ABOUT THE STORY Solis Entertainment was founded in 2019 by real estate tycoon and ex-idol Moon Haejin. He used all his connections in the industry to get experienced staff and existing male and female trainees from other companies. In addition to opening online auditions and going on a global audition tour. His casting team went to major cities all over the world to audition thousands of trainees who wanted a chance to be apart of his company.
The story officially starts on January 1, 2021, the first day of training. It'll explore the highs and lows of each individual trainee and how their stories all intertwine. There might be triggering topics like bullying, depression, eating disorders, etc. it all depends on what you guys give me. But the point of the story is to explore those topics and show the hard work that comes before all the glitz and glamour.
HOW DOES CHOOSING EVERYONE WORK? Every character will be chosen but depending on how many apps I get, not every character will be there at the start of the story and not every character will make it to the very end, since the training process eliminates and brings new trainees. I'll try to write your characters story out as you want. There are a few sections where I say you can leave it up to me, like the ending of their love story, their time as a trainee at Solis and their relationship with other trainees and staff. This gives me more freedom to "decide their fate" if you will.
CAN I APPLY MULTIPLE TIMES? Yes! You can apply multiple times, there isn't a limit to the number of times atm. But if you're going to apply more than once, try to balance the genders out. For example if you're going to apply twice, at least apply with a girl and a boy. That way there's not a huge imbalance between the males and females.
DOES SOLIS HAVE A DATING BAN? Sorry to say folks, dating is banned during training. But there are some exceptions to the rules, a really skilled songwriter might be exempt from the dating ban so they can pour their heart and hardships of love into writing music. That won’t happen for everyone though maybe like two or three trainees. Another exemption is if they were already famous and were publicly dating already then became a trainee at Solis. Other than those two circumstances everything has to be done in secret, if you can think of more reasons why they'd be publicly dating someone then go ahead. Getting caught dating is something that can result in getting kicked out of the company though.
WHAT IS THE LIVING SITUATION? Trainees are put into apartments (dorms) a walk away from the main building. Multiple trainees will sleep in bunkbeds in each bedroom, the number of bedrooms differ based on the apartment but each has a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. They're separated by gender but foreign and korean trainees would be mixed. Living at the dorms is optional, trainees who live nearby don't have to. 
DO TRAINEES GET AN ALLOWANCE? No, trainees do not get an allowance from the company. The company provides the basics like a place to live and a cafeteria that serves healthy food. Everything else they have to pay for. 
ARE TRAINEES ALLOWED TO USE THIER PHONES? They can have their phones at night and on Sundays. During the day when they have lessons, phones should be in their locker with the rest of their stuff so they won’t get distracted. All social media accounts must be deleted too, if found, phone privileges can be taken away.  
HOW ABOUT SCHOOL? Underaged trainees are expected to go to school. Typically korean trainees would attend a performing arts school, while foreign trainees would go to an international school. Online school is also an option. If for any reason they go to a regular school instead, let me know why. Any middle schol students would go to a regular school until they're in highschool and transfer to a performing arts school. They'll attend school in the morning then go to train in the evening. For trainees without computers, homework can be done at the computer lab.
ARE THEY ALLOWED TO HAVE VISITORS? No trainees can’t have visitors, parents that randomly show up will be turned away at the door. Trainees can see their parents during holidays and Sundays. Foreign trainees can go see their parents once a year.
ARE ACTOR TRAINEES OR MODELS ALLOWED? Solis is only accepting idol trainees. That doesn't mean some trainees won't appear in cfs or dramas just to get exposure. However, their intentions are all to be idols first.
WHAT IS THEIR SCHEDULE LIKE? Each trainee has a personalized schedule of lessons based on their abilities. When they don't have lessons they are expected to have individual practice and can reserve practice a room for that. How much they practice individually is completely up to them, but they are expected to improve by the next lesson. At the end of the month they'll get evaluated by Haejin, staff, and other guests with the possibility of getting eliminated.
ARE THERE ANY BREAK DAYS? Trainees get holidays and Sunday's off. There aren't any lessons on Sunday but the building is still open and practice rooms can still be reserved.
ARE COLLABS ALLOWED? Of course collabs are allowed but they're not mandatory or anything. Part of the fun is for me to mix and match everyone and make love connections and enemies etc. So you don't have to worry about having a lot of relationships.
THE BASICS & THE VISUALS the faceclaim can be both male and female from anywhere as long as their ethnicity is half asian. no race bending allowed, the faceclaim has to match their ethnicity. the most i'll accept are faceclaims being half of their actual ethnicity since some are hard to find. idols, actors, influencers, models, can all be used as faceclaims as long as they have a lot of pictures. if they're an influencer include their social media handle as well. keep in mind that it is a korean entertainment company, while they did go overseas to find trainees the number of foreign trainees wouldn't surpass koreans. 
the ages i'll be accepting are 2007-1997 liners. the max between the faceclaim and their age is 3 years. irene can't be a 97 liner even though she can lowkey pass, but seulgi can! i don't want everyone to be 99 to 02 liners, gimme trainees of all ages. since 97 liners are kind of old to be trainees, it'll be more rare for them to get chosen unless they had past experience like a trainee at a big company or a contestant on a survival show. 
all pronouns and orientations are welcomed but remember that it is korea and they aren't as accepting as some other countries. also i feel like trainees usually don't have a bunch of tattoos, i don't see someone getting accepted who has a whole sleeve unless they're extremely talented or as i said before had past experience that can be an asset to the company.
