My Dear

My Dear



Joohyun jolts awake when she feels the phone in her hand vibrate, accompanied by the loud chat notification. It took her a few seconds to realize that she dozed off in her hotel room's living room. Shaking herself awake, Joohyun checks her phone.



Unnie, I just got home. And I know that it's already late and you're probably sleeping already but I just messaged to say I miss you already, unnie. 

Enjoy your schedule there and always take care of yourself, okay? Can't wait to see you in two days. I love you, unnie.


Joohyun automatically smiles as she reads the message. She had been waiting for this afterall, that's why she was not yet in bed despite the late time. Joohyun clicks the call button.




Joohyun couldn't help a chuckle as she heard her favorite voice. "Hi, Seungwan-ah."


"Hi, unnie. Oh wait, did I wake you up?"


"Well, honestly I dozed off a little."


"Oh, unnie, I'm so-"


"But!" Joohyun immediately cuts her off, not wanting the younger girl to apologize. "I'm still not sleeping. I told you I'll wait till you get home, right?"


"You really shouldn't have, unnie."


"I want to."


"Stubborn unnie." Seungwan teases, a smile on her face. 




Seungwan laughs. "I stand corrected. You're a stubborn baby."


"Your baby." Joohyun whispered shyly.


"Yes. My baby." Seungwan replied proudly, making Joohyun smile widely despite her reddening cheeks.


Joohyun then cleared . "So anyway, how's your day? How are you doing?"


Seungwan opened to answer but fought against it at the last minute. She heaved a soft sigh instead. "I'm okay, unnie. I just miss you."


Joohyun frowns. She could hear the heaviness in Seungwan's voice. "Are you okay, Seungwan? You sounded so down."


Her earlier radio guesting flashed on Seungwan's mind and as much as she wanted to tell Joohyun her worries, Seungwan could also hear the tiredness on the leader's voice. After all, she knew that Joohyun had been doing her schedules all day. 


"Sleepy, unnie. But fine nevertheless." Seungwan answered, deciding to tell everything to the older girl some other time. 


"Right. You still haven't got your proper rest yet." Joohyun nods to herself. She wasn't fully buying Seungwan's excuse but she decided to let go of the matter for the meantime. She too knew that they both need rest right now. "Go get your sleep now, okay?"


Seungwan hums. "You too, unnie. Always take care of yourself there, okay?"


"I will. And you too. I'll see you in two days."


"See you in two days, unnie. I love you."


They've been together for a while now but those words from the younger girl still never fail to make Joohyun smile. "I love you, Seungwan-ah."





"I can take it from here, unnie. Thank you." Joohyun told her manager unnie as she arrived back at the dorm. She unlocked the door and dragged her suitcase inside but soon stopped at the doorway as she saw a familiar pair of shoes neatly placed there. 


With anticipation, she immediately went inside the dorm and heard someone singing from the kitchen. There, she saw Seungwan with her back on her, cooking something in a pot. And just like that, Joohyun's tiredness from her seven hour flight vanished in an instant. She carefully makes her way towards Seungwan and slips her arms around the latter's waist, leaning her chin on Seungwan's shoulder. 


Seungwan was a bit startled when she first felt the touch on her waist but just a second after, she relaxed at the familiar arms holding her. She smiled and used one of her hands to secure Joohyun's arms on her waist.


"You're here, unnie. I didn't hear you come in."


"You were singing." She tightens her hold on Seungwan. "You didn't tell me you'll be here this early."


"I want to surprise you, unnie. And I want to cook breakfast for you."


Joohyun hums in response, burying her nose on Seungwan's shoulder. "My ever sweet Seungwannie."


They stayed in that position for a couple of minutes before Seungwan turned her head slightly to face Joohyun, kissing the latter's side of the head.


"Unnie, as much as I enjoy this moment, I need to get back to my cooking so you can eat, and then rest after." Seungwan pats Joohyun's arms. "Why don't you wash up first while I finish this, hm?"


Joohyun groans, still refusing to let go.


Seungwan chuckles at the cute behavior. "I promise we'll cuddle after. Okay, baby unnie?"


Joohyun reddens. It may have some teasing behind it, but she secretly likes the pet name. "Promise?"


Once again, Seungwan kissed the side of her head. "I promise."


Half an hour later, Joohyun finished showering and went back to the kitchen.


"Just in time, unnie. Come on, take a seat."


