
Take My Heart





Friday. 6:40 pm.


I just won my 3rd case this month. My proud smile never left my face since I left the court. Thinking about the benefits I will receive makes me feel giddy. I can finally buy the bag I have been eyeing since last week with my incentive. Or should I go on a vacation? Meh, I am too busy for a vacation. Settled, I will get that bag first thing in the morning tomorrow.


If I will not have a bad hangover tonight.


“Hey! Hurry up, what are you still doing in your car?” Soobin knocked on my window car. I turn off my engine and get out. “We have all night, why the rush?” I scoffed. He playfully rolls his eyes on me and grab my hand. “Yeji and the others are already inside.” he stated which makes me confused. Yeji had told me earlier she is not going to make it in my ‘little’ celebration tonight. I stopped walking which made him stop too. “Yeji and the others?” I repeated. He might seem to realize that he should not mention it as his face grew nervous. He bites off his lip, a sign that he just made a mistake. “Hehe. Act like you don’t know.”





“Surprise!!” they all cheered as soon as I step my feet on the room, they reserved for us. Following Soobin’s order, I acted really surprised (which I kind of overdo it as I am really horrible at acting) when they welcomed me. The whole crew was there, heck, even Krystal (our boss) was present. “Congratulation on your third win just for this month, babe.” Yeji, while walking towards me with a slice of my favorite cake. I instantly smile at that sight. I get that cake from her hand and kissed her cheeks, “Thank you, Yeji. And to y’all too, for preparing this surprise.” I spoke. “They all just look for a reason to party and your win’s a perfect one. Anyway, congratulation, Jimin. Keep it up.” Krystal, then give me a little hug. It was nice as I really look up to her, plus she smelled really good. “Thank you, Krystal.”


“Alright, Jimin’s here, can we start eating now?” Chaewon exclaimed out of nowhere. Everyone’s attention moved to her, and she just shrugged off her shoulders. I laugh at how her face looks, she is new at the company but she is a very extroverted person that she’s very comfortable with everyone already. “Yes. Go ahead and eat already, baby.” I replied. She made a face on me because she hated it when I call her baby and start picking her food.

“Y’all don’t give Soobin a slice of cake, I know he spoiled our surprise.” Chaeryeong nonchalantly stated.


“I didn’t!” Soobin protested.


“Honey, it was way too obvious at how Jimin acted.” Our boss, Krystal added.



11:49 pm.


Almost everyone is drunk. Soobin and Chaeryeong are having a debate in the corner about some stupid proposition I failed to catch up as it changes every 1 minute. It was not new; the duo had always been bantering in every chance they get. Yeji, Lia, Yunjin and Doyoung are out on the dancefloor, really drunk. They were my buddies since college, and we somehow stick together until now.  Regular party goers, I might say that when in college I always blow up my allowance paying the damages they had in our dorm because of their drunk . Yeji may not look like it, but she is the real deal in parties, I think she still have that habit of going to a club regularly every weekend. Krystal left earlier saying she got some work to do, while Chaewon left to another room, saying it was her classmates during high school.


As for me, I am the only left sober (tipsy). I had some tequila in my system, but I am still good. “We are going to dance.” Chaeryeong declared, standing up. “I am a good one.” Soobin countered. “I bet I am better.” Chaeryeong argued then chugged the remaining vodka in front of her. “Let’s go see, then.” Soobin said.


Chaeryeong looked at me on the way out. “We are dancing.” She said to me. “I’m no—” I could not finish my sentence when Soobin cut me. “Jimin doesn’t know how to dance!” he laughs out loud, Chaeryeong followed too. God, these drunk lovebirds. And what? I don’t know how to dance? My god. I even did ballet when I was a kid. I grab the unopened tequila beside me and stood up too.


“Bring it on. I’ll sweep the two of you on the dancefloor.”






Saturday. 10:16 am.


The telephone on my side table violently rings. For the 5th times already. Who even got my telephone number? I never gave it to anyone; I am even planning to cut it off. I heavily raised my arm and grab the cursed thing just to stop it from its loud ring. “Who are you?” I answered.


“Good morning to you too. This is Minjeong, and I called to remind you of the date tonight.” an almost familiar voice answered back. Minjeong. Date. Tonight. Those words circled my mind like the clothes you threw in the laundry machine. Just circling as I try to recall it. Minjeong.


“I’m sorry, who’s Minj---- OH MY GOD. Kim Minjeong the annoying detective? Is this you? Why would you ring at this ungodly hour?!” I opened my eyes at the thought which was a wrong move as I feel like someone just threw a brick on my head. A bottle of tequila was surely a mistake, I realized at this moment as hangover crept up to me.


“Aww.” I exclaimed over the phone. “Are you good? Anyway, it is alr---” she quickly questioned.

“Shut up. How do you even get my telephone number? You are such a stalker. Just meet me tonight at Central.” I finished the call. I do not care if she finds me rude or whatever, I do not care about her anyway and I just want to close my eyes and sleep again. She is annoying anyway and so is my hangover. I cannot even think straight at the moment.









7:50 pm.


I arrived at the Central 10 minutes before 8 wearing my new dress that I have only seen in my wardrobe when I was looking for earlier, must have been one of my forgotten dresses I shoved in my closet. I look good in the fit of the dress, so I decided to wear it, then I paired it with my favorite heels. I am hoping that she will be here already. I look around to scan her face but nothing. Except the old couple sitting on the shed and a woman standing near her car probably waiting for someone, no one else is here. I guess I should wait for her. And I hope she would not be too long because I hate waiting and I am not in my best mood right now because I haven’t got the chance to buy the bag I liked because it was already sold out when I came earlier.






“Hi, excuse me, Ms. J-Jimin Yu?”


A voice spoke behind. It was a timid one.


“I am.”


I looked back.


“Then I believe we have a date.”


This is definitely not Kim Minjeong.












“I’ll get that last slice, please.” Jimin ordered. The lady faces in front and a grin instantly paints on her face. “Already taken. Sorry.” Jimin furrowed her brow upon seeing who works at her favorite bakery in the city. It was the obnoxious cop (she thinks) from yesterday. “Did we meet already? You look familiar.” She inquired.


“I’m the one you pushed to the side yesterday.” Jimin wanted to say but she didn’t, instead she turn her back to leave. “Hey! There will be a new one in 30 minutes! Be back if you want a slice!”


It made Jimin stop. She was really stressed out all week and her favorite cake is her only comfort food. Turning her back again to the girl, she raised an eyebrow to her. She surely looks silly wearing that pink apron and hat that is too big for her. Complete opposite from what she looks yesterday, all mighty and superior. And now she just looks like a kid.  “Give me your number, I’ll let you know when it is ready.” The girl offered.


As if Jimin would giver her number to her, and so she had a brilliant idea. So, she smiled lightly and nodded to her, “Sure, here’s my number.”



It was her apartment’s telephone number, which she plans to cut out. The girl gladly took it too.



 I suppose she is a cute kid after all, Jimin thought.




















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Chapter 1: hwaiting ~~
looking forward:p
We will be waiting for this!!
719 streak #5
Interesting! 👀
omg the push and pulls aaaa this is going to be so goodddd!!
No_looksies #7
This seems ver interesting! Looking forward to the story😊