
Her Faith. His Absence.


Haewon was quietly walking on her way home. She sighed as she looked at her phone. *Still no message from him.* It’s been bothering her for a while now. Ever since she and her boyfriend went to her house, Chunji doesn’t pick her up from school or even send her a text message that she usually receives. She felt so lonely. He isn’t like this before.

“Hey Haewon!” Haewon turned around to look at the person who called her. She met eyes with a tall young man with intense eyes. Her frown instantly turned upside down. “Hey Myungsoo oppa!” She’s so glad to see her boyfriend’s bestfriend.

“What are you doing alone here?” Myungsoo asked as he diverted his attention to his bestfriend’s girlfriend. Haewon sighed and pouted. Myungsoo noticed Haewon’s silence and reaction and decided to not ask any more questions.

“I’ll take you home.” Myungsoo said. “Mwo?” Haewon looked at the young man with wide eyes. “I said I’ll take you home.” Myungsoo chuckled at her expression and ruffled her hair. Haewon pouted. “Thank you. But you shouldn’t be doing this. Chunji oppa should be the one.” Haewon said. It hurts think about it, that her boyfriend’s bestfriend will be the one walking her home instead of her own boyfriend. “I wonder why he’s been busy lately. I really miss him.” Haewon felt her eyes filling up with tears. Her voice was starting to get shaky. It’s been 2 weeks now since they last saw each other. You can’t blame why she’s been so dramatic about it. They’re actually in a relationship for 2 years now.

Myungsoo noticed this and began to lightly pat her back. “I’m sorry for my bestfriend’s absence. In the mean time, I’ll fill them up. Is that ok?” He looked at her with sincerity. Haewon wiped her tears and nodded with a smile. “I’m so sorry for being a burden, oppa. I just can’t hold it in. It’s been 2 weeks now. Still no sign of him. It’s like, I don’t exist in his world. I feel like I’m not worth his time anymore. It hurts me.” Myungsoo felt bad for her. He too doesn’t see much of Chunji these past few days. “Don’t say that. You’re important to him. He’s just busy. That’s all.” Myungsoo continued on comforting the broken hearted lady. He’s not used on seeing her like this. She usually smiles a lot but ever since Chunji didn’t show up, she changed.


Soon, they arrived at Haewon’s house.

“You sure you’re gonna be alright?” Myungsoo asked again for the hundredth time. Haewon chuckled at his silliness and nodded. “You don’t have to ask me again and again. I promise, I’ll be alright.” Myungsoo realized his actions and rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry… I just want to make sure you’ll be alright. If I ever see Chunji again, I’ll tell him to apologize for his absence and become a good boyfriend to you. Is that fine?” Haewon nodded with a smile. “That’s more than fine! Myungsoo oppa can go now. I don’t want you to go home late.” With that, Haewon entered her house and Myungsoo went on his way.



Just when he took his first step on his way home, he heard laughs. Myungsoo turned around only to see Chunji with Choi Junghye, Haewon’s older sister. Good thing that Myungsoo’s reflexes are fast, he then hid in the bushes to spy on them. *Chunji cheated on Haewon. That bastard!* Myungsoo gritted his teeth. The only reason why Chunji hasn’t been a boyfriend to Haewon for weeks is because he’s busy dating her sister. Out of all the girls, why Haewon’s older sister. Myungsoo clenched his fist, his knuckles slowly turns into white. He feels so bad for Haewon.

“Chunji-ah, thank you for the dinner. It was nice.” Junghye showed her beautiful smile to Chunji as Chunji’s heart beat raced. “That’s nothing, noona. If you want, I’ll bring you out in much more expensive dinner.” Chunji replied, evidently happy.

Junghye shook her head. “No, this is enough. You should go home now before someone sees us. I’m sure you don’t want Haewon seeing us together, right? She might get a wrong idea.” Junghye looked around to look if other people are looking. Luckily, Myungsoo didn’t get caught.

Chunji held Junghye’s hand and kissed it. “But I want her to know that I love you and not her. It’s been 2 years now, I’m sure she doesn’t love me like she loves me before. She’ll get tired of me and that’s when we break up. In the mean time, I’ll just spend my time with you.” With that, Chunji kissed Junghye’s lips.

Chunji’s words made Myungsoo go crazy. *That ing cheater! What the does he think he is?! Haewon freaking loves him with all her heart. Why the does he go off with her sister when Haewon loves him a thousand more than Junghye. This guy is really getting on my nerves. Even if he’s my bestfriend, I can’t let this go easily. Haewon’s like my little sister.*

Junghye blushed and softly pushed Chunji away from her. “Chunji-ah, you need to go. It’s ok for you to get caught but it’s not ok if I get caught. You do remember that Haewon’s my little sister and your girlfriend. Now please go home. I’ll just call you, ok?” Chunji pouted but nodded. He quickly kissed her cheek and went off. Junghye also went inside her house. As soon as the coast is clear, Myungsoo went out of his hiding spot and went home. He’ll wait for the right time to tell all of this to Haewon. He just can’t stand to see Haewon getting hurt and fooled by Chunji and her own sister.



White Day,

*It would be better if Chunji oppa is studying in my school. In that way, I can easily see him.* Haewon pouted.

