The End of it All

Locked Away


The loud scampering of our feet were echoing all over the walls.
"Where is he?! Show yourself!!" Woohyun hyung's voice was heard loudly throughout the place.
"Hyung! There!" I pointed at the top of the stacked boxes and metal pieces.
We both lunged ourselves towards him. Throwing each of our own punches at him.
It was no use. This won't work at all.
He could counter-attack any punch we threw at him.
Seeing his face. Knowing how he could return all our attacks meant he really was the reason why the both of us are like this, why we're both here right now.
There was no reason. It was an inhumane act. 
We found out about it a year ago.
There was a man following us around.
We knew we drew attention but no one was brave enough to follow us around.
We waited until night. He came out of his 'hiding place' and approached us.
He was looking at us closely.
When he was about to touch Woohyun hyung, I grabbed him by the collar.
"Why are you here?! Why are you following us?!"
Of course he knew what we were. He looked like he was hired to follow us.
"Why are you here!?!" Woohyun hyung took ahold of his collar and lifted him up.
He knew what we could do to him, so he told us all about it.
He wasn't just hired to follow us. He was an accomplice of the people who made us like 'this'.
We were given a drug. A drug that was made to make the perfect criminal and since the person who created the drug wasn't part of them, they couldn't trust him at all.
They tested it out on us. We were newly-borns, then.
They didn't find Woohyun hyung after a year so they tested it out again.
They waited for a long time for us to grow up but when our parents started throwing us away, they knew it was us right away.
When they knew that we were alive and well, they used the drug on themselves. They used a lot more, compared to what was given to us.
When I found this out, I was filled with rage.
I had to kill that man. That man who made me like this.
If it weren't for Woohyun hyung then I wouldn't be anywhere right now but if they weren't there that time, then we wouldn't have had to go through all this.... pain.
I let my emotions control my actions.
The anger boiling in me had to be released.
I had a very strong feeling in me, controlling all my anger.
I had a feeling that I wanted revenge but then.... revenge for what?
For making me- For making us like this?
Before I could answer my own question my thoughts were interrupted when I was kicked away and sent flying. Crashing with a loud thud.
I panted hard, desperately catching my breath.
I couldn't get up. My chest and throat are heating up.
It feels so painful. I can't breathe. 
He was beating up Woohyun hyung when he was attempting to stand up.
After all the hits he took, this man just keeps on going.
He had no heart.
Just when he thought it was over.
Both of us grabbed the plank of wood at the same time and used it to let him have a taste of the pain that we went through.
He knew he lost then he fell to his knees with his head down.
The sun was striking at him and right before our own eyes, he faded into dust.
There was only one way to find out if receiving a 'massive blow' could cure us from this 'curse'
There was no need to ask him if he was thinking the same because it was obvious on the look of his eyes.
I scoff at this situation right now.
It all ends up to this.
His eyes were filled with determination and hope but I knew he didn't want to have to do it.
Before we knew it, we threw punches and started beating up each other in our state right now.
My mind was blank and I could feel the tears welling up but I held them back.
I couldn't possibly show my tears right now.
I don't need pity and sympathy right now. What I want is freedom.
We're like this right now, fighting for our own freedom but if I were to have my freedom and Woohyun hyung would still have this curse, I would still be indebted to him since he took care of me all this time.
Being my cold self, not opening up to others. He understood me and took care of me like his own younger brother.
Right then and there, with his final blow, I fell to the ground.
I couldn't throw not even one last punch.
Even when I lost to him, he  pulled me up then he dragged me to the place where we always stayed at.
The place where we always thought about getting out and having this curse lifted but nothing changed at all.
I saw how Woohyun hyung cried out with his tears rolling down his cheeks.
I knew how painful it is. I wanted to cry it out too but one of us had to be strong.
We couldn't do anything. All our efforts were useless.
Waiting for this day was all to end up to nothing.
I thought I could finally feel the warmth of being loved and the warmth of a family but I'll never be able to dream about that anymore.
I guess we don't get to choose our fate.
We were destined to be like this forever.
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JaeJayBaby_3 #1
Yay! Looking forward to the next chappie. ^_____^