Cornet de Mourat



The atmosphere inside the car was quite light, almost as if they could be on vacation. The party had actually ended well, despite the bride vomiting a good portion of it in the rented house's backyard... which was going to give her a headache that Baekhyun wouldn't want to imagine. But considering he had tasted Kyungsoo's lips on his own, he could already count it as a very worthwhile experience.

The brunette was driving to his apartment. It was already a bit late, so the streets were quite empty, making it easier for them to arrive faster.

With the car already parked in front of the building, Kyungsoo turned his body towards Baekhyun with a happy smile. He seemed extremely content with the outcome of the night, and if Baekhyun were honest, he was too.

"Baekkie..." The deep voice was truly charming, and Byun couldn't resist.


"I..." He chuckled. "I don't really know what to say, actually." Baekhyun understood.

He was speechless too, as words couldn't describe how much he had enjoyed it. He still wondered if what he had done was right. Of course, he didn't regret it, but the impulse of his desire forced him to face the situation he was in now: the aftermath.

And the aftermath could only choose two sides.

The one where he could ignore it.

Or the one where he would delve into it.

He had no idea which side to choose, let alone if Kyungsoo had already made his own choice. But still, a small part of the redhead burned with curiosity to know.

He looked at Kyungsoo, who was still somewhat flushed beside him. He couldn't miss the opportunity of the moment, so he simply decided to ask what he really wanted to know:

"Did you like it?" Was Baekhyun ever going to learn to be discreet?

He didn't even know what that word meant; it wasn't in his personal dictionary.

Kyungsoo looked at him, a little nervous and awkward. Did he not want to talk about it? He seemed quite distressed, and the pastry chef could understand why.

"I did, yes..." It was all he said.

The redhead chuckled softly. He was being quite bold, but he needed to know.

"I liked it too, in case you were wondering. In fact, now I've even changed my favorite fruit flavor." Kyungsoo smiled his usual heartfelt smile, turning his head out of shyness.

"Aigoo... it was just a juice. Since I'm driving, I couldn't have any drinks like you. By the way, you almost got me drunk." Baekhyun laughed, finding it funny.

"You'd have to kiss me for about 5 hours if you wanted to get drunk." Kyungsoo smiled.

"It would be worth it." Baekhyun turned to him.

He had taken off his suit jacket, and the sleeves were rolled up, highlighting some veins in his arm. The redhead could never achieve anything like that; he hated the gym and everything related to weights and dumbbells. But Kyungsoo looked good that way. Not that it wasn't otherwise.

"Is it still there?" He asked casually.

Kyungsoo furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Is what?"

"The taste of passion fruit." The other's expression went blank.

He just looked at him with his large, unmoving eyes.

"I have no idea..." he whispered.

Baekhyun met his eyes burning with desire to touch him. It was a new kind of torture he had never experienced.

Baekhyun reached out to touch his face, running his fingers along his strong jawline. Kyungsoo had never been touched like that before, so he just let it happen. He was cradled between Baekhyun's hands as if he appreciated every touch he received from the smaller one. The fingers moved over his face, then gently landed on his full lips. Kyungsoo closed his eyes. His heart was pounding, and there was a void in the pit of his stomach — nervousness manifesting itself.

The brunette broke the contact between them, taking Baekhyun's hands in his. Kyungsoo approached slowly, placing one hand behind the redhead's neck, while the other settled beside his cheek.

"Baekkie..." He called him in a way that Baekhyun noticed was different from before. As if he wanted his attention. "I don't know what will happen from now on, but I want... I want to pay to find out." His sincerity disarmed him.

Baekhyun was walking more and more towards an abyss he knew he would never be able to escape.

But he accepted his fate with an open heart.

"I accept that." The other smiled faintly, leaning in again over Byun.

He balanced his hand on the car's upholstery next to Baekhyun, while the other rested on his lower back, pulling the redhead's body closer to his. Kyungsoo kissed him gently first, as if testing the waters. Their lips sealed together, closing slowly over his skin. Baekhyun could feel his warmth from the proximity, and it was quite comfortable.