Joohyun did as she was told and watched as Seungwan served the dishes in front of her. After doing so, the younger girl took the seat across from Joohyun.


"You're not eating?" Joohyun asked, noticing that she was the only one who had a plate. 


Seungwan grins. "I got hungry early so I grabbed a meal on the way here."


Joohyun nods. "What did you have?"


"The usual salad, unnie."


Joohyun sighs and shakes her head. She rises from her chair and gets Seungwan a plate. 


"Eat with me."


"But I just ate-"


Joohyun's glare shuts Seungwan off. "I told you to eat rice, Seungwan-ah."


"B-but.. diet.."


"We're already in our 8th year and are considered seniors now. It's okay to cut some slack." Joohyun answered, scooping a spoonful of rice on Seungwan's plate. "I won't let you go hard on yourself on this diet thing like you did a few years ago. I actually still get mad at myself whenever I remember that I just allowed you to do that to yourself." 


"Unnie," Seungwan grabs Joohyun's hand. "That's solely on me. And back then, you keep telling me to go easy on myself. It's me who didn't listen."


"But as the leader and as your friend, I could have tried harder."


Seungwan shakes her head, tugging at Joohyun's hand. "It was all in the past now, unnie. It's all great now. See?" 


"Then please listen to me when I tell you to eat something healthy?"


"Salads are healthy-"


"Something more healthy." Joohyun glared at Seungwan. "You need to eat rice. Understood?"


Seungwan gulps under Joohyun's hard stare. "Y-yes, unnie."


"Do it, okay?" Joohyun continued on. "I can't always be there to cook you seaweed soup and rice."


"That was very sweet of you, unnie. By the way." Seungwan muttered in response, talking about how Joohyun prepared her a meal on her birthday. 


"Son Seungwan. Are you listening to me?"


Seungwan sits up straight. "Yes, unnie. I am. I promised."


Joohyun shakes her head as she continues serving Seungwan's plate with food. "People would always have something to say anyway. So, just do what you want and what's best for you and your health. Okay?"


Seungwan knows that Joohyun is serious and she is being reprimanded right now but she can't help herself. "Unnie.. Do you know that you look kinda hot right now?"


"Yah!" Joohyun flicks her forehead. "I'm being serious."


"And so I am, unnie." Seungwan mutters, rubbing her forehead. 


"Son Seungwan."


Seungwan gulps, raising both hands. "Okay, okay, unnie. I get you. I promised I'll eat healthily. Although I was really not joking when I said you're hot."


Seungwan's sincere looking eyes made Joohyun blush. "Fine. Now, go eat."


Seungwan grins, seeing how Joohyun looks shy at her compliment. Knowing better not to tease the older girl again at this time, Seungwan proceeds to eat her breakfast.


"How's Bali by the way, unnie?" Seungwan asked in the middle of their breakfast.


"Well.. it's kind of awkward at first since it's been a long time since I've done solo activities, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I like Bali."


Seungwan smiled at her. "That's good to hear, unnie."


Joohyun smiled back. "And you?"


"Just youngstreet for the meantime. I have a viewable radio again later."


"Ah, right." Joohyun nods, taking in the information. "Well now that I'm back in Korea, I'll be sure to tune in again later."


Seungwan couldn't help but smile. "Unnie, I appreciate it, really. But it's okay to miss it. I want you to take all the rest you need first."


Joohyun shakes her head stubbornly. "I'm the number one wanso."


Seungwan had to laugh at that. "Yes you are, unnie. And no one's competing with you on that. That title is yours alone."


"As it should be."


Seungwan laughs once more. This time, Joohyun joins her.


After their breakfast, Seungwan joined Joohyun on her bed for cuddles as she promised. She has her arms around Joohyun while the latter rests her head on Seungwan's chest. 


"Sleep, unnie."


Joohyun hums but doesn't close her eyes as she suddenly remembered something.






Joohyun hesitates for a moment. "Did.. something happen during the last few days?"


Seungwan looks down to Joohyun. "Why, unnie?"


"I just remember that something seemed to be bothering you the other day, during our phone conversation."


Seungwan thought for a moment. "Ahh. That."


"Yes." Joohyun nods and cranes her neck to look at Seungwan. "So?"


"I was just..thinking of something that day."


"Okay. About what?"


"Uhm.. If I'm doing enough as a radio DJ?"


"What?" Joohyun frowns. She entangles herself from Seungwan's hold and sits up, facing the latter. "Where did that come from?"


