Let the game begin

Eternal Trial

Where the hell am I? What is this place? Why is it so dark in here? I should find some light so I at least don't trip over anything. I reached my hand out to find a switch at what felt like a wall to my left side.

                                                                  I sat up in my bed as I tried to catch my breath from the horror I just experienced

I sat up in my bed as I tried to catch my breath from the horror I just experienced. I could feel sweat rolling down from my face and my whole body but I was not feeling hot at all but the opposite, I was feeling cold. I ran a hand through my hair and rubbed my face. I sighed. What was happening to me? Lately, I couldn't sleep comfortably at all. I would always wake up by a nightmare or some kind of terror. I knew that none of it was true at all and it was just my imagination but all of it felt like it was real... Like it was a dream at all... I must just be stressed, I have been having a lot of work lately and a lot to think about so it is probably nothing but just to clear my mind and consciousness I should probably go to the doctor, just to be sure. I pulled the covers away stood up from my bed and into the bathroom where I took a cold shower to wash off the sweat and clear my mind. I changed into a fresh pair of clothes, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I bowed down to wash the soap off my face and stood back up to a surprise in the mirror.

                                                                            I bowed down to wash the soap off my face and stood back up to a surprise in the mirror

I jolted backward and fell to the floor. I looked behind me to see if it was any of my friends who were teasing me. They always loved to tease me whenever they could but to my surprise, there was none here at all. Only me. I stood up and walked closer to the mirror once again to see if what I saw was right but the only thing I saw in the mirror was my own reflection.

Jahoon: I must be going crazy! I better see if I can get time at the doctor today before I have to go to a mental hospital!

I shook my head and grabbed a towel to dry off my face. I walked out to the living room to see some of my housemates already awake. Taeyoung and Leeknow were sitting in the living room playing games while Yujin and Ryujin were sitting behind them watching them play.

Taeyoung: Go to the left! Left! We are going to be killed at this rate!

Minho: Don't worry! I got it! I won't let us get killed!

Ryujin: You guys are worse than Yujin and me at this game.

Yujin: Yeah! We could easily have passed this stage in a matter of minutes.

I shook my head at them as I walked into the kitchen where Seungah and Wohee were cooking breakfast. I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and looked in between them, sniffing the great aromas coming from their work of art.

Jahoon: It smells amazing! You guys are really making me even hungrier than I was before.

Wohee: That is good to hear since we have tried some new recipes that we found not long ago. Now be a darling and help us set the table so that we can eat. We are just about to finish cooking.

Jahoon: On it ma'am!

I grabbed all of the utensils and set up the table before helping the girls with the food. Just a few moments later, we began to eat. I was focused on my plate since it was too delicious so I didn't look up for a long time but when I lifted my head to give the girls my compliments, a cold shiver ran down my spine. Just as I looked up the same thing I saw in the mirror in the bathroom appeared right behind Taeyoung making me drop the food I had picked up right back into my bowl.

Minho: Are you alright Jahoon? You look like you saw a ghost! What are you even looking at that made you surprised like this?

Minho cranked his neck as he seemingly tried to look at what I was looking at. Everyone turned to look in the same direction but only a confused expression was on their faces. Couldn't they really see what I was I was seeing? How could that be possible? I couldn't say anything or else they would just think that I had gone mad or something. I acted out a cough and grabbed a glass of water to drink it.

Jahoon: It was nothing! I just had something stuck in my throat which caught me by surprise. But don't worry, I'm fine.

Everyone looked at me for a second and then shrugged before continuing to eat. I glanced back and saw the thing still looking at me terrifyingly. It was only after half an hour that it disappeared. What the hell was happening? Why was I seeing those ghosts or whatever they were? Was I about to die and they were here to harvest my soul? Maybe I should really visit a doctor today? We all finished eating and I excused myself to get some fresh air. Not only because I really needed to after experiencing all of that but also to call the doctor. I knew that if they heard me, they would only be asking a lot of questions that I didn't have the answers to or know anything about yet. I made my way down to the neighborhood park and took a deep breath of the air while walking around with my hands in my pockets. Too many questions were on my mind. What were they? Were they ghosts or just something out of my imagination? Also, why was I suddenly beginning to see it now? I have never had any experience like this before or heard anyone experience anything like this.

Jahoon: I'm going insane... I must be sleep-deprived and my nightmares are now messing with my head... that is the only sane explanation. I just have to go to sleep early today then it probably won't be happening again.

I continued to walk mindlessly until something dropped right in front of me. To my horror, it was a body... and to be more exact the body of Eunseo. Eunseo was not only a neighbor to me but also one of my close friends. Her body was horrifyingly twisted in every wrong possible way there is. I looked up to see where she had jumped from and saw a small figure looking back down at me before disappearing after seeing me notice them. Who was that mystery person? I shook my head. That wasn't the thing I should worry about right now, the thing I should worry about was Eunseo and call an ambulance. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911, corresponding with the caller until both the ambulance and the police arrived. A lot of people have come out to see what all of the chaos was and was now beginning to surround us. I was pulled to the side by a police officer and questioned about everything.

Police officer: Please describe everything you have seen to me.

I told the police officer everything from the moment I walked outside my apartment to take a walk to the moment when I noticed Eunseo lying right in front of me. Except for the parts about seeing ghosts and stuff like that because who in their right mind would ever believe me? I took a glance over at her, feeling a rush of sadness falling all over my conscience. I couldn't believe something like that would happen to her. I turned back to look at the office and was surprised. Right behind him was that darn ghost again but this time it looked like it was holding a vial or something in its hand before disappearing just a few moments later. Don't tell me it had anything to do with it? That couldn't be possible. The police officer thanked me and told me to stay alert in case they would contact me for more questions and allowed me to go home. I took the elevator back up to my floor and walked out of the elevator until I reached the front door to Eunseo's apartment. I remembered her telling me someday that she was living with someone now but neither have I nor any of my other housemates seen this mysterious person. I looked at the door and noticed it was slightly ajar. Did somebody try to break in? And were they the killer? I tiptoed closer to the door.

Should I go inside?










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Chapter 1: This story is off to a great start! Love the mystery of this and am excited to find out more secrets!
shinkenger2234 #2
Chapter 1: Ooh this seems promising. Love the Weeping Angel you put in