As he requested more openness, his tongue settled into Baekhyun's mouth with calculated and calm movements, tasting what he could of the boy in front of him. Gradually, he deepened the kiss, making way, marking the territory as his. The bald man's hands gripped his waist with a certain force that made the boy lose track for a moment. In response, Baekhyun's hands flew to the smaller one's neck, pulling him closer. He opened his lips and Kyungsoo's in with a certain intensity. He kissed his lips with determination, taking his own time, savoring and experiencing every corner as if he were really savoring him at that moment.

Byun could never have imagined that a mouth could make him feel so many things. Kyungsoo moved, pressing his body against the pastry chef's. The boy's thick lips felt like cushions, and every he gave to his lips made Baekhyun delirious. He swore he could spend days or years kissing Kyungsoo and never get tired.

The pastry chef lunged this time, seeking the other's lips and claiming them for himself. He kissed him as if he could find more of his taste buried somewhere unexplored. Kyungsoo groaned when the redhead's teeth grazed his lower lip. It was impossible to resist him. That was the trigger for the chef to pull away.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes, taking a breath to calm his nerves. He smiled faintly, too shy to look at him. Both of them blushed, and most of the car's windows were already fogged up from being closed for so long. Baekhyun wasn't much different from their state.

They were hot and sweaty like him.

"I can't do this, Baekkie." Byun nodded without saying anything. "Do you understand?"

"Yes..." he sighed as an answer.

His heart was still a little out of rhythm from the intensity of the moment.

"Good." Kyungsoo smiled, while he caressed the redhead's nape. "I think you should go in... I don't know how to act with you here." Baekhyun smiled widely, finding it funny.

He straightened his clothes and calmed his heart's nerves. If he went into the apartment in that state, Sehun would want the whole explanation. And Baekhyun kind of wanted to keep the secret to himself for a while. Well, what could he do... he was being a bit mushy. But he couldn't blame himself.

He opened the Impala's door and stepped out into the fresh air. He smiled when he remembered he still had one more thing to say to Kyungsoo. He leaned back on the passenger door, meeting the other's eyes. Although they burned like never before, they were much more affectionate. Kyungsoo smiled when he saw his amused expression.

"Just to add a note, chef: I didn't find any trace of passion fruit in there." The other chuckled softly.

"Maybe next time, Baekkie." Baekhyun smiled widely, closing the door as the other drove away slowly.

Next time... would there be a next time? He kind of hoped so!

He didn't think he could survive without the taste of Kyungsoo now that he had experienced it. He felt like a more playful version of Eve.

His forbidden fruit had a different taste, but the feeling was the same.

If he were expelled from paradise for falling for his own boss, then so be it.

There was nothing more he could do.


From the spacious room window of Chanyeol, some sun rays escaped through the narrow cracks, making Minseok's eyes uncomfortable with the strong light.

The short guy woke up slowly and a bit lazy due to the eventful night they had. They hadn't stopped for even a second, and Minseok could swear that Chanyeol was a machine powered by desire. But then, Minseok wasn't far behind either.

He got out of bed slowly, trying not to wake the giant sleeping next to him. Chanyeol was turned to the side, with a cute pout that emphasized his lower lip. The bartender had to control himself not to bite it. It looked like a little red fruit, probably because of him.

He had spent many minutes kissing it last night.

Kim smiled widely as he made his way to the balcony of the room. He carried with him another pack of his mint-flavored cigarettes, a poison he would never be able to rid himself of.

Damn nicotine!

Perhaps it was just as bad as the situation he was in right now.

He clearly had his concerns about where this relationship would go. He wasn't delusional; he knew that Park was just having fun — he was too. But each time he spent more time with the taller man, his icy heart seemed less resistant to the warmth as it used to be.

It felt like Park was a blazing fire that hit his little iceberg head-on.

He didn't like it at all, this feeling of vulnerability. Because that's how he felt around Chanyeol: vulnerable. It was both because the big guy treated him differently from his other partners and because his personality attracted him. That was what made Minseok's heart flutter the most.

Chanyeol seemed to care a bit too much.

He had asked several questions about Minseok's life during last night's dinner. He wanted to know everything, with an almost childlike curiosity. But Minseok didn't reveal anything about his past beyond his golden years in his youth. He didn't feel comfortable exposing himself just yet, even though he knew Park wouldn't judge him or pity him. Park was a sensible guy.

The brunette lit the nicotine stick and took a few drags to calm his mind, which was turning and twisting, trying to digest what was happening to him lately.

