Too Much Light Means Stars Out Of Sight

Sky Glow



"Haahhh~~", the sound of relief escaped from her lips as she stretched her body that was tired from working all day.

"Are you not going home yet? It's already late.” asked her friend and co-worker who was happily packing up.

"Ah, no. Not yet. I still have a bit more to finish. I'm just taking a break. Are you going now?” she questioned back as she spun on her seat to face the other girl.

"Yes, we're going out today. He's been very busy lately that I'm so happy to finally have some time to ourselves!” the ebony-haired girl squealed happily, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Really? You guys have a great time then!” she smiled at how happy her friend looked.  A knock on the door and both of them turned to look at the person who stood at the doorway.

"Yesung Oppa!” the overly excited girl skipped happily towards the man. 

Yesung turned to smile at the brown-haired girl and gave curt nod before turning his attention to his girlfriend.

"Sung Young-ah, are you ready to go?” he asked as he flashed his adorable smile and she nodded enthusiastically in response. 

"We're going now! Don't stay 'til late!” the ebony-haired girl finally said before she started pulling the singer so that their out on their way.  Amused by her friend's behavior, she let out a soft chuckle which quickly faded as she contemplated by herself, 'Love...such a wonderful feeling...but not everyone's lucky enough to be loved in return.' It's tough. Painful. Yet for some people, it's already enough seeing that precious smile from afar.


Having recently joined one of South Korea's top talent agencies, SM Entertainment, as an assistant talent manager, she had been trying really hard to cope with the workload. Although the six months so far had been challenging, she could not deny that she's been enjoying her new work. Who wouldn't? She'd been able to be so close to the people that she admired for so long.    

Having finished arranging the group's schedule for the next month and a certain pair's upcoming Japanese single promotions, she headed up to the roof terrace of their office building to take a break and relax. It was already past working hours so there were not a lot of people left in the building apart from a few people like her who had work to catch up on. 


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As she flung the door open, she was greeted by the cool summer night breeze which instantly made her feel relaxed. The clear sky's already dark but the stars were nowhere to be found. It was not surprising; after all, the bright city lights practically obscured the heavenly bodies from view of the eye. It reminded her of the saying: Too Much Light Means Stars Out of Sight. Nonetheless, artificial stars, the bright lights from many buildings, houses, and street lamps dotting Seoul's night skyline were no doubt just as breathtakingly beautiful. 

Leaning her body against the terrace, she took in the wonderful view as she cleared her mind from thoughts, her tiredness being blown away by the gentle breeze. 

"Arrggh!” her peaceful moment was disrupted.

She scanned the area for the source of the voice and caught a glimpse of a figure at a dark corner of the roof terrace. She squint her eyes in an attempt to see better in the dark but all she managed to make out of the figure was that it was a man whose face was currently hidden from view. 

Cautiously, she approached him and whilst doing so, the man managed to let out a couple more sighs.


"Eunhyuk-ssi?” she called out as she finally recognized the person in front of her.      


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"Oh!” the man who seemed to be in deep thought was surprised to find out that he wasn't alone.

"Ah...I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?” she apologized.

"Uh, just a little. I didn't hear anyone coming up so...Are you up here to take a break?” Eunhyuk replied.

"Yes. And I thought you've already gone home since your schedules were already finished for today. Oh! You must be waiting for Donghae-ssi?” she giggled softly.  

Instead of responding, Eunhyuk let out a soft groan at the mention of the other guy's name. Realizing the change in the guy’s mood and the awkward atmosphere that seem to have crept in, she broke the silence. 

"Uhh, so yeah...I'll just go over to that side...sorry for disturbing you Eunhyuk-ssi.", then she quickly paced back to where she was standing earlier.

As she turned to leave, Eunhyuk seemed to have something to say but chose not to. Once again, silence took over the roof terrace as they returned to their own silent worlds.



A sigh. 


A grunt. 


Another sigh. 


A groan. 


And another frustrated sigh. 


Despite her attempts to ignore the other, she couldn't help but be bothered by the gloomy atmosphere surrounding the usually bright and cheerful idol. 

She started wondering, 'Did EunHae have a lover’s quarrel? 

It's no secret how the two idols were practically inseparable from each other. No one can deny the special bond that the two shared; something that went beyond fan-service and friendship. Fans acknowledged it and so were the people they work with. She believed them because she, herself, had been a witness, first as a fan then as a co-worker.

