
My Mysterious Boss

┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑
Your eyes widened by Hajoon’s unexpected question.
You quickly shifted your gaze to Eunwoo.

“Ha-ha, Hajoon’s just joking!” you laughed, hoping to ease the tension and steer the question away. 
Eunwoo looked at you.
“Was he?” he asked, unsure of what Hajoon’s question really meant.
“Of course! He likes to joke a lot,” you added, "right?" you asked, glaring at Hajoon. 

Eunwoo turned his attention back to Hajoon, waiting for his answer.
“Of course. I was joking,” Hajoon said, though his expression said otherwise.

Deep inside, Eunwoo felt relieved.
“Let’s finish the food before it gets cold,” you suggested.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You walked them to the door; both slipped in their shoes.
“Thanks for dinner, --------!” Eunwoo thanked, slipping the last pair of his shoes.
Hajoon looked over his shoulder.
“It was delicious,” he added.

Eunwoo rolled his eyes, as he stood behind Hajoon. 
“You guys are always welcomed to join me for dinner,” you smiled.

“I’ll see you later. Good night!’ Eunwoo said, as he opened the door.
“Good night to you too, Eunwoo,” you smiled.

Just before Hajoon was about to leave with Eunwoo, you grabbed his wrist, stopping him for leaving.
“Wait," you stopped him.
Eunwoo stopped, as his eyes locked at the sight. 
You noticed Eunwoo's stare, as he continued to stand behind Hajoon.
“Get home safely, Eunwoo!” You added, hoping that Eunwoo would leave first.
Hajoon looked over his shoulder at Eunwoo.

Eunwoo gave you a smile, before leaving.
Hajoon's eyes trailed Eunwoo's exit, victoriously smirked.
You released Hajoon’s wrist and quickly closed the door.

“Yah, are you crazy?” you whisper-yelled, afraid that Eunwoo might hear you two, as you turned to face him. 
“What did I do?” Hajoon asked.
You scoffed, crossing your arms, in shocked that he was acting that he didn’t know what he did wrong.
“What did you do? What did YOU do?” You repeated, in disbelief.
“Yea, what did I do?”

“You already crossed your heart that you wouldn’t say a word about it!” You half-yelled out of frustration.
“Well, were you going to ask him about it?”
“No, I wasn’t, but he could have known that we were suspecting him,” you explained.
“I thought you two were friends?," he raised a brow out of confusion.
“We are, but there’s something I know about him that he doesn’t know that I know!” You spilled.

You quickly covered your mouth, realizing a little too late.
Hajoon slightly tilted his head, wondering what you were trying to say.
“What do you know that he doesn’t?” he asked.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You sat next to Hajoon on the couch, fidgeting with your fingers.

Aish, why did you say it?
You scolded yourself.

You looked at Hajoon, nervous that you were going to tell him everything you knew about Eunwoo's identity.
“You can’t say anything about it,” you said.
“I won’t.”
“I don’t know, if I can trust you. You said that last time, and look what happened earlier,” you side-eyed him.
“Think of it as I was helping you,” Hajoon suggested.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” you contemplated.
“How bad is it?” 
“Like, kind of bad, but not really.”
You took a deep breath.
“I think Eunwoo is working for Mrs. Lee,” you spilled, avoiding eye contact with Hajoon.

“What?” Hajoon wasn't expecting that. 
“How sure are you?” 
“I saw it with my eyes.”
“At the residence. I saw him bow to Mrs. Lee," you further explained.
Hajoon wondered for a few minutes to himself.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, as you became anxious to hear what Hajoon was thinking about.
He focused his attention back to you.
“He doesn’t know that you know?” He questioned, to be sure.
You shook your head.
“I think you should try to talk to him about it. Not directly, but try to get something out from him,” Hajoon suggested.
“I don’t know, but you’ll figure something out,” he said.
Somehow, you found it as a compliment and a little encouraging. 
“Maybe we’ll figure out her plans," Hajoon added.
Hajoon was deep in his thoughts again, figuring out the next move.
“And what do we do after?” you asked.
He looked at you.
“We’ll figure that out too.”