Seungwan forced a grin, so as not to worry Joohyun. "Nothing, unnie. I just realized that I'm not like the other DJ's so I wonder if I'm doing okay."


Despite Seungwan's attempt to smile, Joohyun could see through her. She caressed Seungwan's cheek. "I know you're always too hard on yourself but you never compare. You always say that each of us has a different way of doing things, so it's not fair to compare. Remember?"


Seungwan leans on Joohyun's touch and nods her head.


"So what's wrong? What happened, hm, Seungwannie?"


Seungwan lifts herself up to sit as well. "Well, I guested at this one radio.."


Joohyun nods. "At Dindin sunbaenim's. He invited you there. Right?"


Seungwan bobs her head. "Yeah."


Joohyun raised her brow. "And? What did he say?"


"Nothing, unnie." Seungwan heaved a soft sigh. "He just asked some questions that got me thinking if I was doing okay, or if I'm being too much."


"Nonsense." Joohyun shakes her head and takes Seungwan's hand, caressing it. "You are doing great, Seungwan-ah. And I'm not saying this because I'm biased."


Inspite of herself, Seungwan managed a teasing grin. "Unnie, are you admitting that you are indeed biased?"


"I'm always biased when it comes to you." Joohyun answered, looking into Seungwan's eyes. "And I think I've always been since the start. I just tried to hide it because I'm the leader and I must not show favoritism. But yeah, I guess the girls have already known it and understood it anyway." 


Seungwan had to smile.


"But that's beside the point." Joohyun addressed the issue back. "Anyone can tell that you are doing great. Even Minhyuk-ssi's father, who was an announcer, praised your skill. Remember? Heck, that was even the reason why Dindin sunbaenim invited you there in the first place, right? Because his PD-nim wanted him to be at least like you."


Seungwan blushed at the compliment. "Well, I think that's not really it."


"It is, Seungwan. So learn to accept these compliments because it's true and you deserved it." Joohyun then scoffs. "I bet he's just jealous and insecure because everyone around him keeps telling him to be like you."




Joohyun huffs. "Fine. I'll stop." She held both Seungwan's hands. "But don't let that get into you. Alright? Trust me when I say that you are doing great?"


For the first time since that day, Seungwan felt better. She doesn't know if it was the older girl's words, her presence, or Joohyun's hold on her, but Seungwan feels that her worries have been lifted up. Her smile was wide as she answered Joohyun. 


"Okay, unnie."


Satisfied, Joohyun leans forward to give Seungwan a tight hug. 


"Unnie?" Seungwan called out once they were back to lying on each other's arms.




"Speaking of radio, do you think you could come to youngstreet and be my guest?"


Joohyun laughs. "You always say that."


"And you never come anyway." Seungwan pouted.


Joohyun eased the creases on Seungwan's forehead. "You know things like that are not really up to us."


"Hm. I know." Seungwan huffs. "I just hope you could be there for my first anniversary as a DJ."


"Well, as much as I like to be there as well, I think that I would like it better if you celebrate it with a solo, viewable radio. It's your anniversary after all. The attention and focus should be on you, and you alone."


"But if they're planning a week-long celebration and we invite guests, will you come?"


"Okay. I'll talk to the managers about it."


"Alright!" Seungwan cheered. "I really want you to be my guest there, unnie."


"But I've been there twice already, as a guest."


"No, that's different, unnie. I want you to be there not as a red velvet, but as a wanso."


Joohyun nods, smiling at the cute request. "Fine. Just promise me that you'll never make me sit on the DJ's seat again."


Seungwan laughs. "Do you hate it that much, unnie?"


"I don't hate it. I can never hate something you love." Joohyun answers. "But it's not for me. And I only did it because it's you who asked me to, and because it's for you that I'm doing it."


Seungwan kissed Joohyun's shoulder, murmuring a soft 'thanks'. 


"But don't make me do that again." Joohyun faked a shiver. "I still get goosebumps whenever I remember how I survived that."


Seungwan laughs again at the seemingly exaggerated comment. But she understands how nervous Joohyun was that day.


"Seungwan-ah, are you sure that you want me to do this on your behalf?" Joohyun told her over the phone. It was a few hours before their leader would start the pre-recording. "I could call Sooyoung or Yerim. There's still time."


"Unnie, Joohyunnie, relax." Seungwan wanted to laugh at how cute Joohyun sounds right now but her painful sore throat is stopping her.


