Chunji's mystery

The Love between friends. (fluffiness overload)

Chunji’s POV

Whoa! His house is really something. *Tummy growl* I’m hungry, when is he going to kill me already?


L.Joe leaded him to the kitchen.

‘’Listen Chunji, I’m not going to kill you. I want to prepare you something descent to eat. I can’t let you just eat rice!’’


Chunji was confused. This ice prince is cooking for him?

L.Joe warmed up some beef stew for two and they ate together.  It was delicious and Chunji’s fearful expression towards L.Joe was fading away slowly. Little by little, they started talking. During their conversation, Chunji would stare at L.Joe’s heart shaped lips. 


‘’Say Chunji, why do you have a sad look in your eyes? Asked L.Joe

-Uh…I lost someone dear to me recently. A f-friend.

-Oh! I’m sorry if it was insensible of me for asking…I didn’t mean to…

-You actually remember me of him. You both have this prince appearance that draws people. You also both had the same golden hair.

-Oh, were you close?

-Yes, very.

-I am sorry to hear about that. We have to leave for school now or we’re going to be late.

-I understand. Thanks for the meal.’’


They rode back, in silence. They made it on time but they were welcomed at the gate by 2 mysterious guys. They seemed to know Chunji.


‘’Hey Chunji, you found a new victim?’’ said a rich looking guy with messy hair.

-Don’t kill the new guy yet! He seems nice.’’said his sidekick.


L.Joe felt Chunji gripping on his shirt and his head resting on his shoulder. His hands were trembling.

L.Joe was really confused, what were they talking about?

Then out of nowhere, a guy that seemed older than them and wearing his uniform in a ‘’Hip-Hop’’ way came and started beating the two boys who were nagging Chunji. The two ‘’victims’’ extremely damaged then ran away.

‘’It’s been a long time Chanhee! And nice to meet you L.Joe. You can call me C.A.P.

-How did you? ...

-You’re pretty famous. ‘’


A longhaired boy was yelling from far:

‘’Hey Chanhee, it’s been a while! …Wow, you’re with L.Joe? Hi,I’m Niel!’’

Then two other guys came, holding hands and they introduced themselves as being ChangRick. L.Joe gave the shifty eyes to Chunji and he told him their respective names: Changjo and Ricky. They seemed younger than them.


‘’They are my friends. We used to have a group together.''finally explained Chunji

-Wait! You have friends? And what group?

-Yes I have friends, said Chunji in an upset tone.

They all looked and nodded at each other before answering L.Joe’s second question.

‘’We were about to start a group named Teen Top but then…our friend died.

-Ah, I’m sorry again Chunji! How stupid of me.

-It’s okay, you didn’t know.’’ said Changjo.

Then they realized their class was about to start.


In class, L.Joe couldn’t focus at all.


L.Joe’s POV

Why were these two guys saying that Chunji kills his friend? There is no more innocent and pure guy than Chunji! I want to know more about him.



A week passed since that day. L.Joe and Chunji’s friendship got better. They would spend every week break at L.Joe’s house and sometimes they would bring Chunji’s other friends.

Then one day, L.Joe wanted to visit Chunji’s house…


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Chapter 9: i dont think that's over already yea ???
it was so good
why did u top ???
minjiminie #2
Chapter 9: Is it over already??
AriokaAbbix #3
Chapter 9: Wahhhh! Update soon :) need to know about chunji and l.joe!!!!
Chapter 9: Update soon i cant wait...i want to know about that letter ..and chunji..and chunjoe...and everything...pleas ...
AngelJwalker #5
@jewelgirl ._. yeah! I didn't have any ideas in stock :( sorry
is it over? !!
AngelJwalker #7
alright~ :)
cutestgirl00 #8
Argggg cliffhanger please update soon!!!!
AngelJwalker #9
i'm uploading chap 4 in 3 minutes XD
Can't wait for more~<3