New Oneshot

Too Much Tears


Links to My EXO One-Shot



1. Please Love Him ft. Exo's Luhan (Completed)

2. I Wonder If You Hurt Like Me ft. Exo's Sehun (Completed)

3. Rainy Day ft. Exo's Baekhyun (Completed)

4. Three Names ft. Exo's Chanyeol, Suho, Kris (On-Going)

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keep on writing this was great ^__^
Chapter 1: this is a beautiful story, why I just find it now?
great job author-nim!
YoonTaeRi #3
chanyeol-sehun : thanks :D Love you too :D
oh gahd. why didn't i saw this before? i cried in your 4 oneshots.
Baekhyun, this, Luhan & Sehun... well i cry easily because of fics but i love you author-nim. i really do! :"">
your welcome^^
your welcome^^
YoonTaeRi #7
@ZzatulELF1803 : Thank you :D
YoonTaeRi #8
@ZzatulELF1803 : Thank you :D
wow! I love this story ^^
YoonTaeRi #10
@ShineeSoShiny : Thank you :D You have a guy bestfriend? Great, though, cause i always wish i have one, but sadly, i don't have any.. T_T