"How can I? This is the very first time I'll ever be a DJ. And it's not just any radio. It's your radio, Seungwan-ah."


"You can do it, Joohyunnie. I asked you to do it because I know you can do it. Just think that I'm there and that you're talking to me, yeah?"


That thought seemed to calm Joohyun. "Like I'm just talking to you?"


Seungwan hums. "Like you're just talking to me. That's easy, right?"


Joohyun heaved a soft, but relaxed sigh. "Okay. I.. I'll try."


"That's Red Velvet's leader right there! The greatest woman-" Seungwan got too excited that she cheered loudly and ended up in a coughing fit. "Oops. Sorry, unnie."


"Hey, easy there." Joohyun's worried voice came through the other line. "Are your symptoms still bad?"


"No, it's getting better, unnie. Just got a bit excited."


Joohyun nods. "Is there something you want me to say to your wansos? I'll deliver the message for you."


Seungwan managed a smile. Joohyun's voice seemed relaxed now. "You can tell them that I'm feeling better, unnie. And that I miss them already."


Joohyun hums in acknowledgement. "Okay, I'll tell them that."


"You're the best, Joohyunnie."



"Have I already thanked you enough for accepting that offer for me, unnie?"


"You did." Joohyun smiled, rubbing Seungwan's arm. "And you never really made me feel alone that time. Your message on the radio and your constant messages on my phone, checking up on me, were really a big help. And I played your song at the start, to calm my nerves." Joohyun laughs.


Seungwan nods. She remembered it. "You did really well that time though, unnie." Seungwan kissed Joohyun's shoulder once more.


"My voice was shaking!"


Seungwan laughs. "That's just normal at first, unnie. I was a stuttering mess when I started."


"And look where you are now." Joohyun answered, lifting Seungwan's chin. You really came a long way. And I'm so, so proud of you, Seungwannie. Always."


Seungwan responded by kissing her on the lips. "Thank you, unnie."





Thursday came and Joohyun tuned-in to Wendy's Youngstreet. Listening to Wendy's radio has become a part of her daily routine now, making sure that she would always find time to listen in. Joohyun knew that the guest for today was supposedly that English pop singer from UK but Seungwan told her earlier through their phone conversation that a last minute change of plan had been made since he couldn't make it in time for the schedule. It was a bit regretful, but more so for Joohyun than for Seungwan. She was half pouting over the phone, telling Seungwan that she was really looking forward to hearing the younger girl speak in fluent English and hear her American accent. Seungwan laughs at it. "I can always speak English with you, unnie. Whenever you like." She answered Joohyun with a slightly flirtatious tone, to which the older girl could only roll her eyes.


"When I went to college for an interview, my mom played 'My Dear' from Red velvet because I was so nervous." 


Joohyun watched and listened as Wendy read a message from one Wanso. 


"Promise me you won't let the size of your dream, that you first told me, get smaller because of the pressure of the world."


Wendy sings as she reads that part of the message. It was Wendy's part of the song, Joohyun remembered. It has been long since she last heard that song- their song, and now that she had listened to it again, Joohyun agrees with that Wanso that it was indeed a comforting song, especially that particular Wendy's part.


Joohyun finds herself smiling. It felt good to hear those words. She didn't realize it at first, but now that she heard it, Joohyun felt that it was something she needed to hear. Especially after all that has happened in the past year- something that until now, she was still trying to get back on her feet from.


She doesn't know if it's because of the sudden reminder of the message of their song, or if it's of Seungwan's short singing, but a part of her felt like she was being uplifted. 


Ah, this is what's good about being a DJ. Joohyun thought. You have the power to make your listener feel better.


"I hope Seungwan could feel better too." Joohyun muttered to herself, suddenly remembering their conversation yesterday.





Wendy was having fun playing songs and reading people's stories when a message from a very dear person pops out on her screen. Her lips curved into a smile in an instant.


"Our Irene unnie sent a message." She started, trying to control herself from grinning like a lovesick fool. "Promise me you won't let the size of your dream, that you first told me, get smaller because of the pressure of the world. Fighting until the end. Thank you, WanD."


Seungwan swears she could melt from the overflowing love she was feeling right now- the love that Joohyun makes her feel. First, Joohyun just proved once again that she's her number one Wanso by tuning in and leaving a comment. But more importantly, Seungwan knows what Joohyun wanted. As much as she comforted her listeners with that lyrics, Joohyun wanted her to feel that comfort just the same.


