Our Dating Woes

Three is Company


Three is Company

Kyuhyun was sitting in the parking lot in a nearby shopping complex, thankful for the darkness outside as well as the heavy tint on his windows.Currently he was reclined, in the driver’s seat, phone in his hand attempting to amuse himself for the short wait, humming along to his current favourite song, eyes darting up to look outside every now and then. Kyuhyun would have you all know that try as he may, he had never been a really patient person. He had come to this realization in preschool, when the kid in front of him was taking a lifetime to read the Hangul alphabet. It was not that he was mean honestly. He sincerely wished that his classmate would do well and that he would master the trails of character based language systems.What he despised though was the waiting. It drove him insane. He wished he could say that it was due to this personality flaw that he was giving his neck a kink for, but it wasn’t. He was positive that it was excitement and maybe even anticipation. Well, he had to be fair; it was probably a bit of impatience as well. It had been 30 minutes already, not that he really minded. He would wait a lifetime if he had to, if it meant he got to spend time with him, which given his general dislike of anything resembling waiting, was rather remarkable. The things love did to a person.

The cause of his excitement and consequently his willingness to wait in a car at the back of a massive parking lot, hidden hopefully by the trees, was the simple fact that he had invited Yesung out to see a movie; what he hoped could be a second date. A date he prayed, that wouldn’t be as disastrous as the first one they attempted. He had a late schedule that finished earlier than they had anticipated and he had a brilliant idea. He begged his manager to let him venture out on his own, promising to keep bundled up and generally out of sight. He had been thinking about doing something with Yesung recently and saw the time as an opportunity to actually achieve it. Their schedules were tight, not as tight as during a promotion period, but they were Super Junior members. There was nothing like a light schedule, just tight and tighter. That extra couple of hours was heaven sent. It fit perfectly into his plans, or rather plan that he had been considering diligently since their last failed date.

It had been seven and a half months since Kyuhyun and Yesung had started their unlabelled relationship. Kyuhyun was happy to report that life was perfect. Perfect here being biased and subjective, since Kyuhyun thought breaking his back in endless dance practices were perfect, if it meant that he could see Yesung always in his peripheral vision. On that analysis, perhaps things weren’t perfect, but he was happy and content and in his mind that was what perfection was centred around. They had moved slowly and carefully forward each day, more love felt each and every time. Kyuhyun still found it amazing how he could love the man more each day, considering that he was already so much in love with him, yet it happened. Each smile, each soft word, each brush of his fingers,even the scolding’s and warnings about him getting sick, had led to Kyuhyun’s heart growing in admiration, in love and respect. They still had their little difficulties here and there, but Kyuhyun never thought it would be easy. If it was easy, it wouldn’t have been true love. The bits of awkwardness and weirdness were falling away bit by bit. Kyuhyun though, knew that they still had a long way to go before they would truly be comfortable with everything, with all the strange new feelings, the strange new change in preconceived notions of attraction and propriety. Kyuhyun didn’t fear though. He knew that in time the attraction would grow, it would come softly and slowly. It was already building, easing its way into their reactions and interactions. It was evident from the increase intimacy that they shared. It was still not anything to write home about, but from where they started, it was a journey of epic proportions, almost an odyssey. They were a lot more comfortable with the touches and the caresses, which pleased Kyuhyun. He wasn’t in a rush, but it gave him joy to think that they both trying to turn what they had into a real relationship.

It was never an issue of love or affection. They had that covered and embarrassingly so, sometimes. They loved each other, something that neither doubted nor could ever deny. The little issue they had come from adjusting to the fact that they were prior, two generally straight men that fell in love with a guy. To say it was weird would be like saying a whale was heavy, a pure statement of the obvious considering that the blue whale can weigh up to 200 tons (400000 lbs). Kyuhyun thinks that it was basically self explanatory why it would be weird. Kyuhyun himself was grateful that they were taking their time. He didn’t think he was truthfully ready for much more yet, but could still fully appreciate the increments forwards. It is for that very reason that he had decided to call Yesung out.

He had the free time and thought it was be a good idea for them to do something together, outside the dorm. Kyuhyun knew Yesung was cautious and very adamant that they must never be seen outside together.Whilst Kyuhyun didn’t like it, he more than understood the reason. The nature of their relationship definitely couldn’t even be suspected, much less alleged. One day they would have to deal with that, but right now, they would be idiots to wake a sleeping dragon. Kyuhyun though, really wanted them to spend time in a different setting, in a manner that could be described as a classic date. It wasn’t anything exceptional, but would still be special. He could make up for the disaster that was their first date. He had learned his lesson. He would treat Yesung as he always had and stop being so caught up in what was normal. He would just let them be themselves. He was nervous to call Yesung. He didn’t expect him to agree, considering that Kyuhyun was suggesting that they venture outside during the week in the city, in a fairly populated place. Yet somehow he did and rather easily at that. Kyuhyun worried a little about that fact. He agreed too easily, which could mean anything really, but he was coming and that was all Kyuhyun decided to focus on. It would be fun, even if they had to be careful and practically disguised. Kyuhyun was hopeful, he really was, that was until he saw Siwon’s car pull up next to his. This was going to be interesting.

Kyuhyun looked on in interest as he was a car nearing his vicinity, which is odder than you would think, considering that he was parked at the very back, under the willowy trees. No one in their right mind would park that far back, unless they loved walking a mile in the darkness. Kyuhyun had chosen the spot so he didn’t have to worry about people noticing him sitting in the car. It was about ten in the night, but still the area was busy enough to warrant such precaution. He wouldn’t even be arrogant or boastful to claim that their popularity level was such that everyone could recognize them, even the elderly, it was just a fact. To say that he was surprised that it was Siwon’s would be truthful. He wondered why the man that often invoked his annoyance was here, but was not going to jump to conclusions just yet. If it was a quarter as bad as he was thinking, he was going to deck someone, which would probably be Siwon. He waited till the car stopped, watching with interest, as Siwon stylishly pulled into the spot next to his. He scoffed. Did Siwon think everything was a drama shooting? He observed the car till it halted and held his breath as the engine died. Did that mean what he thought it meant? He hoped that he was wrong, he really and truly did. He consoled himself. Maybe Siwon was dropping Yesung off and just wanted to speak with him for a second. ‘You call that consoling? Which part of him sitting in a car with my Yesungie hyung when he should be next to me would please me?’ Kyuhyun angrily questioned his mind, who would only respond that it was a lot better than what he was envisioning.

