
Carnal Christmas





The first thing Minho did as he entered his apartment was dropping his sport bag to the floor. The second thing was opening up the fridge. 


Going to the gym had been the right decision, his hangover was mostly gone now and he felt a million times better. But he was also starving. He kind of regretted not buying takeout, but at the same time he wanted something nutritious.

"Sehun-ah, are you hungry?" He yelled, but got no response, probably she was still asleep. He decided to cook for her as well, figuring that if she didn't want anything  he could take the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. But he really hoped that she would eat something, anything other than ramen, for a change. 


Humming to himself, he worked efficiently, an appetising smell soon filling up the small kitchen. He felt relaxed, and happier than he had been in a while. The gym played a role in that, but last night definitely also had an impact, helping him out of the rut he had been in for the last month or so. But he was too hungry to think about it in too much detail, so he just enjoyed his good mood while cooking.


He placed everything on the small kitchen table, two bowls of soybean soup, filled with pork and vegetables, eggrolls, rice and kimchi.


Knocking on Sehun's bedroom door, he said loudly:

"Sehun. Dinner." He knocked again, until he heard a loud groan.

A short time later, Sehun came out, wearing a pink silk robe, and her panda sleep mask on her forehead, messing up her long black hair. After a quick bathroom visit, she joined him in the kitchen.


"You look fresh." He teased.

"Shut up." She said without any shred of humour and sat down by the table, reaching for a bite of eggroll. "I only came back like a couple of hours ago."

"Really?" Minho smiled. He hadn't realised that he was alone in the apartment when he woke up.


"So it... went well?" He prodded hesitantly.

"Mmh." She repeated, but this time with a smile.

"Ah... so really well?" Minho teased happily.

"Mmh." Sehun ate a spoon full of soup and then continued talking with full. "He was ing amazing."

"He was?" Smiling, Minho's mood got even better. Sehun had a good night out, and she was eating proper food for once, everything was good.

"Yes. A complete gentleman." She sighed. "And he ed me so good..."

Chuckling, Minho wasn't sure that was very gentlemanly. "So did you... go to the back rooms?" He asked without really knowing why, his heart beating slightly faster at the thought of it.

"Only for a little bit... then he got a hotel room for us, and we stayed until checkout at twelve."


"Yeah. And it was amazing."

"I'm glad."

"He's such a prince, and he treated me like a princess... the way he me. Oh. My. God. I did not know it could feel like that. Best since the operation. I'm totally in love."

Minho resisted the urge to remind her that they had only met once.

"Relax." Sehun sighed after seeing his face. "It's just an expression, I know he's married and . I'm just saying it was really good."

"That's so great. I knew it was about to happen for you." He took a sip of water, and then he blurted out. "And he's not married."

"What do you mean?"

"He's not. They lied, just like us, to get into the event, they're not even together."

"Really?" Her face lit up in the brightest, most excited smile.

Minho cursed internally. He shouldn't have brought her hopes up. But he just didn't like talking about them as married when they were not, and she deserved to know. 


"Wait. How do you know?"

"Uh... his... the other guy told me." Minho felt strangely flustered.

"Ah, so you talked for a while?"

"Uhm... yes... I guess you could say that."

Sehun continued eating, but after a moment, she looked up at him, suspiciously. "Did something more happen?"


"Did you kiss him?" Sehun stared at him with very big eyes.

"Yes... or he kissed me."

"Did you have with him?" Her eyes grew even bigger.


"Kinda? What does 'kinda' mean? Oral? ? s?"

"Uh... yes..."

"Yes to what?"

"All... of the above."

At first Sehun's mouth dropped, and then she started laughing. "Minho, you dog. You ty ."

"It wasn't like that..."

"Did you like it?"

Not knowing what else to do, he just nodded.

"Oh. My. God. You need to tell me everything. Every single detail. Like was he hung?"

"I'm not going to tell you that, or any of the details."

"Minho, don't be such a prude."

"I've always been a 'prude' and I'm not gonna stop now, just because..."

"Just because you ed a guy at a club?"

"Uh... yeah..." Minho blushed at realising how badly this sounded. In the light of day this seemed like complete lunacy.

"Or was it maybe guys, plural?"

"No. Don't be absurd. It was only the one guy, even though..."


"There were more guys in the room."

For some reason that made Sehun laugh. "Of course your big ego likes having an audience."

"It... wasn't like that."