He was lost, not knowing how to act or what to do. He could only rely on time to solve any problems he might face.

He took his phone out of his pocket and saw some messages from Luhan, completely concerned about his whereabouts.

The brunette chuckled softly.

If he said he was at his best friend's house, she would probably freak out. Luhan had always hoped that they would end up together, ever since Minseok declared his interest in the raspy-voiced long-haired guy from his band.

But he never thought it would become a reality.

The balcony door suddenly opened, revealing a Chanyeol with only his underwear on and a sleepy face. He looked like a two-meter-tall baby searching for him.

"Min... What are you doing here? It's cold." Minseok smiled to the side, extinguishing the cigarette between his fingers.

"I needed to smoke." Chanyeol took a deep breath, pouting his lips.

"You need to stop that, baby." Minseok chuckled at his nickname.

"Park, you're so cheesy." Chanyeol smiled widely, showing all his teeth.

He approached the shorter man, sitting next to him on the chair. He didn't give Minseok a chance to move or make room; he just hugged him, protecting him from the cold. He cradled the small man in his arms as if he were a child.

And there it was.

Exactly what made the bartender's guard drop completely: Chanyeol's bear hugs. Chanyeol made him feel like the only person in the world. He wasn't used to that at all.

"I'm not cheesy." His voice was husky from sleep, and being so close to Minseok's ear made the brunette even more disturbed.

"You're old school, then."

"I can be even more if you want... grow my hair long again..." Ah, he wouldn't do that, would he?

Minseok didn't know if he could handle it.

"Are you trying to charm me, Yoda?" Park frowned at him.

"I thought I already had?"

"Not so easy, cowboy." The taller man smiled mischievously.

"Is that so?" That wasn't good. "What's missing for that to happen?"

"Tell me. Aren't you a natural-born charmer?"

"I am. But you... I've never had someone like you before."

"A man?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, no... important like this." Minseok's smile faltered. For the first time, his wit wouldn't save him.

Chanyeol smiled as he got up, pulling the bartender out of the small sofa they were sitting on.

"Let's go inside, baby. It's too cold here, and you're almost ." Minseok simply nodded without saying a word.

Both of them entered the dimly lit room, illuminated by the sun's rays. Park sat on the right side of the king-size bed, patting the space next to him, inviting the other to lie down. Minseok smiled disbelievingly.

What was this guy planning?

He sat back, leaning against the headboard of the bed, spreading his legs as if offering space for Chanyeol to settle between them. The taller man smiled happily, moving on the bed and curling up to fit between his legs.

Minseok chuckled at his raspy voice.

Chanyeol was extremely adorable like he had never seen before. He couldn't react around him in the same way as usual; the giant had taken a part of his heart. He didn't know how or when, he just realized it at that moment.

His light brown hair was a mess, and he grabbed Minseok's thighs as if they were a pillow.

Park Chanyeol and his antics.

The brunette ran his fingers through the chocolate locks, feeling their softness. It was extremely comforting in a way. Just having him there, between his legs, felt like one of Luhan's balms. He could almost feel the sleep approaching.

"Your hair is so soft." Chanyeol moaned when Minseok's fingers moved to his scalp, making the shorter man laugh. "Are you enjoying it? Tell me if I do something wrong, I'm the rookie of head-pats." The big guy tried to look up to see him, but he realized that his fingers were better, so he snuggled closer.

"For a rookie, you're quite experienced." Minseok smiled.

"I learn fast, kitten." This time the taller one huffed.

"Kitten? Now, that's really cheesy." Minseok laughed in disbelief.

"Weren't you the one giving me cute nicknames?"

"Yes!" Minseok replied promptly.

"Then why are you complaining?"

"Just because this one, in particular, is cheesy." Minseok smiled, pulling him up and lying down beside him.

Chanyeol seemed a bit confused by the interruption and a little frustrated that the fingers had stopped pleasing him.

"Maybe I should show you a bit of my cheesiness, what do you think?"

"What are you talking about?" Minseok just smiled in response.

He pulled his chin closer, on his lower lip.

"About this." The other looked confused for a moment but ended up smiling along with him.

But soon after, he returned to his previous position, between Minseok's legs. Minseok was confused. What was he plotting?