Kyuhyun observed Siwon exiting the car, with that annoying smile on his face, looking handsome as usual. Seriously did this guy have nothing to do? Was he even human? How on earth did he always look so well kept? Kyuhyun mind was laughing at his pettiness, but he chose to ignore the annoying creature and instead focus on the  even more annoying beast, who was heading to the passenger side seat.He looked on as Siwon opened the door for Yesung to step out. Kyuhyun knew he should have been happy to see the man that he was excited to see moments ago, yet all he could focus on was the fact that Yesung had smiled after Siwon opened the door. What the hell! When he did that very same thing Yesung looked almost offended, but now that Siwon did it, he was all smiles. He was even thanking him, his hand coming to rest on Siwon’s shoulder, now chuckling at something Siwon was saying. Kyuhyun had to do something. If he just sat there watching, he would probably pop a blood vessel. It was more than grating on his nerves. He figured, if Yesung saw him that would divert his attention away from Siwon and therefore prevent Kyuhyun from committing murder. Well he could never kill Siwon hyung, but he would do it over and over mentally. Yesung should atleast prevent his mental sin. Plus, if he was there he wouldn’t be driven crazy thinking about what Siwon had said to make his Yesung hyung laugh so happily. It was his job to get such reactions, definitely not Siwon. That was the thought that hastened his exit from the vehicle, coming around to greet the two men.

“Hyung” Kyuhyun said as cheerfully as he could, as it was hard to shove that much distaste down his throat, after he saw Siwon’s hand holding onto Yesung’s arm. It even annoyed him that Siwon had the audacity to smile so kindly at him, after he was caught red handed touching things that did not belong to him. ’Slow down there…you sound really creepy’ his mind advised. Kyuhyun didn’t care though. He just wanted to see Siwon get back in his car and leave, getting home safely. See? He cared for Siwon’s well being…he just wanted him to be well, after from Yesung. It was not too much to ask for really.

“Kyu ah. Siwon is going to watch the movie with us” Yesung greeted excitedly,eyes shining brightly, smile wide and joyful, looking as if Christmas came early, animatedly grabbing at Siwon’s arm, as he beckoned for Kyuhyun to come closer. Kyuhyun wanted to scream. His fears had come to life, yet it was delivered in the sweetest voice he had ever heard. Why did Yesung do these things to him? Did he really have to sound so happy? More importantly did he really not realize that it was supposed to be a date? Kyuhyun would have sighed, if Yesung had not been looking at him so cutely. Kyuhyun would just have to coax answers and find a quick solution, without alerting the man to his obvious error. Seriously though how could be not realize? Kyuhyun was sure being with Yesung has been the strangest experience in his life. He wouldn’t change it for the world, but sometimes he wished that Yesung was a little more perceptive in these areas.

“Oh really? How come?” Kyuhyun tried to ask as casually as possible, willing his eyes to look at Yesung and not glare at Siwon. He really didn’t understand. Before his eyes would act, as if Yesung were a magnet, never leaving the man during the time Kyuhyun was adamant on avoiding him. Now that he wanted then to focus on Yesung, they decided to do their  own thing once more. It was taking considerable will power to control them, as well as to keep the annoyance out of his voice.Why was Yesung so obliviously innocent? He couldn’t even get properly mad that the man. He really wanted to ask him, if he was really that oblivious or unobservant , but the smile he wore wouldn’t even let the words form in Kyuhyun’s mind, much less his mouth. It didn’t help that Yesung had wrapped his hand around his arm, as he had approached, eyes looking at him happily. He wanted to strangle him. He had no right do to these things to Kyuhyun and the worst part was that not a single muscle in Kyuhyun would obey a command to bring about its end. Love was vicious.

“He was there when you called. It was a good thing he was free, so we could spend time with him. He has been so busy. Right Siwon ah?” Yesung informed with a pleased tone, turning to look at Siwon with warm eyes, happy smile, shaking his head in Siwon’s direction, indicating that he wanted Siwon to agree, to say he wanted to spend time with him, with them. Kyuhyun had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. He would swear that Yesung was sneakily trying to torture him, but he knew it was something he would do, not Yesung. Things like that were not in his nature and he wouldn’t have the stomach to plan it or worst, to execute it so efficiently. Kyuhyun didn’t know if to be pleased that the person he loved wasn’t trying to torture him willingly or be eternally depressed that his happiness at Siwon’s presence was genuine.

“Of course hyung. I am always happy to be with you…With Kyuhyunnie as well” He added as an afterthought, looking down fondly at the older man smiling at his words, voice with that sugary sweet tinge that made Kyuhyun want to throw up. Seriously who was that cheesy? ‘You are worse’….’Oh Shut up’  Kyuhyun did not have time to deal with his unruly mind, instead focusing on shoving the sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue back into the depths of his chest. Unfortunately bit of it escaped.

“Siwon hyung didn’t have to do it right now though” Kyuhyun suggested, unfortunately unable to keep all of the distaste out of his voice, refusing to look at Siwon. He insisted on keeping his eyes firmly on Yesung, not even speaking directly to Siwon. He didn’t trust himself to remain civil if he had to speak the older more built man directly.

“He did. We are lucky he could be with us now, with his schedule as it is” Yesung protested against the suggestion that Siwon could have chosen to spend time with them on a different day. Yesung knew that Siwon’s schedule was all over the place and he had not much time with his favourite dongsaeng in a while. He was really happy that Kyuhyun called about the movie. It was the perfect opportunity for them to do something together and Kyuhyun would be there as well. It would be so much fun. His two favourite people together, doing something he enjoyed.He was relly excited.

“Not really” Kyuhyun couldn’t help the retort that escaped his mouth. He watched the words flow out in mild horror. It wasn’t that he regretted the words; just that he wished he could have said them in a less annoyed tone. He honestly didn’t see that luck Yesung was talking about. All he saw was the fact that he was stuck with an oblivious significant other that was hell bent on torturing him in the most innocent way possible.Well luck was still involved…he was lucky he had Yesung regardless of how frustrating he was sometimes. It was part of his charms.

“Don’t say that Kyu ah.You may hurt Siwonnie” Yesung scolded lightly, no real anger or reprimand.Yesung was aware that Kyuhyun was snarky by nature and was just going to write it off as Kyuhyun seeing the opportunity to say something witty and not that there was any real intent behind the words.  He smiled at Kyuhyun, smacking him on the arm lightly before turning his attention to Siwon to reassure him that Kyuhyun didn’t mean it. He smiled sweetly at the taller man, to which Siwon responded likewise, dimples out and proud now, shaking his head to indicate he took no offence. Kyuhyun looked on in actual disgust. Seriously? Was all he cared about Siwon’s feelings? Kyuhyun needed breathes to cool his rising temper, as he listened to his mind beg him to be rational and insisting that if he said something stupid, it could upset Yesung and he wouldn’t want that.

