

Meaning of love. When I wrote this story Elza, my friend was wearing a shirt that said "love"


Have you ever felt love? Or was it the illusioon of being in love. It might be the love of your family. Or a special someone at school. Perhaps "love at first sight" at a public place? Or love for a thing. Pretty weird but it could happen. Something like my ipod, if i lost it I would be destroyed. The word LOVE means a lot. But on Elza's shirt its just the letters L-O-V-E. Love isn't really a word it's a powerful feeling. Some people get married because they "think" they are in love. But it's not what you think its what you feel. But honestly how many divorces have you seen or heard of. Were they really in love to let each other go their own seperate ways, when they both know that they were meant for each other. Was it really "Love" that made them divorce? No it wasn't it was the illusion of being inlove. Thinking that that person was the right one. Was he/she? No. Maybe it was the appearances that fooled the hearts. Love is something everyone goes through. Even if it;s just a crush. Atleast its something you feel. Ever heard of happily ever after. Nobody is happy without love. If you want to be happy, you have to know how to live with love. Live through those feelings, and respond to them in the best way ever. Listen to your heart. Love is joy to the heart. Are you in love?


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