"Maybe later, for now, I want my head-pat." Kim was shocked.

He didn't know how to handle so much coyness. He laughed as he resumed the position of the official hair scratcher of his soft locks. The big guy groaned huskily in approval.

"You have no decency, Park Chanyeol." He couldn't see, but he knew that Chanyeol was giving him that smile that showed all his teeth.

Which Minseok loved the most.

"Stay quiet and be a good boyfriend." With that, the bartender stopped immediately, surprised.

It took him a while to continue, and now he wasn't smiling as much as before. Chanyeol either hadn't noticed his change yet or chose to ignore it. But it seemed to be neither of those options, as he finally spoke seriously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." He didn't? Really?

"It's okay." Chanyeol fell silent for a few seconds before speaking again with his sleepy husky voice.

"It's not that bad, is it?" The smaller one frowned, confused.


"Taking on that title..." Minseok could feel that he was very embarrassed to ask that, but that his cheekiness was even greater.

The bartender chuckled leisurely.

"Park... spit it out. Say it once." Chanyeol sighed, gathering courage.

"I'm not seeing other people. And you're not either, right?" Ah, he didn't expect that to come so soon.

There was no way that could work out. Both of them were quite confused, especially Chanyeol, for living a different life now; and Minseok, for being conflicted with his own feelings.

This would have to be reconciled with time.

"Chanyeol... we're not going to date." The big guy fell quiet again, this time for an indefinite period. "It's too early, you're still confused about your uality, and I don't want to commit like this." Another deafening silence.

Minseok sighed, lowering himself to where Chanyeol was. He pulled him into his arms, nestling his hands in his hair again. Unfortunately, he had grown fond of that darn head-pat, he had to admit.

"Don't be upset with me." Park shook his head, but he still didn't say anything. "Hey... let's give it time, alright?"

"You... you're not seeing others... right?" His voice was fearful, as if he were in an internal struggle.

"No, Mr. Park. I'm not."

"So... for me, we're dating. And for you... you can think whatever you want." The brunette laughed.

"That's not how it works."

"In my reality, it is."

"Yeollie..." The other sighed.

"I like you calling me that..." Minseok just looked at him seriously. Park huffed. "Okay, I agree with you, happy? I just... I don't want to share you! With anyone! Do you hear me?" Minseok laughed softly at his indignant expression.

He knew Chanyeol was jealous, but he didn't think it would be like this with him. It wasn't possessive jealousy, but rather the whiny kind. He remembered the time Kyungsoo had bought a shipment of beer that wasn't from his preferred brand to restock the bar, and the big guy hadn't gone to the restaurant for two whole weeks. The chef had to make it up to him with a dish "significant to both of them," in his words. Minseok remembered that because he had served Chanyeol that day. Served him and his pouting face dragging on the floor.

Kim looked at his serious expression now, with a mocking smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't share. You don't need to be my boyfriend to guarantee that."

"Do you promise you won't see other people?" His question was sincere, burdened with his insecurities.

"No, I won't."

"Me neither."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Really?" The smile grew, revealing the lone dimple on his cheek.

"It would if it were one-sided."


"And also because I don't want to be with other people anymore." Chanyeol got all his attention.


"Yes, Park, really. After those kisses, you caught my desire. I can only think about your ." Chanyeol's eyes widened even more, shocked.

His hands flew to his face, which he was futilely trying to hide from the shorter man. Minseok's mocking laughter only served as the soundtrack to his embarrassment.

"D-don't talk about that anymore. I'm really embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed. Was it your first time?"

"W-what?" The deep voice was muffled due to his position.

The brunet stretched his fingers to his large hands and delicately removed them from the bigger one's face. Chanyeol still seemed quite embarrassed, which made Minseok's heart ache.

He was a damn adorable fool.

"Your first fantasy. Or ... whichever you want to call it."

"W-well, yes, but... I had been with other girls before."

"And how was it?" The big guy looked at him.

He seemed a bit lost, as if he didn't know how to express himself properly.

"It was good... but nothing like that." It was terrible for the bartender's ego, Chanyeol had no idea.

"And last night?" Minseok was genuinely curious.

For Minseok, the previous night had been one of the best hookups he'd ever had. Or rather, the best three hookups.

