
All In


"Are we there yet?"

Joohyun glanced to the backseat of the car, where her daughter was buckled into her car seat with Sparkles the unicorn, clearly impatient to get to their destination—Seungwan's parents' house.


They were in Joohyun's car since Seungwan's car was in the shop for repairs, so he had asked to borrow her car for the drive over.


He had insisted on driving since it would be easier than having her follow his directions, and it also enabled her to converse with SeungAh easily.


"You just asked that two minutes ago," Joohyun said with a light laugh. 

At least one of them was eager to meet Chang Soo and Ailee Son. Joohyun was anxious on so many levels that her stomach was in knots.

Joohyun knew they would love Seung Ah automatically, because she was Seungwan's child, but how would they feel about her?


She couldn’t seem to stop the insecurities looping through her mind, because she desperately wanted his family to like her.


Seungwan slid his hand over to rest on her thigh, squeezing it lightly. "Don't let your thoughts spiral out of control, Joohyun," he said in a hushed voice meant only for her. "You're looking like you might vomit."


She was taken aback by how effortlessly he could decipher her emotions. It wasn't the first instance of him being remarkably in tune with her state of mind, and Joohyun inhaled deeply to calm herself, turning to look at Seungwan


"I'm just anxious. It's been awhile since I've been introduced to a guy's family, and I want to make a good impression, given that I'm the mother of your daughter." 


"You're far more to me than just the mother of my child," Seungwan responded with a kind smile, his eyes b with fondness.


"And my family is just as thrilled to meet you too."


You're far more to me than just the mother of my child. He hadn’t elaborated on that comment, nor had they officially defined their relationship, although on that day out on the porch with Minho, they had made it very very clear they were exclusive.

So what exactly did that make them? Exclusive buddies? She disliked the term, because her feelings for Seungwan had grown past basic friendship, and she knew he cared for her too. 


At the same time, if he had pushed for some type of committed relationship, Joohyun wasn't confident she was prepared for that next step, or ever would be.


Burned three times over relationships, coupled with her parents' history of a bitter separation that had left her stuck in the middle, she was genuinely wary anything this good could last indefinitely.


It was safer to protect her heart so if things fizzled, a split wouldn't completely devastate her, especially since Seungwan would be part of Seung Ah's life forever, whether or not the two of them remained together.


"Thank you for bringing Seung Ah's baby photobook," Seungwan said, interrupting her thoughts. "Everyone is going to cherish seeing her as a baby, and how much she's matured in the past three years."


"Of course."


Seungwan had already looked through the photos, several times, and Joohyun knew it would be a great way for his family to feel like they had at least seen those missing years, along with Seung Ah's growth spurts and joyful moments, even if they hadn't actually been there.


"Are we there yet now?" Seung Ah asked again. 


Seungwan glanced in the rearview mirror at his daughter. "Yes, sweetie, we're nearly there," he said, his voice entertained. "Two more turns, and then I want you to find the house that has the small fountain out front."




Seungwan helped Seung Ah count the two turns he made onto different streets in the neighborhood he was driving through, and then she searched for the fountain.


Seungwan's parents lived in Seongbuk-dong, and he had told her that they were still in the same house they had purchased when they had gotten married thirty-two years ago. The same house that Seungwan and his sister had grown up in.


"There it is, Daddy!" Seung Ah exclaimed, pointing toward the well-kept house with a small gated courtyard out front and a modest, two-tier fountain.


"My mom always wanted a fountain, so my dad bought it for her on their thirtieth anniversary," Seungwan explained as he pulled up to the curb and parked the car behind a larger SUV, which Joohyun assumed belonged to his sister and brother-in-law, since they were expected to be here for dinner, as well. 

"It's lovely." And romantic, she thought, amazed by how many years his parents had been married. 


"Beautiful!" Seung Ah repeated, and Joohyun and Seungwan laughed.


They got out of the car, with Seungwan releasing Seung Ah from her car seat while Joohyun picked up her purse and the photo book she had brought.


Seungwan and Seung Ah went first with Joohyun following a few footsteps behind, since the little girl had automatically held Seungwan's hand.

