
All In


Joohyun admired the view from the upstairs balcony of their new two-story detached house in the Gangnam district of Seoul. 

Six months had passed since she and Seungwan decided to move in together, though he hadn't officially proposed to marry her yet. 


When Seungwan began discussing finding a larger home instead of them constantly shuffling around between her house and his condo, Joohyun could tell how serious Seungwan was about their future being together as a family.


She remembered touring houses with him, trying not to burden him with her opinions. But Seungwan always seemed to know what she truly wanted, even when she held back.


One day he called excitedly, saying he'd signed the contract for their perfect place. Joohyun was stunned when he sent her the listing - it was the property she had fallen in love with weeks ago. 


The modern exterior and spacious floor plan dwarfed her old townhouse. And she had to admit the high ceilings, large windows and peaceful backyard were a dramatic upgrade from her cramped townhouse.


Leaning on the railing, she became lost gazing over the treetops, unaware of her surroundings.


Soft footsteps approached from behind. A gentle voice said "Like what you see?"


She turned to find Seungwan carrying their drowsy daughter in his arms. Seung Ah's sleepy head rested on his shoulder as he smiled at Joohyun warmly. 

Her eyes drifted over his form, from his plain white tee stretched taut across his well-toned biceps, down to the jeans hugging his long, muscular legs.


Even in such casual clothing, he still took her breath away. 


But it was the sight of him tenderly cradling their child that truly captured her heart.


The way he nestled Seung Ah close, protective yet soothing, made Joohyun's ovaries ache with the desire to have more kids with Seungwan.


Seungwan seemed to sense her thoughts. "Like what you see?" he repeated softly with a playful glint in his eye.


Joohyun blushed, caught ogling him so shamelessly. She cleared . "You both just look so..happy and at peace. It's beautiful."


He chuckled. "You're staring, aren't you?" 


Joohyun ducked her head sheepishly. It was true, she found it impossible not to stare at Seungwan.


Son Seungwan was the hottest man Joohyun had ever seen back then, and he still was now especially when he was being so doting with their little one.


Stepping closer, Seungwan leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "I'm glad this house makes you both feel at home. Nothing means more to me."


Joohyun gazed into his eyes. This was where her family belonged - together with Seungwan, in this place of love and happiness they had built. Their home.


She reached up to caress his cheek. "I never thought I could be this happy."


Seungwan turned his head to kiss her palm, eyes full of affection. But then Joohyun glanced at the clock. "We should get ready to drop Seung Ah off at your parents' soon. Don't want to be late for her sleepover."


Well, on certain nights, Seung Ah sometimes sleepover there whenever when her grandparents insisted for Joohyun and Seungwan to have some quiet night time together at home and at the same time, they get to bond with their fav granddaughter.


 Seung Ah never seemed to mind, delighted by the one-on-one attention from his doting grandparents.


A smile grew on his face. "You're right, I told them that we will be there by five. And I did promised you for a special night."


Just then, they heard Seung Ah mumbled, “Daddy? Mommy?" Rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

“I think someone’s excited for her sleepover,” Joohyun said with a smile, pinching the little girl cheeks.


“Are we going to halmeoni and harabeoji’s house?” Seung Ah asked giggling.


“We sure are. They’re looking forward to playing with you,” Seungwan replied, affectionately brushing her hair back as Seung Ah clapped excitedly at the mention of her favorite people. 





Later that night after dinner, when the sun had set in the sky, Seungwan curled his hand around Joohyun's. 

Seungwan had suggested to walk over to Namsan Tower.

He had insisted Joohyun to change into flats before their walk. "The trail will be steep in heels."


She sighed dramatically but complied. "The exercise will do us good," he said with a smile.


"Where are we going?” The path wound steeply uphill through shadowy trees. Catching her breath, Joohyun teased, "It's dark out here Seungwan, what exactly are your intentions?"

Seungwan grinned mischievously, “To be alone for a minute.”

“Are we sneaking up there to have ?” Joohyun whispered, as though anyone could hear them.

Seungwan chuckled, the rumbled in his chest warm and comforting. And press of his black dress shirt slides like silk against her bare arm.

His head turned, his eyes tracing Joohyun up and down while his tongue darted out over his lips. “I hadn’t planned on it but you do in that red dress, Bae Joohyun.”


