

Monday had started with a hectic shift, and Kyungsoo hardly had time to catch his breath.

He was constantly called by one employee or another, and he could no longer control his nervousness very well. He thought a lot about what he would have to do about his pastry chef. Their relationship was still the same, but the tension had increased. A lot. Almost as much as the temperatures in his kitchen.

Kyungsoo could barely look at him without flashes passing before his eyes: the way his small mouth touched his, the way he slightly shrank when the chef touched him...

Those were the moments he wished he could repeat for eternity.

Hiding his attraction to the redhead wouldn't be easy. It wasn't easy before, now it seemed a hundred times harder.

He doubted Baekhyun was in a better place than he was.

The redhead seemed to be plugged in 24/7, going back and forth without stopping for a second. He barely exchanged a few words with Kyungsoo and hardly glanced at him. Baekhyun was tough and responsible, much more than Kyungsoo could ever be.

Baekhyun was now at the stove, sprinkling a sauté with white wine. He was getting dangerously close to exceeding the correct amount so that the alcohol would evaporate. He was probably getting distracted. The perfectionist he was would never make such a small mistake.

The chef walked up to him, holding the bottle in the air to stop the process. By then, the liquid was no longer pouring out of the bottle.

The redhead looked at him in surprise.

"You're putting too much. Want to get someone drunk again?" He whispered softly so no one could hear.

Baekhyun nervously chuckled.

"Sorry, chef."

"You're forgiven, Mr. Byun. But stop getting distracted." Baekhyun nodded seriously.

"Yes, chef." Kyungsoo moved his fingers away from the bottle, still looking at him.

But the young man didn't meet his gaze in any way. He left the stove, taking the sauté to the counter in complete silence.

Kyungsoo just smiled, knowing there wasn't much he could do. Baekhyun was determined to give him the cold shoulder.

The redhead was indeed very professional, and Kyungsoo didn't know why he was surprised by that. Of course, Baekhyun wouldn't stop being his employee in there. They had managed to separate their friendship well. Now he wondered if they could separate this. Whatever that meant.

"Chef, can you help me here?" Taeyeon was the one calling him now.

Kyungsoo nodded, heading over to where she was.


"They're looking for Baekhyun. The customer says she's a friend of his. Should I call him?" Kyungsoo furrowed his brow.

"No. Let me see first." The girl looked at him suspiciously. "I need to make sure she's not a spy, that's all." Taeyeon smiled.

"They won't be able to take him from us, chef, don't worry." Well, Kyungsoo wouldn't pay to see that.

The bald man wasn't foolish at all. He knew there were several restaurants after him. They were buzzing around his pastry chef like bees to honey, all extremely obsessed with his French specialty.

There weren't many trained pastry chefs in Seoul, and especially not many with Baekhyun's training. Of course, the information had spread, and Dyo's was famous for that. So he couldn't be careless; he had to find a way to let everyone know that Baekhyun was a fish that was out of the market. He couldn't lose him. Letting him slip through his fingers like fine sand was not an option. It was more than a matter of attachment; he needed his specialties in the restaurant. That was what he was hired for.

The chef walked with determination to the restaurant lobby, looking for the customer.

There was a girl dressed up in a puffy dress and a long, dark wig, standing in the hall. Kyungsoo vaguely recognized the character from a TV show, but he didn't know what it was about. She had an elegant posture that contrasted with the clothes she was wearing. In a way, they suited her, he wouldn't lie.

The chef stopped for a moment, not knowing what to do. He doubted the girl was a spy, and now he felt a little ridiculous just standing there. He shifted his feet, feeling a bit awkward about approaching her.

"Excuse me." He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, away from the embarrassment he felt in that moment.

The girl turned around as she heard his voice.

"Yes?" She asked, confused.

Kyungsoo froze.

The girl looked like a life-size doll; he had never seen anything like it. He was even a little embarrassed in the face of so much beauty.

"Are you looking for Baekhyun? He's a bit busy right now. If you can wait a little..." The girl was looking at him as if she were analyzing him.

Kyungsoo started to feel pressured.

"All right. Are you Dyo?" The question came out of nowhere, catching the chef off guard.

