Forever and After, Always Yours (Nayeon version)

About Love & Light
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I was laying down on the bed as I feel drowsy and sleepy. I have myself staying at home that weekend after a long week. Today is the perfect day to lay down and do nothing. However, my peace didn't last long as someone appeared at the door as he had his left hand on his waist. Yes, you are seeing Baekhyun is now like a mother who is ready to nag their daughter as he had his left hand holding his waist. His voice was impatient.



"Gosh, girl.. how long would you need more to get prepared?"



I turn my head to Baekhyun and stared at him. He was wearing a simple white shirt on the inside and a mustard shirt on the outside matching with black slack that perfectly show his skinny and long legs. Why he looks so good? I look at him suspiciously and ask him instead of answering him.



"Who are you going to date with, Baek? What's with the dress up?" 


"Well, I am going to find hot girls and have fun."


He smirks with his excited face. I glared at him and pout. It's become a habit now every time I sulk with Baekhyun. He then suddenly come up to the bed and pinch my face with his right hand. 


"We are going out silly! How dare you forget today, Na?" 


"Baek! It's hurt! I remember it today! It's you who has been late!" 


I defend as in whining. I already prepared for our date earlier than Baekhyun does. I was waiting for Baekhyun and since he taking his time caused me to almost fall asleep at that time. Baekhyun finally let my cheeks go as I glared at him. I then stand up from the bed to fix my clothes thanks to Baekhyun who has been messing around with it. I look in the mirror over my clothes that day. It's a simple pair of jeans with a light brown shirt along with a handbag. I smile out of happiness when it looks perfect. Baekhyun once again rolls his eyes and sounds like a diva.



"Looks who take her time now?" 


" you bet." 


I said as if we are in a mean girls' movie while also rolling my eyes. Baekhyun moves away from the bed before he holds my shoulder. He pull me closer as he put his head on my left shoulder and hug me from behind. I hid my smile. I pretend to be fussy about it. 


"What's with the choke-hug?" 


"You will never call it a cuddle right?" 


I snorts and we both laughed. It's been a while since we are getting warm to each other and of course, I love it all the time when Baekhyun hugs me. He has the warmest hug anyways. We continue in that position as if time was stopped for us. Baekhyun's voice comes afterward. A rare precious time when Baekhyun would end my life with his sweet talking and gesture. 


"You look pretty, Na." 


I have my face in red. Oh, Kim Nayeon. You melt down every time Baekhyun praises you. By the way, in case you wonder, today is a special day. It's the day when me and Baekhyun promise to date each other. Baekhyun had known about my inner conflict about us and he was suggesting this date. I wanted to have some time with Baekhyun and he was more than happy to have some time with me. Thinking back me and Baekhyun haven't properly dated each other and that thought makes me nervous yet excited. I wonder how it feels to date the former casanova, the craziest yet charming and playful Baekhyun? 


"Let's go, Na." 


Baekhyun extends his hand as I look at him. Our babies were already taken care of by Yerin and Sehun who gladly want to babysit them so we have the whole day for ourselves. I smile even wider and take his hand.


"Let's go, Baek."




Our date is simple. We are going to places within Seoul since Baekhyun said he cannot be apart from our babies for too long thus he planning a one-day course. I agreed with his plan since I also cannot be apart from Minhyun and Yeona even if for some hours. We walk to Baekhyun's famous audi car as which he said was his second wife. I would always insult it but of course, Baekhyun would defend the car that was also the witness of our every trip together. Baekhyun then opens the door for me. I look at him as he pretends to be the butler for me.


"Get in, my lady."


I decided to play along. I nod to him and try to be elegant. 


"Thanks, my lord." 


Baekhyun smile as I get in and he closed the door. He jogs a little and gets into the driver's side. He looks at me who was trying to wear my seatbelt. I was startled as Baekhyun suddenly appear in front of me and take the seatbelt. I was frozen. His woody scent was strong and addicting just like when I was pregnant. I have been liking to hug and touch Baekhyun to the extent of even wanting to wear his shirts all the time thanks to that calming yet attractive scent of his. I was staring at him long before our eyes met. He winks and I snort. Realizing this man just wanted to tease me all along. Baekhyun then put it for me before out of nowhere giving me a peck. I yelp.




"Am appreciating my lady here." He defended with a smug. I roll my eyes. He had the habit to kiss me out of nowhere.


"You just want to kiss me." 


I said and he giggles before starting the engine. His left hand was touching the radio. He trying to open some songs. I was excited. Baekhyun is a good listener and each of his favorite songs become my favourite too. I already have one song in my mind. 


"Let's play UN Vill--" 


"UN village." 


We both look at each other and silence occurs before we laugh. We both liked the same song since it was released four years ago. It was a song Baekhyun always play while driving and has been my regular song too. 




Baekhyun teased. I just laughed before he starts to move the car and we are jamming to UN Village as the background music. Finally, we are going to our special playdate today. I wonder how is this date going to be? 




"Nayeon... Would you like to meet someone first?"



