Chapter 11

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Italic = inner thoughts.




Zzashh, zzashh




Irene raised her hand to block the blinding sunlight. As her eyes slowly adapted to her surroundings, she finally saw the blue sky and gentle waves not so far from her. She realized that she was sitting on a wooden bench at the shore. Blinking her eyes at the oddly familiar place and situation, she thought, 'Isn't this …'


"A penny for your thoughts, Mam?"


Something cool suddenly caressed her left cheek. It was a bottle of coca-cola, her favorite soft drink. Perfect for cooling down her body from the hot weather. Before Irene could say anything, a shadow moved before her and shielded her from the harsh sunlight.


"Look at you getting sunburned. Should I stand here until the sun sets?"


Wait, this scene ...


Irene raised her head only to see Wendy's bright eyes staring at her. Wendy's short brown hair was slightly messy due to the playful wind dancing around them, yet, it didn't reduce the intensity of her scorching gaze. Behind those eyes, Irene could see how tense the latter was. Like she was about to do something big, something special to her lover, something like proposing.




Irene was bewildered as the realization hit her. Undoubtedly, this was the place where Wendy proposed to her. Everything was so surreal to her, even the faint old-school song played in the background by one of the stores.


'Am I dreaming about the past right now?'


"! I can't wait until sunset. This is for you." A blushing Wendy shoved the bottled cola into Irene's small hand.


Irene gulped as she turned the bottle around, and yes, it was there … the ring. She knew what was about to happen.



Wendy kneeled in front of her. Making Irene, who was sitting on the bench, a head taller than her.


"Irene, we've been dating for a year now. I don't want to wait anymore. Let's elope! ... I-I mean, let's get married!" The younger woman stumbled on her words but quickly regained her confidence as she untied the ring and held it in front of Irene’s eyes. "Love, will you marry me?"


Irene didn't say anything. But judging by the familiar delightful look on Wendy's face, this dream was just replaying what happened three years ago in this place, and she was here just to witness it again.


When the ring wrapped beautifully around her ring finger, Wendy cupped her face while looking gently at her, and Irene knew very well what she was about to say.


"… In the future, whatever you want me to do, I will follow as long as it can guarantee your happiness. I just want you to be happy, Irene."


A single tear escaped from Irene's eyes. Blurring Wendy's face, the blue sky, and everything else around them. All she could feel was the remaining taste of Wendy's lips and the softest whisper of 'I love you' in her ears.


It was on that particular day she surrendered herself completely to Wendy. Body and soul.



Irene woke up with a jolt. The blaring alarm pulled her back from her dream. For a while, she just stared at the ceiling blankly, wondering why she dreamed about their past, especially that particular moment that was once so precious to her. She didn't even bother to turn off her alarm which got louder with each passing second.


Why did I dream of that day?


Rubbing her tired eyes, she felt them dampened by tears. Stunned, she didn't know that she was crying while dreaming. It had never happened before.


But what was she crying for? Was it because she missed the sweet moment between them? Or was it because she regretted accepting Wendy's proposal? What??


Groaning, she lifted the blanket and was about to get up for work when she felt her room spinning around her.



Living room.


Irene's voice sounded hoarse when she talked with her sister on the phone. "Joy, can you help me send Lily to kindergarten? I think I caught a fever."


"Huh? You're not in the city?" She bit her lips. "It's okay. I'll ask my colleague for help. Take care."


The young manager disconnected the call only to see a pair of innocent eyes staring at her.


"Is mommy sick?"


"Yes, mommy doesn't feel good today," Irene replied weakly. She already informed Jinah that she's taking sick leave today. Remembering that today was their scheduled monthly meeting with the CEO, everyone must be busy preparing for it. She felt bad for her team but couldn't bring herself to work today. Not when she was burning with fever and felt her world spinning around her every time she tried to move.


"Mommy go to sleep. Lily will call food delivery for you, and then mommy can drink the bitter medicine to get better!"


Listening to her 5-year-old daughter talking about taking care of her, Irene smiled slightly. Somebody has to take Lily to kindergarten and then send her to the daycare after school. Even though Irene would be home all day to recuperate, she wouldn’t be able to watch the young child with her condition.


Suddenly, the young manager's mind drifted to one person who might be able to help her. Putting her ego aside for Lily, her fingers stopped scrolling at a certain contact in her phone.


I'm doing it for Lily ...


Irene put her hand on top of her burning forehead as she waited for her call to be answered. Finally, after the third ring, her call was connected.


"Can you help me?"



Wendy was sweeping the floor when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Halting her work, she pulled her phone cautiously. Her eyes widened when she saw the caller ID, Irene Bae. A call from the woman only meant one thing, urgency. Did something happen?? The young novelist didn't think twice and quickly answered the call.


"Irene? What-" She listened to Irene's hoarse voice and immediately got an idea. "Yes. I can drive Lily to kindergarten."


Wendy glanced at the clock while calculating the time. She needed to deliver lunch boxes before lunchtime, and it would take her around 15 minutes to reach the company. Irene's house was on the other side of the city. She probably would spend 30 minutes getting there. By then, Lily would surely be late for her class. So, she decided to pick up Lily first and deliver the lunch boxes after.


"I'll be there in around 30 minutes. Is that okay?" Wendy heard Irene's faint 'yes' and told her to rest until she came.


Wendy turned off her phone and quickly finished her job before finding Mrs. Jang. She had to inform the old woman that she would stop by somewhere before delivering the lunch boxes.

In the kitchen.