You sighed, feeling a little stressed and pressured. 
You knew you had to do your best, as you didn't want to disappoint him. 
He placed his hand on top of yours, startling you.
You weren’t expecting that touch from him.

If he could only feel how fast your heart was racing.
“What?” you asked, looking at his brown eyes.
“Be careful.”

What the hell is wrong with him?
You thought.
It took no effort to get the butterflies to work.

"I....don't....I'll be fine," you stumbled with your words, as the nervousness hit you.
"I'll be right behind you."
Your cheeks reddened.

Get it together,-------.
You scolded yourself, as your heart raced faster than before.

“I….who said I can’t do this on my own?” you said, acting tough.
“I didn’t. Just be careful,” Hajoon said.
You nodded your head.
“I should get going. It’s getting late,” Hajoon said, as he got up from his seat.
“Wait!” you quickly said, running to your room and closing the door.

Hajoon stood there a little puzzled.

“Here,” you extended your arm out, holding a box in your hand.
Hajoon was a little hesitant.
“What is it?” he asked, before taking it.
“A gift for you from Jeju,” you smiled.
“You didn’t ha---”
“But I wanted to,” you interrupted.
“Thank you.”

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You stood by the door, watching him get inside his car, making sure that he was safe.
Just when you thought he got inside his car to leave, he came back out, holding a bag.
“Did you forget something?” you asked him as he walked back to the porch where you stood.
“Here,” he said, holding out the bag to you.
“What’s this?” you asked, accepting the bag.
“Your coffee.”
“Huh?” you expressed, furrowing your brows.
You opened the bag, looking inside.
“All of them?!” You exclaimed, as your eyes gleamed.
“Your neighbors are sleeping," Hajoon reminded you.
You covered your mouth, looking around the neighborhood, hoping no one was outside.
“Are you sure? You’re giving me all of them?” you whispered.
You wanted to hide your excitement.
“I’m not giving them to you. I bought them for you,” he corrected.
“Good night,” he wished, before walking off from your porch.

You smiled, wanting to jump from excitement though you stopped yourself.
“Thank you, Hajoon!” You whisper-yelled.
Hajoon smiled, hearing that.
“Good night and sweet dreams!” you added.
He silently chuckled.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
Hajoon sat in his private office, setting the box on his desk.
He leaned back, his eyes closed, thinking back to what you told him.
Eunwoo is working for her? Does Soohyuk know that?
He opened his eyes and sat up, turning his laptop on.
He glanced over at the box you gave him.
It took him a few seconds, before he slid the box in front of him.
He opened the box, revealing a set of palladium-plated cufflinks.
Before he knew it, his lips curved into a smile.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
“Do you want to go to lunch with me and Jeongmin?” Haein asked, as she organized the papers on the desk.
“It’s okay,” you responded.
“Are you sure? We really don’t mind.”
“I’ll be fine! Enjoy lunch with him,” you assured her.
“Or, you can ask the Chairman,” she smirked.
You caught that, slapping her on the arm.
“No, it’s nothing like that."

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
Dragging your feet, you made it outside to the picnic tables.
Once you settled, you began taking out the food you prepared for both you and Haein, though only you would be enjoying them alone.

“Can I join you?”
The sudden question startled you, as you looked over your shoulder.
You quickly got up from your seat.
He smiled.
“Can I sit with you?” he asked again with a smile on his face.
You thought back to his question.
“Of course.”

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
He set his lunch bag across from you.
“Were you waiting for someone else?” He asked, noticing how much food was on the table.
“No, I was going to share with a friend, but she left for lunch. It’s great you came by. I’ll share it with you,” you chuckled.
“I bought too much food too,” he chuckled.
What you didn't know was Soohyuk intentionally did so. 
You laughed.
“I guess we’re sharing food today,” you said. 

