Author's  POV


A man who was crushing his home with a painful and murderous expression on his face. But he was in so in pain that he tooks his pain from crushing the futnitures aspecially from his girlfriend , pardon his ex-girlfriend , things. At the begining he couldn't believe himself that Min Hee have been cheating him. So he denied first , his Min couldn't done this indecency to him. After two days with denied he began to drink. Just him , alone in home , was talking himself .


'' Minn Heee why did you...hick... cheat  me... hick... What I have done to...hick... deserve this cruel punishment . '' , '' Didn't you say you love me ! '' he hit the thing near him. The lights were off , the inside of house was messy . LeeTeuk had been crying river this two days. And hadn't open the door door his friends. They were tired to talked or convinced him to at least open the door.

 '' Open the the door hyung , we were worry  about you '' , '' You're not yourself anymore, not the one who was cheerful, outgoing and caring. ''  SungMin said to LeeTeuk.


'' Get out, didn't you heard go just go and leave me alone '' LeeTeuk the young man cried and screamed .


'' Just let him be . '' , '' When he is ready he will be meet us . '' , '' Dont worry guys ''  KiBum  said to others . But SungMin and EunHyuk were worry about their hyung buy eventually they gave up to.


LeeTeuk  was tired from crying and breaking things so he passes out. But at morning HeeChul came and made him get up so others calm down. They helped to clean the house and sobered LeeTeuk.When they saw house at first they thought  ''  Like a war  or a bomb destroyed the house  . '' 




It's the beganing so I kept it short :)

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