there were lurkers waiting to pounce on their adorable prey.  And when the cardboard boxes came in and Jongwoon had been desperately unpacking and packing like the neat guy he was – clearly the wife in the relationship – Kyuhyun just couldn’t keep his hands off him.  Well, who could resist their pretty boyfriend, messy hair pulled back into the cutest ponytail, fretting over the tiniest things?  For Kyuhyun it was impossible.  He couldn’t help running his hands up his sides, slapping his once in a while.  He even enjoyed occasionally back hugging the elder just to stick his arms into the shirt and feel the toned abdomen for himself.  All the while, the small male reacting cutely, jumping slightly, flustering to the rosiest red colour.

Perhaps Jongwoon had not known what he was getting into when he accepted the proposal to move in.  He never expected his boyfriend to be such a teenager, such an energetic male with the stamina of a horse.  He could go on all night and all day and still look wonderful on stage.  But maybe it was these fun little adventures and facts that made living together that much more exciting.  Jongwoon had definitely never expected to wake up, finding himself tied to a bed as his boyfriend had his way with him.  It was new and refreshing and perhaps even healthy for their relationship – as embarrassing as it was. 

Now, two years into their relationship and Jongwoon, better known as Yesung now, finds himself bowing on stage with the love of his life.  They’d just finished their Asia wide tour as a duet, clasping hands as they thanked their fans for support.  Thousands were screaming for Kyuhyun, thousands were shouting for Yesung and the remaining thousands were cheering for their successful duo.  He’d never imagined standing on such a stage, holding the hand of the one he loved more than anything else. 

But then again, he never believed Kyuhyun would actually send in a tape of him singing.  The snarky boy had asked for help with a duet and that his partner was overseas and he really needed to record.  He’d been taken to a professional studio and given a microphone, and this is where he should’ve been suspicious but he was too clueless for that.  They recorded the most beautiful duet “Your Eyes” and without Yesung’s, Jongwoon at the time, consent it was sent straight to the directors who immediately recruited the boy. 

He’d been totally shell shocked when they asked him to train for a few months to then debut in a duet with his own boyfriend.  Of course the company didn’t know of their relationship but had realised their harmonizing voices were too good to pass up. 

There had been some slapping, some crying but mostly hugging, kissing and after that.  Kyuhyun had apologized as much as he could for doing such a thing without his boyfriend’s permission.  But after Yesung had seen the red mark he had caused on his lover’s cheek he gave in and let the younger initiate their nightly ritual of making love. 

And now here he was, in front of thousands of adoring fans, who just wanted one glimpse at him, one note from him.   He was smiling, with a brand new engagement ring that he’d just received a few days ago on their second anniversary pressing against Kyuhyun’s palm.  The blinding lights, the loving cheers, it was all too much for him.  He couldn’t be happier, but that was all before the wedding date set in June – and he was totally nervous for that, just like the girl he was.

He didn’t care that he came fourth because to Kyuhyun, he was always first.


A/N: Don’t even ask what this is because honestly I have no freaking clue.  Sorry if it’s a bit rushed or gross, I didn’t edit.  It’s 1am and I want sleep.  It’s crap but I hope you enjoy ^.^ And this shouldn’t even be considered humour because… it’s not funny at all.  Lol.

I honestly tried to make it innocent for once so I hope it worked!
PS. This storyline turned out a lot fluffier than I intended.  Haha.  I based this off the fact that people always remember the top.  Even if it’s the bottom of the top (4th) no one remembers them and I know how that feels so I wanted to vent XD

Total Word Count: 6 841

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Chapter 1: 0-0 I love it ♡
Chapter 1: Adorable 😍😍
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for this sweet and adorable Kyusung story <3
392 streak #5
Chapter 1: WOW, I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 1: I am re-reading it again on 2017.
and it still as cute as the last time, kekeke.
Still give me goosebump, ckckck.
Very in love with fanboy kyu and shy ye. Aw aw aw, they both looked so cute together, and i hope KyuSung did duet in real life before kyuhyu enlistment. T_T
Chapter 1: Aw, this story was so cute! I'm glad it had a happy ending. ^^
I love your KyuSung writing!
JinseiNoAkki #8
How do you write so perfectly?
This is probably my favourite Kyusung fix ever. I love it so much, and I love Kyusung so much!
The squeals are constant and I'm just a shell of overflowing cuteness right now!!
Love it!
turtlepanda22 #9
Chapter 1: That was so freakin sweet im cryin from the fluffiness ;__; gah i luv this u r an awesome writer! Lol when kyu first squeezed jongwoons i was like KYAA i wanna squeeze >.< crap u got me fantasizin over his @ss now! Its socute imagining fanboy kyu awww nd yesung is soo adorable in this!!! And when they kissed at kyus apartment i was dyiiiinnnnggggggg it was the most epic kiss ever even thiugh it wasnt but hey u didnt stick a scene :( well it wiukdve ruined the mood but hehe got me thinkin y now i luv hos u were able to tie evrything into their actual idol life nd your eyes i looooove that song XD this ff just made me fall in lve with kyusung....ALL OVER AGAINXD