The Witch Hunt

Der Märchenclub
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A/n: There are 2 chapters for today's update, and this is the second chapter. Go to Chapter 44 (Chapter 47 on AFF) for where I last left you. 



Chapter 45

[The Witch Hunt]




The corridors were the same; the scent of the place remained familiar; the furniture did not change much for the past 10 years. But Sooyoung had never thought that walking through the place she had known since she was a child could be that terrifying.


Perhaps she had only been talking big. The idea to face Siwon had sounded fine enough in her head moments prior. But when she took more advance steps towards the direction of the Mirror Room, the idea started to sound rather idiotic.


The first challenge would be whether she could still have control over the Choi bodyguards. If the bodyguards Siwon brought along there were the usual bodyguards employed by the Choi for years, Sooyoung supposed they would not pose much threat. They would definitely still side with Siwon, but Sooyoung was almost certain it would be impossible for them to defy or to permanently hurt another valuable heir of their employer. However, if the men Siwon hired were new people who did not even know her existence, the situation would be more complex. At best, Sooyoung hoped that they would not shoot her right on the spot. If she was given a chance to speak, she knew she could ask them to ask Siwon or bring her to Siwon first. Again, that would be the scenario if the new men were not told to kill whoever acted suspicious.


The second challenge would be Tiffany, or whoever else was the co-mastermind to the whole Der Märchenclub mayhem. Jae Suk had informed her in a separate text message that Tiffany’s room was located in the west wing, on the third floor. Sooyoung was in the second floor, and the Mirror Room was located in the north wing. She only hoped that Tiffany would stay in her room or somewhere else that was not in the north wing.


And of course, assuming all the mentioned problems could be handled, what would she say to Siwon once she got the opportunity for a private talk with him?


Ever since they were kids, Siwon had been a mystery to Sooyoung.


In her eyes, Siwon was a boy anyone could depend on. Even as a kid, he had proven himself to possess the undeniable wit, the handsome feature, and the gentleman attitude. He was kind and considerate, patient yet passionate, and simply he was the son Choi Myungsoo could ever wish for. As a kid, no, since he was a kid, Choi Siwon had been what Sooyoung would call perfection.


So perfect was he, that there were times Sooyoung felt like he was surreal.


She had denied her cynic to her own cousin, because she did not want to make it sound like she was trying to sabotage Siwon for the quest to the Choi throne. The Choi throne was not what she wanted anyway.


But is it what Siwon Oppa want?


Maybe yes. But then again, why would he need to do all of these? Choi Siwon could get anything, anything that he wanted if he wished for it. No matter how, Sooyoung found no reason for Siwon to kill the other heirs and heiresses in this sick game.




Tiffany, of course.


Did he love her? Of course he did. But would love turn someone like this?


Despite Heechul’s disbelief towards Siwon, Sooyoung still wanted to believe in her own cousin. Her cousin was a fine young man who had no reason to do any of these absurdities. If he was truly influenced by Tiffany, or other cause, then it would be an external factor. The real Choi Siwon would not do any of these.


Sooyoung decided to stick to that thought. Presumption of innocence; one could not be deemed guilty unless proven otherwise. She would not doubt her own blood-related cousin, she would not –


“Miss Sooyoung?”


Her blood froze.


She turned around and faced one of the bodyguards standing on her right side. So engrossed she was in thinking about Siwon, that she had not realized the bodyguard’s presence until it was too late.








“They really made it look easy in movies,” Heechul commented with a labored breath.


“It’s not,” agreed Jessica.




Jessica felt that her arms must have been very red by then. Frictions were made every time she crouched forward towards the direction of the Mirror Room. Moving in such a narrow space had been completely uncomfortable, and not to mention, difficult. One of the hardest parts was when they had to take a turn to the left in order to head to the Mirror Room. It took both of them a struggle to bend and fold (and curse and whine –their typical) their bodies so that they could go to the right direction. Jessica did not even want to think how they would be able to escape this air vent hell. Having to go back the path backward seemed like a troublesome job –she considered just breaking the ceiling below her instead.


