Drabble #4

Eunhae iPod Drabbles

WARNING: None. None at all. Brief language, but it's only one word.

(Superman ~ Super Junior)

"Hae, what am I to you? Am I your lover? Your best friend? What?"

Donghae blinked. The question had come from nowhere. Eunhyuk was never really interested in knowing the small print of their relationship. Not that there was much of a relationship to really know anything about. It was a secret, ual relationship that only they were privy to. 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you love me? Or am I just a good to you?"

Running his hands through his medium length brown hair, Donghae struggled to find an answer to the sudden question.

His hesitance was answer enough.
Tears filling his usually bright eyes, Eunhyuk turned to leave. Until he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Hyuk. You're everything to me. You're the air I breath, the reason I keep going. You're my Superman, my last man standing and you always will be. I do love you. So much more than you could ever know.

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