"How much farther?" she asked Seungwan with a sigh. "I feel like I might collapse."


Seungwan chuckled fondly. "Not too much more, don't worry."


Around others, Joohyun might feel self-conscious about complaining. But with Seungwan, she didn't have to be at her best or hide her discomforts.


She knew he would love her unconditionally - at her brightest and her whiniest. Even on days when tiredness overwhelmed her, and feeling a little wrung out.


Suddenly, Seungwan swooped in, lifting Joohyun into his arms amid her playful squeals reaching for his neck. "Thought you could use a break. I'm taking you to a special spot."


Up ahead, the trees parted to reveal a scenic overlook, glowing with twinkling lights as Joohyun let him carried her until they were standing at the observatory deck.


Joohyun gasped. "It's beautiful!" Colored lanterns and flowers decorated the grassy slope, bathing the area in a warm glow. Joohyun turned to Seungwan, touched by his thoughtfulness.


But his gaze was fixed beyond her shoulder. "Look straight ahead," he said softly.


Following his line of sight, Joohyun saw the city lights stretched far into the distance. "What direction is that?"

Seungwan nodded. "Towards Busan. Though we can't see it clearly from here, but in that direction is where I first saw you. That day changed my life."


Joohyun recalled vividly - discovering her ex's betrayal, waiting for the train. Then a fateful storm arriving in Busan, where a stranger insisted she stay at his hotel, unwilling to leave her distressed. 

And she gathered her nerve to asked him to have a -with-a-stranger-in- a-hotel-room fantasy. Though they parted ways that morning after for three years, a seed was planted that would blossom into love.


Gazing at the view, tonight it was warm and the sky scattered with twinkling stars, her heart was content.


And when Joohyun looked back at where Seungwan was standing—he’s now downed on one knee. Holding a little blue velvet box with a stunning solitaire ring glinting faintly as it caught flashes of moonlight.


Solitaire Engagement Rings | With Clarity


Joohyun froze but Seungwan smiled. "I know this might feel soon, but hear me out.” She nodded woodenly — It doesn't feel soon. It feels like a dream.


"We were in Busan when I first saw you. And Joohyun, from that moment at the KTX station, I knew you were special. That was the night I knew I wanted you." Tears filled Joohyun's eyes as she listened to Seungwan speak.

"That night, all the best things in this world came into existence. You. Seung Ah. Us."


A tear rolled down Joohyun's cheek. She wiped it away as Seungwan spoke the truth. That night did change the world. Their world.


“That night I realized I’d never get over you. Time, distance, none of it mattered. That night, I knew there would be no one like you for me and I have love you ever since. I was so sure of it. I could feel it in my bones. I still do.”


Joohyun couldn't stop the tears from flowing freely. She let them come, this wasn't sadness - it was pure joy and love for the man before her.


She dropped to her knees wanting to look in Seungwan's face. Joohyun gently cupped his cheek, as he pressed a kiss into her palm tenderly before speaking, "I'm not one to act reckless." His voice cracked.


"But god, I'd be reckless that night with you, Joohyun, for over and over again if it led me here."


That sentiment from Seungwan. It was as though a part of Joohyun had been incomplete, empty, until Seungwan came into her life. "Yes," she replied simply, reaching for the small velvet box in his hands.


Seungwan laughed through his tears. "I haven't even asked yet."


"You don't need to," Joohyun shook her head gently. "My answer is, and always will be, yes."


With trembling fingers, Seungwan took the ring from its box and slid it onto her finger. Their eyes lingered on her hand for a moment. Just the two of them.


"Bae Joohyun, will you marry me?" 


She threw her arms around Seungwan's neck exuberantly. "Yes! A thousand times, yes!"


Capturing his lips eagerly with her own, Joohyun poured every ounce of love and longing into the kiss. Seungwan made a soft sound of surprise before kissing her back just as deeply.


They kissed, clinging closer until nothing remained but the heat of his lips on hers, the feel of his fingers tangled deep in her hair, and the beautiful weight of his ring circling her finger.







Joohyun stood out on the patio, watching all their friends and family as they enjoyed the afternoon festivities at Seung Ah's fourth birthday party.