“If Sooyoung does not make it, what will we do?” Jessica asked to her comrade behind.


Heechul exhaled a loud sigh –both to express his exhaustion and his frustration. “I don’t know. Go down this air vent? Try to make one of the Choi bodyguards a hostage and force him to tell Yoona’s position?”


“If the bodyguard is alone, that would not be a problem.”




Most likely, it wasn’t the case though.






The panic lingered shorter than she had expected. The second Sooyoung regained the control of her surrounding (as opposed to being trapped in her mental monologue on Siwon’s personality analysis), she felt the calmness returned to her sense. There was only one bodyguard catching her in the act. She did not know his name, unfortunately, but he seemed to know her.


“Aren’t you supposed to be in Seoul, Miss?” he asked. Sooyoung tried to ignore that the bodyguard in front of her still held the gun and not for once did he let go of his tight grip around its handle.


“I have an important business with my cousin,” Sooyoung talked regally. “Where is Siwon Oppa?”


“He’s –”


“He’s here, isn’t he?”


“Please just wait in one of the rooms, Miss. I will inform Master Siwon of your presence first.”


“Why would you need to report everything to him?” cornered Sooyoung. “You work for the Choi, not for Choi Siwon only. Thus my demand and his demand hold equal value, am I wrong?”


The bodyguard was young, perhaps only a couple of years older than she was. “Ah, yes, but –“


“I am his cousin. Of course I have the right to meet my own cousin. Now, I only need you to tell me where he is.”


“Miss Sooyoung, you should not be here.”


Sooyoung sighed. Persuasion was getting rather difficult, but the least, she was grateful that this bodyguard still respected her enough not to kill her. She felt kind of bad having to blackmail him, but well, she had to do it for a better cause. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she asked, “What’s your name?”




“I asked you, what’s your name? Was I not clear enough?”


 “Ah, it’s Shim Changmin.”


“Right, Changmin-sshi,” Sooyoung repeated as she flashed him a deadly smile. “I’ll remember that. I will tell my father that –“


“Please, not to that extent, Miss Sooyoung,” argued Changmin. “It’s for your own safety that –“


“Changmin-sshi, you completely have no right to prevent me from meeting my own cousin,” stated Sooyoung calmly. There was an undeniable authority that colored the tone of her voice. Choi Siwon was indeed not the only charismatic heir of the Choi. “You’re going to take me to my cousin, or I will easily make you lose your job.”


What Choi Sooyoung demanded, Choi Sooyoung got.





Sooyoung could feel the penetrating gazes aimed when she made her way to the Mirror Room –accompanied by Changmin beside her. Four other bodyguards were waiting in front of the Mirror Room’s door and their gazes went from her to Changmin to her again, A much older bodyguard came to approach her, and Sooyoung tried to maintain her regal gait.


“Miss Sooyoung, we did not expect you here.”


“Oh, I apologize. I didn’t know I would need to notify everyone before coming to my own premise,” she said with a challenging soft smile.


“No, it’s not that, Miss, but –“


Sooyoung started to run out of patience. But at least, she was gaining more confidence in facing the bodyguards now that she knew they definitely still regarded her as their master. “I need to talk to Siwon Oppa. He’s inside?”


“Ah, yes, but –“


Without waiting for a proper reply, Sooyoung quickly kneaded on the door’s handle and pushed it open.


The anxiety that she thought she had overcome rushed back to her once Siwon took notice of her presence. And the room truly lived up its name. The Mirror Room was a study room, which was filled with a dozen of mirror to satisfy the artistic preference of her grandmother –who was obsessed with French Baroque. It was a room Sooyoung had been afraid of as a child, and now, with seemingly a dozen of Siwon staring back at her, the shrill terror escalated.


Albeit showing no indifference, and almost as if he had expected her presence, Siwon only muttered one word of acknowledgement, “Sooyoung.”


