Hit (on) me, Baby, one more time


Sound’s life could be perfect, given the fact that he’s not only a famous guitarist but also Win, the boy he’s in love with, has just agreed to be in a relationship with him. There’s just one tiny problem:  Sound promised to hit on Win until his heart would beat faster, but he has absolutely no clue how to actually do that.


(Basically I'm just doing the writers' job by filling in the blanks. Seriously, why were they teasing us by letting Sound promise that he would hit on Win and then not showing that part?! ò__Ó)




4. Simply introduce yourself

People appreciate an honest approach. Just walk up to him, shake his hand and tell him your name to make him feel more comfortable when spending time with you.

“Who the even made this daffy list?!” Sound crumpled the useless piece of paper and tossed it angrily against the wall of his room.  So far each and every of the points on the list had been a disaster and it didn’t seem as if it would get any better.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down. There were still more than 25 advices left. Sooner or later there would be the right one to win his classmate’s heart once and for all. He couldn’t give up after just a few setbacks.

After his breathing rate has returned to normal, Sound walked over to the offensive paper ball and picked it up again, carefully smoothing it out before reading the next point.




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