Black and Red

Black and Red
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He felt like he was suffocating. When he tried to open his eyes, his vision was blurred by blood and rain. He blinked furiously and tried to focus his eyes, but the blood wouldn't stop. He tried to raise a hand to wipe at his face, but his arms were pinned down in an awkward position. He felt cold. He was surrounded by shattered glass and twisted metal. A steering wheel was crushing his sternum and gravel was digging into his left cheek. His car had been knocked over onto its side. He let out a shallow breath and wiggled his fingers. At least he wasn't paralyzed, yet. He shifted his weight slowly and bit down on his lip in order not to scream from the pain. He was exhausted, he wanted to give up, but he could smell gasoline. Unsure of whether the gasoline leak was coming from his own car or the the vehicle embedded through his passenger side door, he panicked. He shifted again and forcibly freed his arms with a painful scream. He needed to get out. With nowhere to go but through the windshield, he pushed his way through the cracked glass with bruised hands and slowly crawled out. His body protested the sudden shock of pain by giving him a piercing headache. His head pounded with a dull thud and his vision was still blurred with blood. He prayed that the rain would prevent an explosion and started inching away from the wreck by dragging himself across the asphalt on his elbows and knees. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but he saw a young businessman dressed in a black suit and holding a red umbrella staring at him. He was mesmerized by the sharp, almond eyes that seem to bore straight through his soul.   Sungmin!   A name echoed through his mind. He blinked and the businessman disappeared. He wondered if he had imagined everything, maybe it was just a hallucination. He collapsed onto the pavement as sirens echoed through the distance. Help was coming. He allowed himself to succumb to the darkness, even as the same voice and name echoed through his mind again.   Sungmin!   He woke up to the glare of bright, white lights. They asked him what his name was, how many fingers they were holding up, if he knew where he was, if he knew what the date was. He was annoyed and answered with a surly, “How the hell should I know? I'm in the hospital, right?” The nameless faces turned to each other with a frown and he relented. “My name is Sungmin...I think,” and then he passed out again.   Sungmin dreamed and vaguely wondered if it was all pain-killer induced hallucinations or fragments of memories. He saw the red umbrella again and the silhouette of the young businessman in black. Sungmin couldn't make out the face, but he definitely remembered the dangerous black eyes. He wondered who this young man was.   “Do I know you?” Sungmin asked.   The stranger with the red umbrella smiled and Sungmin was mesmerized by the dip of his cupid's bow. The stranger made him feel warm, even though his appearance was quite intimidating.   “I've met you before, you witnessed the car accident.”   The stranger looked very sad, it began to rain. Sungmin felt the cold water trickle down his face and run through his bare fingers.   “Are you waiting for me?”   The stranger with the black eyes nodded.   “Are you the angel of death?”   The black eyes widened in shock and Sungmin was taken aback by the innocence reflected within them.   “Who are you?”   The stranger held the umbrella over Sungmin, shielding him from the rain. He grabbed Sungmin's hand and wrapped it around the curve of the dark, wood grain handle. He then turned and started walking into the downpour.   “Wait! Your umbrella!”   The stranger turned towards him and smiled, “You can give it back to me next time, Sungmin-ssi.”   Sungmin woke up with a piercing headache. He thought back on his strange dream, he could remember the eyes and the curve of the lips, but he still couldn't make out a face. It was driving him nuts.   “I wonder if I own a red umbrella,” he mumbled to himself. “But I'm pretty sure that I don't like the color red.”   “I like the color white myself,” a blond stranger answered.   Sungmin looked up with a raised eyebrow.   “Good-morning, Sungmin-ssi. I'm your nurse, Leeteuk.”   Leeteuk told him he was lucky to be alive. A drunk driver had driven through a red light and straight into his car. Sungmin was fortunate to be thrown from the car, everything (including his ID) was destroyed in the fiery car crash.    “No, I wasn't thrown from the car. I escaped through the windshield.” Sungmin stated flatly.   He had multiple cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. He had a few broken ribs, but the most worrisome part was the trauma to his head. There was a huge gash and some brain swelling that could account for his loss of memory.   “So, I'll regain my memories once the swelling goes down?” Sungmin asked.   “It's possible,” Leeteuk answered softly. “But some people never regain their memories.”   Sungmin sighed. “Well, that is troublesome. I can't even remember my own last name.”   “One thing at a time, Sungmin-ssi. Let's just concentrate on your recovery.”   Sungmin slept on and off for most of the day and the same stranger in the black suit appeared in his dreams. He was always there and he always wore something that was red. Sungmin would frown at the stranger in his dreams. Red and black were such severe colors, but it suited him. He couldn't make out the stranger's name or face, but he had a feeling that he knew him.   “Why do you always wear red and black?”   “Why do you always wear pink?”   Sungmin looked down at his own clothing in surprise and noticed that he was wearing a pink t-shirt. “This color...suits me best.”   “My answer is the same.” The stranger smiled and Sungmin couldn't help but smile back.   He still couldn't make out the stranger's face, but the eyes, the mouth, and the husky voice were now familiar to him. This person was real to him. This man must be more than just a figment of Sungmin's imagination, but it was so frustrating not to know.   “Sungmin,” the stranger said. “I'm waiting for you.”   “Say my name again.”   “Sungmin,” the stranger breathed h
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This fic has a very special place in my heart, it has a lot to do with the long hospital stay I had this year.


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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: Realize that I've never left a comment tho I read this years ago! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

So here I am! Love your story author-nim!!!
Chapter 1: Reds and pinks. This is a good story author-nim!
ELFonlyforSJ #3
Chapter 1: Such a sweet story <3
Chapter 1: oh god my heart! i know the feeling of desperately wanting to remember something and it just vanishes! this was awesome!!
Love this. The tantalizing flashbacks and familiar unknowns made me feel Sungmin's longing. Their reunion was a quiet, touching moment, but the epilogue made me snort because funny. Great job~
Chapter 1: oh that was cute <3
ryeohaeme #7
Chapter 1: so sweet!^^
ryeohaeme #8
Chapter 1: so sweet!^^
ryeohaeme #9
Chapter 1: so sweet!^^
ryeohaeme #10
Chapter 1: so sweet!^^