Nov 18 - Emojis


Topic: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin



Hi, I'll get to the point.


I have a senior (let's call him Y hyung) who I really love and respect as an elder brother. He is really cool and he always looks after me. We banter and tease (though it's mostly me teasing him) like normal siblings. He is known as sns king so he stays on social media most of the time, including Kakao Talk where we chat.

I don't mind chatting with him because he tends to get lonely easily and he's very sensitive. So, I always make sure to reply to his messages even if it's late in the night.

Anyway, I recently finished my individual work and I was very proud of myself and my awesome work. So, I boasted to Y hyung and asked him what he thought about my work.

This is his answer.




I literally dropped my phone on my face! A kissy face emoji!! What was he thinking!!? Why did he send it to me!!? Did he want to kiss me!!? Does it have any other meaning and I'm just inept in sns language!!?




Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Fall_Guy22: Isn't he just showing his affection for you? My older sister did this all the time, though she mainly did it to annoy me.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Master Cat: From what OP said, I don't think Y hyung sent it sarcastically. He seems to be really fond of you and that's probably his way of showing his affection.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Knightly-Night: Agree with upstairs.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

SephirothXcloudFTW: Aww Y hyung is cute!!! Can I ship you two?? *sparkling eyes sticker*


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Cat_Barton: NO


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

RedDevil_Glory: Calm down OP. It's just a harmless emoji.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

OP: So you're telling me that my hyung didn't have a crush on me??? Really??? Like nothing??


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Pawpatine: I can sense despair in OP's reply. The dark force is so strong here!!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

IhateSAND: OP it sounds like you're the one who has a crush on your Y hyung lol lol lol.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

OP: No. We're just bros! That's why I got confused by that kissy emoji and wonder if it has any other meaning aside from, you know, kiss!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

Master Cat: No OP that emoji means nothing. Everyone here said so.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. Urgent!!

OP: Oh. I see. Thank you for your quick response!



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin



It's me. I don't know if anyone remember my old post here but I need your help with emojis again.

So, Y hyung and I are still as close as ever. I recently cleared my busy schedule and took him to watch midnight movie together. Seeing my hyung happy make me happy too.

When I got home, I sent him a message to make sure that he got home safely. I also told him to not drink coffee before going to bed (Y hyung is addicted to coffee despite his insomnia) and told him to wear socks (Y hyung likes to wear as little clothes as possible to bed but it's getting cold now). Last but not least, I asked him if he enjoyed our movie night or not.

This is his answer:




Can you see it!!? This time, it's a heart and a kiss (peck?) emoji!!? Do brothers really send emojis like these?? What about that heart!!? Did Y hyung just confess to me!!? Did he say indirectly through emojis that he loves me and wants to kiss (peck?) me!!? What should I do!!?




Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Psyduck: OP are you showing off your boyfriend to us?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

All_I_Want_For_Xmas_Is_Not_That_Song: OP is so fk whipped and didn't even realize it ROFLMAO.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

IhateSAND: OP how long have you and your Y hyung been in a relationship?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

OP: What are all talking about? We're just good brothers!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Psyduck: The definition of brothers isn't like what I know. Am I getting old?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Pawpatine: *press X to doubt meme*


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Magic_lamp: OP if you really want answer I can help. I think Y hyung wanted to say that he's really happy with the movie night and thought that you're sweet.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

OP: Hyung didn't like me?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Pawpatine: This guy is hopeless.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Mangogo: What in k-drama am I reading?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

SephirothXcloudFTW: I SHIP


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Fujo-Chan: I SHIP (x10)


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

IhateSAND: OP maybe you need to admit that you like him.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Amon-gus: Is that even necessary? Guy already acts like Y hyung's boyfriend.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

OP: I told you there's nothing between us!!! Thank you, @Magic_lamp for being the only voice of reason here. But did Y hyung really just think of me as being sweet...? Nothing more?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Pawpatine: I'm going to follow this guy just for 🍵


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (2)

Fujo-Chan: I need one more update to have enough material!!!



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin



It's me again.

No. Y hyung and I aren't dating or whatever you might assume. We're just good brothers. Period.

Anyway, recently I was very busy and couldn't contact Y hyung for weeks. I felt bad but I had no choice. I just got discharged from the army so I need to work hard for my lost opportunities. Meanwhile, Y hyung is also busy with his individual work. He is some sort of a model so he has to watch out for his weight and whatnot. But I never like that. I think Y hyung is already good-looking. No need to go through a harsh diet!

But of course, he didn't listen to his beloved dongsaeng.

He skipped meals and when he ate, he barely ate anything!! (Imagine my fury when I found out that he used to have only two crackers per day when I was enlisted!!)

So, as an awesome and very capable beloved dongsaeng, I took the matter into my own hands. I dragged Y hyung to my place (I live in a dorm with a co-worker though he's rarely at home) and cooked a meal for him. When he only had a few bites, I fed him and managed to get him to eat at least a third of the bowl. Huge success!!