“It’s okay hyung. Kyuhyun was just being his usual self. I don’t mind” Siwon assured, smiling at Yesung fondly, before turning to Kyuhyun to smile teasingly? Kyuhyun was almost positive that Siwon was taunting him. Kyuhyun wanted to do something evil …’No wait!’ his mind pleaded, ‘ignore it for now’. Take a few deep breaths it instructed. Kyuhyun listened for once. He needed to control that urge to ask Siwon if he was a bloody idiot or if he was just hell bent on making Kyuhyun want to kill him.

“Are you cold Kyu ah?” Yesung  asked voice laced with concern, smile falling, now replaced with a set face, eyes raking over Kyuhyun intently, before he reached up to untangle his scarf, the intention being clear. Kyuhyun realized that Yesung thought that the breathes were because he was cold. Kyuhyun could have chuckled at the thought. Despite all his anger, he was reminded that this was the man he loved .Yesung may be frustratingly oblivious sometimes but he genuinely cared about Kyuhyun, reflected in all of his actions. The fact that he was removing his scarf to wrap around Kyuhyun now was just another example of the man’s love. He really felt bad that he always allowed his petty possessiveness to overtake his sensibilities. He promised that he would endure this Siwon thing as best as he could, for Yesung. He would do anything to make Yesung happy, even if it meant letting Siwon come on their date. Well…Kyuhyun supposed that it wasn’t a date anymore.

“No hyung I am fine…I promise” Kyuhyun appeased, having to make the promise when Yesung looked at him with unsure eyes. Kyuhyun just smiled at the man, reaching up to rewrap the scarf that Yesung had partially removed. It was autumn, so it was not exceptionally cold, just a chill in the air, but still he rather Yesung be bundled up appropriately. Yesung smiled at him fondly, yet eyes still looking him over to make sure he was fine, to satisfy his always worried mind. He despised the idea of a sick Kyuhyun, even if it was just a cold. He knew why, but would never want to think about it.

“So what movie are we seeing Kyuhyunnie?” Siwon inquired, sounding curious, or to Kyuhyun’s ears annoying. He just had to break up the little moment that was forming didn’t he? Kyuhyun was trying his best not to say something scatting, but Siwon was really getting on his nerves. A perfectly good moment ruined, as his words, took Yesung out of his ‘Kyuhyun’s well being obsession’ to focus instead on the taller man that had yet to remove himself from the older’s side. Did he really have to stand so close? If he had some decency, he would have atleast stepped away to let the moment happen.

“Let’s see something funny” Yesung suggested sounding excited once more, this time he was the one annoying Kyuhyun, as he turned to look at Siwon for confirmation. Kyuhyun wondered if he was not important enough to ask his opinion on the matter. His mind reasoned that Yesung probably thought or knew that Kyuhyun wouldn’t really care, so asked the possibly interested party instead. His mind was probably right, but it still annoyed Kyuhyun.

“Anything you want hyung” Siwon replied sweetly, causing Yesung to smile at him blindingly and Kyuhyun to choke back fake heaving sounds. How on earth did Yesung find those things cute? Siwon was many things but he was not cute. It simply defied logic, that and the fact that Siwon seemed to be holding Yesung’s attention more than Kyuhyun thought appropriate.

“Let’s just go” Kyuhyun said impatiently. His excitement had since disappeared, now just wanting to get it over with so he could be rid of Siwon and hopefully home in their room snuggled. ‘Wait..it’s his room not your room Kyu’ his mind teased. He had been making that slip regularly for some unknown reason. He spent so much time in Yesung’s room that it was natural to think of it as his room as well, he reasoned with his mind. ‘No Kyunnie…you know what I mean’ Kyuhyun did, but refused to consider it then. He had more pressing matters to address, like surviving another two hours without killing Siwon or saying something stupid to upset Yesung.

“Wait Kyu ah. You forgot to cover up” Yesung chuckled, smiling at him warmly. Kyuhyun was going to ask what he meant but then realized that he was just in his clothes and a jacket. There was no way, people wouldn’t notice him. He would swear ELFs had supernatural skill...they could recognize anyone one of them by just pictures of random body parts. It was best not to take chances. He then felt embarrassed as he realized that he didn’t actually have anything to cover up with. He felt his cheeks get a little red. Did he really decide to be a klutz when ‘I am always cool’ Siwon was there? He was mad at himself.

“I knew you would forget. Put these on” Yesung instructed, chuckling slightly when he realized that Kyuhyun did indeed forget to get something to cover himself with. Before they left, Yesung had to run back into the apartment to grab a hat and inconspicuous pair of shades. Siwon said he would have them, but Yesung knew better. Kyuhyun was smart, but he was forgetful about things like that. Yesung smiled as he helped Kyuhyun pull the hat over his puppy hair, helping him adjust it, then helping him place the shades on his head, bringing the lapels of his coat to cover as much of his lower neck and face as possible. They couldn’t look as if they were trying to cover up that was the key. Once he was sure Kyuhyun was concealed, he turned his attention to Siwon. It was hard to hide someone like Siwon. The man was regal. He would draw attention, even if he was not a celebrity. Yesung tried though, ensuring the black hat, that matches his clothes perfectly, was pulled lower, the glasses not really concealing, but still hard to tell that he was Super junior’s Siwon at first glance. People would notice him, but Yesung hoped that he would seem too intimidating to approach on just a hunch.  Kyuhyun in the meantime looked on in agitation. He rather enjoyed Yesung’s fussing over him, but found no such joy when the same treatment was given to Siwon. He grumbled to himself about it, as Yesung reached into his pocket to pull out a black baseball cap, sliding it low on his head, using his scarf to hide most of his face. Kyuhyun supposed they would just look like weirdos, but probably not so ridiculous to give away the fact that they were willingly trying to conceal themselves.

Wordlessly Yesung grabbed Siwon’s arm and started to walk forward, in the direction of the plaza. Kyuhyun at this point not wasting the energy on anger anymore, instead just falling in line, reaching his hand down to grab hold of Yesung’s hand, and hold it firmly in his own. A part of himself feeling satisfied that Yesung hand was firmly wrapped within his own, whilst it was only loosely attached to Siwon’s upper arm. He felt a jolt of warmth the second he made contact, wanting to focus on the warmth , rather than the taller man on his other side. As they approached the plaza though and people came into view, Yesung immediately released Kyuhyun’s hand, going so far as to forcibly tug at it. Kyuhyun was not pleased but he complied. He knew Yesung was extra cautious about them being seen in public together in any way that could suggest that they were more than bandmates. Kyuhyun asked him why once, but he would only say “I have to protect you sometimes as well“ Kyuhyun didn’t know what he meant exactly, but he couldn’t argue with the basic reasoning. He didn’t like it, but it was their practical reality and he would have to atleast learn to deal with it, if he couldn’t accept it. It irked him though, that the loose hold on Siwon’s forearm went undisturbed, Kyuhyun glaring at the hand, as Siwon was telling Yesung something or the other making the older chuckled lightly. Kyuhyun couldn’t care to listen, his attention had by the treacherous hand that abandoned him, yet had stayed safe with Siwon. He would have pouted, but refused to do so in Siwon’s presence.