Seungwan's heart is pounding with too much happiness but she is Wendy right now, and Wendy is professional. With a huge amount of self-restraint, she answered Irene's comment. 


"Unnie, thank you. You're really a Wanso. Thank you. I love you." Her response came off a bit awkward but she did it intentionally, otherwise, she's afraid that if she did it seriously, she might just pour her heart out there for Joohyun publicly. Seungwan knew Joohyun knows what's in her heart anyway.





"Unnie, great job for today." Seungwan greets her manager unnie as they reach the parking area. She would always tell those words to her team after their work. "Shall we go now? And uh.." She hesitated, rubbing her not so itchy nape. "You think you could drop me off at Joohyun unnie's first, unnie?"


"Oh, I won't be the one to take you home for today, Wendy-ah." Her manager grins, as if teasing. "And I think there's no need to visit Joohyun."


Seungwan furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Eh? But why, unnie?"


Just in time to answer Seungwan's question, a honk was heard from behind her. Seungwan turned around and watched as a very familiar car came to a stop beside her. The driver's window was rolled down.


"U-unnie!" Seungwan exclaimed in a mixture of surprise and joy as she saw Joohyun's face behind the mask and cap.


"Hi, Seungwannie." Joohyun waves her hand, laughing at the still surprised Seungwan.


"W-why are you- What are you doing here, unnie?" 


"Your girlfriend's here to take you home, of course." Her manager unnie answered in a hushed tone, just enough for the three of them to hear. Instantly, both of the girls' cheeks were in a shade of red, making the manager unnie laugh.


"Go now, Wendy-ah." She pats Seungwan's back. 


Nodding, Seungwan immediately goes and climbs to the passenger seat. 


"Take care of you both. Drive safely, Joohyun-ah." Manager unnie said, leaning on the driver's window. 


"Don't worry, unnie. Joohyunnie's the best driver!" Seungwan said proudly, giving Joohyun a thumbs up. 


Joohyun chuckles. She then turned to their manager. "We'll be careful, unnie. Thank you."


Manager unnie nods in acknowledgement and the two drive off.


"Unnie! I was really surprised you're here." Seungwan angled her body to face Joohyun better. "Why didn't you tell me you're coming? I could have asked manager unnie to buy you dinner if I had known. Oh, wait. Have you had dinner, unnie? It's late."


Joohyun laughs and with a quick movement, she pinches Seungwan's cheek. "Ever the chirper, Son Seungwan."


"Joohyunnie.." Seungwan pouts.


This only made Joohyun laugh even more. And she says she has no aegyo. Joohyun thought.


"I wanted to surprise you." Joohyun finally answered. "And yes, I already had dinner."


"Good." Seungwan nods approvingly. "So, where are we going, unnie?"


"I'm going to drive you home, of course."


"What? Like, right now, unnie?"


Joohyun take a glance at Seungwan's questioning face. "Yes. Why?"


"No, that won't do, unnie." Seungwan answers. She then tags at Joohyun's sleeve. "Let's go for a drive first, unnie."


"But aren't you tired already, Seungwan-ah?"


Seungwan shakes her head. "I still want to spend time with you, unnie."


Joohyun managed a quick glance at Seungwan once again. "Are you sure?"


"As sure as I'm sure that I'm in love with you, unnie."


"Y-yah.." Joohyun's cheeks redden. She hits Seungwan lightly on the arm. "That's so greasy, ugh!"


Seungwan chuckles. My girlfriend is really a tsundere.


They decided to take-out light snacks at a convenience store and parked at a secluded area near it. They were humming on Joohyun's playlist that was being played on her radio when Seungwan took Joohyun's hand.


"This reminds me of our first late-night drive together, unnie."


"Ah." Joohyun nods, remembering it too. "The drive to the airport?"


"Uh-huh. You looked- well, you know that I always say that you're pretty and beautiful. Right, unnie? But that time, you looked so cool in my eyes."


Joohyun laughs at how Seungwan described it. That airport drive happened late last year, when Seungwan's parents were set off back to Canada.