She only realized that she had actually spoken her thoughts out loud when she heard the other speak, in a slightly annoyed tone, "Did you say something?” 

Gasping, she was quick to cover . She slowly turned around, finding the guy furrowing his eyebrows at her. 

She lowered her head to avoid his gaze and with a nervous voice, she tried to explain, "Uhh...sorry, I didn't mean to's seem troubled so...” she looked up at him, searching for a reaction but there was none.

She continued, "I thought you and Donghae-ssi had a fall out...I just wanted to say...whatever happened, you'll get through it 'cause what you've got is something special!” With a bit of difficulty, she ended her short speech of encouragement. 

Another loud sigh escaped the idol's lips.

She was utterly confused already. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything. 'Aish! I should've left earlier so it didn't come to this!’ she scolded herself in her head. 

Another round of awkward silence took over, but this time, it was Eunhyuk who broke it, “Will you answer my question?"

"Huh?” she answered. She is still puzzled about what's going on in the other's head.

"I just want to know something", he added.

Finally catching on, she nodded her head in understanding. "Sure! Ask away!” she offered with a smile.

She went over to stand beside the troubled guy as they both look out once again to the beautiful night view. Patiently, she waited for his question.


"Hey...Do I...what do you think of me?” he uttered while his eyes remained fixed on the landscape ahead.

She smiled upon hearing the question. She was expecting a tough one but this one's easy to answer. He had always been, after all, her favourite Super Junior member. 

"Hmm...” she thought about what she should say first. 


"I think you're extremely cool and talented; very sociable and have a brilliant sense of humour. And uh...hehe, you can be shy and a cry-baby but that's because you have a pure heart.” she responded with honesty. 

A smile formed in the other's lips followed by a slight blush at the compliments he’d been receiving.

"Oh! And of course you are very handsome but also very cute when you that! Hehe!” extending her index finger towards his smiling face to emphasize her point. 

Eunhyuk rubbed his nape shyly, his cheeks turned into a much darker shade of red, "You really think so? You flatter me too much..." Both were already facing each other.

"But it's true! You can bet on it that Donghae-ssi would agree with me! Ahh~ now that I think about it, seeing you two together makes one really envious. You two must be soul mates!” she squealed a bit at the mention of her last statement. Imagining the close bond between the two really makes her happy and sent her to a world of her own.

As a result, she failed to notice the other letting out another sigh before he finally pulled her out of her reverie as he spoke, "I asked you what you think of me, not of me and Donghae..."

Realising her mistake, she quickly apologised, "Sorry..."

Eunhyuk did not respond immediately. "Am I... am I not manly enough? Maybe because I'm slim, should I exercise some more? Eat more? But no matter how much I eat, I still stayed skinny...” he seemed to be talking to himself but it was loud enough for her to hear. 

"Eh?" Once again, she was confused by the other's mood swings.

"I just feel that I am unable to get the attention of this person...” His tone expressed the helplessness that he felt.

"But aren't you already..." She paused, not sure if she should continue, afraid of upsetting the other again. It’s quite a sensitive topic after all.

"I...we've been together for many years now, Donghae...he's one of the most important people in my life. One of those that I don't want to lose but...” Eunhyuk started his short monologue while she decided to listen quietly.

"But lately, I've been thinking that maybe I shouldn't be around him too much. It's already become difficult being around him while having these feelings..." 

It hadn't been long since she decided to listen quietly when she spoke once again, "So you guys really had a fight?"

"No. It's not that...I just need time to sort out my feelings." He was quick to correct her.

So it was actually a one-sided love…

She sighed, "I understand. It must be difficult for have your feelings not returned..."

She placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Somehow, she really felt for him. She’s been through it before and she understood his pain. She thought that she'd do anything to make the other smile again but didn't know how.

"Eh? Do you know what my feelings are?” he seemed surprised.

"Well...not exactly but I could just imagine how hard it is to do all those fan-service whilst trying hard not to make this person misunderstand your true intentions.” she explained.

Eunhyuk nods in agreement, "yeah..."

"Ahh~ Love is really complicated! Unrequited love is already hard but it's more difficult since both of you are guys...damn this homophobic society!” she cursed out of sympathy and frustration.

"Bwo?! Yah! What are you talking about?! Homo...are you serious?!” he was completely surprised, dumbfounded.