They entered as casually as possible, with Yesung resisting the urge to chuckle, upon seeing all the eyes of female passerby’s immediately going to Siwon. He doubted that they recognized him, probably just found him attractive. In the past that would have annoyed him a little. He was attractive too, but Siwon always unintentionally stole the attention with his looks. Yesung didn’t hold it against him. It wasn’t him fault he was so tall and now Yesung didn’t care at all, considering that he had Kyuhyun. Thinking of Kyuhyun, the maknae was being weird. Yesung wondered if he was tired. Maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to come out and should have insisted that Kyuhyun come home and sleep, but Kyuhyun sounded happy on the phone. He didn’t look especially tired either, but his mood had been a bit sour. Yesung wondered if something upset him in the time he waited. Ah! That was it. Kyuhyun hated to wait. Maybe that was what had changed his mood. Yesung would try his best to make him feel better, even if it was a little childish to be upset when he was aware that he would have to wait anyway. That was Kyuhyun for you, always mature and composed, but especially childish and petty when he wanted to be. Yesung glanced fondly at the boy next to him. He would always be happy to just have him stand next to him. He was just that special. Yesung had yet to find a better word to describe the younger. Nothing suited him other than special. Leeteuk better not mine.

Kyuhyun in the meantime was trying to centre his thoughts and focus on the positives. They had gotten to the cinema fairly unnoticed, well except for Siwon. Did he really have to wear such a form fitting coat, and jeans? It was as if he wanted people to look at him. Better yet, he shouldn’t have come. Kyuhyun thought that was the best solution. ‘I thought you were going to be positive?’ his mind reminded him. Right! He was trying to think positive thoughts. His plans had already disintegrated, the best he could do now is try to enjoy his time with Yesung. Atleast he kept telling himself, Yesung is happy and that is never a bad thing. He should be willing to let his own desires fall away once in a while to please the other man. In all fairness, Siwon had been particularly busy lately and he supposed that Yesung would have genuinely missed the taller man. The idea gave Kyuhyun no joy, yet he had to accept its merit. Whether he understood it or not, like it or hated it, Yesung was particularly close to Siwon. He would just have to deal with it. He couldn’t hurt Yesung and he knew that if Yesung ever realized how petty he was about Siwon, it would hurt him. There was no way he was going to let his pettiness, make Yesung think he had to choose between them. Kyuhyun knew what he felt was just the result of his possessive nature when it came to Yesung and it had no real basis. It was rather pointless to put Yesung in an uncomfortable position, just to please his temperamental mind. He may be childish sometimes, but was mature enough to know that it was his problem and not something he should involve Yesung in. He was going to try his best to be mature about this and salvage the evening, but Siwon sure was making it hard for him.

Quietly they made their way to the cinema, with Siwon suggesting some movie or the other. Kyuhyun at this point didn’t care what they watched but it irked him slightly that no inquiry as to his preference was made. He could live with Siwon not asking him, but it was upsetting in the slightest that Yesung had just accepted Siwon’s suggestion, without a glance in his direction. It was like he forgot that Kyuhyun was there, well atleast in Kyuhyun’s mind. From a third party perspective, one would have seen Yesung turn his attention to Kyuhyun ever so often and had even directed  a question in his direction, but Kyuhyun was too focused on his internal grumblings to notice. Yesung though truly didn’t seem affected by Kyuhyun’s disinterest, instead just smiling at him, before continuing his conversation with Siwon. Kyuhyun was a little taken aback that Siwon had already bought the tickets, irrationally making him feel as if he was the one intruding on a would be date rather than the other way around. Kyuhyun looked around aimlessly, noticing that the cinema was not especially populated, but perhaps that was because it was around 10:30 on a school night. Atleast he wouldn’t have to worry too much about being spotted, but then a young girl caught his attention. She was looking at him intently, recognition beginning to take shape. He leaned towards his companions, suggesting they get a move on, before she could confirm her suspicions, both nodding, with Yesung actually grabbing his wrist leading him into the assigned outlet. Kyuhyun was happy to follow along, being distracted by the warmth that spread through his body. It was almost enough to make him forget his displeasure. Almost…but not quite enough.

Siwon led the way towards the last line of seats. Kyuhyun knew there was a practical reason for it. It was useful if they needed to leave quickly and it was more private, so they wouldn’t have to be so jumpy. It was not that they hated to be disrupted but it could be problematic, if a lot of people recognized them. It was fine if it was just a couple of autographs but if too many people noticed them it became stressful and dangerous. The fact that it was the three of them, atleast lightened the burden of worrying if people would suspect something dangerous. Atleast Siwon was useful for something, Kyuhyun mused. Siwon led them to sit at the far corner; Yesung sitting beside him, leaving a seat for Kyuhyun on Yesung’s other side. Kyuhyun supposed he should be grateful that atleast Siwon was not such an idiot to expect him to sit away from Yesung, but would have preferred the middle seat to be honest. He would clarify that sitting next to Siwon in current state was not a good idea and probably would not be especially enjoyable, but he sneakily wanted Yesung away from Siwon. That would serve him right, if he had to sit next to a grumpy Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun sighed. It was an opportunity for revenge missed. Kyuhyun casually took his seat, not in the mood to speak, just intending to settle himself. He heard Siwon say something about getting something to eat. He sort of heard Siwon ask if he wanted anything but was too grumpy to respond, which led to Yesung responding on his behalf. Siwon smiled at Yesung fondly before getting up, looked at Kyuhyun with that same hidden smirk and left.

“Kyu ah are you feeling okay? If you want we can go home. We don’t have to do this” Yesung asked, voice tainted with that bit of worry, eyes turned to look at Kyuhyun, concern making them bright, expression soft and inquiring. Kyuhyun though focused on the fact that he had once again brought his hand to hold onto Kyuhyun’s wrist. It was a natural action. He didn’t worry about being seen when he thought Kyuhyun was unwell. Kyuhyun felt like an idiot. He was letting his childishness ruin rare moments of rest and outside activity. Yesung was happy before, now he was making him worried. Kyuhyun guessed that whilst Siwon ruined the date, he was ruining the evening. He should have really tried harder to be more positive.

“I am find hyung. I was just thinking about something. Sorry” Kyuhyun apologized, genuinely smiling at the older man. The concern expressed for his wellbeing was enough to dispel all his other negative thoughts, wanting only now to assure the person he loved. Yesung deserved to have a good time and he shouldn’t ruin it.

