Little Boy

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Jihyo tried to keep herself together when a group of older women stared at her as she and Siwoo walked into a small diner. She heard whispers along with the lines of seeing the little 'girl' on her hip dressed in a little boy's clothing. Jihyo was eating a salad and Siwoo was eating star-shaped sandwiches filled with ham and cheese while he colors the coloring book that the restaurant gives to kids like him.


"Agassi!" Jihyo heard a voice behind her but didn't pay any attention to it. "Agassi! You with the little girl!" The voice got louder and is now too hard to notice.


"Neh?" Jihyo whipped her head around to see the very same group of older ladies give all of their attention to her and Siwoo. "Me?"


"Yes, you agassi." The older woman nodded. "May I ask why your daughter is wearing boy clothes?"


"My daughter?"


"The one sitting with you. Yes, her."


"Oh, he's not a girl. He's a little boy." Jihyo provided a simple answer and a shy smile.


"Then why does he have long hair?" The other older woman butted into the conversation. 


Jihyo was about to answer but was beaten by another older woman. "Must be a culture or a trend of some sort."


"Yah! Miseok-ah, young parents these days have different parenting than ours! Let the young mom do what she wants with his son." Jihyo saw her as the heroine of the day and thanked her profusely. "Let her be! Kaja, we're going to be late for our appointment." Then the group of older women sat up from their chairs and walked to the door leaving Jihyo alone with her thoughts.


The little boy must be uncomfortable with his long hair. Even her who grew up with long hair had moments where she was uncomfortable with it, what more if it's for a little boy that was playing roughly? "Siwoo-ah, can I ask you a question? You think that we could shorten your hair?" Jihyo asked him, "It'll be easier for you to have." She expected him to strongly disagree with her suggestion but was surprised when he nodded his head excitedly. "Kurae?"


Siwoo put his hands on his head and tugged at his hair away with a frown on his face. "Okay, we will do it!" Jihyo stated in a happy tone, "Does it annoy you? That your hair is long?" He curtly nodded.


"Eat your breakfast first then we'll find a barbershop for you, little bub." She smiled warmly and brightly at him.


The two trekked the neighborhood for a barbershop and Jihyo found one that was open early in the morning. A kid's barbershop with chairs designed as cars and trains made Siwoo ecstatic at the sight of the shop. "Good morning, we're here to cut this little boy's hair." Jihyo bounced Siwoo on her hip and effectively made him giggle. "Just be mindful of the cast on his ankle, if that's alright?"


"Of course! You don't have to worry about your little boy, eomma. He can just pick anywhere he wants to sit and we'll get him settled." The young man must've assumed that she was his mother and went as far as calling her his 'eomma'. It didn't faze Jihyo though, in fact, it did wonders to the fluttering of her stomach. 


Siwoo chose a race car to sit on and Jihyo carefully placed him on the chair without putting any pressure on his ankle while the staff fixed up his tools quickly. "Are you ready for your first haircut, little dude?" The staff, Hyukjae, based on his nametag stated. "Eomeoni, do you have a preferred haircut for your son?"


Jihyo must've been out of her mind when she didn't bother to correct him and instead, walked over to him when Hyukjae gave her a book with different kinds of haircuts for little boys. She picked the one with the shortest cut but would also match his face shape. Hyukjae quickly worked his skills on Siwoo's hair while Jihyo recorded the whole event on her mobile phone. 


Siwoo seemed annoyed at the fact of little hairs falling on his face but didn't bother to do anything and let it fall anyway. Jihyo watched in amazement as the little boy didn't fuss throughout the session and even fought off the sleepiness that he felt during it. Hyukjae took the cape off of him when he was done with cutting him and if Jihyo didn't fall in love with the little boy the first second that she saw him, she'd certainly be a puddle of love when she sees Siwoo now.


The kind of hairstyle that Jihyo picked matched his face and brought out his bright brown eyes that sparkled right away when Hyukjae took off his cape and brushed his shirt with a brush to get rid of the small hairs. "There you go, little dude! You're all set!" He patted Siwoo on the shoulder and gave him a big grin.


When they got inside the mall, Jihyo felt Siwoo tighten his grip on her neck. It was a good thing that today was a weekday that doesn't have a lot of crowd at this time and she knew that seeing many people at once would potentially frighten Siwoo.


She went to the first store that has children's clothes and went straight to the

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Chapter 5: the encounter with her mother is so unexpected, i can feel her TT TT but the hospi vibe esp. jh and jk is so greys anatomy feels mhie luv it update sooner pleaasseee💗💗💗
shazam7 #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for coming back authornim. Hope you enjoy the holiday!
aibhara #3
Chapter 5: Oh ho.. Welcome back authornim..
i would love to see their coffee date..
so i will wait for the next update..
thank you for the update authornim..
aibhara #4
Chapter 4: It's been a year..
hope you will update this story someday authornim..
i don't know what are you doing there
but i hope all the best for you
so you can comeback here..
elainefun88 #5
Chapter 4: I’m so invested in this story! Thank you authornim!
multi_fanaccnt #7
Chapter 4: This makes my heart flutter!! I love the family vibes between the three them. It radiates love and comfort 🥹 Best of luck for the interns haha Thank you for this!! Can’t wait to see the next update 🫶🏻
jk_lau18 #8
Chapter 4: yay I like it🥰
thanks for the update authorniiim❤️
Chapter 4: Siwoo would be a great F1 driver when he grow up, thanks for the cliffhanger.