"Ah... yes, I am." The girl nodded, then pointed to his apron.

"It's written there, but... just to check, right." Kyungsoo laughed this time when he noticed his name embroidered in red in the small space on the white lapel.

"I always forget about that. Thanks for reminding me."

"You're welcome." The girl smiled kindly. "Congratulations, you know. Not every 23-year-old can open a business and be successful like this." Kyungsoo was speechless.

It was maybe the third time he heard that from someone, and it was somewhat comforting. Hearing someone recognize his hard work was something he wasn't used to.

People might think he was arrogant and petty like other chefs, but Kyungsoo always lacked recognition in the field because everyone already assumed he had it.

Which wasn't true.

The young man made a polite bow to the girl in costume, which drew the attention of many people passing by or entering and leaving the restaurant. But he didn't care. He wanted to show how grateful he was for her words.

"Thank you very much. I'll remember that." The girl smiled.

"Irene?" Baekhyun was the one questioning the girl's presence.

Irene looked at him with great affection in her eyes, like a mother visiting her child at their new job.

She opened her arms and pulled him into a tight hug. Baekhyun disappeared for a few seconds, buried in the girl's chest.

Kyungsoo found it amusing.

It was a beautiful and comical scene at the same time because, first, he never thought he would bow to a girl in costume in the middle of his restaurant. But also because Irene was standing out in the hall. She looked like she was sent from another universe.

"Irene... what the hell are you doing here?" Baekhyun hadn't seen the chef behind the girl, and when he noticed him there, his eyes widened.

"I came to ask you something. Before announcing something I didn't think I could wait for." She was clearly happy, and it was somewhat contagious, so Kyungsoo smiled too.

"C-chef... I... just give me a second, I swear I-"

"It's all right, Baekhyun." The redhead agreed, looking at Irene with a certain intensity.

Kyungsoo had never seen that look on the pastry chef's face before. He didn't know if it was anger or frustration. He knew Baekhyun could be a bit of a perfectionist, but he didn't think it was this intense.

Kyungsoo imagined that Baekhyun didn't like being interrupted at work.

"Irene... come with me." The girl simply nodded and followed him to the back of the restaurant.

Kyungsoo couldn't believe it. Baekhyun was an extremely strict person, even more than he was. And the chef had no idea.

He returned to the kitchen with a smile.

His pastry chef kept surprising him more and more. What was he going to do with him?



Baekhyun was extremely angry, not to say on the verge of explosion.

He hated it when people interrupted him at work, but even more, he hated Irene for talking to his boss in person.

What was she thinking? What if Kyungsoo gave him a warning?

They walked down the corridor that led to all the other rooms, including the dressing room. That was where he took Irene so they could talk in peace.

As soon as they got there, he stopped in his tracks.

Kim Minseok was shirtless, with his tattooed back turned to him. Seriously, this day had to end at some point, or Baekhyun was going to end up killing someone.

"Minseok... can you please put on a shirt?" The bartender turned to him, a mocking smile on his face.

"Carrot... how are we?" The redhead took a deep breath.

He couldn't summon any more divine strength at that moment.

"Oh, who's the noble warrior of the galaxies?" Irene asked playfully.

Irene laughed, extending her hand to him.

"Sailor Mars for you. I can't reveal my secret identity." The brunette smiled, teasingly.

"You have some entertaining friends, Baek."

"Listen, I don't care right now. First, I want to know: what the hell are you doing here at my workplace, Irene?"

"Ah, you're always so formal." The girl huffed, walking over to the wooden bench near the window. "I was at an event nearby, so I decided to stop by here. Like I said, I have good and wonderful news. Well, part of it, but I'll explain that later."

The bartender was just laughing, looking back and forth between them.

"Baekhyun is kind of obsessed. Maybe it's the influence of Chef Dyo himself, you know how people say, 'You are what you com-"

"Minseok!" Irene raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"What?" Minseok winked before pulling his uniform out of the locker.

"Let's say our little friend here is trying to get deep into Dyo's territory. Literally."

"Is he sleeping with your boss? You? Wow." Irene laughed, amused. "Baek... I never thought you'd be that kind of person, but if you'll permit me to say: he's hot."