“Are you sure?” Yesung reiterated, this time reaching his hand forward to place his palm on Kyuhyun’s cheek, but caught himself midway, swiftly withdrawing his hands, eyes looking around quickly, light blush taking his face, then finally coming to smile embarrassedly at Kyuhyun.  Kyuhyun chuckled at the adorableness of his hyung, feeling genuine happiness.  Moments like those made it all worth it. Kyuhyun just nodded his head, smiling brightly at the man, reaching over to squeeze his wrist as a token of confirmation.

They sat like that for few seconds, just looking at each other fondly, Kyuhyun no longer slumped in his seat, but now feeling genuinely reenergized, that is until Siwon broke up the moment like the pro intermediary he was becoming. He returned carrying various refreshments, hands filed with drinks and different snacks, causing Yesung to immediately break his gaze and make all appropriate efforts to help the man, since it seemed as if Kyuhyun was unwilling. Siwon did not seem to mind, smiling in gratitude, before taking his seat. Yesung commented on the variety of things Siwon got, smiling in appreciation when he realized that Siwon had gotten his favourite things. Kyuhyun knew he had promised to be positive, but things like that were just annoying. He couldn’t fight the annoyance, but could atleast work harder to hide it. Yesung spoke happily about the upcoming movie, but ensured that he handed Kyuhyun a drink that he would favour and what would seemed to be his snack of choice. He knew he should be happy that despite it all, Siwon was still a hyung that took care of him, but the gesture just irked him a little. It made him feel even guiltier for being so petty and always having bad thoughts about the man who was genuinely innocent. Well…most of the time, definitely not this time. Kyuhyun had o doubt that whist it was possible that Yesung could not have realized that this was supposed to be a date, there was no way Siwon had not. This time it was deliberate and Kyuhyun was going to find out why as soon as he could. He would not let this infringement go unanswered. He smiled this time. He had a genuine reason to plan evil things in relation to Siwon. Maybe today was not such a failure after all.

Kyuhyun sent the duration of the movie, either glaring at Siwon slightly or smiling at Yesung affectionately.  Despite his positive attitude promise, Siwon was making it really had to enact. He would speak to the older man ever so often, ensuring that Yesung was always perched towards his side, whispering God knows what to each other. He would make soft comments that Yesung would chuckle at happily wanting Kyuhyun to either throw up or make Siwon disappear. He really wanted Siwon to disappear actually. Yesung however, would somehow pull his attention to Kyuhyun to smile fondly at him. Kyuhyun knew that should have pleased him, but all it did was add to his annoyance. It meant that he always had to be careful about his glaring and plans of evil, least Yesung caught him in the act. He did not want to have to explain to Yesung why he was thinking of really unique ways to torture his favourite dongsaeng. He didn’t think that conversation would go the way he would hope. Then he was forced to witness the most horrible things. Yesung for some reason would grab onto Siwon’s arm when he was excited about something or would look at Siwon when he got excited. He supposed it was just because he was titled in that direction anyway it would have been more convenient and the actions themselves were entirely innocent and had no real meaning, but he saw it otherwise. Each time Yesung’s hand grabbed on to Siwon, he felt like screaming at the two. That obviously wouldn’t be a good idea. Kyuhyun was exceptionally grateful when the movie ended. He had not really watched it, but found it too long. It gave Siwon plenty of time with Yesung and Kyuhyun thought that made the movie offensive.  Before the credits began to roll properly Kyuhyun nudged Yesung indicating that they should leave before the lights came on properly, which was understood by Yesung, who grabbed onto Siwon’s wrist, again to Kyuhyun’s chagrin, pulling the taller man out of his seat and out of the cinema. Once into the lobby area, Yesung indicated that he would be going to the bathroom and that they should wait for him. Kyuhyun was grateful. It gave him the opportunity to finally interrogate Siwon.

“You know revenge will be sweet right?” Kyuhyun taunted, eyes glaring into Siwon, voice mocking and filled with mild menace. Kyuhyun didn’t know what was Siwon’s agenda but he would definitely pay for the torture he had caused Kyuhyun that night. Kyuhyun smiled just at the thought.

“It was” Siwon said evenly, eyes filled with mischief, face taking on a pleased smile. Siwon knew full well that everything about the night had annoyed Kyuhyun. He even marvelled at how well their temperamental maknae had somehow held most of his composure, though he failed to hide most of the annoyance, he hid the hostility pretty well. Siwon was impressed. It meant that atleast he was willing to put Yesung’s happiness above his comfort.

“You mean this was revenge? For what?” Kyuhyun inquired, eyebrows raised. He couldn’t see a reason for Siwon’s conduct. He had not been anything really horrible to the tall man in a long while and had in fact been rather nice to him, except for all the plots to murder him and hopes that he would disappear obviously.

“Not revenge exactly. Just wanted to let you know that I could be a lot more intrusive, even without trying” Siwon said, voice mildly teasing, smirk taking shape in his features. Kyuhyun instantly knew what Siwon was implying .He was referring to the fact that Kyuhyun always attempted to get rid of him, now he was asking Kyuhyun to be less petty as he had so efficiently pointed it, it was not as if he was trying to interrupt him and Yesung. If he was actually trying, things could be a lot worse. Kyuhyun saw the point but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He knew that Siwon was never deliberately trying to interrupt, yet that didn’t make it less annoying to him. Was Siwon trying to say that he would interrupt deliberately thereafter? If that was the case, he had better be ready to play a dangerous game. Kyuhyun’s eyes darkened.

“Wait it’s not like that. I just mean that I don’t cause any real harm and I just want to spend some time with him as well. You don’t have to be that way always” Siwon clarified, once he saw the look in Kyuhyun’s eyes. He honestly just wanted Kyuhyun to see that he actually never caused any real harm and at the heart of it he just wanted to spend time with Yesung. He didn’t want this to turn into a power play between the two, as it could lead to Yesung being hurt or made uncomfortable. At the same time he wasn’t really interested in backing down. He understood that Kyuhyun had a different sort of claim over the man, but Yesung was his hyung long before he became associated with Kyuhyun. He didn’t think he was wrong for wanting to spend time with his favourite hyung, who also adored him. He couldn’t really get Kyuhyun’s logic either. He was sure Kyuhyun knew that the relationship he and Yesung shared was completely platonic, being one of great admiration for an elder brother.

“We’ll see” Kyuhyun said stiffly. He had taken the point. He knew somewhere in the back of his mind that he was wrong and childish. He really had no really reason to keep messing with Siwon’s time with the older as he was well aware that Siwon was in no way a threat to his relationship with Yesung. He was also aware that he was being unfair to Siwon, but he could not promise the man that he would stop. It was hard to control the urges to get him away, but he would atleast try to ignore it if he couldn’t tolerate it.

“I could just continue to do things like this. As you saw it’s not even a challenge” Siwon suggested with a smile, more teasing now than forceful. He knew that the ‘we’ll see’ was the best he would get out of Kyuhyun and was willing to take it. He knew it would be hard for Kyuhyun to not be as possessive, but was grateful that Kyuhyun was still going to atleast try and be less of a brat.