Seungwan’s mother and father were there, laughing as Seung Ah tore through all the gifts everyone had spoiled her with.


His business partners and wives were all present, as well, along with the three new babies each of them had had. Joohyun had already held and cuddled them all, and it was hard not to catch baby fever from all the sweet cuteness overload.


She glanced down at the two rings on her finger, the one that Seungwan had put there on that night at Namsan and the day they’d get married. It had been a small, intimate affair at Seungwan’s parents’ house—with Seung Ah standing in as the flower girl and throwing rose petals everywhere.



How to Wear a Wedding Ring Set the 'Right' Way



So much had changed in a few months, but the things that mattered the most had stayed the same, while other things had grown exponentially. Like Seungwan’s love for her and Seung Ah, for one thing.


And the fact that she and Seung Ah now had a family that they belonged to. There was one other thing that was about to change, as well, but that was a surprise she wanted to share with Seungwan later, when it was just the three of them.


After a few hours, the party ended, and after everyone was gone and everything cleaned up, Joohyun went to her office to retrieve the present she’d wrapped earlier, then went back to the kitchen, where Seungwan was drying the last of the dishes, then handing them to Seung Ah to put away.


The two of them were adorable together, and their affection for one another always made Joohyun smile. Once upon a time, she never would have believed that her heart could feel so full, but Seungwan had made it possible. She and Seung Ah were very lucky girls, and she hoped the gift she was about to give Seungwan would make him feel just as fortunate.


“Hey, you two,” she said, grabbing their attention as she walked into the kitchen with her hands, and the present, behind her back. “I know it’s your birthday today, Seung Ah, but I have a special present for Daddy, too.”


“What is it?” she asked, running over to check out the small wrapped package Joohyun was now holding in front of her.


Joohyun grinned at her daughter’s impatience. “We’re going to find out as soon as Daddy opens it.” She handed the long flat box to Seungwan, who gave her a curious grin.


“Can’t imagine what it is,” he said, examining the box and the nondescript paper it was wrapped in. “I have everything I could ever want right here in this room.”


Joohyun rolled her eyes at him, though she was smiling. “Trust me, you’re going to want this. And just so you know, it can’t be returned.”


Seung Ah jumped up and down beside Seungwan. “Open it quick, Daddy. I wanna know what it is!”


“Hold your horses, princess,” Seungwan said as he tore away the wrapping, then lifted the lid on the box.


He had to fold back the tissue paper to find what Joohyun had put inside, and she watched as he looked at the long plastic stick in confusion, which quickly morphed into shock as he raised his eyes back to her face.


“Is this what I think it is?” Seungwan asked, his voice already husky with emotion.


She shrugged, her own throat getting tight at the reverent look in his eyes. “Depends on what you think it is.”


“You’re pregnant?” His tone was a combination of hope and disbelief. “Already?”


She laughed, because they’d just recently decided to try for a second child now that they were married and settled in a new house. Like, in the past month kind of recent. “What can I say? You have really strong swimmers,” she said, keeping things age appropriate since Seung Ah was still in the room with them.


Seungwan set the box on the counter and pulled her into a hug, his warm, strong body enveloping hers. “Just when I think I can’t get any luckier than I already am, you prove me wrong all over again.”


“What is it?” Seung Ah asked enthusiastically. “What did Mommy get you for a present?”


“I am so going to thank you for this present later when we’re alone in bed and you’re completely ,” he whispered wickedly in her ear. “I might even thank you a couple of times,” Seungwan promised meaningfully before releasing her and turning his attention to his daughter.


Turning his attention to his daughter. He picked Seung Ah up so she was sitting on his muscled forearm.


“You know that baby brother or sister you keep asking me about?” Seungwan asked.


Seung Ah nodded excitedly.


“You’re going to have one very soon,” he told her with a smile.


The little girl’s eyes widened in delight. “Really??” she said, clapping her hands happily. “I can’t wait to meet them!”


Neither could Joohyun, but as she’d learned over the years since first meeting Seungwan that night in Busan, some things were definitely worth waiting for.







THE END !!! Thank you everyone for reading and for the comments <3

p/s :  wenrene contents tonight ~~ the youngk radio aaaaaaaaaaaa haha and i do need that 'two photocards' so bad

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Favebolous 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