i'm always there for you~

Behind Your Back


i slipped the thermometer out from under his tongue and checked the reading on the screen. 38.5 degree celcius. i let out a sigh as i once again wrung out the cold wet towel in a basin and placed it on his forehead. i looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, 3:05 am. it's already been 5 hours since joonie oppa started burning. he tossed heavily and laid on his other side, oblivious to my presence, too dizzy and tired to know.

i snuggled cozily into his comfy sofa next to his bed and gazed at his clean shaved face. my eyes traced his fringe, covering his forehead and eyebrows, to his long eyelashes, down to his perfectly sculptured nose, and lastly his beautiful lips that i desired. what a glorious face. the one he loved and chosed would be the luckiest woman on earth, not just because of his looks, but also because of his charming personality and character. and unfortunately, that person would'nt be me. why would it?

oppa and i have been living together since young, not because we were lovers, but because we understood each other and grew up together. our parents were close, and due to business, they travelled to america together, and left me in the good hands of joonie. natuarally, i looked up to him, and soon i had a crush on him. its already been 10 years. he does'nt know. and i guess he will never know....

soon, my eyelids grew heavy thinking about the past, and i fell into slumber.

[the next day]

sunlight streamed through the window and spashed on my face. i yawned lazily and rubbed my eyes. i turned my head towards joon and found him still sound asleep. i smiled unconciously to myself. i got up quietly and crept over to him. i his cheek affectionately, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. joon stretched and scrunched his face up. did he realise i gave him a kiss? 'hye sun ah, you're up already?'


i noticed the dark eyebags under her eyes. did she stay up all night to look after me? i turned my head and saw the basin of water next to me. yup, i guess she did. i grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a warm hug. 'thanks for all the trouble you went through yesterday to look after me,' i whispered softly into her ear. she smiled, 'its fine. have a bit more sleep, i'll go make you some breakfast'. i nodded and laid back down. my head was spinning. just then, my phone buzzed noisily on the bedside desk.

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Ahh pls update soon