Chapter 1

Of Dogs and Cashmere Coats

Forget it that Sooyoung liked dogs. Changmin wouldn't dare to bring himself closer to that thing they called as human's best friend.


First of all, they drooled all over the place. Changmin couldn't imagine the bacterias they freely distributed all over the place everytime some dogs his hand, or face, or feet—or pretty much everything that's -able. Remembering the incident where Yunho's bloody Retriever chewed his cashmere coat, Changmin swore that he probably might have killed the vile creature already if Sooyoung didn't stop him from doing the glorious deed. He sulked after that of course, munching boxes and boxes of strawberry-flavored pocky and childishly refused to speak with anyone until Sooyoung promised him that she would buy a new (and better) coat for him. He cheered up a bit after that, but it didn't erase the hatred he had for a certain four-legged domestic creature.


Nevermind that he was supposed to be manly. Nevermind that his friends called him a sissy because of his irrational fea—ehrm, hatred. Dogs were all evil. Everything about them just screamed wrong to him. Their sharp devilish fangs, sly smile, sheep-skinned kindness, and that hideous tongue-flapping—Changmin shuddered when he thought about all of that. He ought to stop playing that fantasy game he tried the other day with Kyu, or he might even suffer a demon-dog oriented nightmare for days to come.


Or maybe even zombie dogs. Whatever. He wouldn't choose either of them anyway.


So after a while, he finally took the conclusion that every people who liked dogs must be mad. They had been fooled by the cleverness of the dogs to serve them as a good master and provide them with anything they need. Changmin had seen some rich idiots wasting their fortunes only to bring their pet dogs to some posh saloons and extravagant clothes that reeked of money. Hell, if you sum it all up, you might even be able to buy a fricking car. And what kind of idiots would choose a dog over a car..? Oh yeah, dog lovers like Sooyoung. Changmin rolled his eyes. Typical.


So it goes without question what Changmin said to Sooyoung when the latter asked for a pet dog. Hell no.


She had tried putting on her signature puppy eyes, but Changmin prepared himself quite well. He didn't even bat any eyelashes at her. "No way I'm going to buy you a dog, Soo. You know how I fare with those creatures." He cringed slightly when a dog image flew across his mind for a second. Gosh, his girlfriend might as well be the end of him.


"Pleaasee, Min..? For me..?" She begged while pulling the edge of his jacket with that abnormally cute pout of hers. "I'll even share the snacks I bought from Japan with you. Even the rare matcha ones.." She coaxed, trying to use the food bait to him.


That almost did the trick. Almost.


"Pffth, that might work if I'm as much as a glutton as you, Soo—" At her sharp glare, he held up his hand. "Okay, maybe I love food a bit more than a normal person, but sacrificing my safety over food..? No way in bogging hell."


She was silent for a while, before she smirked triumphantly and placed her hands on her hip. "God, you're such a baby Min." Changmin twitched at the obvious mocking tone she was using to irk him. The effect was amplified by her flicking her hair arrogantly like she was in a shampoo commercial. "It's a wonder I choose you over Kyu-oppa."


He gritted his teeth. She knew that he was a possessive boyfriend, and she pushed exactly the right button to drive him mad. "Okay.. Calm yourself, Min.. She couldn't obviously mean that. Calm down.. Calm down.." He chanted in his mind while trying to hold the bubble of rage that was slowly rising from his heart. He then arched one of his eyebrows arrogantly, sending a revenge signal at Sooyoung."It is a wonder why I choose you over Victoria." He scoffed at her, mentally smirking in victory as Sooyoung scowled indignantly. "Just leave it Soo. I will not change my mind easily." He said, waving his hand to emphasize his point.


Sooyoung was silent for a moment, as if she was contemplating something. It was after a good few seconds that she finally said, "Will you change your mind if I say we won't be doing our night activities unless you buy me a pup..?"




Cue with the sputter. Then the awkward coughing. And then more sputtering.


He looked at Sooyoung as if she just grew a third head. "Y-You must be kidding me." He drawled. "That's one of my rights as your boyfriend! You can't possibly do this to me!"


"Ohh, I assure you I can."




"Nope. Give me my present first!"


Changmin raked his fingers through his hair. "You have to swear that the little bastard won't sabotage any of my snacks and meat, okay..? And you're the one who has to take care of him."


"Yeah, yeah.. I promise, Min. You actually sounded like my mom."


He ignored her taunt. "And of course, the animal shall not sleep in our room."


"Deal. I know you wouldn't want anything to interrupt us."


And after the excruciating long staring competition, Changmin sighed dejectedly, muttering an 'I'm so going to regret this' and said, "Fine."


Forget that Changmin loathed dogs. For Choi Sooyoung would be able to change his mind anytime.

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Chapter 1: it is good
please write more
weak Changminnie! xD
naughty Soo!
shotblade1510 #3
nice one..write more of this..
Using night activities as a weapon. Well played Sooyoung, well played.
dthannya312 #5
hahahaha! i loved it! :)
Awhh so cute! Good job for your first story :D
HAHA! This is cute! :3 and its actually good for your first story :)
aliceeyychan #8
Naw!!!~ Changmin-ah! what about ur adorable doggieeeee~~~~? :P