Sunday's Twists

Curious Cat

One thing Soojin was grateful for was that her apartment was in a single-story building, sparing her from the need to climb flights of stairs like residents of taller buildings. She rushed inside her apartment and closed the door swiftly, feeling like a fugitive evading the authorities.


Soojin took a moment to catch her breath, her chest heaving from the mad dash she had made. She couldn’t quite explain why she had done it. All she knew was that she had seen the stunning woman, the same woman her cat had been visiting every day—or, more accurately, had visited a month ago, as that was the last time, she had watched the footage. What had come over her?


She chided herself for not considering the possibility of encountering the woman, especially since they both lived in the same neighborhood. She tried to calm her racing heart, taking deep breaths as she whispered to herself, It’s okay, it’s okay. I didn’t do anything.


Despite her reassuring words, she couldn’t shake the confusion about why she had fled in the first place. She silently prayed that her cat would return soon, confident that Jinson was likely still somewhere in the vicinity.



As Soojin gradually calmed down, the events that had unfolded earlier began to sink in, replaying in her mind like a sequence of snapshots. She retraced each moment, from the very beginning to the final scene she could remember. Yes, she had been out walking Jinson, and then, Jinson had darted off, leading her to that unexpected encounter with the woman.


In hindsight, she realized that her impulsive reaction of fleeing had probably been unnecessary. There had been no apparent reason for her to react so dramatically. She shook her head at her own behavior, questioning why she had chosen to run.


Recalling the image of the woman she had seen a while ago, she couldn’t help but marvel at the stranger’s fair skin, which resembled porcelain. The woman had radiated a captivating brightness, like a ball of sunshine. However, Soojin’s memories of her encounter were limited because she had abruptly turned away and fled. A part of her regretted not taking the opportunity to observe the woman more closely, but her flight response had overridden her curiosity in that moment.


As Soojin mulled over the events and the snippets of conversation she had overheard, it struck her that the woman she had glimpsed hadn’t been around for a long time. The absence puzzled her. Had the woman moved away from the neighborhood? For how long had she been gone? These questions swirled in her mind, but she had no answers, as her thoughts about Shuhua had waned after she had stopped using the camera on Jinson’s collar.


However, this unexpected encounter had reignited her curiosity about the woman she had seen. She wondered what was holding her back from approaching Shuhua, especially given that they lived in the same area. She couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason for her hesitation.


For now, all she could do was wait for Jinson’s return, hoping that he would come back before lunch.





Two hours had elapsed since Jinson's unexpected encounter with Shuhua, and he had yet to return. Soojin's work shift at the local library was just an hour away, and she was grateful that the library opened at noon, catering to her non-morning person tendencies. Her decision to take Jinson for a walk earlier in the day seemed ill-fated, and now she had to prepare for work.


She decided to give it another 30 minutes, hoping that Jinson would make his way back home. However, that half-hour passed without a sign of her feline friend. A sense of anxiety started to creep in, although it wasn't overpowering. She considered the possibility that the woman had taken Jinson to her home, knowing that her cat often visited there, as she had seen in the footage from a month ago.


She mentally noted that if Jinson didn't return home by the time her work shift ended, she would start printing missing posters with his face. Right.



Soojin had had enough of waiting. She began preparing the items she needed for her work shift at the local library. She decided to skip the idea of commuting since she enjoyed walking, and fortunately, the library was just a 15-minute walk away. Walking had always been a soothing experience for her, and it would give her some time to clear her mind from the day's earlier events.


As she closed her eyes, she made a conscious effort to push aside thoughts of what had transpired earlier. She didn't want to carry those distractions with her to work. Her role as a librarian required her to assist a diverse range of people, including civilians, students, and others. To excel in her job, she needed to stay focused and provide top-notch service, and that was precisely what she intended to do.




"Good afternoon, Sir Chief!"


Soojin arrived at the library and cheerfully greeted the guard who had been monitoring the premises all night. Over her two years of working at the library, she had built close relationships with her colleagues. The guard, stationed by the entrance, responded with a warm smile and a friendly wave. The library wasn't open yet because Soojin was the one responsible for unlocking it. She retrieved the keys from her bag and proceeded to unlock the library's door.


Unlocking the library doors, Soojin was met with the familiar interior. She strolled down the aisles, taking in the sight of books neatly lined up on the shelves, waiting to be discovered by eager readers. But something was amiss – a growing pile of books was haphazardly stacked near the entrance.


Soojin's curiosity got the best of her. Knowing her colleagues hadn't arrived yet, she decided to tackle the pile of books that had seemingly appeared overnight. Without hesitation, she sorted through the books, realizing they were a mix of old and new volumes. Some were likely donated by kind-hearted individuals, while others were fresh acquisitions through government and institutional subscriptions. Soojin pondered on how to make the best use of her time. She usually went straight to her counter when opening the library, but today was different.