His defence was interrupted by his phone vibrating, and the distraction was more than welcome, until he saw the message.

"." He blurted out in panic.


"It's from him."

"Really?!? Already?!? Wow he super likes you!" She practically screamed in excitement.

"I-it isn't like that. He was just helping me...  because it was my first time."

"Ah yes, baby Minho, for gay ."

"I didn't mean that." Though he kind of did mean that. "More because it was my first time at such an event, so he was showing me around, and things just... happened."

"And the text?"

"That's just..." Minho ignored her teasing tone. "Yesterday he asked me if I wanted recommendations for more events, and it was a bit rude to say no so..."

"What does it say?"

Sighing, Minho knew that Sehun would never let it go, so he just started reading the text:

"Hey, this is Jinki from last night. I just wanted to let you know that there is an event next Saturday if you are interested?"

Minho cleared his throat. "So. It was just that."

"Wow. He really likes you." Sehun smiled.

"Why do you say that?"

"The event is not until next Saturday. There's no need for him to contact you right away. Also, he didn't even give you any real information, he's using this as an excuse to talk to you."

"It's not like that... He doesn't like me like that."

"So... you spent the entire evening together? You ed? The first thing he does after waking up is sending you a message? And you are trying to convince me that he's not attracted to you in the slightest?"

"It's not the first thing... people don't normally wake up at four, and I didn't say that. I get that he's probably... not completely unattracted to me. He did call me gorgeous and stuff..."

"He called you gorgeous? And somehow you think he's not into you? Oh dear lord, the denial."

Minho ignored her snark. "What I mean is that he's probably attracted to a lot of men, but it's not romantic, he's not looking for a boyfriend and I am definitely not either."

"Fair enough." Sehun's voice softened. "Are you planning to go on Saturday?"

"I donno."

"Do you want to?"

Nibbling on his lip, Minho was unable to answer.

"So you do?"

"I don't know." He did kind of want to go. "It's a bit much to go alone."

"You are not going alone - you're going with this guy?"

"I don't even know if he's going. It's just a recommendation."

"Then just ask him."

"You think?"

"Yes. Go."


"Yes, now."


Minho picked up his phone. Very hesitantly he wrote:

'Are you going?'

He hesitated for a moment, it felt a bit weird to ask. But he wanted to know, and he shouldn't overthink it, this was just like asking any other friend of their plans. So he pressed send, and nibbled nervously on his lower lip until he got the answer.


Immediately, a big smile took over Minho's face, and he realised that he wanted to go. He really wanted to go. But he could see that Jinki was writing something, so he waited. Soon he got another, longer message.

'This one is a bit more hard core than the other one. But you obviously don't have to do anything you don't want to, you can just watch, and I'm happy to introduce everything to you.'

An unfamiliar warmth settled in Minho's chest and he quickly wrote back: 

'I would like that.'

'Great, I'll send you more info closer to the event. See you Saturday!'

Minho liked the comment, and then put away his phone.


"Look at you all smitten kitten."

"Shut up." Minho muttered absentmindedly, but he was too excited to get annoyed at his friend.

"Now I need every detail from last night!"


"You tell me yours, I tell you mine?"

He frowned. "I really don't want all your details, Sehun."

"Okay. You tell me yours and then I won't tell you all my details?"

"Fine." Minho laughed. "But I'm... not going into the details."

"Great. I wish I had popcorn!"

"Just eat your rice." Minho laughed, and shook his head at his crazy best friend. Then he took a deep breath. "It started with a mistletoe..."







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Chapter 8: congratulations minho 😁
963 streak #2
Chapter 8: I wonder if Minho will be punished.
But then, Jinki said that he will make him feel good.
Chapter 7: Usually I like chapters that are under 3000 characters, BUT this time I wanted SOOOO much more 😁
Chapter 7: ahhh now I'm interested in jinki and taemin's history. I'm excited for the scene jinki's going to show Minho tho!
Tempcard #5
Chapter 6: Love this!!!!! Would love for naive minho to get tied up for his december 9 birthday 🤭
Chapter 6: Wow, this is going to be HOT.
Shineepinee525 #7
Chapter 6: 😍
Chapter 6: I've been waiting patiently for an update 😇 I'm so excited to see what happens next.
Chapter 5: VERY intriguing. And Jinki... what a smooth operator XD
HadleyLily #10
Chapter 5: Well someone likes someone already