Spring Break Talk with Friends

A New Kind of Spring Break


Your POV:


5 o'clock........


Ughh... I bet my brother isn't even up yet... Well maybe since he loves to jog in the morning.

Might as well get up, there's nothing else to do.


No One's POV:

You decided to call up your best friends since the was nothing better to do.

ring...... ring........ ring.......ri....

"Hey __________! How's my favorite Korean Idol?"

"Hey Elliott! AND I"M NOT AN IDOL! Wait... Why are you up so early?" you stated. yes you are korean living in america.

"I could ask the same thing to you..." he backfired.

"Toushe.... I'm bored so I'm gonna make a three way call with Avril k?" you asked.



"Hey ________, What's up?"

"Nothing much, oh btw elliott is on too." you remembered"

"Oh... Hey Elliott....." Avril answered shyly.

"H-Hey Av-vril....... thanks for remembering me ______." he said quietly than backfired you again.

"Hehehehe....." you laughed at their awkwardness. You already new they were head over heels for eachother.

"So.... to change the awkwardness here..... What are you guys doing for Spring Break?" you asked.

"Well I'm going to Vegas to visit some people and so my parents could spend some money on random ...." Avril answered in one breath.

"Oh..... Well I'm going to go on a long journey to my bed.... *smile*" Elliott answered.

"Well have fun... Oh _______, what are you and your brother doing?" They asked together.

"OH! Well he told me to just pack and get ready. I think I'll find out once I get to the airport." *sigh*" you said while wondering.

"Well at least you know you guys are going over seas..." Avril stated.

"Yeah... At least... Well I'll see you guys at school... Anneyong!" you said cheerfully yet vagully.

"Anneyong!...." they said together.


Ughh... ok _______.... It's only one more day.... the day after tomorow until sprin break...

I can last that long right?






HEY!!! I know I havent update this at all but I had to study for my benchmarks.... I GOT A 92% ! i guess studying does work .....sometimes...... I Promise to try yo updaye as much as I can ^_^

but now I have to get ready for CSTs :(  hope I do well :)


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