"Hm... I don't know. He's not my type, but maybe the bald look is charming." Baekhyun was about to hit both of them.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone!" Minseok grinned mischievously.

"You don't need to spread your frustrations like that. Others might hear, you know." Irene teased the bartender.

"Look... when he showed up with that deep voice, I almost fell backward. But I'm a married woman, so of course, I controlled myself. By the way: that's what I wanted to talk about. Are you going to kill me?" The redhead put his hands on his temples.

"Irene... my sincere congratulations, but you could have waited to tell me."

"I don't know... actually, there's something else too. I want to throw a surprise party for Hunnie's 30th birthday, and I need your help. Like, with everything. I'm really indecisive, to be honest."

"Irene! That could've waited too!"

"Carrot, just listen to what she has to say. Kyungsoo won't mind if you spend five more hours off your duty."

"That's not the point!" The bartender approached, smiling.

He placed his hands on the chef's broad shoulders and gave him a playful massage. He knew he was only acting this way because he was already committed. Minseok would never miss an opportunity to , and dealing with his light banter was still a little crazy.

He wasn't used to this side of himself.

"Calm down, you're talking to a bride now. By the way, my congratulations, dear justice warrior. Happiness, love, and justice to you." The girl laughed, bowing slightly.

"Thank you. Really. It hasn't been an easy journey." Baekhyun could relate to that.

"It never is, my dear." Irene smiled at him.

"You know what, you're invited too." Oh, here we go.

"No way. If I have to deal with that all night, I'll do everything I can to give him the wrong address." Minseok chuckled softly.

"Don't worry, Carrot. I won't attack your morals and virtues anymore." The bartender put on his uniform with skill, as if he didn't even care that Irene was present.

And the worst part was: she probably didn't care. Irene was used to seeing semi- people every weekend at anime events, so she doubted that a guy putting on a shirt would embarrass her.

"Irene... even if you want to plan your parties with me, you'll have to call me later. We can talk in the morning or over the weekend. Now isn't a good time."

"I can find a nice bar for the 30th party. After all, it's not every day you turn 30." The bartender smiled. "Or is it his Korean age?"

"No... Sehun wanted to be 'scientifically correct' when he turned 30, so he could say he was 30. He doesn't like looking older, I think that's partly my fault." The girl sighed sadly.

Baekhyun knew that could be partially true.

Sehun had been obsessed with age ever since he was accused of terrible things by Irene's father for dating his teenage daughter.

Not that it was such a big problem: they were three years apart. Maybe none, considering that Sehun was still a little lost as a post-teenager.

So he understood his hyung's side to some extent.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault, babe." The bartender tried to comfort Irene unsuccessfully.

"Anyway..." The redhead tried to change the subject a bit. "I thought you'd want to have the party at home. I can cook for him. Bake the cake here and take it there."

"Cook in your apartment? Do you really think so many people will fit? And will there be enough food?"

"And who are you going to invite? The royal family? I thought it would be a family thing."

"I thought about inviting Hunnie's friends. And now, Minseok. If you want to invite your boss, I don't mind."

"There's no reason for me to invite my boss, Irene." The biggest lie that had ever come out of Baekhyun's mouth.

But what could he do? He couldn't invite Kyungsoo to a family dinner. There was no context for that to happen.

Besides, dealing with the little pocket Satan in his kitchen? No way! That was his kitchen, and he was the only chef there.

Well, the problem was much bigger than that. But still, there was no way that could work out.

"If you say so..."

"I won't be able to bear his arrogance for so long, it's enough here." Maybe this would put an end to it.

"Okay, fine. It was just a suggestion, no need to get mad." The bartender stopped, heading towards the door this time.

"Well, if you'll excuse me... I'm going back to work."

"Let's go, Irene. I'll talk to you later. You need to go too." The girl huffed as she followed the bartender out the door.

But when Minseok froze, Baekhyun knew something was wrong. He just didn't expect it to be this wrong.

"Is the meeting over already?" His voice showed no emotion, only the thick tone filling the room.

But the pastry chef already knew what had happened.

He put his hands on his temples again to control himself. Now, he had to tame the beast.

"Excuse me, chef." Minseok bowed before leaving through the door, followed by Irene.