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
“Please help yourself. Don’t be shy,” you said, pushing a few of the dishes over to his side. 
“Oh, don't worry. I'll reach over," Soohyuk said, as he saw you pushing some of the food over, "Same goes to you. Don't be shy,” Soohyuk smiled.

“I haven’t seen you forever,” he started.
You glanced at him.
“Ah yes. It’s been a while.”
You remembered about Haein’s words.
“Haein told me that you stopped by.”
“I did.”
“Was there anyhing you needed?” you asked.
“I was just checking up on you. My mom told me that she reduced the workers at the house.”
“Yes, she did. She also reduced the hours, so that’s why I haven’t been there. I’m just waiting for Ms. Yoo’s call.”
“Oh, I see.”

“Do you know why?” you asked, hoping to get more information.
Soohyuk shook his head.
“I’m not sure either. She doesn’t tell me much.”

“How was Jeju?” Soohyuk asked.
“It was fun. I saw a lot of stuff that I have always wanted to see."
“That’s good that you had a good time. Maybe we can go together next time.”
“That would be great," you smiled. 
“I mean, with Eunwoo-shi too,” Soohyuk added.
“…why would he go?” you asked, confused, not that you didn’t want Eunwoo to go too.
Soohyuk arched his brows in puzzlement.
“Aren’t you two together?” he asked.
You suddenly remembered about that lie.
“Ah yes!”
You chuckled.

“Hajoon,” Soohyuk called, realizing that Hajoon was standing behind you.
“Huh?” you slowly looked over your shoulder.
You quickly stood up and bowed, upon seeing Hajoon.

“Carry on. I’m just passing,” Hajoon said, as he walked down to the small lake.

“Is he still mean to you?” Soohyuk asked.
“No,” you smiled, knowing that you two had a special type of relationship.
“Tell me if he doesn’t treat you well, I’ll talk to him.”
“Yes, I will. Thanks,” you chuckled.
Your eyes trailed back to where Hajoon stood.
He was on the phone; his back faced you.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
“Thank you for lunch. It was delicious,” you said to Soohyuk, as you two packed the leftovers.
“No, thank you for the food! I really enjoyed it, especially the kimbap.”
“If you like it, I can make some more for you,” you offered.
“That would be great!” he smiled.

“Are you finished?”
You looked past Soohyuk.
“Mr. Hajoon-shi.”
“If you’re finished, come to my office, I need you to make some copies right now,” Hajoon said before walking away.

You looked back at Soohyuk, apologetically. 
“I’m sorry. I’m going to head up first!” you said. 
“Don’t worry about it! Thank you for lunch, again! I’ll see you around,” Soohyuk said.
You smiled, before running to catch up with Hajoon.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
“Wait!” you yelled out, running towards the elevator, only for the doors to shut in your face with Hajoon inside.
You panted, catching your breath.

What’s wrong with him?
You thought, as you pressed the button, waiting for another elevator to open.

You reached his floor, getting off and barging into his room without knocking, totally forgetting what you two had agreed before, professionalism at the office.
“What’s wrong with you? I told you to wait,” you scolded him, catching your breath.
Hajoon sat on his chair; his eyes glued to his screen.
“Did you forget to knock?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes out of annoyance.
“What did you need copy?” you asked, taking a few steps toward his desk.
“Nothing," he responded.
“What?” you furrowed your brows, baffled.
Hajoon looked up from his screen.

“Nothing. I don’t need anything," he repeated. 
You sharply sighed, placing your hands on your hips.
“Have a good afternoon, Mr. Hajoon-shi,” you bowed, before taking your leave.

Hajoon looked up from his screen, seeing your figure before the door closed. 
Is she really dating Eunwoo?
And, why didn't she invite me for lunch? She rather have it with Soohyuk?