When they reached the courtyard, Seung Ah let go and dashed toward the fountain, splashing her hand in the water.


"Hey, you, come over here," Seungwan said lightly as he rang the doorbell. 


Seung Ah immediately obeyed and scurried back to his side. Joohyun rolled her eyes at how effortlessly her daughter had listened to Seungwan. "You know if I was the one telling her that, she'd still be over there playing and testing my tolerance."


A cheeky grin curved those tempting lips of his. "What can I say? Girls just can't resist the Son charm." He winked at her before opening the door and entering the apartment.


It was true, Joohyun thought, because she was just as guilty of giving in to Seungwan's many requests privately. Give me your mouth...and she did. Come for me...and her body complied. Ride me...and she readily obeyed.

Anything Seungwan asked, she didn't hesitate to give, knowing her acquiescence would be rewarded with immense pleasure.


"Mom, we're here!" Seungwan called out in the foyer, jerking her from her inappropriate thoughts, thankfully. As it was, her face felt warm and her cheeks were likely pink.


At the first sound of unfamiliar voices, Seung Ah clung to Joohyun's leg, all her initial excitement and boldness now turning to shyness and uncertainty—just as she had been with Seungwan that first day he had met her.

Four new faces came out to greet them, all friendly and welcoming and pleased to meet Joohyun as Seungwan introduced his parents, then his very pregnant sister, Yejin, and brother-in-law, Hyunbin.


Ailee Son, Seungwan's mother, bent down a little lower to smile at Seung Ah, who had her face halfway buried in Joohyun's skirt, clearly overwhelmed by everyone.

"You sure are a pretty little girl. And who is that you brought with you?" Ailee asked, indicating the unicorn plushy clutched in one of SeungAh's arms. 

"Sparkles," SeungAh said softly, tentatively.


"Well, I was just frosting a cake in the kitchen for dessert. Do you think you and Sparkles would like to help?" 


That definitely caught Seung Ah attention and won her over. JooHyun felt her daughter loosen her grip on her dress, and then she looked up at Seungwan with those matching eyes, as if silently seeking his approval.


He held his hand out to her. "Come on, princess. Let's go help your grandma frost a cake. I bet she'll even let you the spoon when you're done."


"Easy on the sugar, please," Joohyun said lightheartedly, because the last thing she wanted was a hyper Seung Ah bouncing if the walls on their first visit.


Everybody headed toward the kitchen, and Joohyun glanced at Seungwan's sister, Yejin, to make conversation about her pregnancy, but she was startled by the tears she saw in the other woman's eyes. "Are you okay?" Joohyun asked, unsure what had caused the sudden emotion.


"I'm sorry," Yejin said, her expression sentimental. "I seem to be tearing up over everything lately. It's probably pregnancy hormones, but oh, my goodness, she is so beautiful and I can't believe I have a niece."


Joohyun smiled, already liking Yejin. "Thank you. Seungwan says she resembles you a lot when you were little." 

"I see Seungwan in her, too," Yejin said, blinking away the excess moisture in her eyes. "And you, as well."


As Seungwan had said, Seung Ah was a great blend of both of them. "I brought photos so you can see her at different stages since she was born."  


Yejin placed a hand on her baby bump. "I can't wait to see them."


They were the last two to enter the kitchen, and Seung Ah was already kneeling on a stool with a butter knife in her hand, ready to spread frosting on the cake sitting on the counter.


Seungwan was right beside her, prepared to step in if needed, but Ailee was telling Seung Ah to enjoy herself and giving the little girl free rein, and Seung Ah was already putting big dollops of chocolate frosting on the cake.

"Do we get to eat it?" Seung Ah asked hopefully.


"After you have your dinner," Seungwan said, fully in dad mode.




Ailee smiled at Joohyun. "Seungwan said you brought Seung Ah's photo album?"


She heard the excitement in the older woman's voice, and Joohyun nodded and lifted the book she'd carried in the crook of her arm.



"Let's sit down at the table," Ailee suggested, waving a hand toward the large dining set in the adjoining room.


"I'm sure Seungwan can handle the cake frosting, and we have some time before I send the guys out to barbecue the beef for dinner, and a hot dog for Seung Ah," she added.


