
My Masked Happiness...
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Together - JB and Jiyeon (Dream High 2 OST)



______’s POV

It was the day of our debut and we didn’t have school today. I had already sent half of the money yesterday and given in my resignation letter to Ajumma. She was sad to see me go but I told her I was debuting and she congratulated me saying she would support me. To be honest I probably will still go back to visit her as she had been like my Umma to me.


L.joe Oppa had asked me for a date afterwards but I said I don’t know because I might be too tired. Anyway, we left for Music Bank and I was really nervous. Today was the day we would meet all the sunbae’s. As we got there we went in to get ready. Infinite Oppa’s had taken the day off to come support us and Teen Top were here to promote Crazy. There had been rumours going round about L.joe’s girlfriend but everyone thought it was Sohyun from 4minute cos of the MV. But today was the day we revealed it was me.


I was kinda nervous and I had a special stage with Chunji Oppa, we were also MC ing that day. I don’t know why Chunji Oppa had chosen me to collaborate with him but oh well, it would be fun I guess. Plus I liked the song! Anyway we would MC in pairs, Chunji and CL Unnie, Changjo with IU Unnie and me with L.joe Oppa. But while we were in the changing rooms, I noticed something weird. Me and Oppa weren’t the only couple’s anymore! Somehow CL had got with Woohyn and IU with Changjo! I was so happy for them! They deserved their happiness too!


Suddenly there was a knock on the door so L.joe Oppa answered it and there stood Daehyun Oppa. “Umm anyeonghaesaeyo, I’m looking for ______” I walked over. “Anyeong, what’s up? Sorry but I have to go on stage soon so this has to be quick…” Plus I know L.joe Oppa doesn’t like you even though I do, I thought in my head. “Umm I just wanted to say good luck!” he gave me a hug and left. “Gomawo Oppa!” I yelled back to him before going into the changing room and getting ready. Soon it was time for our debut stage and I was so nervous!


 All the Oppa’s wal

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This fic is going to be ending soon and the last ending is going to be around 3 chapters so I'll try to update a chapter per day. Please look forward to it! ^^


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ChunjiLover #1
Chapter 27: Such a good fanfic the last ending was soooo sad :'( but really good
KPOP_survivor #2
love the ending so touching the last ending i love this fic=^^= daebak
loved the endings..gosh, teen top <3
KekouUnnie #4
Hehe,I loved all of the endings~<3!
This was a nice fic btw ^o^!
Sorry haha I couldn't actually think of a name that's why I practically left it out. I had a huge debate over it with my friend and cousin and we couldn't decide so we left it blank xD Sorry to disappoint! :(
This fic. is amazing & by the way what's the girls group name??? Just curious! Hehehehe.....
forgethis #7
I love the story ^^
wow.. I love this story! :') <3
JeonunJen_Imnida #9
Haha~ this fanfic's very nice! Though she died it was still kind of a happy ending!
Congrats! Continue writing! Hwaiting!<3<3
ailisu #10
i chose daeyhuns ending <33