Kyungsoo didn't move, standing with his arms crossed by the door. He stared at the redhead with his big, intense eyes fixed on him. Baekhyun just stared back, not saying anything.

The eye game was indecipherable. He didn't know what Kyungsoo was thinking or how much he had heard. But he thought that enough would be enough for the cold war that was happening at the moment.

Baekhyun gave up, sitting on the small wooden bench. He put his head in his hands and started to explain his side of the story:

"It's not what you think, I didn't say that to hurt you." He still hadn't pulled anything out of him. "I can't let people think I have any affection for you; they might find out. We need to take a break from this, and-"

A finger suddenly lifted his chin, bringing his face up. Kyungsoo had walked up to him in silence and was now standing in front of him, looking directly into his eyes. His eyes were so dark and impenetrable. There was something there that blocked Baekhyun from understanding what was going on with him.

Kyungsoo leaned in closer, lowering his gaze to Baekhyun's lips and then back up to his eyes.

"Tell me the truth, Baekkie..." He whispered softly, almost as if he was ashamed to let the words slip. "Is that what it's about? Really?"


"You don't believe me?"

"Do you think I'm arrogant? Are you ashamed of me?" Kyungsoo furrowed his brow, visibly hurt.

"Wh-what? Of course not." Damn, why did he have to hear that? Why did Baekhyun say that in the first place? "Kyungsoo... you're an amazing person. I know that now. I won't lie, we had our disagreements before, but that's in the past." The bald man nodded robotically.

Baekhyun sighed, moving closer to him.

"Forgive me for that, okay? I didn't think it would hurt you."

"I-I'm not hurt..."

"I know everything is unclear, Kyungsoo. And I agree with that. But... for me, it's..." He stopped for a moment, trying to reorganize what he was going to say. He tried to look at the chef, but he seemed embarrassed. Baekhyun had to hold one of his hands to give him courage.

"You can talk, Soo."

"It's just that... for me, it's a bit hard to hear criticism from you." His voice was low, and Baekhyun could sense how difficult it was for him to confess that. "They affect me deeply." Kyungsoo was trying for him, and that's what he had received.

He was such a damn idiot.

Why had he said that? He was already digging his own grave and preparing his own poison.

"I didn't mean it, really. Believe me, alright?" He was on the verge of desperation for him to believe in him.

But what could he expect? Kyungsoo had serious issues with his self-image.

Of course, he would believe what he heard.

The redhead could only choose to do something he might regret later. Because he knew there would be no turning back.

He brought his hand to the chef's nape, pulling him closer, and sealed their lips together, hugging him in the process. It was the third kiss they had shared in a span of three days, but he felt that this one was necessary.

He tried to kiss him as an apology, but soon felt Kyungsoo's hands grabbing a good portion of his waist. His fingers were strong, and their kiss was becoming more intense.

Baekhyun broke the kiss like a lightning bolt, before anyone could see them there.

The bald man was panting, trying to catch his breath. There was a small smile dancing on his lips. And it was like heaven's vision for the redhead.

"You avoided me all day for this?" The pastry chef laughed, relieved.

"I can't look at you anymore; I feel like I'm going crazy." Kyungsoo locked his big eyes with his.

There were a thousand unsaid things in those eyes, but Baekhyun could understand them superficially. His heart was beating fast, as it always did when he was near him.

It always felt like standing on the edge of a precipice.

"I think we should go now." Kyungsoo turned towards the door, not saying anything more.


"It's alright." He probably was still a little hurt, but at least he understood the message.

Baekhyun hoped so.

"You go ahead, Baekkie. I'll follow you shortly." The redhead agreed with a nod.

As he passed by him, he gave his hand a little squeeze, as if to make sure he understood.

The bald man squeezed back with a small smile.

As soon as he reached the hallway to the kitchen, Baekhyun began to worry. His reaction to Kyungsoo would have to go beyond the problems they might have, and understanding would be the most important factor between them.

He had always known that Kyungsoo didn't have the best emotional skills, and neither did Baekhyun. But he was very afraid that his little heart might get hurt by some foolishness he could do.

If he hurt the little chef again, it would be the death of him.

