Shhh...Secret(Or is it not?)


Megan Lee is a South Korean that wanted as a child to be ON a magazine cover, or inner pages, and marry a super model, and everone knows about the relationship, but she got the complete oppisite... She had to make the Magazine's(CAWAII) cover! BUT! She was dating [K-]Pop Star idol Onew, Shinee's high-spirited, pure hearted, funny, and supportive leader! And reporters, major media, and the damned paparazi cannot find out...


Hi, , Anni's here! And my horrible story from before was just a practice. But yeah, my name is Anriette Morooka (on-ree-et-t-AH) or Anri (on-ree) for short. Well people say (Are-ree-ette) 1- it's 'On' 2- it's not ette it's etta-ish... Side note! Any ways... Hi...


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