The Confession

Spring Day

It’s the season for vivid memories to build on. It’s the season for poignant moments to be away. It’s the season for the glee minutes to sip in. It’s the season for the love to start sparklingly. It was there, perfectly situated in between the wintry spell and the sunny liberty, the springtime. Together with vibrant colours everywhere, with blooming flowers here and there, with calming breeze and vision within the atmosphere.

She walked down the lone-trail, side by side with him together with her left in his right, and collectively a beam could be seen on both facades. One in a while, he would steal a glance to the girl, and so did her. And at certain end, both could catch the gaze of each other’s and they would lock themselves deep within, but for sure her will take her eyes’ off first, mutually with a slight rosy-pink coloured her cheeks.

He chuckled privately, and quickly pulled her hand to the west area of the green. She startled at first but able to catch up to his pace just in time, before she could face the ground in a loud thud. His lengthy legs were eagerly taking her to the place in mind, and unknowingly both were running to the place insight. She felt competent when her visions floored on the vast-open area, there a picnic viewed entirely.

None was there, no children ran along, no couples hung around, only them as the duo alone with the red, plaid-square mat with a large brown, wooden basket on one edge. It was perfectly placed under the big, pink-flowery tree, facing the sea in front. The waves knocking down the shore could be heard bit by bit, the surrounding was in peace, and she could even hear his soft breathing on her nape. His hands s her waist from behind, back-hugging her in hush while admiring the view in front. It was breath-taking.

After quite a while standing up, he gradually picked her up and placed her on the mat, in the centre of the square quilt. He opened the basket and took out everything inside. She observed the scenery once again while letting him busy in his own small world, and she could see the flowers were not only pink but in every pinkish-shade, the grass was neatly green, and the sea was peacefully shining its blue to the whole region. She could also feel the warm breeze lightly attacking her vertebras, the temperate zephyr slowly brushing her smells, and the humid puff of air calmly screening her sight.

She hugged herself deeper in embrace, to keep the sense awaken, to remain the sagacity unbroken. He stopped half-way and smiled at her picture, she was hugging herself, closing her eyes, feeling the panorama with her sanity. He then continued his effort, and tidily placing the food in set.

“Soo? Baby?” he whispered to her left ear carelessly, blowing in her face tenderly along the course, startling her bit. She looked up to see his face in front, eyes were fondly boring into hers, forehead was a finger away from hers, and lips were perfectly in the dangerous spot. He then leisurely leaning into hers, not breaking their visions, and gradually tilting his head to the right, keeping the forehead and the nose to brush against little by little.

Unconsciously, he pressed his lips to hers in a very, really slow approach, closing his eyes along the way. He pulled away a bit after that, still locking their gazes, still keeping the forehead as a whole while brushing her nose with his sweetly, “Close your eyes and reply me, Baby.” He tilted his head to the opposite this time and attacked her lips once again, endearingly. He smirked in his kiss when he felt her replying to his kiss.

He took it as a signed and leaned in his whole body to her statue, picking her up into his embrace, gently placed onto his lap with his hands around her scrawny waist, and hers was on the shoulder and his nape respectively. Her left hand which flawlessly placed on the nape was playing inside his now, slight-brunette, straight, preppy-curls locks.

He nibbled on her lips vaguely and she opened up in counter, giving him a chance to deepen the kiss in a spark. After almost what seemed to be an afterlife, both pulled away when the oxygen was indeed a need in supply. With a beam on both facades, sincerity in both smiles, happiness on both faces and contentment in both grins, the silence was pleasurably inviting.

No words in exchange, only through the eyes, no sounds in heed, only through the stillness, both could feel the same blissful periods in minds, could hear the passionate glee musicals in plays and the delightfully joy outlook in dreams. “I love you, Choi Sooyoung. I love you since the very first time I saw you leaning on the door frame of the dance room, waiting for Yoochun-hyung to grab a lunch together, waiting for Yunho-hyung to payback your revenge on him, waiting for Jaejoong-hyung to walk to the gym together, waiting for Junsu-hyung to practice some songs and jokes.”