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
As the clock struck 6:00PM/18:00, you began logging off the computers, while Haein wiped down the counters and organized the pens and papers.
“Are you heading home?” Soohyuk asked, as he walked by the front desk.
“Are you talking to me, Mr. Soohyuk-shi?” Haein asked, as she stopped organizing the papers.
He chuckled, “both of you,” he answered, though the question was directed to you.
“Yes, I am,” Haein answered, giving him a smile.
You looked at Soohyuk, only to realize he had been looking at you the whole time.
“Yes," you replied.
“Would it be okay if I dropped you home?” he asked.
You were a little taken back by the sudden question.
“Of course! --------- would appreciate it very much,” Haein answered, grinning from ear to ear.
“Haein-ah,” you looked at her, while she gave you a wink.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
“Are you ready?” Soohyuk asked, as he stood by the main doors.
“Soohyuk, thank you. I really don’t want to be a bother,” you said with consideration.
“No, I’m free. I would just be heading home. It doesn’t hurt to give a friend a lift, right?” 
“Are you sure?” 
He smiled and nodded.

Before you guys could leave the building, Soohyuk glanced at your ankle.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You gave him a confused look.
“What do you mean?” 
“I just noticed that you were walking a little weird, and I realized you’re wearing a brace,” he concernedly explained, noting that he had been observing.
“Oh, that,” you laughed, “I fell and sprained my ankle. It’s nothing serious.”
“Did you go to the hospital to get it checked?”
“I did. Thank you, Soohyuk!” You smiled.
“Can you walk down? Do you need me to carry you?” he asked.
“N-no,” you stuttered, as you felt a little shy, blushing a little as that was unforeseen. 
“Thank you,” you chuckled, “I walked down yesterday, so I should be fine.”

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
“Thank you for dropping me off. I really appreciate it,” you smiled.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Soohyuk asked, as he walked around his car to stand a few feet away from you. 
“Yes, of course! I’m sure you’re busy.”
"I'll see you around then, --------," he smiled. 
“Yes! Be careful driving back,” you wished.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You watched Soohyuk drive off before you began making your way back.
Why was Hajoon acting like that earlier?
Did I do something to make him act like that?

You thought.
It bothered you.
Aish, it's probably nothing.
He's always been like that. 
What if I di---?

“Park ---------.”

You stopped and looked over your shoulder.
“Hajoon-ah,” you called him.

He walked towards you, while you stood there.
"So, you allow Soohyuk to send you home, but not me?" Hajoon questioned.
"You saw that?"
"I saw everything," he answered, standing a few feet away from you.
"I didn't want him to, but he offered." 
"I told him it's okay, just how I tell you too." 
"Not a valid reason."
“What are you doing here?” you asked, confused to why he was in your neighborhood.
There was no reason for him to be here.
He inserted one hand in his pocket, while the other handed you a bag.
You looked at the bag, before taking it.
“What is it?”
“Your medication.”
“Oh, thank you so much!” you thanked.
“How much was it?” you asked, taking out your wallet from your bag.
“It’s okay. I got it covered,” he said.
"It's fine," he monotonously replied.
“Thank you," you thanked, "have you treated your wound?"
"I did."
"By who?"
"Dr. Sunghoon said that it had to be treated by another person. Do you want that wound to heal or not?" you asked, frustrated with his stubbornness. 
"Come with me, I'll treat it at home," you said, as you grabbed his hand without realizing what your body involuntarily did. 
Before you could drag him with you, he stopped you.

“I thought you and Eunwoo were just friends?” he asked.
You turned to face him.
“We are?” 
“Boyfriend and girlfriend?”
You thought back to the conversation you and Soohyuk had at lunch.
“Ohh, you heard that,” you expressed in realization.
“By accident. Not that I care,” Hajoon said, avoiding eye contact with you.
You sighed in guilt,” no, I lied to Soohyuk.”
Hajoon looked back at you, in relief, though he covered it up by asking you another question.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s complicated, but Soohyuk dropped by off a while ago, and Eunwoo was there, so I lied to Soohyuk that Eunwoo was my boyfriend.”
“So, Eunwoo’s not your boyfriend, right?”
“No, he’s just my friend.”
“Oh okay.”
“Why?” You asked.
Ring. Ring. Ring.

