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eating64 #1
Chapter 14: 太好看了,短篇十几集写出了几十集办的内容又不会有压缩的感觉,👏👏👏👏👏
Chapter 13: 好吃得涕泗横流
procrastinating46 #3
Chapter 14: I wanted to upvote your story but I don't have enough karma so here's a comment saying how much I enjoyed this. I know much would have been lost in (google) translate but it's still such a lovely story.

I especially enjoyed how Wonwoo despite having the upper hand in terms of status was more insecure of their relationship status when he realized his feelings. I also like how you portrayed Jun. Wonwoo initially perceived him as stupid or dull but then realized he's just a simple, down-to-earth, non materialistic guy. The last part where Jun wants to make more money because of his company was a nice touch too. I can imagine him writing data after each session. hahahaha

I hope you understand the comment. Shorly, I just want to say I loved your writing and will read your other wonhui works. :)
s095327 #4
Chapter 14: 太喜欢了😻😻😻!
chichihai #5
Chapter 14: 写得太好了啊啊啊啊好看
trico35 #6
Chapter 14: 最后想不起来也 是因为俊喝醉酒对圆佑说了100多次我爱你吧!二三次元联动有!
zzztieshu #7
Chapter 14: 超级好看的呀!
6464junwoo_mo #8
Chapter 13: 天呐真的 超级超级好看 很久没看过这样的文了 词穷 真的写的很好
wakcp777 #9
Chapter 13: 啊啊啊啊啊啊完结撒花!!!感谢太太做饭!!!期待下次见面!!
yynn113 #10
Chapter 13: 哇好像发现宝藏一样开心!谢谢老师~吃老师做的饭和等待吃老师做的饭都很开心!超级超级喜欢这个故事!!!!!!期待老师下一部作品捏~~~