update lol

For me, it's always been you
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hii, how are you all? it feels so strange to make an update even before I upload the story but that's exactly what I wanted to talk about.

sooo, yeah, I was diligently writing the story, and I was also finished, like I just had to proofread it, but then... it deleted by itself! dun dun dun, surprise. I've been trying for the past 10 minutes to recover it desperately, but unless you manage to find me an hacker that can work magic, it's gone gone.

I don't even know how it happened, but I know I should have been more careful. I'm really sorry about it and I also feel extremely bad cause I put a lot of effort in it. but what's done is done, I guess.

I'll of course rewrite it, but don't expect it to be too soon, since I'm a bit under the weather now :(

just wanted to tell you this guys, hope you'll be here for when I update the real story!


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