"You didn't have to make her anything special." 


"I wouldn't expect a three-year-old to eat grilled beef, scalloped potatoes, and broccoli casserole," Ailee said with a laugh. "I can still remember how picky Yejin and Seungwan were at that age. Would you like something to drink? Sweet tea or a glass of wine?"


"A sweet tea would be lovely," Joohyun said.


"Me, too, mom," Yejin added. 


"You got it. Don't start without me."


When Ailee was gone, Yejin leaned back in the chair next to Joohyun, regarding her with kind but curious eyes before she spoke.


"I know we just met, but I have to say that I don't think I've ever seen Seungwan this happy. I mean, he's always been an easygoing guy, but seeing him now, when he talks about Seung Ah, you can see he's a totally different person."


Joohyun absently traced her finger along the edge of the photo album on the table, allowing herself to open up to Seungwan's sister.


"I honestly didn't know what to expect when I contacted him, considering Seung Ah was a complete surprise. A lot of guys might not have been happy having a kid they knew nothing about, but he's been so great with her. I couldn't have asked for a better dad for Seung Ah."


"Seungwan is definitely a stand-up kind of guy." Yejin rubbed the top of her belly, as if soothing the baby inside. "But I can assure you, the time he spends with Seung Ah isn't out of obligation or a sense of responsibility. It's because she's changed his life, and his future, and Seungwan is an all-in kind of guy. He'll always be there for her."


"I know," Joohyun said, not doubting his commitment when it came to Seung Ah. 


Yejin smiled at her. "And just for the record, he talks very fondly of you, too." 


"That's sweet," she murmured, not about to get into a serious conversation about her relationship, such as it was, with Seungwan.


"Here you girls go," Ailee said, returning with two glasses of sweet tea. She set them on the table, then sat down so that Joohyun was in the middle of the two women. 


They spent the next hour going through the pictures, with Joohyun giving them a commentary of each one, while Ailee and Yejin asked questions about Seung Ah's birth and the years and milestones leading up to her third birthday.


By the time they were done, she felt the beginnings of a friendship with both women.


In actuality, Seungwan's entire family was gracious and welcoming, and by the time they were finished with looking the pictures—which had been full of fascinating and amusing anecdotes about Seungwan's childhood courtesy of his father—it felt as if she was part of the clan.


However...she wasn't. She reminded herself that she was there by chance, because she was Seung Ah's mother, and although the Sons had done nothing to make her feel excluded, a part of her felt as if she was an outsider observing, and she knew better than to become too attached to something she'd never truly had in the first place.


As Yejin went outside to check on for the barbecue, Seungwan's mother Ailee paused next to her. 

"Come on out when you're ready, dear. No need to rush." She patted Joohyun's shoulder reassuringly before following the others.


Joohyun took a deep breath, smoothing her dress over her knees. As she stood, Ailee reappeared in the doorway.


"Oh good, I caught you! I was hoping we could chat a bit, just us girls," she said warmly. 


Joohyun managed a smile. "Of course." She sat back down as Ailee settled comfortably beside her on the sofa.


"I just wanted to say, my son seems so happy lately. More than I've seen him in...well, ever, really," Ailee said, her expression fond.


"Seungwan was always a cheerful boy, but the past few months, he truly seems to glow. And I know it's because of that precious little girl out there, and you."


Joohyun blushed, touched but unsure how to respond. Ailee patted her hand reassuringly. 


"And I don't want to burden you dear, but I can sense you're feeling a bit unsure of your place here," Ailee began gently. "It's understandable, meeting everyone for the first time. But please know, you are absolutely welcome in our family."


Joohyun's eyes misted over. "Thank you," she managed. "I just never imagined any of this. Being a single mother, I didn't think..." She trailed off.


"I understand, dear," Ailee said gently. "But sometimes life surprises us. Don't let fear make you miss out on how wonderful this is. My son cares deeply for you, I can tell." 


Joohyun glanced down, hesitant to examine her complicated feelings for Seungwan. He'd slipped past her defenses, made her feel again when she'd sworn off love.