After that, I sat him down and listened to his worries attentively. Although Y hyung is older than me, he actually got hurt easily due to his pure heart and over-thinking habit. Anyway, I coaxed him well and got him to sleep early for once (we cuddled!!) When his younger brother (the true one) picked him up, I even made a homemade meal for him and told him to take care of himself while I was busy.

Then, later on that day, I was working and startled my co-workers when I got a message from Y hyung.






What should I do!!? I think Y hyung is really happy that we got to spend time together that he's crying!!! Also I think he also told me that my hug makes him fall in love with me!!? Look at those hearts!!! He literally confessed to me!!! But I don't want to break his heart because we're just brothers!!!!




Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Pawpatine: First!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Pawpatine: And omg what did I just read!!? OP you make me feel single to the bones!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Psyduck: Where can I get an insulin? I'm dying from diabetes.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Mangogo: Hey, how long have you two been married?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

IhateSAND: I bet 10+ years.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Pawpatine: +1


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Master Cat: +2


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Knightly-Night: +100000000


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

CookiesNcreaM: I'm new here. Is Y hyung OP's boyfriend?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

SephirothXcloudFTW: His wife 😏👌


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Cat_Barton: I started to see that now.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Fujo-Chan: I read enough fanfic to know how this story will end!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

OP: None of you answers my question! Those emojis, Y hyung loves me and wants to cuddle with me, right???


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Psyduck: No OP. Your hyung just recounted what happened, you comforting him, and told you that you made him feel better. Nothing about being in love with you.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

OP: But he added a heart emoji!! Two of them!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Pawpatine: *watching with great interest*


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

MineralTown: Jeez, I kept a close eye on this thread for a while and couldn't help butting in. OP what exactly do you want from the forum? You threw a tantrum when we gave you the answer that you don't like.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Fujo-Chan: Upstairs plz calm down. Obviously, OP just wanna boast about how lovey-dovey he and Y hyung is!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Magic_lamp: It's exactly what @Psyduck said. Nothing more or less. Unless you want it to be OP.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

OP: No, I'm happy with what we have now.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

Magic_lamp: Then, you should be happy to know that Y hyung didn't have any extra feelings for you and those emojis mean nothing. Well, nothing than feeling grateful to you.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

OP: Is that true?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

OP: I mean, great, that's great! As long as I can make sure that Y hyung wouldn't be sad!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (3)

SephirothXcloudFTW: I think you're the sad one here lol



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin 



I'm back and need your help again.

Remember Y hyung's individual work I mentioned in my last post? I decided to drop by his workplace to surprise him along with our another co-worker. Needless to say, he was very happy to see me. Of course, he would. After all, I spent my very rare day off for him. The way his eyes lit up after seeing me was worth dragging my tired body out of the bed.

Anyway, I stayed with him and helped with his work even though it was delayed into late night. After that, I sent him home and sent a goodnight message.

Do you know what his answer is?






Y hyung is unstoppable!! He literally sent a kiss emoji to me!!! He was very happy with my surprised visit that he wanted to kiss me!!! There is no other explanation!!!

But we're brothers...

Please tell me that friends or brothers also send this kind of emoji to each other and it's normal.




Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Psyduck: OP you're still here?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

IhateSAND: He won't go anywhere until he accepts his fk obvious crush on his Y hyung lol


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Fujo-Chan: No need to hurry OP. I need more material to complete my fic 👍


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

KyuSungOTP: Why does the story sound very familiar? And the initial Y...


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Pawpatine: OP how many kids do you two have by now?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Psyduck: They're both men?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Fujo-Chan: They have four kids in my planned fic ☺️


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Master Cat: OP's worries are valid this time though. I never send kiss emoji to my friends or siblings.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

SephirothXcloudFTW: It's normal for married couples 😉


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

IhateSAND: What if Y hyung also likes OP?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

OP: I know it!!!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Pawpatine: Dunno about Y hyung but OP is def head over heels 🤣 This is too funny lol


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Magic_lamp: OP how about asking Y hyung how long have you two been married?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

OP: Please stop joking. What marriage? We're just good brothers, though hyung seems to love me more than that...


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Magic_mirror: Need help seeing your own reflection?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Magic_lamp: *two spidermans pointing at each other meme*


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Fujo-Chan: Seriously OP, the thread can end as soon as you admit that you like Y hyung!!! I bet you two probably kissed already!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

OP: We did but it was sort of office game. His lips were very soft though.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Fujo-Chan: Maybe Y hyung send 💋 cuz he wants you to kiss him again? How about you kiss him next time you two meet??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Pawpatine: Agree it's totally normal for bros to kiss 👍


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

OP: Okay, I'll try that next time we meet.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. (4)

Psyduck: This is def going to end well.



