Chapter Five


"We can find another place, Karina. Really," Winter said. She is seated across from the older girl, trying to block her vision. She did not do it because of Yeji, she did it for Karina. She is decent enough to try to distract the hurting girl. 

"Is that girl really the reason why your sister cannot marry me?" Karina asked, her lips tugged downwards. The younger of the two can only sigh. They are still young, what would they know about love?

"Again, I cannot tell, Your Highness," Winter said. She nodded her head at the waiter who served their orders. She got herself waffles and chicken, and milk for her drink. While the Queen of Kwangya ordered pancakes and coffee.

"Do you know what it feels like?" Karina asked and sliced through her pancakes. She snickered before looking up at Winter. 

"My heart is in pain that I can barely breathe," Winter does not know how, but she felt the same when those words came out of Karina's mouth.

"W-why not find someone else to marry?" It was a stupid question, but Winter ought to know. The girl across her shrugged her shoulders.

"Your father approached mine when we were still kids. Your kingdom is the first to ask for my hand, and as I am close with Yeji, my parents did not think twice and agreed." Karina said and smiled sadly. Winter can only nod and looked at the Queen with pity. Maybe, the Royals are not as lucky as she thought they were. Maybe, they are just as miserable as her. 

"I'm sorry about that," Karina shrugged. 

"It is nobody's fault. Besides, we are  simply bonded by verbal agreement, nothing concrete yet."

"Do you want me to talk to her? Ask her to marry you." Winter offered, however, Karina shook her head. She put more syrup into her pancakes before looking at the two girls in front of them. Yeji is still oblivious of their presence, as well as the girl in front of her. 

"I am a Queen, Winter. I do not beg," the older girl said while smiling. 

"Do you want to get out of here?" 

"As I have told you, no. I did not do anything wrong to avoid Yeji." Winter watched Karina's movements. Her hands are shaking, and her breathing is shallow. She is anxious, but Winter does not know what to do to calm her down. So, Winter did something stupid. She held Karina's shaking hand and put it down on the table, her hand still holding the other's cold and shaking ones. She snatched the fork from Karina and started to feed her. 

"What are you doing?" Karina asked after swallowing the pancake that Winter fed her. The younger girl shrugged with a small smile. She also does not know why she did such a thing. It is not in her nature. It is simply not her.

"Your hand is shaking." She said and looked at their hands. Winter inhaled sharply when she remembers how her hands sweat so much. She tried to release her hand from Karina's, but the Queen held her small hand tighter.


"Why? My hand is sweaty," Winter asked with a creased forehead. Karina grinned, her sad aura, gone and replaced by a joyous one.

"I kinda like the feeling of your hand against mine." The taller girl said with a shy smile. It is not to irk or annoy Winter, it is also not a lie, it is a cold truth. Winter felt her heart start beating twice its normal pace. She did not drink coffee, so why is she palpitating now?

"Are you okay?" Karina asked worriedly. Winter cleared before pulling her hand away from Karina.

"It's just cold," Winter lied and drank her milk. Karina chuckled at the sight. 

"Who would have thought you still drink milk?"

They started talking and teasing each other, completely forgetting about Karina's fiancee a few tables from them. 

"K-karina." Yeji called. Both of them looked up and saw the girl's shocked face. Karina raised a brow. 

"Yeji. Fancy seeing you here," Karina casually greeted, her lips tugged upwards into a smirk. 

"Why are you outside the castle?!" She asked in a panic. She suddenly dragged Karina by her arm, but Winter held the other gently. 

"I am with her, sister. I can protect her," Winter said and looked at the taller girl. Karina grimaced from Yeji's grip. 

"You shouldn't be outside of the castle!! I would very much talk to Father and tell him about this." Yeji said angrily. Winter grabbed Yeji's hand which is holding Karina's arm. She shook her head at her sister.

"Yes, you should tell him. But please remove your hand on Karina. You are hurting her." Winter threatened.

"Ah, I understand now. You are having an affair with my fiancee behind my back," Yeji spat. Karina gasped loudly and slapped Yeji across her face. She looked at the girl with disgust and loathing. 

"Go back to the palace and let's talk," Karina said and looked at Winter. Her gaze softened. They walked out of the cafe together, with Karina driving the car to go back. 

"Why did you slap her? The King or Queen can execute you for laying a hand on their heir." Winter said quietly. 

"Then I want to see them try. She is a lying piece  of , and she was trying to blame you." Karina's eyebrows formed a thin line. 

"Then let me have the blame! She is the heir of the throne, Karina. She can do whatever she wants! Besides, what is it to you if I am to be blamed?" Karina stepped on the brakes and looked at the girl beside her. She tilted her head, trying to examine Winter's face.

"I like your company, Winter. You deserve to live as extravagant as Yeji, not like a whipping boy." 

Winter might be going crazy. Her heartbeat is getting faster and faster. She felt her face heating up. And somehow, Karina became prettier.

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reveluv316 808 streak #1
Chapter 7: Karina has already fallen Winter but just hasn't realized it yet?
Chapter 7: Ahhhh, Karina! "You're here. I'll be alright." Wow! And you managed to make the marriage agreement too! Good for you! But I know you don't truly like Yeji in that way, come on, you deserve to be with someone better than that. Winter is literally right in front of you.
reveluv316 808 streak #3
Chapter 6: Yeji is so dumb, if she really had no intentions of marrying Karina then why did she continue to lie to her.
Chapter 6: Woo, Jimin! Yes! Preach all the things Yeji deserves to hear! I'm as proud of you as you are of yourself!
reveluv316 808 streak #5
Chapter 5: I like that Karina has chosen to not make a distinction between Yeji and Minjeong just because of their different mothers.
Chapter 5: Oh, wow! It's so clear that Minjeong likes Jimin now. I just hope Jimin can start liking Minjeong back too. Jimin doesn't need this heartache.
reveluv316 808 streak #7
Chapter 4: I'm hoping that Jimin will start to fall for Minjeong soon so that we don't see her heart breaking anymore.
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Well, I think Jimin knows now, at least. This interaction was really cute though!
Kira_Renaldi #9
Chapter 4: Well... Now she knows
Chapter 3: Jimin and Minjeong will probably get closer when Yeji is on her trip, for some reason I can feel that. I love the way they interact with each other too, it's great!