"Seungwan has never brought a girl home before at all, you know, so don't doubt your place here."


Trying to lighten the mood, she added jokingly, "And if he does anything out of line, you come directly to me. I'll set him straight, don't you worry!" Joohyun laughed.


Joohyun smiled and impulsively hugged the older woman, feeling the last of her reservations melt away. 


"There now, that's better isn't it?" Ailee chuckled, returning the hug. She drew back, patting Joohyun's cheek maternally. "Now come on, let's join the others."


Joohyun followed her outside, the warmth of conversation enveloped her, and Seungwan immediately made space for her to sit beside him. His arm wrapped around her waist possessively. 


"Everything okay?" he murmurred.


Joohyun nodded, leaning into him. "Perfect." For the first time, surrounded by his family's love and laughter, she felt she belonged.


After their meal, and ate Seung Ah's frosted cake for dessert, everyone gathered in the living room for a bit, the conversation still flowing...until Yejin let out a startled gasp. 


"Everything alright, Yejin?" Hyunbin, her husband, asked, apprehension etched across his entire expression.


"I'm fine," she assured him.


"The little fellow in my belly certainly does have a strong kick and it startled me," she said with a laugh. "He's been exceptionally energetic the past few days."


Seung Ah, who'd been playing on the floor with her unicorn, leapt up and approached Yejin, her inquisitive gaze taking in her large baby bump. "There's an baby in there?" she asked innocently. 

"Yes." Yejin smiled. "Would you like to feel him kick?"


Seung Ah nodded eagerly, and Yejin took her hand and positioned it on the side of her stomach. "Be patient and wait. He's a bit stubborn at times, like his daddy."


Everyone in the room laughed and gave Hyunbin a hard time, clearly agreeing with Yejin's assessment, while Seung Ah remained completely still, her palm pressed to Yejin's belly.


Then, she let out a little squeal of delight and amazement. "I feel it!"


Another round of laughter ensued, everybody reveling in Seung Ah's naïve and thrilled reaction. 

"When is it coming out?" she asked, blinking up at Yejin.


"Hopefully very soon."


Seung Ah gently rubbed where the baby had kicked as she patiently awaited more movement. "Can I play with it when it's out?"


"Not immediately because he'll be too little," Yejin said. "But when he gets older, I hope for you two to play together a lot because he'll be your cousin." 

"Oh." Seung Ah's expression was sweet and innocent, because she wasn't old enough yet to comprehend what having a cousin signified. 

But she would before long, because moving forward, visits with these good-hearted people would be her new norm. Grandparents, an aunt and an uncle, and cousins—all the things Joohyun had never experienced.

Seung Ah would be present for holidays and gatherings, and she'd be part of a family who cherished her. She had know security and stability and she had be adored unconditionally, and for that Joohyun was thankful.


With Seung Ah asleep in her car seat because it was past her bedtime and Joohyun staring quietly out the passenger window as Seungwan drove back to her place, he was very aware that something was on the woman's mind next to him.  

He had kept an eye on her during the evening as she interacted with his family, to make sure she was comfortable.

Joohyun had hit it off with his sister and his mother, and even his dad had liked Joohyun.


They had all talked easily, there had been no awkward moments, and Seungwan thought Joohyun had enjoyed herself, but now he wasn’t so sure because her body language told a different story.


Whatever she was thinking about, he didn’t want to discuss it in the car, only to get interrupted when they arrived home.


So, instead Seungwan turned up the volume on the radio a few notches to fill the silence, hoping she'd relax. A little while later, he parked her car in the driveway and turned to her.  

“If you’ll go open the front door, I’ll carry Seung Ah in and put her to bed,” Seungwan told Joohyun. No sense waking the child and having a cranky kid. 

“Okay,” she said, and after getting out of the vehicle, she headed up the walkway.  


It didn’t take him long to get Seung Ah out of her car seat, and as soon as he had her in his arms, she cuddled against his chest so sweetly, so trustingly.


If only her mother would let down her walls so easily. Seungwan was being patient with Joohyun, to give her time to open up to him.