Soon, all of her class ended and it was now time to go home. As usual, she won’t get any messages from him. *It’s White Day today, I hope he shows up. If not, I might just have to let this day pass like any other day.*

Haewon felt the feeling of being followed. She turned around hoping to see Chunji with chocolates but to her disappointment, it was only her boyfriend’s bestfriend. She waved at him and gave a weak smile. Myungsoo saw her painful expression and tried hard not to be affected by it, he smiled back at her. Soon they were walking side by side on the way to Haewon’s house.

“Haewon, let’s go get ice cream. I bet that will make you feel better.” Myungsoo offered. He knows ice cream will make Haewon smile. Haewon’s face lit up at the sound of ice cream and nodded eagerly. Myungsoo chuckled and went to Haewon’s favorite ice cream parlor.

While Myungsoo was ordering the ice cream, Haewon suddenly felt sad. This ice cream parlor reminds her of the time Chunji asked her to be his girlfriend 2 years ago. Tears came down from her eyes. Her chest was starting to get heavy. She missed him so much.

Myungsoo came back with 2 ice creams on a tray. He saw Haewon looking outside with tears streaming down her milky white cheeks. “Haewon-ah…” Myungsoo trailed off. Haewon quickly wiped her tears and turned to smile at Myungsoo. “Neh oppa?” She did her best to force a smile. Smiling isn’t what she wanted to do today, she wanted to cry in someone’s arms. It’s freaking White Day for gawd sakes! No Korean boyfriend in the world wouldn’t show up to his girlfriend on White Day. But reality is just too harsh, it’s 5 o’ clock in the afternoon but still no sign of Chunji.

“Do you want to walk while eating ice cream?” Haewon slowly nodded as she got up and took her treat.


Haewon finished eating and threw the little empty ice cream carton away. “I wish Myungsoo oppa was my boyfriend.” Haewon suddenly confessed. Myungsoo was startled. “Why did you suddenly say that?” At this point, Myungsoo was in loss of words. He doesn’t know what to say but he’s trying his best to not make it awkward.

Haewon closed her eyes and felt Seoul’s cold breeze. The corners of her lips finally turned in to a smile. “Despite of Myungsoo oppa’s good looks, intelligence and talent; he has a good heart. Me, I’m just his bestfriend’s girlfriend, but he looks at me like a part of his family, he also treats me like his own girlfriend. He’s always there while-“ Haewon stopped talking and was frozen because of the sight she saw. Myungsoo noticed this and followed where her eyes was looking. Myungsoo gasped. *Oh . She can’t get hurt now. She can’t. ! Myungsoo, think of a way to distract her.* Myungsoo mentally panicked. He doesn’t want Haewon to get hurt now, not on the day that she’s depressed.

Myungsoo made Haewon face him and kissed her on the lips. It made Haewon shocked. Her eyes almost went out of its sockets.

Chunji, who was kissing Junghye, saw his bestfriend and his girlfriend. He felt betrayed. Even though he loves Junghye, he still loves Haewon. Chunji shoved Junghye away, who was kissing him, because of anger that built up in his body.

“YAH! KIM MYUNGSOO! Get the away from my Haewon!” Chunji shouted at his own bestfriend. Myungsoo broke the kiss and left Haewon frozen.

“YOUR HAEWON?! Seriously Chunji, what the are you doing for the past few weeks? Huh?! I was the one that has been there for Haewon when you weren’t there! When you were busy cheating on her! I was her boyfriend for the past few weeks so she wouldn't feel depressed. After all you did to her, you still have the guts to call her ‘YOUR HAEWON’?!” Myungsoo spats back at him.

Haewon’s tears continuously flowed down her cheeks. She felt so stupid. She shouldn’t have waited for him. He was just fooling her all along. Junghye was speechless, she felt so bad for betraying her own sister. She felt so bad for betraying her only sibling.

Chunji was frozen. He felt so bad. All things that Myungsoo said, hit him. It was true.

“Haewon…” Chunji called out for her. Haewon didn’t move an inch. She remained quiet and motionless. She looked like one of those beautiful Greek statues, only difference is, this statue is crying.

“Go home Chunji-ssi. I don’t want to see you. Please disappear from my sight. Please.” Haewon said and went inside her house leaving the angry and worried Myungsoo & Chunji who doesn’t know what to do.

“You heard her. Go away. Don’t ever make yourself visible to her eyes. You’ll only hurt her. Go away, far away from here.” Myungsoo looked at Junghye who also belong in the ’92 line. He pointed his finger at her with gritted teeth, trying so hard not to shout.  “As for you, you.” Junghye looked at the ground with shame. “Have some ing shame. She’s your only sister! Why the do you have to go and hook up with her boyfriend?!” Myungsoo continued.

Myungsoo went to Chunji and took a long good look. Chunji can’t look at his ex-bestfriend’s eyes right now. He’s so ashamed of what he did. Myungsoo raised his fist and gave Chunji a one hard blow on his left jaw. “That’s for Haewon.”


With that, Myungsoo left the two of them and went home. 





Please do forgive for this boring Oneshot. :'|

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Mlou13 #1
Chapter 1: her sister is a if that was me she would have been shunned and called every dirty name in the book
memoire- #2
It's very nice! Not boring at all! I love it!
Nessie2012 #3
Make it into a SEQUEL !!!
What happens to them all??! :0
I want a SEQUEL!!! :)
Matocian #8
SEQUEL~!!!!! Keke, the story got me all pumped up. I want to hit someone now! (I don't think that's a good thing o.o...)
korean-fever62 #9
Shobee #10
Sequel please! :))