“Not if you value your life” Kyuhyun retorted, but without venom. He had heard the teasing nature of Siwon’s words and had considered the matter settled for now. He accepted that Siwon had a right to claim some of the man’s attention and also accepted that Siwon was in a position to cause him actual discomfort. Yesung was beyond oblivious and truly did love Siwon. It would be hard to keep Siwon away without ending up hurting Yesung. He could swallow that bit of pride and be a little more tolerant of Siwon’s claims, atleast for Yesung’s benefit.

“That’s cold Kyunnie” Siwon laughed at Kyuhyun’s previous threat. He also recognized that an agreement had been reached. He truly hoped that both of them could get along when it came to Yesung. He knew that they both cared about the man and as such should be willing to go that extra mile to keep him happy.

“Atleast you are brave” Kyuhyun stated eyeing Siwon, who only chuckled at the implication. Kyuhyun genuinely thought Siwon was brave for interrupting his would be date. He in a way respected the man for standing up for what he wanted, what he valued. It had to take courage to chance being on Kyuhyun’s revenge list. Siwon just continued to laugh, bringing his hand to pat Kyuhyun on the back.

Yesung returned not a minute later, holding some sort of toy in his hand, which he handed to Siwon. Apparently on his way back he saw a cart with little trinkets, and thought the little figurine of Superman suited Siwon now, since he had taken on the persona for the concert series. Siwon accepted it gratefully, smiling genuinely. Kyuhyun looked on with that distaste still bubbling from its depths but trying to give Siwon his moment with the man, so not trying to draw Yesung’s attention. He just listened as Yesung spoke excitedly about the things he saw and what he thought suited the other members, with Siwon nodding his head in agreement or throwing in his own two cents. Eventually Kyuhyun saw Siwon looking at him in surprise but then smiled genuinely returning to his short conversation with Yesung. Kyuhyun then realized that they were still fairly in the open and whilst they had been lucky so far, they should not really chance it. Before Kyuhyun could suggest relocation, Siwon spoke. He informed that he remembered that he had to meet his father for a short consultation and therefore had to leave. He looked at Kyuhyun with a smile and a shake of the head, Kyuhyun responding with a grateful smile. Siwon had proved his point and as such no longer saw the need to disrupt. He would allow Kyuhyun the opportunity to salvage what he could of the evening. Kyuhyun was grateful for the action, though still promised that Siwon still had to pay for his audacity. He may be willing to concede the point, but the penalty for annoying him was yet to be met. He eyed Siwon in a way which indicate that this was not over, to which the taller only chuckled at. Yesung expressed his regret that Siwon had to leave them, but Siwon assured that he had to do it, so all Yesung could do was ask him to travel safely and make him promise to come visit him tomorrow. With those guarantees made, Siwon finally left the two.

“ What do you want to do now? We could get something to eat.” Kyuhyun suggested, looking at Yesung, now in a much better mood, considering he was finally alone with Yesung. This was how it was supposed to be from the start he thought, but refused to lament the situation. He could only deal with the now and make that a good memory.

“No it’s too late. We won’t be able to sleep and we have dance practice tomorrow” Yesung informed shaking his head to indicate the negativity of the situation. Kyuhyun had forgotten that they had dance practice tomorrow. They would need to sleep, and if they ate they wouldn’t be able to sleep for a while. Well that means a meal was out of the question. He had a brilliant idea.

“Come with me” Kyuhyun instructed excitedly, turning towards the exit. He reached for Yesung’s hand but older man pointedly ignored his request, instead just smiling at him apologetically, before telling him to lead the way. Kyuhyun was a little disappointed but once again it was not a surprise for him. He would just have to get over it. His disappointment disappeared once they entered the dark parking lot, with Yesung reaching out and grabbing his hand, then sliding his hand down to wrap his fingers around Kyuhyun’s larger fingers, smiling at the maknae. Kyuhyun just tightened the grip, moulding the hands as close as they could be, slowing down to enjoy the now satisfying walk to the car. Both enjoying their time together .They both entered the car, this time Kyuhyun avoiding any attempt to open any doors, settling themselves comfortably, speaking to each other in general terms. Finally Yesung asked a question of consequence as Kyuhyun headed in his intended destination.

“Where are we headed Kyu ah?” Yesung questioned, looking at Kyuhyun as he drove. Kyuhyun seemed to be in a lot better mood now, he noted. Maybe he was finally over the waiting thing, Yesung supposed. Whatever the reason, Yesung was happy that Kyuhyun was less grumpy. It was hard to keep him happy and still ensured Siwon had a good time. He hoped that atleast he had made it atleast a little bit enjoyable for all of them.

“I thought we could take a walk along the Han River. It’s nice at night” Kyuhyun spoke happily, tearing his eyes off the road for a second, to smile at Yesung before heading his attention a back to the mainly calm road, focusing on his driving. He had a brilliant idea. The Han River would be a nice place for them to spend time together. It was a normal date thing to do, but more importantly it was something they would both enjoy. Well…he was sure he would enjoy it. It meant that he would hold Yesung’s hand.

“Oh Kyu ah. I am sorry, but we can’t do that. They have something on in the area and there are too many people. It’s too open for us to go out” Yesung said, voice tainted with regret, eyes timid. He really didn’t want to have to tell the maknae that. Kyuhyun sounded so excited just now. The effects of the words were immediate. Kyuhyun’s smile faltered, his body slumping a little. Yesung felt genuine regret. He really wished they could just go out and be seen together but it was so hard and so stressful. He was sorry that Kyuhyun felt disappointment. He really wished he could take it all away and make everything better, but he couldn’t. It was just the reality they had to face.

“Oh I didn’t know. I guess we can just go home then” Kyuhyun tried to hide the disappointment in his voice, but knew he didn’t do a really good job. He really thought it was a good idea, but if there were more than a couple of people in the area it would be pointless to go. Even if they weren’t recognized, he wouldn’t be able to hold Yesung’s hands and that would defeat the purpose of the date, wouldn’t it. He lamented the fact that they seemed to be cursed when it came to dates. Well…maybe he shouldn’t even call this a date, since Yesung didn’t even know it was a date. They really at dating.

“If you want I can play games with you” Yesung suggested hopefully. He heard the disappointment in Kyuhyun’s voice and it hurt him a little. He truly felt sorry that his Kyuhyunnie could do the things he wanted. Yesung wished they could just do it, but he couldn’t let that happen. He had to protect them. Two guys holding hands would be interesting enough, if anyone even suspected it was them, they would be in trouble. Yesung knew that one day they would have to face the world, but now was not the time. Till then, he would protect Kyuhyun and protect their relationship. He just wished that he didn’t have to disappoint Kyuhyun all the time. He saw his smile falter when Yesung withdrew or avoided his hand. He was sorry he had to hurt him that little bit, but he was the older one. He had to think about their wellbeing, about Kyuhyun’s future. He couldn’t let anything hurt him, not now. One day he wouldn’t be able to protect him, he knew, but he would do it with his whole heart whilst he could. He was aware that his offer of appeasement was small, but was the best he could do. He hoped it would be enough.