"Last night was... a little better." He gave a childlike smile, bringing the lone dimple back to life.

Kim smiled as he moved his hand to the other's face. He caressed his cheek with his thumb, tracing the dimple on the soft skin.

Chanyeol just closed his eyes, savoring the touch.

"I'm glad to hear that." He really was.

Minseok had never been the type of guy to boast about his casual relationships, but with Park, it was a bit different. It was important for him to know if the big guy was also catching feelings. Looking at Chanyeol's peaceful face pressed against him, he thought that maybe in this race of attractions, his place was becoming committed. It couldn't be just another casual hookup. This was turning into something that Minseok already knew how it would end.

He just hoped that Park would take care of his battered heart. He had spent too long hiding in the corners because of someone; he didn't want a replay. He still had a bit of dignity left.

"Hmmm..." The other murmured against his neck. "I don't want to leave here today; you're spoiling me too much."

"Me? You're the one who invited me to your house to hook up." The other chuckled huskily.

"But it's you who hasn't put on any clothes..." The bigger one's fingers touched the black tattoo on his side.

Minseok felt shivers running through his skin. He was incredibly sensitive in that area.

"I haven't because you dragged me here, Park." Chanyeol huffed.

"That's your point of view. What happened to my Yeollie?" He asked indignantly.

The bartender laughed as he pulled the other back into his arms, resuming the darn head-pat they both had enjoyed. Both of them, to tell the truth.

Yep, he was becoming the guy of head-pats now. Where would that lead?

"Your Yeollie, I don't know, but mine is right here." Chanyeol smiled broadly, still with his eyes closed.

He seemed entirely happy to be there, with Minseok, just exchanging caresses between the warmth of their embraces and tender touches.

Kim Minseok had never been a person who belonged to someone, and that was his greatest pride. But in just a matter of time, everything that seemed like his old self had vanished. Now, he had become someone who liked to give damn head-pats!

Certainly, some axis had broken in the world.

"Can I ask you something?" Chanyeol was careful, as if he didn't quite know what to say.

"Sure." The taller one shifted up a bit to maintain eye contact.

"When did you discover yourself?" The curiosity was visible in his voice, which made Minseok smile.

"Is this important to you?" The big guy nodded slowly in agreement.

"It's part of you... I want to get to know you better, Min." Minseok fell silent for a few seconds.

For him, opening up like this was still difficult. He wasn't used to letting many people into his world. But apparently, Park was a persistent guy.

"I always thought I was biual. I always knew, actually. Since I was a pre-teen. But then, I started to notice some peculiarities..." Chanyeol paid close attention to what the bartender was saying, and he had this adorable little pout of concentration.

Kim smiled, finding his expression amusing.

"What kind of peculiarities? Attraction to people of different genders?"

"Well, yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm panual, Chanyeol." Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You mean you're into everyone?" The bartender smirked.

"Almost. It means that I don't base my attraction on gender when I want to be with someone."

"How is that possible?"

"It's actually quite easy to understand. It means that being a man or a woman doesn't make a difference to me."

"But then, what does?" Minseok looked at Chanyeol a bit more seriously than he had seen before.

He moved closer, but with no ulterior motive. It could be felt that the bartender was dedicated to showing Chanyeol who he was.

That's what it was all about.

He slowly raised his hand to place it over the big guy's heart, which was pounding as if he were running a marathon. Minseok looked into his eyes, taking his time. He wanted to make sure that Chanyeol would understand what he was about to say.

"Here. Right here. This is what makes you different from others." He whispered softly, like a confession. "I used to feel out of place before, you know. I didn't fit into any of the boxes. But... this... this is different. I'm not attracted to you because you're a guy. I'm attracted to you because you're you. It's that simple." Chanyeol stood still for a while, just looking at him with such intensity that it made his heart beat faster.

"Me? Specifically?" He asked with a certain innocence.

"Yes, specifically, I'm attracted to you." Park's eyes widened in surprise.

"W-what do you see in me?" His question was so sincere that Minseok's initial reaction was to smile widely.

He stretched his fingers to his face, running them across his cheek and up to his prominent nose. His eyes were a bit swollen from just waking up, and the small lip had already lost some of its reddish hue. But Chanyeol still looked so handsome. Always looked handsome to him.

