Silent Road One-Shot

Silent Road

The night was dark, only the moon shined bright. 
Slowly he walked along the dark road.
It was silent only his whimpering was to hear.
"Why Why" was only to hear from his mouth.
He didn't stop crying, he hold his left , there was his heart.
"Why... why did you do that to me......?", he said and walked slowly.

*In the middle of the night*

"ah,..ah.",  Jaejoong whimpered. He had the same nightmare since 2 weeks.
He always dreamed the same, someone is walking along the dark road.
Jaejoong couldnt see the face of that person.
He only knew that the person was a man. 
"Who is he... why i can't see his face?", he asked himself.
He looked at the alarm, it was 3:55pm.  
Jaejoong ruffled his hair, stood up, went to the kitchen and made some coffee.
"Hmm, maybe it's someone i know... but who?", he got mad because he didn't know anything....
After 10 minutes his coffee was finished and he sat at the table to drink the coffee slowly.
Sometimes he felt lonely because he lived in a big house. His mother passed away, his sister lived in America and he didnt know his father.
"Maybe i should find a boyfriend...ah.. but its hard... aww.... even  gay guys doesnt want me...", he said sadly and went to the bed  and felt asleep again.

“Good morning Yunho oppa” his girlfriend said.
“Aish....Jieul...can you go away?! I want to sleep” he shouted sleepy.
Jieul was mad but went into the kitchen and made breakfast.
Yunho and Jieul were already 2 years in a relationship but Jieul wasn’t happy.
He didn’t sleep with her since they were together.
She always asked herself why he didn’t.
Wasn’t she pretty enough? Did he miss something?
Yunho got up and walked into the kitchen and said “ Yah Jieul. Go home and I don’t want to see you again.”
“Huh...but Yunho oppa why?” she asked.
But he didn’t answer and just kicked her out. Yunho didn’t love her anymore. He never had a relationship that lasted long. Yunho didn’t know why but it was just like that. 
30 minutes later he walked to his work place.
Yunho was working in a small supermarket near the Han-river. He got fast there.
“Hello boss” he said happily to his boss.
“Oh Yunho. You came early again. I am proud of you” said his boss to him and walked away.
Yunho started to work and smiled all the time.


*10 o'clock*

*Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing* 
Jaejoong open his eyes slowly and looked at the alarm clock. 
"ah.. it's time to get up...but I'm so lazy...", he mumbled, got up and took a shower.
He washed his soft skin and his browny hair.
After he washed his body and hair he walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. 
He looked into the mirror and smiled and get dressed. 
"So I need to go now. I'm fresh and clean ahahah.", he smiled, laughed and left his house.
 Jaejoong walked along the road to the supermarket near the Han-River.
" I shall buy somethign to drink for the school.", he said and walked into the supermarket. 
Yunho looked at new costumer and was shocked. He never saw such a beauty.
He only thought: //Omg, he is so hot.//
Yunho only stared at him and tried to talk: "A...Ahm... Excuse me, can I help you?"
Jaejoong turned around and looked: "Oh, yes I search for the bottle Peach Tea. Do you have it?"
Yunho searched for it and founded : "Yes, here. It's the last bottle. Good, that you come here. Can I help you with something else?"
"No, thank you. Oh, can I ask you something?", Jaejoong asked him. 
"Yes, of course.", Yunho smiled.
"Are you new here. I never see you before.", he asked Yunho.
Yunho was suprised by the beauty, but answered: "Yes, I just moved here for 2 weeks ago, since then I'm working here."
Jaejoong smiled and nodded: "Oh, really. Wait did you say you live here since 2 weeks.?"
"Yes, is something wrong?",Yunho asked.
Jaejoong didn't answer, just paid for the bottle and left.
He was shocked, because he had this nightmare since 2 weeks and this boy lived here since 2 weeks. 
Jaejoong couldn't stop thinking about this boy, even he was in the class. 
But Yunho couldn't forget Jaejoong too.
"Why?.. He looks like him...Why... Why did you do this to me? Joon...", said Yunho sadly.
Joon was Yunho's exboyfriend and died through a accident. Since this time Yunho had mysterious accidents.

The time passed away like a storm. Yunho and Jaejoong became couple. Since this time Jaejoong didn't have the nightmare anymore. 
Jaejoong was really happy with Yunho. 
"Jaejoong I love you so much", said Yunho happily. 
He smiled and answered: "Yunho I love you so much too."
Yunho was happy with Jaejoong too and made him everyday a Bentobox with a big heart in it.
Like this morning too. Jaejoong took it, kissed Yunho and left for the school. 
Yunho waved after him and waited so long till he didn't see Jaejoong anymore. 
He felt something diffrent this day, but Yunho didn't know what. So he sat on the couch and turned the TV on. 
Yunho watched TV as he heard a weird sound, he turned around, but it was nothing there.
"Hello? Is here someone?"asked Yunho scared.
But it didn't come a sound.
"Strange...." and Yunho turned around and suddenly saw a picture of a dead person on the TV. 
He shouted of scared, the dead person was Joon and he laughed at Yunho.
Yunho thought: // Omg. It can't be. He is dead since 5 years ago.//
He repeat this thought every minute.
But he still saw the picture and felt suddenly pain in his body.
"AHH!", he cried of pain and tried to walk. 
Yunho left the house and walked the road along.
Jaejoong came home late and searched for Yunho, but he wasn't there. So Jaejoong decided to search for Yunho.
He ran out of the house, the road along.
It was a dark night and only the moon shined bright. 
Jaejoong heard a voice, but it was really quietly.
Then he saw a shadow and suddenly he remembered his nightmare. 
Jaejoong froze from fear and just stared at the shadow.
"Why...Why" he heard it...
"Why is this happen....?", asked Jaejoong himself.
The person came near and near.
"Why...why did you do that to me...?, the person asked.
The moon threw the light on the person and  Jaejoong could finally see the face.
But he was shocked, it was Yunho and he was everywhere with bleed.
"Y...Yunho...?" Jaejoong said quiet.
"Why.. did you do that...?", Yunho said it again.
Jaejoong run to Yunho and hugged him tight.
"I'm here Yunho. I'm here.", said Jaejoong.
Yunho didn't answer and stared at Jaejoong.

One day later the police found two dead bodies on the road.
" I just asked me why they died here." asked the police woman.
"I don't know, but look they  hold still their hands. This is love." answered the police man.
Since this day the road was called Silent Road.


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why did they died?? joon killed them?? please explain..TT^TT
so sad aissshhh but at least they are still together when they depart from earth though. i think if i ever met that road, i'll cry rather than freaking out hahaXD i liked it, so write more! :)
@dbfivek what didnt you get?
OMOOOOOOO....ok first I laughed at the ridicolus image of gay boys turning Jae down...loool impossible^^
but then I must say it got scary I'm such a chicken when it comes to this >_<
and the end.....woaaaa sad but also scary I must say...silent road...two dead lovers. but I really liked it and I hope you post more!

but hey...I think I will try to write girls really encouraged me! <3
CassieMira #5
waaaah! D: <3 Poor yunjae. :( </3
but even in death together. <3
InfiniteGirlSunggyu #6
Momomo D: Sad ending Qwq.! but I love it *___*