 The Sons have a family car but since Seungwan doesn't know how to drive, they opted to hire a private cab instead to get the Sons to the airport. An hour before they leave the house, Joohyun comes to bid Seungwan's parents goodbye. That's when the former knew that the Sons would just ride a cab to the airport. Joohyun immediately volunteered to drive them there instead. Of course, Seungwan and her parents opposed the idea but Joohyun was able to convince them when she told them that Seungwan would be alone in the cab on the way back and given that it's already late at night, it could be dangerous. Seungwan's parents gave Joohyun their many hugs and thanks as they accepted the offer. They decided to use the Sons' car because it was bigger and could accommodate the four of them and the old couple's suitcases. 


After dropping her parents to the airport, Seungwan and Joohyun stopped at a nearby cafe, the former buying for them to show her gratitude towards the older girl. 


"I didn't know you're this good at driving, unnie."


"I am?"


"You look cool, unnie. You hit the break so smoothly and you drive with ease. You're the best, unnie!" Seungwan gave her a grin and a thumbs up.


After that night, the two would often go into late-night drives whenever their schedules permit. It was a bit of fresh air for them, spending time together, going for a drive when there's not much people, and just being themselves.


"Joohyunnie?" Seungwan called out after a few minutes of silence.


Joohyun turned to her.


"Thank you, by the way. For your message at the radio earlier."


Joohyun smiled, squeezing Seungwan's hand on hers. "Promise me that. Okay?"


Seungwan bobs her head, smiling. "You too, unnie. Let's continue chasing our dreams and do whatever it is that we want to do."


Joohyun nods. She caresses Seungwan's hand. "Don't let others tell you otherwise."


"I will only listen to you, unnie. And to my parents." Seungwan grins. "Oh, and to the members as well."


Joohyun chuckles. She fixes Seungwan's hair. "Your hair is getting long now."


"It is, unnie. I'm planning to cut it off short tomorrow. What do you think?"


Joohyun brushed Seungwan's hair with her fingers. "It's fine if you want to. Short hair suits you too, anyway. Besides, your fans will go crazy to have the 'Wendy-cut' back." 


"Well, what about you unnie? Which do you prefer more?"


Joohyun thought for a while, still combing Seungwan's hair with her fingers. "To be honest, I kind of miss your long hair now. Especially when you wore hair extensions during our comeback, long hair really looks good on you. But, I guess I liked the short hair better."


Seungwan looked curious. "Why?"


Joohyun shrugs. "I don't know, but with short hair, you looked.. more carefree, and happy. And being those really looks good on you, more than the long hair does."


Seungwan grins at that. 


"And also," Joohyun continues, "-it's because you look like a cute, little rockstar." Joohyun teased, ruffling the latter's hair.


"Yah, unnie." Seungwan whines. "Can't you just say, a cool rockstar instead?"


"Nope." Joohyun teased further, shaking her head. "You, Seungwannie, are my cute and little everything."


Seungwan knows there's a jab in there, but her cheeks still felt hot at Joohyun's words. My (cute and little) everything.


Joohyun laughs, seeing the flushed Seungwan. "So, those two adjectives sound good now, eh?" 


"You really like teasing me, huh?" Seungwan pouts.


"I really like you. Period." Joohyun cups Seungwan's cheeks with her hands. "My cute," she pecks the latter's forehead, "-and little", a peck on the nose, "-everything.", then a kiss on the lips.


Seungwan was blushing hard as Joohyun let go of the kiss. "Who's the greasy one now, huh?" She muttered, cheeks red.


Joohyun drew her tongue out. "Still you."


At this time, Honne's Free love started playing on the radio.


Seungwan smiles as Joohyun started singing along. She lets the song finish first, for Joohyun's sake', before talking with the latter again.


"Now that reminds me, unnie. Where should we meet this Sunday? During the festival?"


"I guess we could just meet at the venue." Joohyun answered. "If you arrive there first, just tell me your location and we'll go to you."


Seungwan nods. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me and eomma? We three could go to the venue together and just meet Seoha-unnie and Kyoungmi-unnie there."


"As much as I want to, I think it would be better if I go there with the unnies. They invited me to come with them, right?"


Seungwan groans. "Ugh. How come they beat me to it?"


It was at the backstage of their Korean University Festival when Seungwan invited her members to come to the Seoul Jazz Festival this weekend. She has been meaning to do it for a few days now but she had just confirmed her tickets that day, hence the late invitation. Yeri passed on the invitation because she will already be going on the second day of the festival with her friend. Seulgi and Sooyoung couldn't go due to their own schedules, while Joohyun could only look at her guiltily. It turned out that just a few hours earlier, Joohyun was already invited by their stylist unnies and she agreed to come. 