"I like your smile. Your hands and your voice. Especially your voice; it was the first thing that attracted me when I saw you on stage for the first time," he said, and the taller one listened attentively, locking his gaze with Minseok's. "I also like your ears. I like the way you always avoided me all this time." The bartender smirked. "I think that's one of the main reasons why I became more attracted to you."

"You make me nervous sometimes." The confession was low, but the smaller one heard it very well.

Minseok laughed, leaning in like a predator.

"Oh, I know that very well. It's one of my greatest joys." Chanyeol looked away shyly.

"You have no idea how difficult it was. I didn't understand why I had these... desires. Today I realize it's because you're on another level for me. No one can match you." Minseok fell silent instantly. It took a while to continue speaking. He was still surprised by Chanyeol's words, and it seemed to be that way every time.

"What do you mean by that? I'm not on any level." The brunet laughed.

He never imagined his interest would be reciprocated. It seemed absurd that Chanyeol could think of him that way, more than just a ual fling.

"You have no idea." Park smiled as he brought his hand closer to the tattooed waist.

He gently trailed his fingers there. Minseok suspected it was one of his favorite parts on him. He couldn't blame him; he loved tattoos too.

The bigger guy didn't settle for that, pulling the brunet's neck towards his lips. He felt his kisses taking a dangerous path if they continued with such intensity.

"Yeollie..." The bigger guy pulled away, smiling.

"What are you doing today?" The bartender raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you asking me?"

"You could stay here..." Minseok smiled.

"We've been seeing each other for less than 72 hours, and you're still clinging to me." Chanyeol took a deep breath, disappointed.

"It was just an idea." His reaction made the bartender adopt a defensive stance.

Should he stay? It was already becoming so tangled that there would be no going back.

Minseok needed to give him some time to think. He knew Chanyeol was impulsive; he always acted that way.

"I think we should take it slow. You... need to think a bit. You can't pour everything into . You know that, right?"

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" His voice was serious in a way Minseok had never seen before.

He returned his gaze to him, locking eyes with him. It was another part of him that was showing at that moment, the business-minded part.

Minseok found it amazing how his demeanor could change so easily. It seemed like he was placing all his attention on him.

The bartender decided to answer honestly.

"I don't know what to think, Park. You have to figure that out." The taller one nodded in agreement.

"I'm not taking anything out on you. I care about you, Minseok. It's completely different from my past flings. I want you here with me because I enjoy your company." Once again, he was left speechless that morning.

He didn't know how many times his heart would waver near Chanyeol. Probably more times than he could count.

The bartender didn't know that a relationship with Park Chanyeol could be so intense. It seemed now that the fire was becoming an uncontrollable inferno. What would be left of it, Minseok couldn't guess.

He hoped that the remnants of the ashes would help him to rise like a phoenix. After all, he had always admired the mythical creature's ability to renew itself.

Would that be his destiny from now on?

If he embraced it, he would be accepting the challenge of a different path. Dark and scary. Or perhaps the fire would illuminate the journey after all.



The school was a place where Sehun had a certain fear of attending. There were little human beings there, the kind that asked questions all the time. Many of those questions Sehun didn't know how to answer, so, of course, he would direct them to Junmyeon. The teacher was great with kids, much more than Sehun could ever imagine being.

They were inside the computer lab again, both trying to make sense of the program teachings Sehun had developed himself. So far, everything was going well, which brought some relief to the young man. If there was an error, he would have problems with his boss, and he would hate for that to happen.

Sehun approached the teacher, who was sitting at a table near the window, looking outside as if he were in another world. It wasn't Junmyeon's usual behavior, so Sehun approached cautiously, as if trying not to disturb him.

He pulled over an empty chair and sat down next to the pensive young man. Junmyeon seemed lost in his thoughts, immersed in his own mind.

"Kim Junmyeon...?" The young man jumped, startled.

"Aah... Sehun? I didn't see you there." The programmer looked concerned.

The short teacher had dark circles around his eyes, as if he had been up all night. Sehun knew very well what that looked like from his own experience, so he could spot it from afar.

"I noticed. Are you okay?" He asked softly, almost like it was a secret.

He didn't want the children to notice.

The teacher let out a long sigh before answering.

"I... yes, I am. Just... some problems."