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin




I totally blame you all for this one. I believed your ridiculous analysis of my hyung's emojis and followed your even more ridiculous suggestion to kiss him. NOW EVERYTHING IS MESSED UP.

So, we're about to have big group project soon so we often meet to discuss. One day, my dorm mate slept over at his boyfriend's house so I took Y hyung to the dorm after meeting and we had a glass of wine. Y hyung is light-weighted so he only had one glass, but it was enough to make his lips redden and luscious, very kissable.

Partly due to the alcohol, partly due to your ridiculous comments, I kissed him. He kissed me back. We kissed for very long. Tongue and teeth and all (though I couldn't remember who started it, probably Y hyung, definitely not me).

I didn't even know how we moved from the dinning table to the living room couch. We were kinda busy being all over one another, trying to take off our clothes.

Then, Y hyung called me by my name, all the while looking y and tempting; panting with swollen lips and hazy gaze...

And I realized that I was a bad dongsaeng who took advantage of my precious hyung. So, I apologized to Y hyung and said it was on me + alcohol. However, Y hyung got very angry. He didn't hit me (because he made a promise when I was in a coma from car accident to never hit me again) but his eyes said it all. He was angry, disappointed, and sad. He immediately left and refused to answer my call or reply to my message. However...



He left this emoji 😘 in all of his friends' and dongsaengs' posts!!!



You guys told me that this emoji means being fond of someone, nothing romantic, right? Y hyung is just upset that I'm a bad dongsaeng so he turns to other juniors, right?? But I still hate it! I want my hyung to only use those emojis with me! How should I apologize to him and make him stop commenting those emojis on other men's posts?




Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Pawpatine: OP is this 👌 close to get it.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Master Cat: I'm amazed but in a different way.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)



Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Magic_lamp: And probably divorced now.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

IhateSAND: OP deserves it. I actually feel bad for Y hyung.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Psyduck: OP's lucky that Y hyung keeps his words or else he wouldn't be updating here rn


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Fujo-Chan: No!!! I won't let my beautiful ship sink!! Not on my watch!!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Fujo-Chan: [Serious mode] OP why are you upset at Y hyung adopting other dongsaengs? He has every right to do so but you have no right to stop him or even whine. You're just one of his many dongsaengs so who are you to govern over his life? Y hyung already gave you leeway cuz he's fond of you but no way he'd choose you over his future husband. One day, Y hyung will be happy with some man (who could be one of the men Y hyung commented 😘 on their posts). So, I advise you to prepare your heart for the day Y hyung eventually meets that person and forgets about you 💁


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Pawpatine: Hardest to swallow pill right there!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

OP: No!!! I don't want that!! I won't let it happen!! I've always liked him and taken care of him! Y hyung is very sensitive and his personality is unique. No one knows him and understands him as I do. I know how to make him smile when he feels down, how to coax him when he's angry, how to comfort him when he's sad, or how to calm him when he's too excited. I should be the only one by hyung's side!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Magic_mirror: [screenshot of OP's comment]


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

IhateSAND: The most appropriate username I've ever seen.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

SephirothXcloudFTW: OP read your own comment repeatedly until you get it.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

OP: ...But isn't that what good brothers do? Taking care of each other?


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Fujo-Chan: You can't kiss Y hyung if you're just a dongsaeng though.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

OP: Then I don't want to be his dongsaeng anymore.


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Master Cat: Wow


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Pawpatine: Wait @Fujo-Chan is that why you suggested OP to kiss Y hyung in last thread??


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Psyduck: She plays 5D chess while us mortals play 2D chess!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Fujo-Chan: 😎


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

Magic_lamp: Go go OP!!! Confess to Y hyung!!! 🙌


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

SephirothXcloudFTW: Don't forget to say sorry first!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

OP: I will!!! Thank you so much everyone!!!


Re: I need help from emoji expert. THIS IS YOUR FAULT (5)

KyuSungOTP: what uncanny valley is this thread?? Why does it feel so familiar??? OP's username... IS THAT YOU OPPA!!?



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin













Re: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)

Pawpatine: OP do you know if Y hyung is alone at home rn?


Re: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)

OP: Yes. His parents and younger brother and pets are in other province visiting their relative. Y hyung stays home because he has work to do.


Re: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)



Re: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)

SephirothXcloudFTW: NOW


Re: I need help from emoji expert SOS (6)

OP: I don't get it but okay



**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Topic: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Posted by: tteokbokki-filling penguin



I couldn't thank you all enough!!! Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! 

I went to Y hyung's house and he was waiting for me. (I won't share details but let's say I'll never forget our night together 🤤) It's amazing that my hyung still has a side that I haven't seen before (and I'm the only one who can see it). In a nutshell, we talked and I finally understood how stupid I was. Luckily, Y hyung (now my boyfriend) forgave me. He actually laughed and said that I've been acting like his husband since forever so he wasn't mad. (I don't think I ever do something like that but okay).

