Forever Young


Youth University in Shanghai has a yearly dance competition for performing arts majors. YuYan's team is in desperate need of a new dance coach. Everything changes when Xu Jiaqi appears Yu Yan thinks she's just another student, right?




She's late. 

Yu Yan quicked her steps while glancing down at her watch, hoping to make it to class before Lisa starts taking roll call.  

"You two! You aren't you supposed to be in class?" A voice rings out across the bland-colored walls Yu Yan freezes in her tracks to peer around the corner only to see Daimeng Lǎoshī lecturing Keni and SunRui. 

"Excuse me, can you tell me where classroom 34 is?" Yu Yan whipped around at the soft voice only to be, greeted by an elegant student in black sweats and a crop top. 

She's pretty. 

"Who's there?" The voice of Daimeng boomed across the hall triggering Yu Yan's fight or flight instincts. 


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