Seungwan wanted more than their current arrangement of part-time co-parenting and . Great , but the fact that he had to leave her bed before Seung Ah woke up told him she wasn't ready to have him fully in her life.

And that’s what he ultimately wanted with her...because he not only loved Seung Ah but Seungwan knew he had came to love Joohyun, as well.  


The feeling didn't surprise him. After constantly thinking about her and their one night together, Seungwan had known the moment he seen Joohyun again that he still had very strong feelings for her.


Seeing what an amazing mother Joohyun was, and getting to know Joohyun as a person with all her strengths and vulnerabilities, he knew he wanted to be that person for her, the one she could always depend on to be there for her, for the good, the bad, and everything between.


For Seungwan, Joohyun and Seung Ah were a package deal, and building a life with them was what he saw as his future.


That’s just the kind of guy he was. Casual relationships had never been his thing, and he didn’t do things halfway. He wouldn’t start now.


Seungwan carried Seung Ah into the house and to her bedroom. Joohyun helped get her undressed and into her nightgown, and with Sparkles hugged tight to her chest, Seung Ah fell right back into a deep sleep again. 


“I’ll be in the kitchen making a cup of tea,” Joohyun said in a soft voice while Seungwan finished tucking in Seung Ah. “Would you like anything?”  

He shook his head. “No, I’m good. I’ll be there in a sec.”


Joohyun left the room, and Seungwan watched his daughter for a few extra seconds while brushing his fingers along her soft, chubby cheek. She was absolutely perfect, an angel who made him want to be a better man for her, and the best dad possible.


From the moment Seungwan found out about her, Seung Ah had changed his life, and for the better.


In his eyes, there was a reason Seung Ah was conceived when the odds had been so against it. She was meant to be, and her existence had brought her mother back to him, giving them the second chance they both deserved.  


Convincing Joohyun of that was proving very difficult.  


With a sigh, Seungwan left Seung Ah’s room and closed the door behind him. He found Joohyun in the kitchen, swirling a tea bag in a steaming mug of hot water.

She had to have heard him enter, yet she didn’t turn around, remaining as silent and brooding as in the car. He got the sense she wanted to be alone, but unless she directly told him to leave, he wasn’t going anywhere.


Not until Seungwan knew what had put her in this mood. 


“You were really quiet on the drive home,” he said, leaning against the counter across from her to give space. “I hope you had a nice time?” 

“I did. Your family is wonderful,” she said as she squeezed moisture from her tea bag into the mug. “It makes me realize how dysfunctional mine always was.


Ah, now they were getting somewhere. She'd always been vague about her family. He knew her parents were divorced, she was an only child, and she wasn’t close to either parent now.


What Seungwan didn’t know was how that had affected her personally as a child. He had a feeling her insecurities stemmed from that time.  


“I’d really like to hear about what happened with yours,” Seungwan said neutrally.  

Stirring honey into her tea, Joohyun shook her head sharply, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Trust me, you really don’t.”


Seungwan smiled gently. “Trust me, I really do want to know, or I wouldn’t have asked. But only when you're comfortable."

Joohyun sighed as she turned to face him across the kitchen. "It's just being with your family tonight…it just reminded me of everything I never had growing up," she admitted.

Seungwan nodded, his expression open and understanding. "I can imagine it brought up a lot of emotions."

"It did. Your family is so warm, so loving. And your mother..." Joohyun smiled slightly. "She told me I'm not an outsider. That I'm part of the family now, not just because of Seung Ah but.….because of you."


Seungwan's eyes softened. "She's very astute. And she's also right, you know. You and Seung Ah belong with us now. I want to be here for you and Seung Ah, in whatever way you'll let me."


Joohyun absorbed this, clearly moved but still hesitant to embrace it fully. "Thank you," she said softly. "I'm getting there. It's been a very long time since I felt like I truly belonged anywhere," she confessed.


Seungwan just smiled. "Whenever you're ready to open up, I'm always here to listen. Besides, I'm not going anywhere so take your time."


Setting her spoon in the sink, Joohyun picked up her mug and leaned against the counter across from where he stood.