"I'm sorry, Seungwan-ah." Joohyun cooed. "If I had known you had plans on going, I wouldn't have accepted their invitation. Seon-ha unnie was actually planning to invite you guys as well but it turned out that you're already going with your mom. I'm sorry."


Seungwan shakes her head and gives Joohyun a smile. "Don't apologize, unnie. It's not your fault. I should have acted fast in the first place." She grins.


"I will just go with them to the venue, then we'll spend the whole day together afterwards. Alright?"


Seungwan bobs her head excitedly. "Okay, unnie."





True to Joohyun's words, the two ended up sticking together all throughout the day at the Festival.


"Joohyun-ah!" Seungwan's mother greets Joohyun with a hug when the two groups finally meet. "It's been days since I last saw you."


"I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit lately, eomma."


Mrs. Son shakes her head, dismissing Joohyun's apology. "Don't worry about it. I know you guys have been busy these past weeks too."


"Oh, eomma, these are Seonha-unnie and Kyoungmi-unnie." Seungwan interrupts, introducing their stylists to her mother.


The three shake their hands. "Thank you for taking care of our daughters." Mrs. Son hugs both of them.


"They're a bunch of good kids, ma'am. Loud and chaotic, but good kids nonetheless." Seonha answered, earning a grin from Seungwan and Joohyun.


Their stylist unnies parted with them after that, settling on a different location to watch the concert. They need not ask Joohyun if she will come with them because with the way the leader of their favorite girl group was clinging hard on Seungwan, they already know where Joohyun preferred to stay. 


"Seungwan-ah, why don't you go and buy drinks for us?" Mrs. Son asked.


"Me, eomma?"


"Yes, you, my dear Seungwan." Mrs. Son answered. "Or would you rather Joohyun do it for you, hm?"


Seungwan immediately stood and huffed, making Joohyun laugh. "I'll be back in a bit." She said, tapping Joohyun's shoulder. 


Joohyun pats back the hand on her shoulder. "Okay."


"So, how are you, Joohyun-ah?" Mrs. Son inquired after Seungwan left. "Everything's doing okay?"


Joohyun nods. "I've just been in Bali last week for a solo schedule, eomma."


Mrs. Son claps her hand. "That's very good to hear. And how was it?"


"It went well, eomma. I think." She chuckles. "It's been long since I had a solo schedule so I'm still trying to get used to it again."


"I'm glad that you're getting back there again."


Joohyun nods, albeit shyly. "But I'm still getting nervous from time to time, eomma."


"That's fine. It's normal." Mrs. Son pats her shoulder. "But I know you'll do well. You always do. That's why my daughter calls you- uh what was that again, greatest woman of this generation?"


Joohyun laughs. "She's exaggerating, eomma."


"No. I can say she's right." Mrs. Son laughs along. "But seriously, Hyun-ah, I know I have said this before to you a lot, but thank you for taking care of our Seungwan. You're really a good leader, and a good person. I'm glad that Wannie has you."


Joohyun blushed. Coming from Seungwan's mother, that really meant a lot. "T-thank you, eomma. But really, Seungwan has been taking care of us too, sometimes even more than I do."


"Well, then I'm just glad that you girls are taking care of each other." Mrs. Son smiled warmly. 


Joohyun smiled back and nodded. "Thank you, eomma."


Seungwan went back with three beers, one for each of them. Mrs. Son almost hit her forehead for getting beers instead of normal drinks.


"Yah, do you want Joohyun to get drunk?"


Joohyun laughed but was quick to defend Seungwan. "It's fine, eomma. I'm not a good drinker but this one's fine, eomma. It's light."


"See, eomma? It's fine. And this is what everyone is drinking here." Seungwan answered defensively.


"Okay, okay." Mrs. Son relented. "I was just worried you'll get drunk but actually, I'm glad that you girls are already at this point in your career where you're free enough to be seen drinking in public."


"Eomma, this cannot be really called 'drinking', you know? It's just a glass of light beer."


"Hm, whatever." Mrs. Son ignored her daughter's answer. "It's just the same." 


Seungwan sighs while Joohyun can only laugh at the cute mother and daughter tandem. 






Joohyun tears her eyes from the stage to look at Seungwan. The younger girl is looking at their selcas on her phone.


"Are you going to post these on insta?" Seungwan asked.


Joohyun ponders for a while. "Hm, maybe not now. Or maybe not. I actually don't know. Why do you ask?"


