
Name the Stars After Us
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The first time Jimin saw her was in an old playground.



It was an odd sight. 


The playground itself was already one: despite the abundance of kids in their town, none would dare play in that park. So, imagine her surprise when she sees a girl as old as her, pensively swinging on the old swing set. 


(The creaking sounds that the swing produces, the gloomy weather, and the girl's downcast look; one would think someone was filming a horror movie scene right now.) 


Jimin should've left her alone, minded her own business, and gone about her way. But something about the girl piqued her curiosity. Maybe it was the atmosphere, or maybe because the girl looked like a lost puppy. 


With dainty footsteps, Jimin approached the girl cautiously: like how one would approach a stray pup.


Arriving near the girl, Jimin was about to speak but the girl beat her to it. 


“That's a first,” the girl looked up at her, a tinge of amusement present in her eyes. Confusion washed over Jimin's face, and the girl seemed to notice this. 


“They'd stare at me weirdly for a minute,” she turned her head to where Jimin was standing minutes ago, “then walk away after.” 


A pause. 


“You're the first to approach.” 


“Oh.” Jimin could only blink at the girl while the other just nodded at her. An awkward silence fell upon them. 


After what seemed like minutes, Jimin broke the silence with a fake cough and spoke, albeit nervously, “My name's Jimin.” 


The girl shifted her eyes to Jimin, and for a moment, Jimin got distracted by the flakes of brown swimming in the girl's irises. 




Broken out of her stupor, Jimin turned her eyes to the entirety of the girl's face. 




“Minjeong. My name's Kim Minjeong.”


Minjeong, Jimin mumbled. Oddly, the feeling of Minjeong's name rolling off her tongue felt nice. 


“What are you doing here, Minjeong?”


The said girl tilts her head to the side and Jimin can't help but think that she really does look like a puppy.


Minjeong, on the other hand, thinks that Jimin is weird. 


“Sitting?” Minjeong replied in a somewhat confused tone, because obviously, what is she doing here, but sitting? 


“Well, why are you sitting here?” Jimin insists, not satisfied with the girl's answer.


“Maybe because I want to sit?” Minjeong's getting annoyed now. Why is this pretty stranger trying to pry into her business?


Jimin senses the annoyance in the other's voice and thinks, maybe she should leave it at that. But Jimin also thinks Minjeong starts to resemble a puppy more and more when she's annoyed, so she presses further.


“Why here?” 


Minjeong is full-on annoyed now: the brows-furrowed-and-lips-pursed type of annoyed.


“Because I thought I could get some peace here, without anyone asking me what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.” 


Maybe Minjeong was a bit hars

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No_looksies #1
Chapter 3: It took me a while to understand that jiminjeong are not kids😅. I can understand Minjeong's apprehension and her feelings.. and wow jimin's words actually made me think about that side too as i never thought about it that way.. it's lovely to see the way their friendship is blossoming!
Ps- I try to ease myself but then I realise that it's inspired by "the fault in our stars" and then I remember to keep my guard up🥲.. may you have good dreams author nim so that you can write fluffy stuff and have mercy on jiminjeong..
PSS - please don't mind my rant .. these are just my feelings and me being dramatic.. but please write whatever you are comfortable with :)
No_looksies #2
Chapter 2: Jimin's two page long essay about why they should be friends is so adorable especially all those doodles! It made my heart so warm! She truly is just so nice and kind even if she doesn't really get much back from Minjeong(except for her friendship).. that was so sweet :')
No_looksies #3
Ohh this is gonna be a really sad story isn't it?🥲
I have put all my faith into that fluff tag you put there author nim..( i refuse to acknowledge the angst tag🥲...) I shall now continue reading
kasterian #4
Chapter 2: idk if i missed it, but how old are they in these scenes? in my head, they’re like either 7-8 or 11-13 LOL