Hajoon pulled his phone out from his pocket.
You looked away, giving him a space of privacy.
“I’m coming right now,” Hajoon said urgently.

You looked at him, noticing his famous stern and anxious eyes.
“Is everything okay?” you concernedly asked, noticing the slight change in his eyes.
“Get home safely,” he said, as he slipped his phone back in his pocket.
Before he could run off, you grabbed his wrist.
“Be careful,” you told him.

You released him, letting him run off to his car.
With a blink of an eye, he drove off, leaving you there alone.
You sighed, a sense of concern came over you.
Just before you could turn around, a sparkly string on the ground caught your eyes.
It laid right where he stood earlier.

You took a few steps, bent down, and picked up the sparkly string.
It was diamond bracelet, very simple, but elegant in a way.
Did he drop this?
You thought.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You limped back.
“Mi-Suk!” you waved to her.
She walked towards extending her arms out for a hug.
“Where have you been?” She asked, as she pulled away from the hug.
“Ah, I forgot to tell you. I went to Jeju last week.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Where are you headed?” she asked.
“I was just heading home. What about you?”
“I was going to stop by at your house and invite you for dinner,” she chuckled.
“Oh really?” you laughed.
“Since you’re already here, why don’t you join me for dinner tonight?”
“Thank you so much!” You smiled. 

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You sat across from her.
“Thank you so much for the food, Mi Suk.”
“Of course. It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. This is the littlest I can do,” she said, as she placed a bowl of rice in front of you.
You smiled at her.
“How was your trip?” she asked, as you two began digging in.
“It was great. I bumped into a friend over there too, so it was nice…bonding with him.”
“Him?” She raised a brow.
“Not like that,” you laughed, as you knew where she was heading.
“Is your ankle okay? I realized you’re wearing a brace.”
“Ah, yes. I fell while hiking and sprained my ankle,” you chuckled.
“Aww, I hope you recover soon. If you ever need anything, let me know, and I’ll drop by,” she smiled.
“Thank you!”
“No, it’s the littlest I can do to help. You’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know.”
“The box?” you questioned.
She looked at you.
You noticed her cheerful look faded away. 
“Actually, I just realized the box has a loc—”
“Don’t open it,” she interrupted.
You sat there, taken back by the anxious and distressed tone of her voice.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, as you realized her body more tensed.
She took a deep breath, calming herself before she answered.
“Don’t open that box, ever. Please just keep it safe for me,” she begged.
You slowly nodded your head, trying to not ask her anymore questions about it.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ •• 
You thanked Misuk for the meal before heading to the door.
Misuk looked at your seat, realizing a sparkly string on your seat.
“Ah -------! You dropped your bracelet,” Misuk said aloud, stopping you from slipping your shoes.
She picked the bracelet.
“Here,” she said, extending her arm out, ready to hand you the bracelet back.
“Oh, thank you!” You said.
Before you could take the bracelet, Misuk slowly drew her arm back, closely examining the bracelet.
You noticed her expression changed.
“Is there something wrong?” you asked, standing a couple feet away from her. 
Her eyes steadily looked at you.
“Where…where did...where did you get this?” she asked, stammering.
“I think my friend dropped it.”
“Just before I bumped into you. Why?” you asked.
“What’s their name?”


“Ha Joon?” 
┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

♡Send love and support to our Wi Ha Joon♡

(03.06) Special shoutout to:
and as always,
@silent readers!
♡Much love♡

This story will be avaliable on Wattpad! You can search up the title of the story "My Mysterious Boss", or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.