So, we're dating now! Our team will go to Japan for work and I plan to stay behind with my gorgeous boyfriend. Not only will I take him on a date, but I'll also buy a ring and purpose to him!

I can already see that we're going to have amazing days together and it's all thanks to everyone here, esp @Fujo-Chan for your advice.

Thank you!!

I'll be busy with work soon and busy taking care of my beloved boyfriend. So, this is my last thread.

I wish you all the best!


tteokbokki-filling penguin



Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)



Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Pawpatine: It's my honor to be in this journey with you all *salute*


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Master Cat: Congrats OP!!! 🎉 Wish you and Y hyung happily-ever-after love!


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

IhateSAND: Who cuts onions here?? 😭😭


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

IhateSAND: So this is how parents feel when their kids grow up. Congrats and best of luck OP!!


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

SephirothXcloudFTW: Omg I'm late!!! Congrats OP!!! Now I need drama adaptation of this thread!!!


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Psyduck: As long as we got featured in it too 🤣 Btw congrats OP!!! 👍


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Magic_lamp: This is a very heart-warming ending! We did awesome helping a man in distressed.


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Magic_lamp: Almost forgot. Congrats OP!! 


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Pawpatine: I'm going to miss checking OP's threads.


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

Fujo-Chan: Me too. But I'm genuinely happy for them! (ps. my fic is done now if anyone wanna read, check my profile!)


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

SephirothXcloudFTW: @Fujo-Chan Will do after work!! 👍




Two weeks later...




Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

KyuSungOTP: The story... OP just got discharged from army, had solo work, then Y hyung had his own solo work which OP went to help, then group work, then going to Japan, then OP and your boyfriend stay behind...


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)

KyuSungOTP: OP's name... Tteokbokki and penguin... And Y hyung being sensitive and unique... Coffee and diet...


Re: Thank you for your help, emoji expert!! (Final)




**This post is closed by the original poster.**




Author's note:

My last submission for kyusung week 2022! I think my entries this year are lackluster compared to last time, but I'm happy that I'm able to push something out...

I'm going to take a break. Dunno how long. Maybe a week or two or more. My main job and side gig are stressing me out T_T So I kinda lose my passion to write. I'll get some rest and (hopefully) come back refreshed with more kyusung fic! I'm happy that now there are more kyusung authors so you guys still have something to read in my absence >< 


Thank you for always supporting me! Esp frequent commenters :) I might not reply sometimes but I remember you all. Without you I wouldn't be here 💙


Take care and love you!

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Chapter 2: The matchmaking TeukChul was very funny, for a moment I thought you used that trick of the extra rules hidden in the frame like they had on Super TV.
Chapter 1: This reminds me of when I tried reading tarots about them once, mostly just for fun as I'm not an expert, the result was literally soulmates. It also said they might have communication issues though.
Rinirin07 #3
Chapter 6: Omg...your story is super cute 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you i finally can erase my sadness heart after read your story.
Sorry to hear that, i hope you priority your health above all. Will wait for you back 🥳
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 6: Haha, love Kyuhyun being oblivious (but possessive at the same time) :D
Hope you will find the passion and joy in writing again. But your well being is the most important thing, so take your time :)
Chapter 6: I’ve been loving your submissions and although I was looking forward to the last prompt, your mental health matters more!! I hope you have a nice break from writing and just focus on work and your spend time with your friends and family.

Don’t worry about the duration, when it comes time that you feel the urge to write it again, I will enjoy it nonetheless.

Even though you haven’t been feeling the most well, you still worked hard and wrote all these prompts, I commend you for that, I will wait patiently and in the meantime I will be rereading and starting older fics from you 🥰
_MyName_ #6
Chapter 4: This makes somehow so much sense of what Kwangya is, I love the different traits every planet represents. And yes, you should get compensation from SM :D a tiny kitten sized Yesung sounds so adorable <3
Liza-Nan #7
How very creative author-nim....... and so funny 🤣 Take care and rest well. 😊
Chapter 6: oh my ghad I love this so much you are a genius!!! Thank you for your hardwork author-nim get enough rest and we will be patiently waiting for your return~ (⁠/⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠/💙✨
Chapter 6: This time Kyu is the oblivious one 😁
Btw this kind of Emoji theme is so genius and creative, I LOVE it. You are awesome, Author-nim.
Please take all the time you need. We will wait for you patiently, and reread your works while doing so 💙
394 streak #10
Chapter 6: That 'all I want for christmas is not that song' distracted me from the story LMAO

Fujo-chan was amazing! Go go Fujo-chan!

And Kyu being a stupid person was really entertaining XD

Be safe and healthy beib! It's okay to take a break, we will always be here for you 😘