She seemed to consider whether or not to tell him before she finally spoke. “In short, my childhood, and what I had of a family, was the complete opposite of yours. My mother got pregnant, and my father married her out of obligation, not love, so no big surprise that they got divorced.”

Seungwan heard the pain and resentment in her voice, and while his first instinct was to get rid of the distance between them so he could comfort her, he remained right where he was. He knew there was a lot more to her story, so he waited while she took a sip of her tea, then continued.


“So, I was four when my parents split up, and it was really bad. Even at that young age, I remember lots of fighting and them doing and saying hurtful things to each other. In all the years I was raised by them, that never stopped.” Joohyun paused and wrapped her hands around her mug, and he saw the old hurt still in her eyes.

“There were constant custody battles with me stuck in the middle. When I got older, I realized even though they fought over me in court, it wasn’t because they wanted me. I was just leverage against each other. No matter how good I tried to be, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t about me, it was about them. I was just collateral damage from their failed marriage.”  


Seungwan swore under his breath, wishing he could erase those horrible memories for her. But he couldn’t. Those scars clearly colored how she viewed their arrangement with Seung Ah, and why she was so cautious.

He realized she worried their daughter could end up in a similar custody battle if things went bad between them. Especially since both Joohyun and her mom had gotten pregnant unexpectedly.


She kept her heart guarded because she didn’t want Seung Ah caught in the middle. It didn’t help that her last relationship had hurt her badly too.


“So yeah, my family’s always been dysfunctional...but I’m really glad Seung Ah will have grandparents who will love her. At least your family will never make her feel unwanted.” 


Her voice was thick with emotion. Seungwn couldn’t stay away any longer. Crossing the kitchen, he took her mug and set it aside, then gently pulled her into his embrace, silently comforting her.

Seungwan couldn’t change her past, but he could show her things could be different now. That he was different from her father and anyone who she had dated. 

For now, Seungwan just wanted her to feel cared for and loved...even though he knew Joohyun wasn’t ready to hear those words yet. He held them back verbally, but hoped to show her through actions how much she meant to him.


“Put your arms around me,” he said gently when Joohyun hadn’t fully relaxed against him.


Seungwan was relieved when she did. “I want you to know how it feels to hold me, to know I’m here for you, that you matter so much and I'd never deliberately hurt you.” She just needed to believe it.  

After a while, he released her and took her hand with a soft smile. “Come on, I’m going to tuck you in.” He led her to bed, no ual overtures, because that’s not what she needed now. 


Seungwan had her put on comfy pajamas while he stripped to his boxers. After turning off the light, he got under the covers and pulled her close, spooning against her backside.


Seungwan had only snuggle her for a little while, knowing Joohyun wasn’t ready for him to spend the night yet.  

When he slid his arm around her waist, she grabbed it and held on tight, silently needing him even if she couldn’t say it yet.  

“Sleep now,” Seungwan murmured against her ear. “I got you.” 

And Seungwan knew he always would.







Two chapters left with an epilogue  ✌🏻

P/s: i already had my plots plotting out for the next writing. Thus the reason why I want to quickly finish off this one, so I can concentrate on that.


 And again I really appreciate all of your comments. Btw, i'm not completely familiar with how asiafanfic works yet, what is the "flag icon" and "arrow with points" besides other people's comments, not sure what it really mean

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Favebolous 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Aaaaa good
Bltrx82 #2
Chapter 15: I need more story like this. Author-nim, thank you so much for this best story.
Bltrx82 #3
Chapter 14: give me another story like this author-nim 🥺
Chapter 10: It must be very difficult for Joohyun, because she is still not brave enough to take risks with Seungwan
Chapter 7: joohyun jealous is my favorite hahaha
Chapter 5: this is very sweet
Chapter 3: I just found this story and it's really interesting, I will read it until the end. Luckily, it's already finished (hopefully).
I always enjoy time traveling story and esp when it's about my two favorite people. Anyway, I or She POV are both lovely so it doesn't really matter for me
Chapter 14: omygod this story is so good!! it's been a while since the last time I read a wr family au and i love it so much! thank you for writing this i'm so glad they had a happy ending huhu
Chapter 12: Perfect ending! 🥰