She would be lying if she said she was not deterred. That indifference of her cousin, the absence of any real emotion in his eyes –all factors that rendered Choi Siwon as a person– always caused her to feel rather intimidated. And if anything, Choi Sooyoung was not a woman easily intimidated.


“W-we apologize, Master Siwon,” muttered the bodyguards behind Sooyoung. “We were also –“


“Just close the door, Sooyoung,” Siwon mandated, not even paying any heed to his bodyguards’ explanation.


Feeling both relieved that she would be freed from the troubles Siwon’s bodyguards would cause and anxious that she was finally facing the moment she had been planning for, Sooyoung decided to mask her agitation by closing the door. Inwardly gulping, she then took more steps inside the Mirror Room.


It was then that she realized another presence there.


Sitting on one of the long cushions, was a familiar face.


“You’re here too… Kibum Oppa.”


Her mind tried to connect things, but she had been panicked enough to analyze Kibum’s presence there. Kibum had been missing for weeks, and apparently, he was truly in Choi Siwon’s custody. Sooyoung thought that she should have been content that Kibum was alright –that would prove that her cousin did not mean any harm to the other families’ heirs and heiresses. But Sooyoung could not deny the unease that lurked inside her like a plague –that her fear of being manipulated was getting closer to reality.


There was a grand plan, a grand scheme behind this all –one that involved too many families, tangled already in a messy web. Kibum’s lack of surprise did nothing to calm her. Sooyoung held her gaze to the supposedly missing boy, silently inquiring his presence there.


“Hello, Soo,” greeted Kibum casually, almost too calmly. His calmness brought a contrasting effect on her, but before Sooyoung found the gut to snap something at Kibum,  the Kim heir already announced his leave, “Suppose that this is a private family matter, please excuse me.”


And that Kibum left the room, not sparing the girl another glance.





Jessica halted her movement.


The lack of notice made Heechul nearly hit Jessica’s shoes in front of him. Preventing his urge to curse, he settled with a hiss, “What the –“


Jessica’s response came in a whisper. “Dead end. I think we are right above the Mirror’s Room now,” informed the girl.


Heechul nodded, though Jessica would not be able to see it. “Can you peek down? Is there a place to –“


“No,” replied Jessica. “But I think if we quiet down, we can hear their voices.”







“What’s with the sudden –“


“Where have you been all along, Oppa?” Sooyoung interrupted. Siwon might have questions for her, but she was sure her questions for him were double the amount. “Y-you’ve been missing for weeks. You left your job, you –“


“I’ve been staying here, and occasionally I still respond to the important clients’ emails,” Siwon clarified. He seated himself on the big chair behind the study room’s desk, propped his elbows on the glass table and placed his chin on his knuckles. “It’s not the first time that I choose to have a little vacation here, you know that, Soo.”


“But not in this situation,” reasoned Sooyoung. “Not when there are still crazy things occurring outside, threatening our families, our friends’ families –“


“The mystery has been solved,” Siwon said calmly. He opened the bottle of Chardonnay and poured a small amount of the content to the glass. “It has been a terrible incident, but I don’t want to be bound by it forever. Our lives go on –“


“It’s not over,” denied Sooyoung. “Eunhyuk Oppa and Yoong are still missing. Hyoyeon from the Kim was attacked. Donghae Oppa turned to be a sadistic man. Kibum Oppa! Kibum Oppa has been missing, but apparently he’s been here all along and –”


“And your point is?”


“What really happens, Oppa?” inquired Sooyoung. Her voice was quivering and a part of her was still afraid to hear the truth. But she braced herself and took a closer step to Siwon’s desk. Siwon stared at her and it took her entire willpower not to pry her eyes off him. “T-there’s something bad going on, right? Please tell me what happens.”


“I’m not sure if you’re asking the correct person, Soo.”


