Shopping and Shindong



“Shindong please let me in.”  asked Ryeowook for the tenth time.

Ryeowook didn’t even want to get angry at him, he just wanted to know why he was trying on his clothes.

                “I’m not going to get cranky at you. Just please open the door.” This time Shindong had locked the door. What was ever more embarrassing was that he was still wearing the red pants. He hadn’t realised in his humiliation that sitting on the bed was actually really uncomfortable.

He looked at the door and felt stupid for reacting like this. He quickly changed into a pair of his pants before unlocking the door. He sat back down and told Ryeowook to come in.

Ryeowook opened the door slowly looking at Shindong with a worried expression. There was definitely something different about him.

He walked over to the bed ad sat down.

                “I must say, you looked pretty cute in my clothes. Even though they were a bit small.”

Shindong couldn’t help but smile. He loved it when he received compliments.

                “Say why don’t I take you shopping?” Shindong looked up at Ryeowook, not sure if he was serious or not.

                “You know like to get you some fancy clothes. That’s why you were trying on mine right? Because you want fashion like that?”

                Shindong nodded. The idea seemed like fun. He had realised that finding someone might be good for him. He had to admit that staying at home on weekends was driving him insane.

                “Hey Ryeowook?” Shindong hesitated before asking the question. “Do you think you could take me out tonight? I want to meet people.”

Ryeowook was shocked by his friends request, but it made him happy. Any chance to show off his sassy attitude and style always made his day.

                “You’ve come to right guy.”

Shindong was looked excited but worried at the same time. Maybe this wasn’t going to work out. What exactly was Ryeowook going to do?

                “Where exactly are we going to shop?” asked Shindong as Ryeowook focused all his attention on driving. He was one cautious driver, but still managed to give an answer.

                “Uh… oh, the only place I shop for my clothes.”

                “What if I don’t find anything? It’s not like I can just borrow your clothes.”

                “You know that you still look cute in your own fashion. I think so anyway. But trust me Shindong, if you want clothes to pick up guys in the clubs I visit, you’ll only find the right clothes where we’re going.” Shindong nodded and knew it was best to go along with everything. After all, Ryeowook was the expert in this area.

Then Shindong started to think. Oh no. He’s probably going to take me to one of those y time places. I haven’t got appeal.

Fortunately for Shindong, he was wrong as they arrived at their destination five minutes later.

The shop was surprisingly down a dark alleyway.

How does anyone find these places? I certainly wouldn’t venture down these paths just for some pants.

Shindong followed Ryeowook as they entered the shop. It sure had a y atmosphere and was for people who were looking for y clothes at a not so y price. Everything was ridiculously expensive. Shindong couldn’t help but just observe the strange shop whilst Ryeowook had to go off and look for something straight away.

                “Ay Shindong, you gotta come over here. You’ll love what I’ve found.”

He looked over and saw Ryeowook was having too much fun picking out clothes. He had quite a good selection.

                “Wow this looks cool.” Said Shindong pointing at the purple sparkly dress shirt.

                “Well then try it on. Oh… and these pants aswell.”

Ryeowook couldn’t believe how handsome his Shindong looked as he stepped out of the dressing room. Those pants look smooth and the shirt was even better.

                “If you don’t get laid tonight, I don’t know who will.” Shindong blushed, obviously flattered by the comment. He couldn’t have looked that good.

Enjoying how great he felt in the expensive attire, Shindong spent the next few minutes doing a variety of poses in front of the mirror.

                “I think I should get this.” He turned around to find Ryeowook having a conversation with the shop assistant at the counter. In fact it was more like flirting than talking.

He decided to dress back into his normal clothes and pay for the sassy new outfit. They both looked at Shindong as he walked up to the counter. Ryeowook and his friend seemed to be quite happy.

                “So Hyungsik, have you met my wonderful Shindong. He’s looking for some lovin’ right now.”

                “Hi” was all Shindong managed to say as he worked out that this must have been the guy that Ryeowook was currently dating.

                “So I hear that you are going out with Wookie tonight.” Hyungsik asked still looking at his boyfriend.

                “He sure is.” Ryeowook was sounding quite enthusiastic now standing next to his lover giving him looks that only meant one thing. Shindong distracted himself by taking out his wallet and taking out some money.

                “Oh don’t worry about it. Wookie has already paid.”

                “That’s what I’m here for.” Ryeowook added in before giving Hyungsik a kiss. Shindong was getting embarrassed now. He didn’t like them being so affectionate in front of him.

                “Anyway. We have to get going. I’ve got to transform my Shindong into the hottest lover you have ever seen.”

This is going to be interesting. Who knows what will happen when you’re with Ryeowook.

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omg, this is perfect, thank you for writing!!! I love this pairing.
Chapter 5: Awwwwwwwwwww . As soon as I saw the title I was like. WHAAAAAAA? Guess I'm gonna have to get my crack write on~~
It'll be but it'll happen. That was just too sneaky!!
Chapter 4: UPDATE!!! Lol :)