
The Plumber
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"How long have you been riding your scooter?" Kyuhyun asked Ryeowook when he called her that Friday night.

Earlier, he had gone back to his office to keep all the stuff that he bought, then checked their office phone recordings if there were any late urgent calls, locked up his office, then left to go back his apartment.

He had showered, ate sandwiches that he bought from a convenience store for dinner, and then sat at his study table to call Ryeowook. 

"Hmm.. let me see. I bought it when I started working at Inha Uni, about 3 years ago. Coz before that, I was working at appa's office, so I went to office with appa".

"Ohh, your dad didn't mind you resigned and work elsewhere?" Kyuhyun asked, sippping his hot camomile tea.

"Well, he did, but I told him that I want to try to be independent, to show my parents that I am capable to work on my own. But I did tell appa that I will always be grateful to him for showing me the rope, to be a good accounts officer...." Ryeowook told him.

"Wow, you have a very strong willpower. Most rich girls that I know, would just rely on their parents.." Kyuhyun told her, based on what he knew from his mother's friends' daughters. 

Ryeowook laughed "I do rely on them sometimes, like asking appa's help to call a certain plumbing service..." she giggled.

Kyuhyun laughed "Talking about that, you mentioned that he got my office contact from his friend. Do you who was that?"

"Ermmm.. if I'm not wrong, it was appa's good friend, Mr Kang. He is a school principal. I remember omma said that they were good friends since school days..." Ryeowook tried recalling what she knew. 

"Ohhh...., Mr Kang...?" Then realisation hit him. "He is the Incheon Science High School principal that I have been dealing with! He gave my company a contract to do a monthly service for water sources in the school! I must thank him when I meet him next week!" Kyuhyun said with surprised.

"Ohh that's great! Means your company is getting recognition! Appa told his other friends about your service too, so I hope this will help you!" Ryeowook said, smiling happily that her father, in a way, helped Kyuhyun with his business. 

"I really need to thank Mr Kim...." Kyuhyun said humbly. 

Ryeowook giggled "Appa is like that, he likes to recommend things to his friends when they meet for a drink. He even recommend them to buy scooter like mine haha!" Ryeowook laughed.

Kyuhyun then remembered that there was also a call from Kim Enterprise to set up a meeting with Mr Kim next Thursday. Mr Kim wanted to discuss with Kyuhyun, about rendering maintenance work for his company. 

"Ryeong, is 'Kim Enterprise' belongs to your father?" he asked, feeling bewildered that actually, half of his business was due to this Mr Kim's word of mouth.

"Yes, why...." Ryeowook asked him, questioningly.

"His secretary called our office number and asked to talk to me. She said her boss, Mr Kim, asked me to come over this Thursday, to discuss about monthly maintenance for his office...." Kyuhyun said with surprised, as now he realised Mr Kim's connection to everything.

"Ohhh that's great right? But do you have enough staff to fulfil that contract, if he offer to you?" she asked curiously. She remembered that Kyuhyun ever mentioned that he had 4 staff only.

"Good question! I have to plan properly and strategies my staff resources, including myself. If he offer me a contract, I mean" he grinned.

"Kyu, you are a very hardworking guy!" Ryeowook praised him honestly.

Kyuhyun laughed "Thank you... I'm just average. I need to work harder to make my company more successful".

They talked for a while about Kyuhyun's staff strength.

Lying down on her pillow, Ryeowook asked "It's Saturday tomorrow. What do you usually do on Saturday?" she asked him casually, tracing the giraffe embroidery on her small pillow. 

"Ermm... I jog in the morning, then in the evening, my friends came over and we play online games, and if they stay till night, we watch soccer" he told her. " Very boring life, right?" he laughed. 

"Not really, it's interesting to have fun with friends" she smiled. "Where do you usually jog?" she asked him.

"I drive to Incheon Grand Park, and then I will start jogging, maybe for an hour, or thereabout. Why..., do you want to join me?" he joked.

"Can I?" she asked innocently. 

Kyuhyun chuckled"You seriously want to jog with me? I was just joking! I starts early you know"

"I don't mind waking up early!" Ryeowook giggled. "So, can I join you?"

"Of course! We can go for breakfast after that! Ermm... I pick you up?" he smile widely.

"I can ride there, you don't have to pick me up..." she said, feeling shy.

"No, let me pick you up, treat it as a jogging date" he laughed.

Ryeowook laughed "okay okay, do you still remember my address?" 

"Yes, I still have your address. Okay, I pick you up at 7.30am? Is it too early for you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Yes 7.30am is fine, Kyu. Just text me once you are here, I will come out..." Ryeowook told him.

"Okay! I see you tomorrow morning. Have a good rest, Ryeong!" Kyuhyun smile, already so

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 7: >>"Okay my dear girlfriend"<< what a sweet!!😍
duckj0471 #2
Chapter 5: I'm so happy to read it...🥰 so adorable!