"What?” she asked. Did she say something wrong again? She thought in her head.

" and Donghae...” exasperated, he can only point his fingers at her accusingly.”Aish! You got it wrong! We're not like that!!” he shrieked.

"Y-you're not? But I thought...” she too was surprised by the revelation.

Eunhyuk raised his voice, "Really! This is why I was thinking of spending less time with Donghae and all that fan-service! People are thinking that we are a real couple! He's my best friend! We are not in love!"

"Uhh...I’m sorry! It's so stupid of me to think of you that way! I am ashamed...I got carried away... I'm sorry!” she bowed her head really low.

He was angry and she felt scared; but even more that that, she felt terrible for misunderstanding the other. She wouldn't dare look up to his face any longer.

"Really, you are really stupid...” his voice sounded calmer.

"...", she dared not speak another word, afraid that she'd burst into tears and that she might say something that would offend the guy again.

"You are stupid and insensitive...” he continued sounding disappointed, hurt. She already knew that and deeply regretted it.


"Look at me...” he ordered her and she complied but still didn't say a word.


"How can you...all this thinking of me this way really hurts!” his eyes b with unshed tears.

She really did it. She really hurt him so bad. For so long, she had been oblivious, or was she? She knew all along. Only that, she refused to see the truth. Is there a way for her to make things right?

"I'm sorry! I have offended you. If it will make things better, I will not show myself to you ever again.” her voice trembled as she tried to hold back the tears.

The only thing that's left for her to do was to disappear from his sight so she turned to leave.

"Stop right there! You...Don’t you dare walk away from me!” she flinched at his voice and immediately stopped in her tracks.

"...s-sorry...I'm so stupid...why do I keep doing things that angers you? I'm sorry!” she said in between sobs, tears ran down her pale cheeks.


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He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He must've scared her too much. His emotions got the better of him.

Seeing her pained silhouette as she continued to cry, he just couldn't stop himself from doing his next move.  He stood behind the sobbing girl and wrapped his arms around her shivering body.

He embraced her. 

She stopped crying, realising what he was doing. Lots of questions went through her head but she couldn't speak a word.

And so, they remained motionless for a few seconds before he finally spoke, "I didn't care what the fans think...what other people think before...and even now...coz they don't know the real me. But seeing you...knowing that you, of all people, thinks of me that way when I have been trying so hard to get you to realise my true feelings..."

She didn't say anything but he knew that she was listening.

"Did you not notice how I’d always watch you while you work? How I am always around you whenever there's an opportunity to be together? Did you not feel how much I cared for you? Did you not notice how I'd do anything just to get you to notice me? Are you that oblivious to not notice how I feel?” he poured out everything that he'd been holding inside him.

"W-what? Are you trying to say that you..."she brought her hands up to cover her lips to prevent herself from sobbing again as realisation hits her.

He placed a gentle kiss on her soft brown hair then said, " got it right."  He brought his lips close to her ear and with soft voice, full of sincerity and tenderness; he finally said the words that he'd always wanted to tell her since the day they first met; words that she was almost certain would never be directed at her, coming from his sweet lips.



"I love you."      


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'There on the horizon, shining oh so brightly, one star triumphed over the urban lights that tainted the night sky '




= END =


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A/N: Hi! How is it? I was really hesitating on whether I should publish this or not. But guess what? I just did lol! This story was just created at the spur of the moment. This may or may not be the first and last fanfic I'll ever write, since writing stories isn't something I usually do. It might not be anything close to spectacular but yeah, I just hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading and if it's not too much to ask, please leave your precious comments. Thanks a lot! ^_^

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i told you my friend, it was a great story. don't hesitate to put up your next one! :)
sugarcandy- #2
SWEEEEET, the best i've ever read ^^
OMMMMGGGG!!!!! >.< SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! It's jus PERFECT!! :DDD Love it so much~ <3
AWWWWWWW's.....perfect!!! you're a very good writer ^^
Thank you! thank you for your comments xD. I'm so happy you guys liked it! *huggles* <3
So, i was reading peacefully then suddenly i saw my name. i was like @.@ watdda?? but.'s great! love it.
aawww~ it's sooo cute:3 i love it! :D
aww~i love your story!!uwaa~i wish someday it'll happen to me~!
konsuella #9
Aww its nice. Sooo cute, i actually love it.<3 write more :-)
so cute!!!