“Oppa, that was almost a decade ago.” She said desperately shocked from his sudden confession. He sheepishly grinned at her while rocking her body slowly whom still in his embrace, on his lap liked a child. “And I can’t believe you just confessed to me last couple of years back around your comeback stage.” She crossed her arms across her chest, puffing some air in retort with a little pout insight. He refrained himself from laughing yet his eyes betrayed him first, “Don’t smile or say anything, I’m fuming now.”

He bit his lips to hold his smirk from forming on further, he opened his eyes widely to let her noticed that he was not going to smile or say anything. In answer, it was her who couldn’t refrained herself when she burst into a fit of laughter, her thin lips slowly curved up with the eyes shrinking into a half-moon sized, her cheekbones were lifted up completely showing off her small eyes and plump cheeks more to his observation, which he always adored in mute.

He slowly showing off his shy smile at her, and the smile changed into a full grin once her hands snaking his nape, pulling him closer to her in hold, closing up the gap of their faces while her breathe amiably brushing his face, “Oppa, I’m always in love with you since the very first time I saw you in the dance room practice with others. Don’t you feel odd when I’m the only girl whom easily walking and playing with you guys even when Jessica wasn’t there with me?”

This time, he can’t hide his questioning face anymore, he jerked up his eye-brow to her with her progressing the talking.

“I’m waiting for Yoochun-oppa to grab a lunch which I could see you watching over me as he always paying for my food whenever we ate together. I’m waiting for Yunho-oppa to payback my revenge simply because he constantly teasing me with you till I’m afraid you could see my blush. I’m waiting for Jaejoong-oppa to walk to the gym as I know he will always let me stand in between of him and you in our way to the gym together still he’ll protect my mask from fully-shown to you. And I’m waiting for Junsu-oppa to do some practices together as in the same time I could hear your voice singing across the room, practising on your own.”

With that she leaned into him, pecking his lips and lazily stayed there longer than she usually possessed. She pulled out from his and whispered, “I love you too oppa, I always do.” After the heart-to-heart talked they had, it was almost twilight then. The sun was settling down in the horizon, boring the landscape with its reddish-orange while colouring the whole place beautifully. She placed her head on his chest, cautiously listening to his calm breathing, rapid heartbeats, watching the view of the sunset in front and soon after, the moon was up, the full moon to be exact was perfectly hung on the blackish night sky.

The glistening silvery, round shadow shadowed brilliantly, calmly on the sea surface. They were still in embrace, tighten than before with her in between his legs and his head on her crowns. Once in a while, he will sniff in her crowns before kissing her temples lightly and devotedly. For once, both shikshins were forgetting about the food-picnic which was planned earlier.




“Hyung, I can’t believe she had the same feelings like mine since way before. She was the same as me, afraid to take a move and she even insisted that it was a guy’s job to approach a girl and not otherwise. Thank god I approached her last two years, or else she’ll never be mine.”

Yoochun who was on the end of the line, was happily smiling while listening to Changmin’s story. He always prayed that both shikshins will confess before the world ends, and he even thought that this two were the most dense person ever lived and met before, which they were. Each gaze, each bow, each smile and each glance were remote away than awkward to describe yet the calm background could already sense on what was wrong with the tension among those two however they were so oblivious towards it.

Nowadays, even when he was away from them, he’ll be updated from everyone from the so-called SMTown family, yup, he battled it out with the upper class and not the people under it so the relationship among them also slowly getting better as usual as before. And after the revelation of their efforts trying to keep up with Yunho and Changmin heard out, they able to stay in contact even when they couldn’t meet easily in public as it’ll be risky for both parties, at the very least they still able to communicate through phones or e-mails.

“Yeah sure, we all knew about it but we stayed low as we wanted you guys to become conscious on it naturally but I guess it really took us all out to wait for you guys to recognize it deep. It’s tiring you know, to wait for this to finally happened.” Changmin chuckled listening to his remark, “Hyung, goodluck for your concert tomorrow. Better sleep in now or else you’ll be the panda for the show. I’ll update you later. Break a leg to you, Jae and Su-hyung also.”

“Okay, same goes to you and hyung. Stay healthy and always keep the faith, we’ll be together again soon enough after all this completely concealed. Bye.” And with that both hung up with a smile hanging proudly on each facade. Changmin’s smile was reasoned out for the confession from the other shikshin while for Yoochun’s, he’s in bliss now as finally his so-great-geniusly-stupid dongsaeng finally confessing and he can’t wait to know what will the other two reactions will be.




