I Love You


Pricilla trudged home miserably, the water was dripping down her hair and tears were slipping down the sides of her face. She couldn't go home and let her parents see her like this so instead she walked to the park that she and Key used to always go to. It was peaceful and empty because of the rain, but there were two familiar firgures standing by the fountain. Pricilla felt her heart drop lower than it already had when she recognised it was Key kissing Hana. Hana is the school queenka who gets whatever she wants, and the thing she wants to see most is Pricilla in pain.

Pricilla was a nerd and picked on for that, when Key was still in school, he felt sorry for her as a sunbae so he swore to protect her and they fell in love. It was sad that Key was moving to America for a year to study but it would be selfish of Pricilla to stop him since this was a rare oppurtunity. Hana's arms were around his neck and he just stood there, the rain was beginning to subside as everything became clearer. Pricilla snapped out of her stance and stormed over to the two, Hana pulled away from Key and a loud *smack* was heard. Pricilla had slapped Key, she glared at him angrily, her eyes were going red and more tears were pouring out. Before anything else could happen, Pricilla ran away, she could hear Key calling out after her but she blocked out all the surrounding noise and just went wherever her feet took her. After what seemed like hours of running, she ended up at Jessica's house, with her weak legs she dragged herself to the front door and knocked. Jessica opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw Pricilla's state "What happened to you?!" she exclaimed with worry before pulling Pricilla inside.

They sat on the couch while Pricilla dried herself off and told Jessica the entire story. She cried while stuffing with ice-cream Jessica had given her, sweets were always the best solution to broken hearts. It was beginning to get late and Pricilla's parents would be worried so she decided to go home, when she opened the door she was met with a surprise. There stood Key with a teddy bear and a bouquet of red roses in his hand, Pricilla was still angry at him though "Toys and flowers aren't going to solve anything" she coldy stated and pushed pass him. But he grabbed her hand before she could go too far "It took me all afternoon to find you, let me explain" his voice was filled with desparation but the anger took over Pricilla.

She tugged her hand away from him and turned around to face him "EXPLAIN THEN! TELL ME WHY YOU WERE KISSING HANA! TELL ME WHY YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP? EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I HAD TO WAIT 2 HOURS FOR YOU THEN CRY IN THE RAIN?!" all the anger burst out from her and Key slightly jumped at her harsh voice. Jessica stared at the two behind her door worriedly, she knew Key probably had a reasonable explanation but Pricilla looked really upset. "I WAS ON MY WAY TO THE RESTAURANT, BUT I BUMPED INTO HANA AND SHE STARTED TELLING ME ALL THIS BULL THEN SUDDENLY KISSED ME! I DIDN'T KISS HER BACK, BUT WHAT'S THE POINT WHEN YOU DON'T TRUST ME ANYWAYS!" it was Key's turn to get angry, he dumped the gifts on the floor then stormed away. When he was gone, Pricilla turned to Jessica with teary eyes, she looked down at the gifts for a brief moment before running after Key.

Key wasn't really angry at Pricilla, he knew it was his fault and she probably suffered a lot already, but he just overreacted back there. Shaking his head he walked faster down the footpath but stopped abruptly when something collided into his back, two little arms wrapped around his waist and he felt his back becoming wet. Key turned around stiffly, Pricilla looked up at him with her tear-filled eyes then ducked her head into his chest and cried out again "I'm sorry, i know it wasn't your fault, i'm really sorry" she mumbled into his shirt. Key was shocked but hugged her back and told her everything was alright, they pulled apart and Key's eyes shifted to Pricilla's lips. He slowly leaned in until their lips met, fireworks went off in Pricilla's head as she kissed him back<3



There you go dongsaeng-ah, we really love you and will really miss you. Farewell and all the best for the future ^^

Shout out to Jenny xD Comment!

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YonggSeoo #1
Eonni!~ Sarangahe and by the way keep it up! Don't leave the story to an end...:(
Keep on writing!~
난 장말 장말장말보고정말싶을거야.....
wahh updateee