“Hyung you at the games I play” Kyuhyun pointed out with a small smile, trying to sound cheerful. He realized that their cancelled plans had made Yesung sadder than it had him. He knew it was because Yesung thought he had disappointed him and he felt sorry for that. Their situation was not ideal, but that was not Yesung’s fault. Kyuhyun knew what he was getting into, the minute he confessed to Yesung. It would be pointless the state the limits of their possible activities. He was informed long prior and had still wanted to pursue this relationship. It was worth it. It wasn’t a complete loss. He could always just go home and make himself comfortable, with Yesung in his arms. That was better than a walk in the cold anyway.  He hoped Yesung knew that he saw it that way.

“Then if you want, I will do those hard math problems. I will even let you laugh at me” Yesung suggested once more, his voice a little desperate this time. He would do anything to make Kyuhyun feel better, even if it meant subjecting himself to numbers torturing him and an evil maknae mocking his inability to do what he terms simple equations.

“I would laugh at you whether you let me or not. It’s okay really” Kyuhyun tried to assure, smiling at the man fondly as he pulled into to garage of their building. He was happy that Yesung was trying so hard to make him feel better. He felt loved and that was worth more than the stupid walk anyway. He told himself that, but the disappointment still held his features, making it hard for Yesung to believe him, prompting Kyuhyun o reassure once more “Seriously it’s okay” , once he saw Yesung looking at him with those eyes. He smiled brightly at the man, reaching his hands out to grab hold of his arm, leading him into the elevator. Kyuhyun wouldn’t stop smiling at him, but Yesung was not looking at him, somehow lost in his thoughts. Kyuhyun was the one now that regretted even suggesting that they go to the river. He really didn’t know Yesung would take it this hard. Kyuhyun supposed it was hard for him, always to have to say no. He promised himself that he would show more appreciation for Yesung in the future. He realized that it must hurt him to have to deny the person you love all the time, and whilst Kyuhyun may not always be pleased he knew that whatever Yesung did, he did for their benefit, to protect Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun slide his hand into Yesung’s squeezing the tiny fingers tightly, willing the smaller man to see that he understood and he appreciated it, even if he couldn’t say it.

They both entered the dorm quietly hand in hand, releasing their hold on each other so they could remove their coats and their shoes. As they walked further into the apartment, but before they passed into the Living Room, Yesung extended his hand pulled Kyuhyun’s hand. Kyuhyun looked back, with a surprised expression, eyeing Yesung questioningly.

“I really am sorry Kyu ah. Maybe it will get better one day” Said softly, voice full of hope, eyes shining and honest. Kyuhyun was about to respond when he felt Yesung tug on his arm, drawing him closer, until he was facing him. The smaller man timidly leaned upwards, till he was in line with Kyuhyun. His eyes closed, he brushed his lips against Kyuhyun’s. Soft and gentle at first, so much so that Kyuhyun thought that was all he was going to do, but then he held his position. With infinite shyness, he gingerly began to move his lips against Kyuhyun’s, coy and careful in movements, then that little bit more forceful, just that little bit, taking the lower fold of Kyuhyun’s lips in between his, on it lightly. Kyuhyun knew it was hard for him, so he tried to help him as best as he could, reaching his hands down to rest of Yesung’s lower back protectively, as he felt Yesung’s hands rest on his chest smoothly. To say the sensation was amazing would be utterly pointlessly obvious.The fact that Yesung was actually kissing him had Kyuhyun floating. He knew it was hard for Yesung to get adjusted, so the fact that Yesung was opening up to their relationship more and more was enough to make him explode in happiness,couple that with the warmth spreading through his body and the electricity from the brushes against his lips, it was enough to make him wonder how he was standing upright. The kiss did not last especially long and in all fairness it was still rather tame and non intrusive, but it was special and magnificent. It spoke of love and affection, of sorrow and hope, not exactly passion and lust, but that was okay. Kyuhyun only needed love right now. Then it was a kiss that Yesung had initiated. He was the one that reached up and kiss Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun could leap from the happiness coursing through his body, but instead choose to look at the man who had kissed him. Yesung’s eyes were still closed, his forehead resting against Kyuhyun’s nose, cheeks a flaming red, exhaling rapidly. Kyuhyun was sure Yesung’s heart was pounding, but then again,so was his. Yesung whispered finally

“I promise. It will get better one day” a soft whisper, eyes still closed, the sound sending tremors threading through Kyuhyun’s veins. The words invoking so much love and feeling in his he thought his heart would collapse from the strain. Before he could say more though, they were interrupted.

“Eww…Our poor innocent eyes” Kyuhyun heard Eunhyuk’s teasing voice utter. He finally realized that they standing on the hall between the kitchen and the Living room, tearing his eyes from Yesung to look towards the sound he saw Eunhyuk with his hands covering Donghae’s eyes, with Hae trying to remove them, his expression child like. Eunhyuk on the other hand looked in absolute glee, having caught them in a tiny bit of a compromising position.

“You could have scarred us for life” Donghae quipped getting in on the teasing, voice playful and cheerful. Kyuhyun looked at him annoyed, as he felt Yesung shift in his arms.

“Don’t you guys have a room?” Eunhyuk continued where Donghae had left of, grinning like an idiot now, voice nearly overcome with amusement.

“Sorry” came the quick mumbled reply from Yesung, who hurriedly pulled himself out of Kyuhyun’s hold, face red, turning on his heel and bolting down the hallway, face redder than a stoplight, practically flying into his room, slamming the door behind him. Kyuhyun watched him go with amusement, marvelling at how adorable the older man was. He would go to his grave swearing that he had never seen anything more precious in his life, a beaming smile taking form, only to be replaced by a grimace, when he realized that his two idiotic hyungs had just made Yesung uncomfortable. The man was already shy. It would only get worse now that he had been caught on his first attempt at genuine intimacy. If those two clowns had cost Kyuhyun future kisses, then there would be hell to pay. He would make sure they never opened their mouths again. With annoyed eyes he turned to the two, who were also admiring the sight of their blushing hyung conducting a full scale retreat.

“You two are going to regret interrupting. I promise you” Kyuhyun spoke evenly, forced on the two with fierce eyes, face forming into a firm, frightening smirk. Kyuhyun had had enough of annoying interrupting dongsaengs. It was hard enough to get Yesung to act, and then these idiots had to interrupt a breathtaking moment. He would teach them that sometimes it was better to stay quiet and look away.