He couldn't even think about it.


It was a little after lunch when Junmyeon returned to the teachers' lounge so that no one could disturb him.

To be honest, he was on the verge of a breakdown.

He didn't really know why he felt so empty, and he channeled everything he felt into his poems and stories that could make anyone flood an entire bathroom. Perhaps he should ease up on the Nicholas Sparks or he'd end up locked in an asylum.

He couldn't bear the weight on his shoulders anymore.

Junmyeon felt like the fool of the moment again, letting his heart be deceived by any pretty face that came his way. Not that Sehun was just that, the programmer was an amazing guy. Very dedicated and kind, perhaps a bit too naive, but he could be considered charming. But he was also very much in love with his fiancée, that was more than evident.

However, none of this prevented Kim from being there again, tormenting the heart already filled with scars made by other pretty faces that had only used him for one night.

It hadn't been any different with the guy from the bar, and it wouldn't be any different with anyone who crossed his path.

Perhaps love wasn't meant for him, after all.

What a shame. He always did his best to give his all, but he was always used. Deceived or set aside for someone more interesting. His shattered self-esteem couldn't take it anymore. It was too much, and it hurt a lot to know that he was ineffective.

Tears wouldn't solve anything, but maybe it would be the only comfort he could find.

He allowed himself to cry for a few minutes. Not as much as his heart deserved, but enough to compose himself. He wouldn't waste any more of his life lamenting around... he would go back on the road, focus on his career. And above all, deal with the fact that he saw Oh Sehun every day when Sehun only saw him as a coworker.

His life was just one mess after another.

Why did he think it was a good idea to be interested in a committed guy?

You couldn't control your heart, but you should also be smarter.

He was a bit distracted when the door suddenly opened, revealing a guy who seemed a bit lost in the hallway.

Junmyeon rubbed his eyes, readjusting the large round glasses that brought him vision, and was startled when he realized.

The guy smiled at him in the same way he had smiled at him the other night: y and dangerous.

He was wearing clothes that would be considered inappropriate for a school: a cropped top and tightly-fitted jeans, under a cozy cardigan. The teacher didn't even have time to digest what was happening when the guy was already walking towards him.

"You... I never thought such a big coincidence could happen to me." Kim Kai smiled at him, sitting next to him without even being invited.

Junmyeon froze. What could he say? Taking suitors to work was strictly forbidden.

And first of all...

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked softly, a little afraid they'd get caught.

He could never explain what Kai was doing there to the school authorities. He'd probably get fired, and that would tarnish a lifetime of resumes and his entire career.

It was madness.

"I'm looking for my sister. But it seems I found something better." Junmyeon's eyes widened.

"K-Kai, you can't stay here. I could get fired for this." The brunette smiled broadly when he realized his face was entirely red.

"You're still as scared as a bunny, Juni." The other denied with a nod. "Why did you leave the other night? I didn't have time to talk to you."

Well, because he knew how the night would end.

He wasn't willing to do the walk of shame, or any of that. He decided to stop everything before any complications could arise.

But apparently, it wouldn't end there.

"I... I had to go." Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Had to go? Why?" Junmyeon remained silent.

What could he say? It was a bit too personal to open up like that.

"Personal reasons." The brunette agreed, smiling on the side.

"Do you remember what you promised me that night?"

"W-what?" The teacher was afraid again. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, if I remember correctly..." The brunette chuckled softly. "You owe me a ." The teacher thought he could die.

His face felt hot with embarrassment.

"I was drunk. You shouldn't take me seriously."

"That's alright then." Junmyeon turned to him, surprised.


"I won't force you to do anything, Kim Junmyeon. If you don't want to fulfill your sincere drunken promise, I can't do much." Kai shrugged, crossing his fingers behind his head.

The position made the material of the cropped top he was wearing go up, as if made of nothing.

The brunette's laughter gradually filled the room. Junmyeon looked at him, reading what his gaze meant: that he was a scoundrel for staring at his bare abdomen.

He rubbed his eyes nervously, with his fingers under the giant glasses.

"P-please, could you leave now?"

"Don't be so nervous."

"I'm not nervous." Even if he said that, his nervousness was evident in his voice.