"I'm just wondering, unnie. And I think your fans will be happy to see pictures of you, especially in this outfit." Seungwan winks playfully on her last sentence, to which Joohyun responded by hitting her arm.


"Maybe I'll just post some of it on bubble." 


Seungwan understood. She knows the older girl seldom post in her SNS account now, choosing to post instead on bubble, which is more private. 


"You're not comfortable to get back to it yet, unnie? Posting on SNS, I mean."


Joohyun shakes her head. "Not yet."


Seungwan knows that as much as possible, Joohyun wanted to keep things private. Especially after that hurtful scandal almost two years ago. It's been long but she could tell that Joohyun is still a bit wary of her actions and of what the people might say about her. 


It saddens Seungwan whenever she thinks about it. She just wants to protect Joohyun against anyone or anything that could hurt her.


"You want to post it?" Joohyun asked, interrupting Seungwan's thoughts.


"W-well, I do, unnie. But-"


"Then post it." Joohyun interjected. "It's fine, Seungwan-ah. Feel free to do what you want."


"B-but.. you're in this picture too, unnie."


"I know. That's why I'm telling you that it's okay to post it."


"But are you okay with it, unnie? I mean, you like to keep things private and you're not one to post pictures like these so.."


Joohyun chuckles. "Well technically, I'm not the one who'll share those pictures. It's you. And I'm telling you, again, that it's fine with me, Seungwan-ah."




"Yes, Seungwan." Joohyun playfully rolled her eyes that the younger girl finally realizes what she has been telling her on repeat now. "Really."


Seungwan grins widely at that and immediately shared the photos on her insta account. She included the pictures with her mom too and chose to tag their stylist unnies as well, just to make it seem more natural and casual, she said to herself. 


Seungwan looked at the uploaded pictures of her and Joohyun and she really felt happy. It might just be a simple thing for others, but for Seungwan, it meant much more. 


She uploaded another selca of them that evening. She even jokingly questions Joohyun if the latter is already drunk because she keeps telling her that it's okay to post pictures of them. But of course, Joohyun just glared at her.




Joohyun was currently looking at their latest selca that Seungwan posted.


"Yes, unnie?"


"I'm just wondering.. if you could, like hypothetically, if you could freely caption this picture," Joohyun shows the picture to Seungwan. "-what caption would you put to it?"


Seungwan stares at the said picture. In her post, she chose to simply caption their picture with the letters 'SJF' for the Seoul Jazz Festival, and a heart in between their heads and at the top of the SJF letter. 


"Like if I could freely post anything? Whatever I want?"


Joohyun nods. "Yes."


Seungwan thought for a while until a familiar song came to mind. She got her phone and typed at it. A few minutes later, she showed it to Joohyun. "I'll caption it with this, unnie."


Joohyun checks the phone and reads what Seungwan typed.


"Promise me you won't let the size of your dream, that you first told me, get smaller because of the pressure of the world."

You did well, and you're doing well, unnie. I am so, and always proud of you.


Joohyun couldn't help but feel warm at the message. "I liked it, Seungwan-ah."


Seungwan grins. "And then, I'll end that caption with something so Son Seungwan-like."


Joohyun raised her brow, curious. "Like what?"


"Well…" Seungwan became apparently shy in an instant. "Uh, you remember how you told me that I'm your.." she blushed, "-cute and little everything. Right?"


Joohyun sees the shy and red face. She chuckles. "I did."


"Then I'll end the caption with something like that, like what you are to me."


Joohyun looked intently at Seungwan. "And that is?"


"My Baby-unnie,"


For Joohyun, Seungwan had the most dashing smile when she answered her.


"You are- My Dear, My Love, My Best."

















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281200 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet story, combine with really perfect scene
Izin baca
Chapter 1: all good and sweet in this story; just what i need in life :D
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 1: Rereading cuz i miss fluff wenrene
Chapter 1: I'm reading this because I need something sweet
Chapter 1: Reading it again cuz i I'm in pain
Chapter 1: The feels~~~ oh gosh!! This is so awesome💖💙💖💙
Chapter 1: ive only found it now and oh my gosh this is sooo good like its feels like its close to reality? i feel like it really happened between them ❤ i so love it thank you author-nim so much for this great another one shot
Chapter 1: This is so fluffly TvT
The sweetness that I need in my boring life, as always ~
Thank you so much for this wonderful story 💙
Chapter 1: SO FLUFF (╹◡╹)