Soojin had a particular fondness for cleaning and organizing. She found immense satisfaction in taking something old and worn and making it look fresh and inviting. She decided to put her passion to good use. With precise fingers, she categorized the books, sorting them by genre and author, making sure each book found its proper place on the shelves.


Her work didn't end there. Armed with a dry rag she'd retrieved from the stockroom, she set about dusting off the old volumes, one by one. With each careful , she watched as the accumulated dust and the passage of time disappeared, revealing the hidden beauty of each book.


Book after book, she wiped away the dust, revealing the titles and covers in all their glory. What had once been a chaotic pile of volumes was now a meticulously organized library, a place of knowledge and exploration.


Soojin had completed the task of arranging books on their respective shelves and had waved away any dust that clung to her clothes. With no visitors entering the library just yet, she decided to take on the responsibility of inspecting all the books in the entire library, as well as sweeping away any scattered debris. Soojin felt reassured, knowing that a security guard was stationed on the first floor to monitor that area.


The library was comprised of two floors. Soojin primarily worked on the first floor, where her desk was located, and where patrons frequently approached her for assistance. She also had a set of computers for cataloging and database management. Soojin's proficiency in computer and media literacy had made her a perfect fit for this job. The first floor housed a range of computers, shelves filled with books, and tables and chairs for visitors to utilize. On the other hand, the second floor consisted mainly of bookshelves containing older volumes, as well as a few chairs and a counter. The second librarian worked there, ensuring that both floors were supervised.


The library primarily catered to students who came to study, complete their homework, and conduct research. Soojin had become accustomed to some familiar faces and even formed close bonds with a few students. This was one of the aspects of her job that she found truly rewarding – witnessing students who excelled in their academic pursuits.


However, the library didn't typically operate on Sundays, as it was considered a day of rest. Soojin had insisted on working Sundays, despite the rare demand, simply because she didn't want to succumb to boredom on her day off.


Soojin returned to her desk and took a seat, preparing herself for the visitors who might arrive soon. While she waited, she decided to check the library's website, ensuring that the information presented there was still accurate. It had been quite some time since she'd reviewed the site, and she wanted to be certain everything was in order.




As she navigated the website, a familiar voice broke her concentration, and she looked up to see one of her colleagues, Soyeon, entering the library. Soojin couldn't help but a bit, saying, "Where's the 'good'?"


Soyeon, however, appeared to be in no mood for playful banter. She simply replied, "Ate it." and took a seat on one of the chairs. Soyeon had a poker face, and Soojin had a feeling there was a story behind her less-than-pleasant demeanor.


Curious, Soojin inquired, "I thought you took a day off today. Why are you here?"


Soyeon explained, "Ask Miyeon, she was supposed to be here." She rolled her eyes, looked slightly exasperated, fixing her beige coat. Soyeon was dressed in a white sleeveless top and light denim jean, a far cry from the usual business attire they were required to wear during the week. Sundays, however, were a more casual affair.


Soojin couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Miyeon begged you to be her substitute, didn't she? Another date with her Minnie, huh?" It wasn't the first time Miyeon had persuaded Soyeon to cover her shift for a romantic rendezvous. The first time it happened, Soyeon hadn't spoken to Miyeon for an entire month, but now they had evidently found a way to deal with it.


"Bullseye. I'm going upstairs." Soyeon replied as she headed towards the stairs, her annoyance gradually giving way to acceptance. She didn't want her mood to impact the visitors and make them feel uncomfortable or intimidated.




Sundays at the library tended to be quiet affairs, with most people taking the day off. Soojin had completed her computer-related tasks and was now searching for something to occupy her time. She contemplated her options: perhaps she could have a snack, but she wasn't hungry. Social media? Nah, she'd forgotten about her accounts. What about reading? That sounded like a good idea.


Recalling the book she'd been reading recently, Soojin wondered where she'd left it. She had been the sole occupant of this area for six days straight, so it had to be somewhere close. She made her way down the desk to search for the book.


As she was rifling through the desk, she heard a feminine voice from behind. "Good afternoon. This is my first time here. Do you allow people to borrow some books?"


Soojin temporarily set aside the book she have found. She turned her attention to the new visitor, and stood up. However, her actions seemed a little awkward as she fumbled to fix something about her flared jeans. Without looking directly at the newcomer, she inquired, "Yes, ma'am? Do you have a library card?"


The new visitor hesitated slightly before responding, "Uhm, I have none. This is my first time here." She repeated her previous statement.


Soojin had finally managed to fix her pants and looked up at the owner of the voice. To her surprise, the person was holding a cat. According to the policy of this library, visitor wasn’t allowed to bring their pets inside of the library. Soojin took a mental note to interrogate the guard about this.


She was intrigued with the cat. Heart pounded in her chest as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. The cat that was being held with this new visitor was unmistakably Jinson. The birthmark inside its mouth was a unique identifier, she saw it as it yawns, and there was no doubt that this was her beloved pet. The shock of the revelation was overwhelming, and her mind raced with a thousand questions.


How had Jinson ended up with this woman? Why hadn't he recognized Soojin? She was the one who had cared for him, fed him, and loved him since he was a kitten. It didn't make any sense.