Junmyeon was terrible at pretending.

"Alright then." Kai smiled again.

"Better go look for your sister. Or maybe it's better if you stay here, while I can look for her myself."

"No, not yet." The guy kept his eyes calm. "Calm down, Kim Junmyeon."

The teacher let out a small sigh.

"I-I..." The other waited.

He turned to him with warm chocolate eyes. Kai had all this warmth in his aura, which sometimes burned too much, sometimes was comforting.

Like now.

"I want to talk to you first." The soft voice whispered like a breeze into his ears.

It wasn't easy at all to resist his charms. Kai was very seductive. Dangerous, even. He knew how to use his body and body language to his advantage and combined everything to make you feel involved.

Which Junmyeon totally was.

"What?" It didn't make sense for the teacher, this persistence.

He never expected Kim Kai to reappear in his life one day, but it seemed that fate was not something he could control.

"I feel like you need to talk to someone. Your expression speaks louder than your own words." Junmyeon was surprised.

What kind of conversation was he trying to have?

It seemed like a literary heartthrob, starting with his exotic name and striking clothes; and now he had these profound phrases that he let out from a place that Junmyeon didn't know.

Kim Kai was someone who couldn't go unnoticed.

"Don't worry, I-I... ah..." The guy suddenly put his hand on Junmyeon's.

It was warm like the Sun itself. In a way, even comforting.

"Junmyeon, I run a bar. I can spot a broken heart like yours from afar." Maybe he had underestimated him.

Kai seemed to possess a knowledge of life that Junmyeon could never reach.

The teacher remained silent for a few seconds. He didn't have the courage to open up at that moment, so he decided to change the subject. He hoped that Kai would understand.

"You said you're looking for your sister?" Kai nodded affirmatively. "Who is she? One of the students?"

"No. Kim-Li Chen is my sister." The dark-haired man looked surprised again.

"Chen? The art teacher?"

"Yes, yes. Why the surprise?" Probably because they would probably see each other much more often!

"For n-nothing."

"I know we don't look alike, but that's another story."

"I-I... it's not about any of that." Kai smiled widely again.

"What do you really want to tell me, then?" What did he mean by "really"?

His hand still hadn't let go of Junmyeon's, reminding him that they had remained that way the previous night as well. Kai was someone who liked physical contact. He demanded much more contact than any other guy he had been with.

"Do you often come to her workplace like this?" He asked quietly.

"Don't you want me here, Junmyeon? Is that what this is about?" The teacher was very surprised.

He never would have imagined that Kai could read him so well. But he imagined that it might be a characteristic of Kai's: knowing how to deal with people. In that regard, he was so different from Sehun that it was almost funny.

"I-I... it's not that... exactly..."

"Are you afraid someone will find out about us? But we only went out once. There's no way anyone could know about it. From what it seems..." He whispered softly, with a peculiar smile. "... I can just be your friend." Junmyeon didn't get a chance to retort, as the door opened again.

Of course, he wouldn't get any peace at any moment there.

Oh Sehun looked a little desperate in front of the massive wooden door, with a look similar to that of a lost child in an amusement park. His gaze fell on Kai, then to their hands together, and then back to Junmyeon. He seemed to have misunderstood everything.

"Sorry, I'll come back another time."

"I-it's n-not necessary." Kai looked from one to the other, trying to understand what was going on.

Junmyeon began to get nervous again. It seemed like that was the only feeling he knew in the past few weeks.

"Kai was already leaving."

"I wasn't." The dark-haired man turned to Sehun, with a serious tone. "Close the door when you leave." Oh obeyed, bowing in apology to both of them.

Junmyeon looked at the guy by his side a little confused.

Why had he done that?

"Kai..." The gaze he received from the dark-haired man was now warm for different reasons.

"Are you trying to get rid of me so easily?" His voice was a little more serious than usual.

Junmyeon was shocked.

What else did he want? Everything that was supposed to happen had already happened.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I've been thinking a bit about that night. Haven't you?"

"Thinking about what, exactly?" He hadn't gone into great detail about what happened at Spinnet that night.

In fact, if it were possible, he might as well say that he was determined to forget. He didn't think he would see Kai again in his life, so of course, he pretended to be someone else throughout the night.

