My First Encounter with Him

Let's Fall in Love Together

Sunny’s P.O.V

 I looked around in the enchanted garden then saw him, my precious boy, waving his beautiful hand to me. He wants me to come to him, I thought. So then, I approached him with such gracefulness. He cupped my face with his warm hands then began getting nearer and nearer to my face. As are lips are going to meet...

 “KRIIIIIIING!” The sharp sound of my alarm clock pierced my ears as I woke up.  My startled self came falling out of the bed, my hitting the floor first. “Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta...” I muttered, holding my hurting waist. I struggled to get up and fortunately succeeded in doing so. I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing my bloodshot eyes matching with my disastrous hair and flushed cheeks. I wistfully grabbed my hairbrush then began combing my hair.

 As I was doing so, my phone rang. I got it then...

 “Aneong haseyo?” I answered.

 “Sunshine!” My best friend, Tiffany, greeted in a cheerful voice. “Good morning!”

 "Oh, Bessie!” I cheerfully said. “Good morning, too! I just woke up, actually.”

 “What?!” She exclaimed in a hilarious tone of voice. I cannot help but giggle. “You just woke up?!”

 “Yes, why?” I asked in a confused voice.

 “Sunny! Did you look at your watch?”  She asked, still in the same tone of voice. “For love’s sake, look at the time!”

 I hastily looked at my alarm clock then...

 “OH MY GOD!!” I shouted in shock. “TIFFANY, IS IT ALREADY...?!?!”

 “Quarter to seven in the morning? Yes. And the bell is going to ring in just fifteen minutes.” She breathed a sigh. “Bessie, you told me you’re going to get up early!”

 I dunked through my uniform and undies. “Look best, I’m sorry. I dreamt about him and my body won’t just wake-up!” I grabbed a sock then began looking for its pair.

 “Oh, that reason.” She giggled and at the same time, I found the other sock. Great. “Okay then. Just try not to forget about breakfast.”


“I’ll do my best not to skip breakfast.” I replied. “Hey, I must go for now. Bye!”

 “Buh-bye! See you later!” She bade goodbye in a cheerful voice. I turned off my phone then began cramming.


(After a few moments...)


“WAIT!” Running and struggling to the gate, I shouted exasperatedly at the school guard. Its just three minutes before the bell and I am desperate to be not late for I have always been late in the first day of school in all of my life. I ran and ran when suddenly...

 “Aaaaaah!” I shouted in pain, holding my waist for the second time. Did I just got hit by a bicycle? I asked myself. Then, I heard the bell rang and saw the closing gate. I felt myself rage and burn. But then, a beautiful hand came extending out for help. Who could this be? I thought. I took the hand as graceful as I can then stood up. I averted my eyes into the person’s face then saw-

 My eyes were as wide as ever. IS HE REAL?!

 “I’m sorry, miss.” His voice was like melody to my ears. OH GOD. HE IS REAL.

 My precious boy...


Lee Sungmin.



 “Miss?” He called again, looking at me worriedly. “Miss? Is there something wrong?”

 I snapped back to reality, still feeling dreamy and lovely. “No, everything is fine.” I replied in an almost dreamy voice (thank God I managed to keep it in a normal tone). “Don’t worry about it.”

 “You sure?” He looked down at my knee which was bleeding at the moment. “That doesn’t look good.” He told me, still with a worried tone of voice.

 I didn’t mind the wound. What matters to me is that...

 First, I held his hand.

Second, he talked to me.


 “I’ll just go to the clinic once we get in.” I told him, convincingly. I cannot avert my eyes off him, I swear to God.

 “No. I’ll just accompany you to the clinic later.” He insisted. Now I can feel my ears clapping with excitement. “Sure, if you insist.” I replied.

 FYI, Lee Sungmin belongs to the boy group “Ultra Junior.” That group consists fifteen cute guys who are great dancers and singers. He is one of the best singers there but for me, HE IS THE BEST!

 Well, he is not in a relationship for now but rumors say that he was with Jessica Jung before. Jessica Jung is a well-known model locally and internationally. In the rumors, they say that Sungmin is still in love with her and wanted to fix back their relationship but he ended up being turned down.

Putting that aside, I was being treated here in the clinic while Sungmin explains to the doctor what happened to me. “I ran her off with my bicycle. She was running then.” He explained in a serious voice.

 “Don’t worry, son. She just had a wound in her knee. It will heal just in a few days.” The doctor told him reassuringly.

 I cannot take this anymore. I got up from my bed then gave the both of them a I-am-fine-don’t-worry-about-me look. “I feel so fine! Look!” I averted my eyes to Sungmin, who didn’t look convinced. “And Sungmin-ssi, I think we should head back to our classes, shouldn’t we?”

 He gave out a small smile which sure made my heart leap. “If you say so, okay then.” He stood up then we bowed to the doctor saying, “Anyeong!”

 As we went out of the clinic, he asked me, “What class are you going to?”

 Oh no! Don’t do that! I’ll melt! “Uu-uh...Class 3-1.” I replied with a trembling voice. “How ‘bout you?” I asked him with a too cheerful voice.

 He just ignored the high pitch of my voice then calmly replied, “Same as you are.”

 Ohmygod. I am going to die now, I swear to GOD!!



To be continued...


[A/N: Guys, leave comments and suggestions. Totally appreciated. :D] 

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update sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
sarangHaeo17 #2
Okiiiee bessy. FIGHTING! :))
Update bes! :) Jam toh. :)