"If you want, I can help you. I can't promise I'll be able to, but I'll do my best to find the solution you need." Junmyeon smiled warmly.

"You're a great person, Sehun. I hope your fiancée realizes that in time." Sehun smirked at the mention of Irene.

The truth was that he had forgotten to tell his friends the big news.

"Actually... I'm getting married." Junmyeon turned to him immediately, looking somewhat serious.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds. Sehun didn't quite understand what was happening, so he just waited. The teacher smiled a bit after a while, but it was a sad smile. Not what Sehun was expecting.

"How did you find out?" He asked softly.

Oh furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Find out what?"

"That you're in love?" It was an easy question to answer, but he didn't know if Junmyeon wanted to hear the answer.

"Why are you asking me this?" He might think he was avoiding the conversation, but it was genuinely a matter of concern.

Junmyeon looked away, paying attention to the children in front of him.

Sehun almost forgot that he was much younger than himself. So it was normal that his young heart was suffering the consequences of his age. The programmer had also been in his place, so he could partially understand. He wasn't very familiar with the human concerns he could work with; for him, things should be simple and easily solvable.

But Junmyeon seemed to be in another world.

"I just wanted to know your point of view. You're the most passionate guy I know."

"Me?" Sehun furrowed his brow. "Well... I just... I realized a little late, to be honest."

"How did that happen?"

"It was like seeing clearly again after a long time without glasses." The metaphor was clunky but true.

He genuinely felt that way about Irene. As if the girl had brought him to a completely parallel world, full of references to Japanese animations and intergalactic heroines. It was nothing like he was used to. He found it all senseless before she introduced him to it.

And then it was like the door to all worlds had opened.

He realized that none of it would ever make sense to him in the same way, but still, Irene was his connection to that outside world.

He made an effort and did everything to keep up with this universe that was so much hers. And, in the end, he ended up checking into this world too. He went everywhere with the girl, and every day, he discovered a new facet of the universe.

"I think... Irene helps me see the world differently. I think that's the main reason why I love her. I can't go back without her. She changed me completely. She literally built a new world with me. I... I'm so grateful to her for that." He had never thought much about it before, and perhaps he felt a little guilty for being the first person Junmyeon had heard that from.

But when he saw the look on the teacher's face, his thoughts went back.

There were small tears in his eyes. Tears of sadness. A sadness so great that Sehun's heart sank. The little teacher seemed to be suffering immensely.

"Y-you're soulmates. Like the ones with the red string and all that. I'm sure of it."


"No... I'll tell you another day. We have children to take care of now. I can't show myself so despicable." The small smile lifted the corners of his lips. "Thank you for sharing this with me, Sehun. My sincere congratulations. You deserve to be happy." Sehun's heart was sad.

He couldn't react to that. The young man was so small, and he seemed so defenseless in that moment. He thought about doing the only thing that might calm him down.

The taller one turned to the teacher and pulled him close. His arms enveloped him, and his broad shoulders provided comfort to the smaller man. He used to do this with Baekhyun whenever the boy was feeling down. He hoped it would work with him too.

"It's okay, Junmyeon. It's all right now, right?" The teacher nodded.

They stayed like that for a while until everything calmed down. Sehun didn't know what was going on with the brunet, but he was willing to help him in whatever way he could. Even if it required more of his social skills.

His goal was to be a hyung that Junmyeon could trust.

Junmyeon moved away after a while. He smiled faintly and got up from the chair without saying a word. He walked over to the children who were looking at the two in the room, probably wondering what had happened there.

In the heat of the emotion, Sehun didn't even think that it could cause problems. But that wasn't the worst that could happen.

The worst might be having to live with his friend suffering like that, evident in his expressions. He wouldn't let it get worse.

Oh Sehun was the type of guy who would do anything to see the ones he loved happy. It was part of his being. So he couldn't abandon Junmyeon at that moment.

He took it upon himself to solve the terrible equation that haunted the small teacher.

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50 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
50 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
50 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
50 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
50 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
50 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
50 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
50 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
50 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.
50 streak #10
Chapter 10: Baekhyun now understands how hard it is to be a chef, having to do multiple things at once. Maybe now he can relate to Kyungsoo more.

Irene and Sehun had a long awaited talk which might make their relationship better.