


I walked back, and while walking, I thought of all the happy memories we had. All the good times, teasing each other, but what happened? We had started to grow apart, but why? 
When I got home, I went to my room, and took out a box, filled with my greatest memories. Looking though the box, I found some old pictures and letters. At the bottom of it, was a chain bracelet. He gave it to me on our 1st year anniversary.
“Surprise!” He yelled, taking out a box. I opened it up, seeing a chain bracelet in there. “Omo. Its so pretty” I said. He took out his wrist, and he had a similar chain. “Their couple bracelets.” He said “It means we won’t break up” As he smiled cheekily. 
End of Flashback
Tears started to form. These past years I wondered, What happened to our relationship? Was I too blind to see he was pushing me away? Was I blinded by love?
Looking through the picture, I saw pictures of me and Yoona, when we used to be friends. 
I was so excited my best friend Yoona is moving to Seoul. I introduced her to all my friends, and Minho. “Minho-ah, this is my best friend Yoona.” “Nice to meet you” He said and smiled. She blushed. 
From there on, Minho and Yoona got close.
End of Flashback
As I look back, it somewhat my fault. At that time, I didn’t tell her we were going out. 
The door rang, and I wiped my tears away. I opened the door, and saw Jessica. “Hey Sica” As I put on a fake smile. “Can I come in?” “Yeah” We sat down on the couch. She took a deep breath “I know you really dislike Minho, but he’s leaving today for the States, and so I thought you should at least say goodbye.” I looked at her in shock. “H-He’s l-leaving?” She nodded “Yeah” “Oh…” “I should go. If you want to come, were down by the beach.” With that, she left. 
Should I go say goodbye? I don’t think I would be able to see Them together. But this will be the last time I will ever see him. 
I decided not to go. It would be too painful. I went back upstairs and into my bed. But the door rang again. I groaned. I opened it up, and was surprised too see who it was. Choi Minho. “What do you want?” I said coldly. He smiled a bit “Your still really stubborn.” Seeing his smile made my heart melt a bit. “I said what do you want?” He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said “You probably heard that I’m leaving today, and I want to leave with no regrets. I love you Kwon Yuri. I never stopped, but it took me sometime to realize that you are the one I love. I know you hate me right now because I was a huge jerk, and I wouldn’t blame you. So I’m leaving so you can be at peace.” Tears started to fall, and my heart just burst. “Pabo. Pabo Pabo. Why would you leave? If you left, it would hurt even more.” He grinned. “Does that mean you will be mine?” “Of course” As I smiled.
Yayyy happy ending :D it was pretty bad though :|
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MY1259 #1
Chapter 2: I loved it! XD
I always love HAPPY ENDING of minyul story :]
BlackPearl_Goddess #3
Although this story is short and depressing in the beginning, at least it had a happy & satisfactory ending... Hope to read another new MinYul story by you soon...! ^^
shimpo #4
even though its a short story i still like it......really true minhoo is really jerk in the story but maybe its true that they are not really meant for each other...^_^