“Come on, Oppa!” cried Sooyoung. “I am not that stupid. There’s something wrong. I will still stick to my faith to you that you are a good person, Oppa. But y-you’re…” she chuckled desperately. “I-I don’t know, Oppa. Even if you’re not involved, you know something. Please –“


“Soo, if you’re interested in any conspiracy theory, I think you should ask the police. They will know better –“


“What happened to you, Oppa?” cut Sooyoung. “You were not like this before.”


“Nothing. I am being me,” replied Siwon.


Her anxiety reached the maximum level. None of Siwon’s answers clarified the situation and truthfully, she was really reaching her limit. In Sooyoung’s case, when her limit was reached, the composure was broken, and the impulsiveness took over. Slamming her hand to the desk, her voice rose an octave. “I’m serious, Oppa.”


Siwon fixed his reading glasses before he made his reply, “I am also serious, Soo. I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”


“Does that woman affect you this much? T-that…witch.”


There was, if Sooyoung did not misread, a glint of warning crossed on Siwon’s eyes. She hoped she was hallucinating things.


Siwon calmly asked back, “What woman?”


“Don’t lie,” Sooyoung hissed. “Tiffany. She’s the one that makes you like this, isn’t she?”


“I think you are stressed, Soo,” Siwon said as he stood up from his chair. “Hwang Tiffany is dead, remember?”


Lies and lies. The more Sooyoung witnessed it herself, the more it hurt. She respected Siwon a lot; she cared about Siwon a lot. But she knew he was lying and the way he spoke his lies terrified her. His tone never changed. It made her unable to stop the train of thought, that maybe all his life time, Choi Siwon had been a liar. It emphasized the distance, the gap between Siwon and her.


Or maybe, no, surely, that gap was always there.


“That’s not true, and you know it!”


“Soo, Hwang Tiffany is dead. I attended her funeral myself.”


“No,” Sooyoung insisted, recalling Heechul’s story when they were riding the car to Yongpyong hours prior. “The one in her grave was not her. W-when she was declared dead, S-Sungmin was the one who one-sidedly exclaimed it. And Sungmin has been lying all along. Heechul Oppa and Jessica-sshi have affirmed it and–“ Sooyoung paused, suddenly feeling the headache to invaded her mind.


Siwon placed his wine glass back to the table –its content had not been drunk at all. He leaned on his table and drew out a deep breath. “Kim Heechul? It is infamous that he resents our families, Sooyoung. I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes up story to dishonor us.“




The handsome Choi heir shrugged. “And have you ever doubted Kim Heechul’s story once?”


Sooyoung was stunned.


Siwon made advance steps towards her younger cousin. “Come to think of it, Soo. A dead girl being alive? Police turning sides with the killers? Either that Kim Heechul truly wants to sever the bonds between the Choi or that he’s plainly delusional.”


“But –“


He placed his big hand on top of her shoulder, “You are tired, Soo. Just get your rest. I’ll tell the maid to prepare the bed for you.”


He was about to make another step passed her, but Sooyoung quickly took a grip on Siwon’s arm. Siwon glanced at her hand briefly, before he averted his gaze to her face.


Sooyoung was bowing her head. She did not know what to think anymore. Everything revolted around her head in a maddening, dizzying manner that it was hard to think at all. But that moment when Siwon placed his hand on her shoulder, she…


“Sooyoung is not a bad kid, Uncle. It is me to blame”


(Ah. How nostalgic. How protective you were to me, Oppa)



“That is the side of you I know, Oppa. The side of you I believe,” Sooyoung slowly spoke. Gently, she lifted her face and there was almost defeat in the eyes that were moments prior filled with determination. “Do you remember? When we were children, and I tried to sneak out from the Choi household, and my father was really angry… You…you with your hand on my shoulder, you defended me…”


Not an inch of Siwon’s facial expression changed. “I don’t really –“


“I promised to myself,” Sooyoung continued. “I promised to protect you one day. To save you when you need me. You are a kind man, Oppa,” Sooyoung said, and she cursed herself for having the stutter back. “I believe that. You are, aren’t you?”


