
Seoul arts high role play!


1. Be active!

     Being active is a very important part on role playing. We don’t want our Role play to be boring and dull. please get on at least for 1 hour a week. We will do activity checks every saturday. 

2.Keep OOC post to a limit.

  Please , try to stay in character at all times! please limit to 20 OOC posts a day~ we will have a friday day called ” take a selca friday ” (to your option) 

3. Keep this role play drama free!

 We don’t want any hate on this roleplay. save your drama for something else , OOC and IC drama is not acceptable in this role play.

4.  is allowed.

 If you find it disturbing please don’t even try to sign up because there are some students and teachers who cannot control themselves.   will spice things up in this Role play!

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