"Your wife is sick? Then you can take a day off to take care of your family."


Wendy considered the offer. It may be better to take a day off, but would Irene want her to do that?


"I will check on her condition first, Mrs. Jang. She only asked me to drive our daughter to school."


"Alright. Go see your wife, and bring this lunch box for her." Mrs. Jang passed a lunch box to her before adding, "Don't worry about the delivery. I'll assign someone else to do it."



Following the GPS device in Seulgi's old car, Wendy arrived precisely 30 minutes later at Irene's porch. It was the first time she had returned here since she was kicked out two months ago. After pushing the bell, she waited for Irene to open the door with a lunch box in her hand.




The door opened, and it was Lily who greeted her.


"Mommy!" The young child had already shouldered her backpack and wore her yellow hat.


"Lily." Wendy smiled widely before wandering her eyes around. "Where's Mommy Irene?"


"Sleeping on the couch. Lily called mommy many times to open the door, but she wouldn't wake up!"


Alarmed by the news, she immediately scooped Lily into her arms to see Irene inside. When she stepped into the living room, she saw Irene sprawled on the couch with her eyes closed tightly. She looked so uncomfortable.


Wendy walked closer and put her hand on Irene's forehead to feel her temperature, which was burning hot! She put Lily down before shaking Irene's body. "Irene? … Irene!"




Irene's eyes slowly fluttered open. As their eyes met, she saw how glassy and slightly puffy her eyes were around the rim. Due to her fever, her fair cheeks were also paler than usual.


“You’re here.” Wendy could see how relieved Irene was to see her. The woman must’ve fallen asleep while waiting for her.


“Yes, I’m here,” Wendy whispered softly. "Have you taken any medicine?"


Irene weakly shook her head as she stared at Wendy.


"How about we go to a clinic after I drive Lily to school?"




"But can you eat first? I brought something for you." Wendy pointed at the lunch box on the table.




Irene was weirdly obedient due to her fever, and it made Wendy sigh in worry. It was unusual for her to see the always confident woman like this.


After ensuring the woman held her spoon properly, Wendy ushered Lily to Seulgi's car and drove to the kindergarten. Around 30 minutes later, Wendy was back at the house. She found Irene once again sprawled on the couch. The older woman only ate about ¼ of the meal, but it was better than nothing.


Shaking Irene's shoulder, Wendy said, "Hey, let's go to the clinic. I saw one a block from here." She heard Irene's groan when the latter tried to stand up while holding her head.


"Let me help you."


Supporting Irene's slim waist without any hesitation, Wendy slowly led the woman to Seulgi's car. Irene didn't refuse her because she knew she couldn't walk by herself. Not when she felt she was about to fall back whenever she attempted to move.



A clinic close to Irene's neighborhood.


Irene was diagnosed with fever and vertigo. The doctor even scolded her for overworking herself and advised her to get a full rest for two days and to drink her medicine twice daily. When Wendy heard this, she couldn't help but reflect on her old self. She and Irene somehow shared the same trait, workaholic.


The young manager was quiet when listening to the doctor’s lecture. Making a nod from time to time like an obedient student. Apparently, it wasn’t the first time she came here for the same illness.


Is that why she groaned loudly when she saw me pull over at this clinic? Wendy thought amusedly. Cute.


The trip to and back from the clinic made the young manager feel drained. Her vertigo made it hard for her to keep her eyes open since whenever she slightly turned her head, the pounding on her head made her feel like falling from her seat. Wendy glanced from behind the steering wheels. She sympathized with the woman.


"I'll make a quick stop at the supermarket. Do you need something to buy?" Wendy wanted to cook porridge for the young manager because it seemed she had lost her appetite. "Also, uh, can I use your kitchen?"


"Do whatever you want. Just come back quickly, okay?" Irene's voice was mellow, and there was a slight whine in it. Demanding Wendy to not make her wait for long.


The young novelist was stunned. It was the first time she saw Irene like this. 'Because of her fever, she unconsciously lessens her guard around me,' she thought as she looked at the woman beside her who had her eyes shut and a slight frown etched on her forehead.


Well, Irene was in no state to think. She just wanted to go home and lie down on her bed until the pounding in her head disappeared.


"Why are we still here? Go." The whine in her voice became even more demanding, so Wendy quickly shifted her eyes to start the car.



Irene's house.


When the clock hit 1 PM, Wendy knocked on Irene's door. The porridge that she made had cooled down and was ready to consume.


Knock! Knock!


"The porridge is ready. You have to eat now before you drink your medic

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 28: I reread this again and realized that I never upvoted it 😳 I must've been so consumed with all these emotions with the way author-nim writes.

I also wanna say that I miss you author-nim!!!!!
1698 streak #2
Chapter 25: Re reading again because I missed Wenrene...
Chapter 28: I got reminded of this and decided to reread it. I swear this is one of the best WR story i had ever read. Going to reread mugunghwa next. Not me treating this like a series 😂
Chapter 1: re-reading again bec, i miss them sm
Chapter 28: I really love this story and i need read that extra chapter. But how??? 😭
Re-reading for the nth time already. I love this fic 🥺
Chapter 28: should i reread the crown mugunghwa??? btw thanks for another good story authornim, i would love to read that extra story but i'm confused how to do it hehe
Chapter 27: I at catching something and I can only guess it after 25 chapters 😭😭😭
Chapter 26: oh no, is Wendy going back to being a jerk??
Chapter 25: Okay, that means there is a possibility that 3 years ago Wendy's soul was swapped/exchanged/moved and now it's back again