Siwon sighed, before a small smile, a very faint one that she had not seen for years (God, has it been that long?) made its way on his face. “I don’t consider myself as one, Soo,” he voiced out truthfully. “But I’ll try to be one,” he finished, before awkwardly, as if it was his first time doing it, he pulled his younger cousin into an embrace.


Siwon was warm, he was human. The idle thought made Sooyoung relaxed a bit. Siwon had never been the type of man vocal of affection. Though being cousins for their entire lifetime, it was the very first time that Sooyoung felt how it was to be hugged by Siwon. She was a sole child, and Siwon was too. They were the youngest of the current Choi lineage, and the fact should have made them closer.


But they had never been. The gap always existed. The perfect Choi Siwon, the righteous Choi Sooyoung. The two Choi heirs that were standing on the same place, having so much in common, but was divided with unknown barrier for whatever reason.


Can I break that barrier now? Can I reach you now, Siwon Oppa?


“I really look up to you, Oppa. Although you’re only my cousin, but I always regard you as my real brother.”


“You are always gonna be my sister too, Soo,” Siwon slowly said as he patted Sooyoung’s head. His action, his big hand, his warmth, lulled her. She felt something warm and wet started to blur her vision and she bowed her head again, drowning her face on Siwon’s shoulders.


“I’ve always been afraid of you,” Sooyoung admitted. “I…sometimes I feel like you don’t like me.”


Siwon sighed. “I’m…not good with words. But –“


“I know, Oppa,” Sooyoung interrupted again. Her tears were drenching Siwon’s expensive suit and under normal situation, she would completely draw herself apart from him. She had always been awkward to her own cousin.


But this is the time to change, resolved Sooyoung.


“We’re going to be fine, right, Oppa?”


“Of course.”


“If bad things happen, you will protect me, won’t you, Oppa?”




Sooyoung chuckled. She lifted her head, but still snuggled close to Siwon. “You are such a stiff man. Oh, that I know already. But you are really bad with words,” she tried to . It still felt awkward, but she knew, she believed that in no time the gap would be closed. If Siwon was having difficulties to build the bridge to connect them, then Sooyoung would take over the job. She nearly regretted why it took them more than 20 years to connect this way, but she supposed it was better than nothing.


“Oppa…” she lifted her head, trying to look at his eyes, but the corner of her eyes caught something else.


The Mirror Room.


Layer beneath layer.

Reflection of your reflection, which one was your true self?


            (Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the monster of them all?)



From the mirror behind Siwon, Sooyoung caught that reflection.


“Oppa, why are you holding a gun behind your back?”






Heechul did not dare to let a sound out of his lips.


Nor did he dare to breathe, to think, to assume –he did not know what to do with his body, after all.


It was not until Jessica broke the silence in the air vent with a voice barely a whisper that Heechul felt his time was moving again.


“T-that was not… I-I m-misheard it, right? T-there is no way i-it could have b-been…”


Heechul gritted his teeth. Jessica’s reaction had just affirmed his fear. “A

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05/5/13: change the posters for chap 6, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 25, 26, 27


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yeonniestan94 #1
Coming back to reread this. For a moment i thought the story was deleted because i search for this on the jessica tag. Kekeke...
Found it finally thanks to Haesica😀😀
its 2021 and I'm stil here so.....
gyuhyeon #4
I'm here again for the nth times. This is my fav fanfic ever! I used to dislike sugen pairing but this fanfic brought a new light. Pinboo, could you please sign this story up for a drama please? It will be daebak really.
Chapter 50: This chapter will always traumatized me. Imagine to encounter something like that as child..... :(
Chapter 38: I thought Sunny x Sungmin's side story will be my fav one...but after reading Kibum's story....I guess the ranking change. I could understand the hatred he has toward his family so well. It's such an emotional story to me and the way the poor always have a big heart than the really did a great job at interpreting this.
LeiLeiLeiLeiLeiLei #7
Hi there! I actually read this fic when I was younger, and I wanna reread it but it's members only :(

I have long forgotten my old AFF account....... AHH how do I reread? hehe
Hi! I don't know if you'll be able to see this comment, but yeah, just gonna share my thoughts here hahaha.

