Maybe it’s quite the same way . . .

Peanut Butter


Kibum-ah, sorry I can’t be with you today
Today is Sekyung’s birthday, I have to buy a present for her before her birthday party
I’m sorry, next time I promise I’ll go shopping with you, okay ?

P.S: Do you want to buy something while I’m at store ?


Key sighed in disappointed, he press delete button on his phone so he will not remember that Jonghyun had asked the question. After all this time, he was deceived himself by tell himself everything will be fine. Since Sekyung was introduced by Jonghyun, somehow Key becomes unsteady to his bandmate, it is like burnt in jealousy flame. Key regrets it all, he regrets why he hadn’t told his feelings to Jonghyun, why he has to feel scared Jonghyun will stay away from him if Key confessed it.

Everything is over, so Key must assume that his feelings are over too.

Suddenly Key took his bag and wears his usual outfit: T-shirt, jeans, and jacket. Then he goes outside with Onew’s eyes look at him emotionlessly.

“Where are you going ?” asked Onew, watching TV while looking at Key.

“I want to . . . go out for a minute.”

Key walked unsteadily to the door with emotionless face. Minho dan Taemin looking each other after they saw Key, asking each other what happen to him. Onew just stay still, he knows a few of Key’s problem, and he decided to not tell it to them as his promise to Key.


In the end, Key sat on a park bench, doing nothing.

Most of people know him as one of SHINee’s member, that popular group. But all of them have no courage to get closer to him, maybe his aura told them to stay away from Key. He sighed again, when the sky revealed its beautiful twilight.

Those colours, somehow they make a painful feeling in his heart.

Key released a book from his bag, his diary book. He always brings his book everywhere, everytime. Just a simple reason, this book can be much needed in this kind of situation like this.

Suddenly, a paper airplane fall on his lap, makes Key surprised. He takes the paper airplane, and look at it deeply. “Ah, mi-mianhae~ ”

Key raised his head, revealed a girl with black long hair wearing a white dress with a white fur hat, makes her looks beautiful. Her weak smile greets Key. “Sorry, please . . . the paper . . .”

Key’s face got blush, “Ah, yes, there you are.”

He gave the paper airplane to the girl, her face got a blush too. “Do you read it ?”

Key becomes uneasy, “Mianhae, I swear I didn’t open it. Sorry if the paper had your secrets . . .”

“Gwaenchana.” answered the girl. “Can I seat beside you ?”

“Of course you can.”

The girl sat beside Key, opened the paper and read the words inside the paper. Key more feel uneasy to the girl. After a minute, the girl sighed, “My name is Park Aira, you can call me Aira.”

“Kim Kibum, just call me Kibum.” there is a long silence after Key introduced himself. This is wrong, Key tought. She didn’t know I’m a member of SHINee ? Usually if Key doing the same thing to other people, they will realized something and exclaimed in front of him: Are you sure you’re SHINee’s member ? OMG ! I can’t believe it ! and bla-bla-bla, et cetera.

“Kim Kibum ? Such a good name.” said Aira, the she looks at Key more deep. “Ngg, is there anything wrong ?”

“You looks like didn’t have a good spirit, what happen ?”

Key’s uneasy increased drastically, it’s like . . . his brain wants to spurt thousands words he buried all this time, words that should told to Jonghyun. His heart beatings fast like a time bomb counting down to explode. Key tries to hold it as much as his can. “Calm down Key, this girl is not Jonghyun,” he said it to himself continuously.

“I just . . .” Aira tilted her head while listen to Key. “I had liked a friend, but that friend didn’t realize it even tought I gave her so many clues, but still . . . that friend didn’t realized mine. In the end, she got a boyfriend. And I . . . regret it.”

Aira paused a while, “So that’s it . . .”

Key was angry in his herat, he did not want that answer.

“It’s okay if you regret what you’ve done.” Key frowned. “Hope is certainly makes you tired, moreover that hope does not come true. The only way is let it go, like this paper airplane, you know why I want ask you to give the paper back ?”

Key shook his head.

“Because I was took the paper from my diary.” Aira smiled again to the surprised young man. “Really ?”

“Yeah.” Aira nodded. “One day, I liked one of my classmates, I cannot greet him every time I passed him, because that time, I’m too shy. So I only see him from a far distance. Until my friends told him that I like him, suddenly he turns cold at me. I don’t know why. Then I regret to have such feelings to him.” Aira tells her story with hands in her heart, her eyes almost pour a single tear. “It hurts, you know . . . Unrequited love always hurt.”

“You’re right. Unrequited love . . .”

“Somehow it reminds me with Charlie Brown in a comic titled Peanuts.” said Aira. “Once he said: Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love. Maybe it’s quite the same way we felt when we know, the one who meaningful to us didn’t really destined for us.”

Key looks at Aira’s eyes for a long time, as if this girl knows what he feel, feelings that not requited like sweetness that faded slowly, or maybe like a twilight sky—like they saw now—was vermillion turns darker and darker, in the end it turns black. At those times, a person will think about what time he had spent to stay still and think about move on.

“Aira ya !”

“Oppa !” said Aira and waved her hand. One young man with blonde hair walks closer to Aira. “It’s time to go home, let’s go.”

“Wait a minute.” said Aira, she looks Key and smiles. “I had to go home, good to sharing with you, Kimbum-ssi.”

“Me too, Aira-ssi.”

The sky that almost black separate them, but soon Key turns back. Aira and his brother has gone, Key did not have an idea where will they going. He only found nothing but the paper that Aira took for a while ago. He picked the paper, and read it as if Aira has gone.

Then Key had a bitter smile on his face.



No matter what happens, you can never lose hope
You have to remember what’s most important, and that’s to have faith, and to have love
If you can remember all of those, that will bring you good luck



Last quotes taken from game called 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors
Hmm, in my draft there should be a little moment when Key felt sad about Jonghyun but . . . I think next time =))
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Y no happy endinggg?
phiiee #2
Y U NO HAPPY ENDING? *commits harakiri*
it needs a happy ending. not joking.
Nah, my secret revelead ! =))
Yes, I'm Indonesian, I'll edit it later =))
its so surprising to find pices of bahasa there,, indonesian? btw, this story is really nicely written,,
TeenLoveIzInfinite #5
oh (i don't write this^^)
so i have forgotten to write that this girl is very pretty(god my English is bad )
and about this story do you lose some subscriber or chapter???
TeenLoveIzInfinite #6
god how sweat!!!!
at first god i love your headline i mean peanut butter i love it!!!!!!
and than Jongkey!!!!
god subscribe!!!!
god quote is the best !!! right now save (^^)
i have a question play the oc a big role????
i mean will be Jongkey together???
i am very curious because i don't know what you with the oc!!!

god i love real Storys and than a crush