THE BACKGROUND Sob stories and drama are accepted, as long as it’s realistic. Tragedies happen but don’t go overboard and make them the unluckiest person in the world. Quality over quantity, as long as I have an idea of how they grew up and how it affected them.
THE PERSONALITY Their personality can be anything and formatted however you want, I’m cool with bullet points too as long as you describe them well enough. There’s no such thing as angels, everyone has a bad side so makes sure to describe both aspects of them. Especially how they can deal with criticism and how they are when they go through a hard time. I want a wide range of personalities, not everyone has to be either 4d or cold af.
THE TIDBITS The tidbits is basically random trivia so I can get to know them better like their mannerism and little habits or pet peeves they have (so I can use them as fight starters heh). Character quotes gives me an idea of how they talk, this can be a list of incorrect quotes or some phrases they always say. A paragraph describing how they talk is good enough too, as long as I have an idea.
THE RELATIONS Include important people only. I’d say parents count as important, any immediate family that’s relevant to them because they might come up in the story. I’ll allow idols to be family members but make it realistic. Yeji and Hyunjin can’t be your brother and sister pls. You can include the staff if you want a specific dynamic between them, but it’s not mandatory. That's part of my job to create the dynamics between trainees and staff so don't worry about that.
THE PERSONA Having a stage name is optional, it’s mostly for trainees with past experience but a new trainee might’ve brainstormed their stage name out of excitement. As for talent twins, not all trainees will have the best skills, even those with prior experience might not be the best. They’re there to improve so it’s okay if they’re not the best. If you're gonna make a triple threat, at least explain how they became that way. I don't mind them but not everyone will able to sing like chen, dance like ten, and rap like jooheon like come on. 
If your trainee is completely new the training then you can delete the past experiences, past headlines, and past trainee life sections. If your trainee was an actor, model, contestant, previously debuted idol, etc, all that goes in the prior experience section. It can be a list or a paragraph explaining what they did before joining Solis. Headlines are any past scandals or rumors that surrounded them for whatever reason. Headlines can also be good articles written about them too! Anything that would be significant enough to be brought up again. There’s no limit to how much they could have trained before joining Solis, their time at any other company should be described in the previous trainee life section.
The future trainee life section is about how they’ll do as a trainee at Solis. Being a trainee is a difficult and selective process, will they be able to take all the pressure? Will they slack off? Or are they the type to stay in the practice room for hours after lessons? Will making friends be easy at the dorm? Will they even dorm? Will their parents send them allowances or will they have to work for extra money? Btw the password is a song that represents them. I’m open to triggering topics because part of this story is to explore all that anyways. It’s kind of like a plotting section, you can make it as broad or as detailed as you like. If it’s really detailed I’ll try to write your character to the best of my abilities but keep in mind that everything might not be exactly as written.
THE INTERVIEW Another straightforward section, your trainee passed the first audition and went back for a one on one audition instead. Answer in any pov that you want.
THE LOVE Before I get into it, there are strictly no minor and adult relationships, i don’t care if it’s 17 and 21, it’s still not allowed. I’m okay with s because that’s apart of life but make it realistic ok. Minors can have love interests but no ual stuff with minors plS, other than that I'm pretty open. LGBTQ+ relationships are also allowed!
Staff members can be used too, but if all staff have a love interest trainee… that’s weird man. I put which staff are dating or married in their descriptions, I also put some of their ualities. If nothing was mentioned specifically then that means they're up for grabs for your imagination.
Idols as love interests is also an option, but like I said make it make sense. A trainees probably not gonna get jungkook to fall in love with her without even meeting the man before. A love interest is optional, not everyone will secretly date, not everyone will have crushes. Just describe their situation and you'll be all good. I'm here for all the drama anyways so go crazy.
APP TAG tag your app bwsapps, it'll be easier to find everyone that way!
TAKEN THINGS faceclaims: shinhwa's lee minwoo, lee gukjoo, kim sejeong, victon's chan, monsta x's shownu, yoon bora, song jieun, 2pm's lee junho, bang yongguk, krystal jung, mamamoo's solar, day6's wonpil, im yoona, jo kwon, oh my girl's jiho.
BROWNIE POINTS underrated and underused faceclaims. unconventional love stories and backgrounds. anything with drama. a lot trivia. serious and maybe triggering topics. that's basically it, i'm not picky.
AUTHORS NOTE annnd this is the cheatsheet. any questions you guys have will be added to the faq. also any characters i add, i'll put all the taken stuff here. happy applying guys!
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coming with a trainee for you winkw0nk
ooh interesting.
i'm all for this.
the title also reminded me of jessica jung's novels lol which i still need to get my hands on the 2nd one.
anyways, looking forward to this!!
14 streak #3
I feel that there are not enough idol applyfics that actually take into consideration the trainee life section so thanks for this as well as giving everyone a chance to see their character in your story. Looking forward to apply!