So I reread Project: Cupid and Der Marchenclub earlier this week because I've been feeling nostalgic lately and thought, hey, maybe I could reread my favorite Super Generation fanfics coz why not?

And well, I'd just like to say that your works remain to be one of my favorites. It's been years since you've published this, years since I've first read it (early 2015). I could still remember the times when I read a chapter or two in between classes back in college, struggling not to give in to the urge to read them while in class hahaha! This is the first time in a long while that I read it again but everything is still as wonderful and impactful as when I first read it.

Der Marchenclub, in particular, is my favorite Super Generation fanfic. Reading it again cemented that fact in my mind. I loveeeee the plot! In particular, I love how you utilized previously uttered lines and details, smoothly tying a to b. I love the flow of the narration, I know you must've hit some rough blocks, too, but in the end, the writing is just superb: the balance between the dialogue and narration is very nice. I love the characterizations and how utterly realistic and imperfect and humane there are (Heechul's my fave haha), though I agree that there are some characters you could've developed more (Yoona and Siwon, for instance, as you mentioned in yuor DMC blog haha). Overall though, I'd go so far as to say that your work is a masterpiece. I took my time re-reading it again, took my time to appreciate the smoothness in the flow, the humanity of the characters, the thrill of solving the mystery. Every single scene played out in my head, and I could perfectly picture Super Generation here (man, I miss them!). This story, the whole plot, it's a very good material for a TV series, that's how good it is.

It's also good in inspiring people. This fanfiction, your fanfiction - it reignited my desire to write again. These past few years I've been stuck in a slump, probably because of the combined stress from my personal and college life, plus the slightly growing distance from kpop, that I wasn't able to continue any of my stories here at all. I even find it hard to write anything because I began to doubt myself. Whenever I type something up, I ended up not finishing it or just erasing it because it feels off. I've graduated now though haha, so college's one factor off the things stressing me out, but I still didn't dare try to write again. At least, not until I read your stories again.

Der Marchenclub (and Project: Cupid!) reminded me of my love for YoonHae, for HeeSica, for SNSD and Super Junior, and most of all, my love for writing. It made me want to try writing again, mostly about YoonHae and HeeSica hahaha!

So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for creating Der Marchenclub, thank you for creating your stories, and thank you most of all, for sharing it with us and not deleting it. A few days ago I tried searching again some of my favorite YoonHae fanfics, I can't remember their exact titles but what I know is that it's on livejournal (and soon remembered that it's written by muffinmaverick, if you know her hehe). However, I found out that she deleted her account, which means that even her stories were deleted. It suffices to say that I was utterly devastated. Fanfictions are some of my ways of coping even back then, so to find out that I could no longer read them again really pained me. I know the author must have her reasons, and she has all the right to delete her own account and works, but it still hurt. So really, thank you for keeping this precious works here in this site, thank you for sharing it with us still.

I think I'm kinda rambling at this point haha but what I want to say is that your works have inspired me again, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm sure there are other readers out there, too who were inspired to hone or jumpstart their craft after reading your stories. So once again, I would like to say thank you to you. I'm still not very confident, I'm still doubting my skill but well, that can be honed and what's important is that I'm trying again, right? Haha.

Anyways, I miss seeing Super Junior and SNSD together, and reading Der Marchenclub again made me very nostalgic. I'm not that active here in asianfanfics nowadays but I think there are fewer and fewer Super Generation stories now, which I admit breaks my SONELF heart a little. I think it's fitting, though, since our idols have grown more and are living their own lives now, and we're living our own. It won't stop me from writing about them, though haha! If you ever get back to writing again (and I hope you do, I miss reading your stories!), I hope you know that there will still be people who'll welcome you back, and readers who will read your works.

Once again, thank you for writing!! Thank you for bringing Der Marchenclub and your other works to light, and for sharing it with us. :) It's rough in our world right now due to the pandemic but I hope you'll stay safe!