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2027 streak #1
Chapter 40: Ah, so that's how those two take care of that ending from the previous chapter? But what did she mean by she didn't want him to blurt it out like that to Eunwoo? I couldn't recall which incident she was referring to. Other than that, Ha Joon getting jealous of her having lunch with Soo Hyuk and then taking up on his offer to drive her home and also, when he thought she was dating Eunwoo. But did he offer to take her home and she rejected him? He was kinda salty when he said something along the line of 'you take up his offer but reject mine?'. And once again what's with this chapter's ending as well? It's illegal to leave us on a note like that. Now what's that bracelet and how does he recognise it? And what did Ha Joon do this time? Surely she can't be his ex and all, unless she was abroad as well. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 39: Ooh... You didn't bring the twist I was expecting from the ending of the previous chapter. And talking about endings, what is even Ha Joon thinking confronting Eunwoo like that here? How is he gonna justify his reason for knowing that? Regardless, I had fun reading this chapter. Those two showing attitude to each other, then caring about each other secretly... I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 38: I'm not gonna get fooled by your ending. I'm sure he's gonna something along the line, who will spy for him and he's in need of a trustworthy partner or so. LoL... But that's a pretty good ending for the chapter. I'll give you that. You almost got me. Anyway, those two were really good this whole chapter. Like her, I'm gonna miss those two being on holiday. Since they can't be this free back home with their job hierarchy. Also, I cracked up hard when she retorted 'In this hotel room?' to his ' I'm your boss' comment XD can't wait to read more. Will be waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 37: Their vacation is getting over? So soon? Noooooo... I mean it was fun seeing them flirt and spend time together without their status or something holding them back. It was sweet and a bit funny how they ordered food for each other and then acted like they can eat all that by themselves. And will they be having a double date somewhere later in the story with Minhyuk and his girlfriend? Also, that ending though! How are they both gonna escape the guys who have come in search of him? Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #5
Chapter 36: So Eunwoo hasn't found the box yet, right? I mean since he got interrupted by Haein while searching for it. Also, wonder why Ha Joon is keeping an eye on her as well... And definitely enjoyed reading those two's interaction in the island. I laughed out loud when she asked him if older women was his type and was going to introduce her friend to him. Oh, I totally forgot about her admitting her feelings for him, even though it was just to herself. Now when's Ha Joon gonna realise his own? Also, she gotta stop following people blindly especially when it involves secluded place and warehouses. When is she gonna learn her lesson? Anyway, thanks for the longer update. can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS New Year wishes to you as well. Wish you the best!
2027 streak #6
Chapter 35: That ending though! I mean will Ha Joon recognise whose voice it is? And does she have notes on Eunwoo too on that board? I don't seem to remember... Regardless, this chapter was a fun read, especially the interactions between her and Ha Joon. And I'm still wondering about this Minhyuk guy. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #7
Chapter 34: LoL... You definitely got us in the last chapter! I still can't believe it wasn't the same black box that he was looking for. Wah, you fooled me completely! Anyway, coming to the chapter, I didn't know such a hotel existed in Jeju. Not that I know of all the hotels there. Nonetheless, I wasn't expecting a hotel with the name 'Ramada' in Korea but now I know, thanks to you and Google. LoL.. also, can't believe Ha Joon really killed someone in this chapter. Not sure why that came as a shock to me though. Also, that nice guy named Minhyuk, is he one of your OCs or is he one of those idols with the real name Minhyuk? I'm really curious. Also, his mother doesn't know about his girlfriend yet or is she not accepting that girlfriend for her son? And what was Ha Joon doing in Jeju though? I'm curious of that too. And the guy at the end, is it Minhyuk again? Or is he someone's else entirely? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 33: So Eunwoo now thinks she likes him? Also, Ha Joon and her had an indirect date? Those two were too cute, especially trying to deny their feelings. And she gave him the black box? That came as a surprise. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #9
Chapter 32: At the beginning of the chapter, I was mildly confused if the order of the chapter was wrong but soon realised it was Ha Joon's perspective. Somehow, the mention of an Italian brand and all those ominous reactions and warnings from people make me wonder if it has anything to do with the Italian mafia. Also, her being conflicted with her feelings and her fear, how are things gonna resolve in that department? Also, Jung Hae In here is the actor Hae In, isn't it? Just curious... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^