Black Cello


Choi Eun Ae moved to Australia after her mother died 10 years ago. Her father was close to his sister Ae Suk, who lives back in Korea. Eun Ae was tired of her father constantly marrying and then divorcing over and over again. Together they decided it was best to send Eun Ae to live with her aunt in Korea. Her Aunt owns one of the largest Law firms in Korea. Her father owns an Airplane company that's distributed all around the world. 

Lee Gi kwang, absolutely hates his parents. Both parents owner of large Corporate firms. They tend to set him up with another's company's daughter so they can make a deal with the company. His parents succeeded with his brother and now it was his turn. He's known as the rebellious child. He goes out and parties, drinks, and hangs out with his friends. Through all of this he keeps his life balanced with his music. He's usually happy and upbeat. But he harbors a secret that keeps him from acting like himself.

Dong Woon has been keeping a secret from all of his friends. He's afraid to admit it. But it's so obvious. The girl that's stolen his heart happens to be his family rival. He was raised and told to beat her and defeat her every chance he got, but one day he didn't know what happened but he just couldn't help it and he did something unforgivable, if his parents found out.

Park Mi Cha was a great dancer. Her famiy rivals with the Yoon family. Every chance she got she tried to beat him. They used to hate eachother so much. But suddenly he stopped being mean, and stopped talking to her. So she gave up trying to beat him... until one day.



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