Please take him away from me


I cant take it anymore listening to his love songs tswift on queue 


im selling my friend bc this man need es...a gf....a bf....a partner...SOMEONE!!! he's a green flag but an annoying one 

he's a minus but his sleeping schedule is kinda odd but he's an early bird so pluses u are more than welcomed 

this mfer wants to say he's sfw...BUT HES A LIARRR ( he is sfw im also lying. but he is open to ..he says he's a switch top...u can decide that for urself. he is also biual ) 

only FCs txtsvt and random ggs like wdym ur now gowon on a Wednesday morning at 10:00 am when u were just soobin 

a nerd i think...plays valo ( na ) genshin ( na ) phasmo, enjoys horror films and books, likes anything with crime + law. says his mbti is isfj but I think that's a lie maybe an entp ( idk ) enjoys music so much like. 300,000 mintues on his Spotify wrapped he's crazy. but that just means he will Spotify session with you...he actually has good taste in music 

he's a people pleaser which is both good and bad according to he'll download any game to play with u or do anything to spend time with u

he can be a bit shy at first but he opens up very quickly and gets very talkative and resembles to a lost puppy sometimes 

love language is quality time so he will be attached to u on the hip!! es who wants a lost puppy that follows u everywhere he's the man for u 

he says he's just looking for friends atm...this man hasn't been cuffed since 2021...change that I beg 

he can doodle, make servers for u guys, cpdp with u, join rps with u, a great listener, makes playlists for u and will even vc if u guys ever feel comfortable w eo

if ur done reading this and ur interested in my friend, pm me and I'll dm u his dc tag! 


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