Now, Soojin focused her attention on the visitor's face, trying to maintain a professional and friendly demeanor. As she observed the woman, her sense of unease deepened. There was something oddly familiar about her.


As Soojin observed the new visitor, she took a moment to study the woman's physical appearance and facial features. The woman had long, flowing black hair that cascaded down from under her black cap. She was dressed in an oversized green sweatshirt paired with matching dark green sweatpants, giving her a comfortable and casual look. Her choice of attire was completed with classic black clog crocs slippers.


But what truly caught Soojin's attention was the woman's face. She couldn't help but admire the woman's undeniable beauty. Every feature of her face seemed to complement the others, creating an overall impression of striking attractiveness. In particular, Soojin noticed the twin moles on her face, and she found them charming, just as she had in the footage she had watched months ago.


Oh no.


She felt a familiar sense of unease wash over her, reminiscent of the unsettling encounter she'd had earlier in the day. She silently pleaded with God to stop giving her His toughest battle. Her inner voice chided her, Girl, you’re just going to deal a visitor. What’s so hard?


Soojin couldn't simply run away from her job. It would be strange and unprofessional if she were to sprint away from the library building in an attempt to avoid her visitor. Besides, she realized she had an advantage here. She didn't know me at all. Why would I?


“Miss? Is there something wrong with my face?” The woman's lips curled into a playful smile, and her eyes held a glint of recognition that sent a shiver down Soojin's spine.


Why the is she smiling?


Soojin's fleeting surge of confidence quickly evaporated as she was startled by the woman's voice once more. She felt deeply embarrassed, realizing that she had been lost in thought, silently gazing at her visitor for a much longer time than was appropriate.


"What book are you going to borrow, Ma'am?"


Soojin, feeling a bit self-conscious, inquired about Shuhua's book choice, keeping her head slightly lowered to conceal her embarrassment.


With a friendly demeanor, Shuhua admitted, "I actually forgot what I was planning to borrow. I don't know. Can you recommend something?"


Soojin tried to keep the conversation short, her thoughts a mix of guilt and curiosity about Shuhua's life, which she had observed without Shuhua's knowledge. To hasten their interaction, she decided to suggest a book she had read herself. "How about 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green?"


Shuhua was pleased with the recommendation and accepted, saying, "That sounds great. I'll take that."


She handed Shuhua a library card with the book's title and author, and politely requested, "Ma'am, please write your name here." She pointed to the designated space and watched as Shuhua penned her name. Internally, Soojin couldn't help but find Shuhua's handwriting rather endearing, thinking, Is this her handwriting? Cute. But she maintained her professional composure. She proceeded to note the due date for returning the book, signing her own signature with practiced ease.


Soojin handed the book from a neat row of books tucked under her desk. These were her quick-access books for visitors' convenience, and she slid out the chosen book with practiced efficiency. "Here's the book, Ma'am."


"Nice, thanks." Shuhua received the book with a grateful smile.


"Happy reading! You are always welcome at BookScape!" Soojin said, her professionalism slightly shaken by the unexpected encounter. Shuhua headed for the exit, and as she reached the threshold, she paused and looked back at Soojin. With a playful wink, she waved the borrowed book in her hand.


Soojin's eyebrows knitted together in bewilderment. Did she just wink at me? Yayks! She couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as she watched Shuhua's graceful exit. She couldn't quite put a finger on what had just transpired or why she felt the way she did.


Her eyes followed Shuhua as she left, still cradling the cat comfortably in her arms. Jealousy stirred within Soojin; after all, that was her cat, and it should be her carrying it.


Soojin released a sigh of relief as the conversation came to an end. She couldn't handle Shuhua's presence, and the encounter left her feeling uneasy, yet strangely refreshed. The real-life interaction felt surreal compared to merely watching her on a laptop screen. Soojin even found herself rehearsing lines for when Jinson would finally come home, preparing to play the role of the cat's loving mother. After all, she was the cat's de facto parent, and she couldn't help but chuckle at her own thoughts.


Returning to her desk, Soojin resumed her contemplation of the book she had been reading earlier. She rummaged through the desk's contents but couldn't find the book.


Oh no.


It was then that realization hit her—she didn't even know if she was aware of her choice to recommend the same book to Shuhua earlier. Had she subconsciously suggested it because it was on her mind?


The library had another copy of the book. But that’s not the case. She remembered she had placed a personal bookmark within its pages.

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1189 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is gonna turn out so cute
64 streak #2
Chapter 1: Jinson is one curious ball of fluff and maybe a secret agent, who knows.

But in all seriousness, good job, author. The story is captivating even without any big mystery or drama. The mystery is where Jinson goes to and who is his other feeder or owner.

Soojin and the other person have seemed to have a liking for the fluffy companion. Attaching a camera to his collar is a good idea, though watching 7 hours of footage might seem boring, it is Jinson we are talking about and watching someone that cute and adventurous seems fun.