“Yah! We are the hyungs here” Eunhyuk said bravely, Donghae disappearing behind him, wanting no part of a annoyed Kyuhyun.  Eunhyuk for his part was portraying confidence he genuinely didn’t have. Kyuhyun wouldn’t physically hurt them obviously, but he was dangerous. They would have to live in constant fear of retribution. He was almost as bad and in some ways worse than Heechul. Maybe they could convince him to forget it.

“You are right. You are the hyungs, so I will let you live, provided that you keep your mouths shut. I swear if I hear a word about this anywhere you will die. Don’t even think about mentioning it to anyone or worst to Yesung hyung or there will be hell to pay” Kyuhyun threatened,eyes raking over the two with might,who now adopted a defensive position, Donghae nearly entirely hidden by Eunhyuk, whose face had drained of colour,  though still seemed to have some fighting spirit within him.

“We are not afraid of you. We are still older than you” Eunhyuk mumbled, trying to pull all his courage up from where ever it had disappeared when that evil smirk had taken shape on Kyuhyun’s face.

“That makes  it so much sweeter. I hope you haven’t forgotten last time you interrupted hyung. I promise this is going to be much more entertaining, for me anyway” Kyuhyun said with a sadistic smile, making Eunhyuk shiver and Donghae cower. With that he smiled one last time, one of his spawn of the devil smiles, and made his way to his room. Kyuhyun thought he was being kind. They  had just cost him an opportunity to sleep with Yesung in his arms. They were lucky he wasn’t making them cry right now. His general good mood and the fact that he was resisting the urge to touch his lips and grin like an idiot, giving them mercy. Today was a good day. Kyuhyun couldn’t wait till tomorrow. He and Yesung would be closer, and he would have a reason to torture a monkey, a fish and a horse. He laughed happily then.

“Don’t worry Hae, Yesungie hyung will protect us. He loves us” Eunhyuk tried to reassure his best friend, after he recovered his voice. He did remember last time and he wasn’t looking for a repeat. How could such a sweet face, hide so much evil he would never know. The only thing preventing him from hiding under his covers till Kyuhyun, that demon, forgot about it, was the fact that atleast Yesung wouldn’t let him cause them much harm. He had a new mission in life: Get Yesung to forgive him and have him act as a shield.

“He will. I am his jjokkeumani…he will protect us .Right?”Donghae said voice tainted with worry and hope, looking at Eunhyuk with wide eyes. It was sad how afraid they were, but no one would fault them if they knew how truly evil Kyuhyun could be.

They watched him casually enter his room, smile wide and  eyes shining and had to resist the urge to throw salt. He was their baby Kyuhyunnie, but the child was pure evil when he wanted to be. They both had one thought in that moment.

“Yesungie hyung! Save us  please!”

A/N:I can’t believe this is the longest story I have ever written. I started it last night just as a distraction from my paper and a little something to tide us over whilst we wait for some Kyusung moments from SS4BKK. It is a new style and is sorta weird but I feel a certain love for it... I missed my Siwonnie in my last stories, so here he is. You guys can probably tell, but I do ship Yewon, but Kyusung is my #1 ...I promise!! So don’t hate him but love him okay! ..lol..I hope you guys can enjoy it :)

Please Comment  and Motivate me to Write More :)

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Chapter 2: Ahhhh amazing ☆-☆
392 streak #2
Chapter 2: Rereading after all these years 😚
392 streak #3
Chapter 2: masterpiece!!!! From all of your stories (15), this is my favorite!!! >___< Good job author-nim~
Chapter 2: "Yesungie hyung will prtect us he loves us" Oh these members reallllyyyyy
Chapter 2: First off, can I just say that I love the title? I mean Our Dating Woes XD, so dramatic yet perfect. And Kyu's snarky relationship with Siwon cracks me up. Yesung is such a mother hen that even I sometimes feel embarrassed for Kyu zD. But I know he enjoys it so it's all good. Though Kyu really does need to learn to share sometimes. And I love when you bring the EunHae couple into this, cause they always make the story that much more entertaining especially the “Yah! We are the hyungs here” and then they end up hiding behind Yesung >: ). Thanks for this authornim!
Chapter 2: This is...just...I...can't..even. Loove this so much Siwon tagging along and Kyuhyuhn thirdwheeling even thought he and yesung were goin on a date XD
Ladyghai #7
Haha so cute! Haha i love you Yesung! Hahaha
....now I'm realy curious about what he did to EunHae last time XD
lmao monkey fish and horse !! it was kind of annoying and upsetting that kyu's plan for a "date" didn't go well ~ but hey ! at least jongwoon had initiated a kiss ! kyaaaa !!! >w< don't stop writing ! i think i've read almost every kyusung fanfic on the net and i'm relying on you for my dosage of kyusung fanfics ! hahaha ! i love the way you write. (: i can't write like you. its been a long time since i wrote essays in school and i've lost my writing ability, sadly. ): oh well. waiting for your next story ! :D
ice420 #10
*throws stuff at EunHae* They disturbed a seriously good moment!!! Oh, but I am not mean enough to throw Kyu at them *lol*.

Seriously, this was a really good chapter. Throwing in Siwon to watch a movie was a nice touch. At least Kyu and Siwon managed to have a talk and understand where each of them stands. And it somehow curbed a bit of Kyu's possessive tendencies, well, enough to think about Yesung at least ^^

You know, I think a planned date is not for them. Maybe a spontaneous one could happen? Hmm.. lemme see. In BKK they shared a room, though it was YeWook and KyuHae ^^ And then, I dunno, maybe room service? a bit of wine? Probably they could talk. Maybe their room would have a terrace/verandah overlooking the city? Soft music.. No one would interrupt. Well, not if other members won't just barge in and ruin Yeye's planned night *lol* Yeah, I said planned coz' so far, at least Yesung's successful in that area. (remembering the sunrise chappie) oh, this could happen further in their story. They are going to Paris, the city of love *sighs* Perfect! Maybe something more could happen? I dunno. They are MEN. Sure feeling love is okay for now but, sooner or later, at least in Kyu's part.. the issue of gay relationship should be addressed. In passing? Sure, why not. They are awkward but they've been friends for many years, I think they could survive talking something they OUGHT to. Make them drunk. Loose those inhibitions. Loosen that tongue. Maybe in Yeye coz' I heard Kyu can hold his liquor *lol*. OH well, ideas are running wild but you are the writer.

Good job. Don't be discouraged. KyuSung fans are reading this. Posting this on livejounal is good coz' there are lot of KyuSung readers there. Me as well :D I have an LJ account to, my first blog actually. You could try posting there, lots and lots of fics. Oh, I could recommend one for you. Very good fic. Leap of Faith (http://tonghwa.livejournal.com/6295.html) Totally different style :D