“You won’t believe that I and Changmin were falling for each other since like hell already.” She excitedly phoned in her best friend, Chaerin, to story her everything happened during their little supposed-to-be picnic. “LOL you just realized about that?” Chaerin remarked her back but the earlier girl turned quiet which was a sign for her to continue on babbling.

“OMO Chaerin-ah, he glanced at me! Chaerin-ah his eyes are adorably cute when he smiles! Chaerin-ah he this, Chaerin-ah he that! And mostly when he took me out for lunch, of course with Yoochun-oppa yet still! Oh, it doesn’t even count as a date as you’re always having lunch with Yoochun-oppa and only sometimes he’ll tag along together.” Chaerin said to the former with the perfect re-enactment of hers to pin her down.

“I said those?”

“Huh, you don’t realized those either? OMG Soo~~ah, you’re dense. Everyone could always see the feeling you guys had for each other and finally after those bloody hell-stricken waiting years, he confessed and yet at that time you’re playing push-and-pull with him. ‘Chaerin-ah what should I do? What should I answer? He said he loves me, Chaerin-ah’ Yah, couldn’t you just say yes and let our life be in peace. And finally after the whole fortnight, you replied him. Honestly thinking, I thought him already giving up by that time.”

“Yah, how could you say that? He said he waited for my answer and besides he didn’t tell me to give him the answer quickly, yet he said to take time with it.”

“OMG, Soo... in love, the process of answering a proposal is whether immediately or at the longest was at five days. Don’t you watch dramas? The hero will say the same to the heroine, yet the heroine only took two to three days in the timeline to answer him not a gory 14 days.”

And just like that, the night for these two girls getting longer and longer with the latter ranting her heart out to the former, while the former receiving the rants halfway. Unhurriedly with her phone in hand, with the sounds of Chaerin’s voice blooming out from the speaker, and as she could hear the doorbell, she lazily marched to the door. She opened it quickly, revealing him sculptured in his cosy grey sweatpants with a white hoodie behind the frame, with the earlier picnic basket in his hand.

He eyed her up and down, smirking at her attire, she was wearing a grey shorts with a grey cardigan over her black tank top. “Picnic? We didn’t eat all of this earlier evening. Don’t worry, it’s not yet spoilt, but if we’re not finishing this up, Ryeowook will surely spoilt and he’ll never cook for me again and then Yunho-hyung will cook oh, please don’t let me start on that, his cooking is--” his words were muffled as she molested his full, thin lips for a kiss.

“Yah, Sooyoung? Sooyoung? Sooooooo~~~~~~young? You’d better reply me now, and why do I hear that devil’s voice there? Yah,” she simply mouthed, ‘Chaerin’ to him. He picked the phone from hers, with her in his embrace, creating a circle on his chest with her extended pointer, smirking.

“Chaerin-ah, it’s the Devil. Sooyoung busy now, I’ll let her know to call you again next time.” And with that he hung up on her, leaving the confused-shocked Chaerin on the end of the line. “Aish, Soo stop it. Come let’s eat,” he took her finger from his chest and quickly pulled her to the kitchen. “Urmmm oppa, I don’t think we should go to the kitchen.” But being the stubborn Changmin, he ignored her, instead he walked faster to the kitchen. Only to meet his death there, standing proudly with his hands crossed over his chest.

“So Min, my cooking is hell, huh?” Changmin eyed Yuri, whom sitting and waving beside his leader for help but she just chuckled at him now. He eyed his lover next, and Sooyoung quickly avoiding his line of sight, before mouthing, “Served you right, you ignored me earlier.”

“Hehehe, late picnic hyung, Yul? Let’s go eat in front of the TV” he lifted up the basket to their prospect and slowly, he retreating back to the living room. Eventually the spacious area had become a playground for both to play run-and-catch, leaving the picnic basket behind for Sooyoung and Yuri to finish up while laughing their asses off, having fun to see Changmin suffered in Yunho’s forcefully, deep hug.




#specially dedicated for theonlydoda and you asked for a super fluff so i guessed this is the only limit my imagination can go LOL hope you like it :) and to others Happy White Day even if its already a bit late from the current celebration date ^^v




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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
What's ChangSoo Fic exchange?
haha funny and sweet :3
HAHA! so cute :3