Someone who didn't care.

Someone who only thought about and drinks.

He had let go more than usual, and now the guy probably thought that was really him. Libertine and flirty. Which was the complete opposite of what Junmyeon would ever be.

"I can't tell you everything I've thought yet, but let's say... I'm curious to see where this will lead." Kai replied in a murmur.

"T-this what?"

"I'm not looking for relationships, Junmyeon. But I'm willing to take it a step further with you if you want. I enjoyed getting to know you." Oh no.

He couldn't get into another mess without planning; it would be his downfall. He wouldn't surrender again to someone who didn't see him in their future.

"I won't do this again, Kai. That night was a mistake."


"I'm not who you think I am. I wasn't myself that night, but I am now. The kindergarten teacher who likes to write romances in his spare time." The dark-haired man focused all his attention on him, with his chocolate eyes locked onto Junmyeon's. "I can't go through another no-strings-attached relationship; I don't have the strength for it."

"I understand..." Kai fell silent for a few seconds before speaking in a low voice. "I really understand... because I'm in that situation too. But having just ended a relationship, I don't know if I can jump into another one like this. But..." The dark-haired man smiled weakly. "There's also the fact that I really would like to get to know you better." Junmyeon blushed.

The way the guy was looking at him was so intense that he could get into trouble because of it. It made him feel desired.

But he needed to find the strength within himself to make some sense in the guy's head.

"Kai, if you'll allow me to say something about this..." The dark-haired man nodded affirmatively.

"Of course, go ahead."

"I don't think it's smart for you to get involved with someone else right now... You're determined to forget your last relationship, and you'll end up using a rebound. I know you will. I've been there. The best thing to do is to take some time for yourself. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."


"I'm just advising you. But you can do whatever you want."

"So, is that a no, then?" The smile he gave indicated that he was a little upset with the situation.

Admitting that made Junmyeon feel like a villain.

"I'm sorry, Kim Kai."

"It's okay, Jun." His voice was low. Even though the teacher felt bad about it, he knew he was doing the right thing. So he didn't feel as bad as the guy did. "I'll look for my sister, but you can come to Snippet if you want."


"The is also up to you."

"W-what?" Kai smiled, finally releasing his warm hand.

He had almost not realized that they had remained that way the entire time they talked. His warmth was so comforting that, in a way, it had become part of his own body. But now he felt a little cold without it to warm him.

"Goodbye. I won't make this a farewell; you can still be my friend, right?"

"O-of course..." The dark-haired man approached him, with his usual smile.

Junmyeon could smell his scent of nutmeg and cinnamon again. This time, his nose didn't itch anymore; he had already gotten used to it in the short time they had spent together.

"There's still one last thing I'd like to do before putting an end to this... do you permit me?" He already knew what that was.

His heart was a little divided. On one hand, his voice full of gallantry confused his senses, and his heart was lost amidst the intense feelings. On the other hand, there was the rational part, telling him that it would only complicate the situation of his already bruised heart.

However, when he looked at the guy's eyes so close to his own, there was no other thought lingering in his mind. Just an infernal heat rising up his spine, up to his cheeks.

Kai was already close enough, placing his hand on Junmyeon's face as he brought their lips together. Incredibly, he also tasted like cinnamon. He didn't know if it was a candy or something else, but he could clearly feel the flavor on his tongue.

The dark-haired man hadn't pulled away yet. He was trying to take as much as he could from the moment. It was quite evident that he was enjoying it more than the previous night, even though it was a much simpler kiss than the other one. But perhaps simplicity was indeed the most remarkable.

The guy pulled back, taking a small breath.

He looked at Junmyeon again, locking his eyes onto his. The chocolate seemed to be boiling with something that Junmyeon thought was of a more primal nature. He wasn't stupid; he knew what the guy wanted from him.

The question was whether he would be able to handle it.

"See you around, Kim Junmyeon." The teacher nodded without saying a word.

As soon as Kai left through the door, Junmyeon slumped his head onto the wooden table.

What was he going to do with his life?

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51 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
51 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
51 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
51 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
51 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
51 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
51 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
51 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
51 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.