Baekhyun had caught me off guard with the question during our drive. He looks pretty serious as he would always use Nayeon instead of Na when addressing me in serious time which lead me to just nods and follow him. He had brought me somewhere and now I am looking at a picture that shows a beautiful woman. Much prettier than me and the one who had caught Baekhyun's heart first. His first love. His life. His mom. 


"Mama, I finally bringing your daughter-in-law to meet you." Baekhyun said as I suddenly feel shy when I saw her picture on the memorial. I had ever met her but she was sick. This is the first time that I ever saw her in her prettiest form. My voice was coming out as I introduce myself to my mother-in-law. 


"Hello, Mrs Byun. I am Kim Nayeon. Baekhyun's wife." 


"Isn't she pretty, Ma? You must be happy to see her." 


Baekhyun said as I once again feel shy. I was seeing another side of him at that time. The side of a son who misses his mother so much. Baekhyun had never told me but I can feel how he missed his mother and even while with our babies, he would tell them about his mother. 


"Ma, I brought flowers. Nayeon chooses it for you." 


"I hope you like it, Ma." I said since I choose some flowers that she like according to Baekhyun. Baekhyun then puts flowers near her pictures. He looks at her picture dearly. It was a different look from what usually he shows as it was full of love and he was admiring her. I would feel jealous upon seeing it but I didn't. It was a genuine love from a son to his mother. I was letting Baekhyun have some time with his mother. 


"Ma, Yeona looks so much like you. She is smiling and has a sweet voice. Minhyun have your temper. He is a pretty baby just like me when I was a baby. Ma, am I a good father to my children?" 


Baekhyun trails as he spoke to her. I was listening. Baekhyun once again lows his head. I saw an emotion in him. It was sadness. I stunned. Tears, pain, and sadness are coming out from Baekhyun. 


"Am I... a good son to you before, Ma?" 


He once again said as he looks at her picture. It was the disappointment from his side too. I quickly step to his side and intertwined my hand with his. He turns his head to look at me as I keep my head straight to Mrs. Byun's picture. 


"Ma, Our Hyun had grown to be a gentleman. He has been taking care of his family well. He has been loving, liking, and living so well under your care from up there. He is a good son. Abeoji and Nini are so proud of him. I am also proud of him. Baekhyun is our pride right, Ma?" I said as Baekhyun chuckled. 


"Na, I was talking to Mama first." 


"What's wrong with me talking to my mother?" 


"Now you taking my mother too?" 


He pretend to sulk as I giggle which Baekhyun laughed too. I feel much better to see him smiling. I don't want him to feel sad. He then hugs me tight as he looks at Mrs. Byun's picture once again. 


"Ma, I will live well with Nayeon. Next time, I will bring our children to see you. Ma, please take care of our family from up there."


Baekhyun then bows his head as he close his eyes. I followed his gesture with a sincere heart as we are sending our prayers for her. We then open our eyes and look at each other with a smile. I once again intertwine our hands before we walk away from there. I briefly turn behind leaving my last words to Mrs Byun. 


'Mama, I will take care of Baekhyun now. Please trust me.'


I then look again to Baekhyun who looks calm now. I smile. I am sure Baekhyun had finally let go of what he has been holding in. I lean against Baekhyun's shoulder as he pats me. We both now walk pass our dark days with the new light in our life. 



Our next course was a secret, according to Baekhyun. He didn't tell me at all about where we were going; however, I was beyond excited as soon as we reached the place. Oh, I sound like a kid.


"Amusement Park!" 


I cheerfully exclaimed as I saw the vibrant entrance. Baekhyun stood beside me, and I glanced at him with an ear-to-ear smile. His expression showed he was quite pleased with my reaction.


"Remember when we used to play on the horse ride?"


"And you really could ride a horse, Baek," I said, a playful tone in my voice, which slightly made Baekhyun puff out his chest with pride. The thought of the amusement park had been on my mind for so long. Baekhyun and I had countless fun-filled moments during our old days, trying out different games and rides around the amusement park. It wasn't just a place for having fun; it was a heaven that allowed us to momentarily forget our worries and bask in the pure joy of the moment. This place had been our escape, a sanctuary for both of us.


"Your husband is a genius, Na," Baekhyun teased, his grin infectious as I chuckled in response. He once again intertwined our hands, and I eagerly followed his lead as we continued our journey through the amusement park. It felt like we had traveled back in time, reliving the carefree days of our past.


"Let's go, Na."



"Let's go, Baek." 




The amusement park was crowded yet we get to walk around freely. We are now queuing as many people also waiting for the Go Kart. It was pretty hot and so many people wanted to ride it as it was the weekend. Kids are around so do couples. Baekhyun was stepping away for a while to the bathroom. I was standing near the waiting line when someone approach me.


"Noona. Are you going to ride this?" 



I look at him. He had slightly higher in height than Baekhyun and he was wearing a white vans shirt and jeans. He looks hip and young. I nod before he smiles.


"That's good! My friends don't want to ride this. How about we ride together?" He asked with excitement. I was going to open my mouth when suddenly someone's voice come out fast and it was kind of strict and stressful. 


"She is with me." 



I was amused when Baekhyun holds my hand tight as if I was going to that boy. Oh looks who is jealous now? I was silenced as I want to watch the scene unfold. The boy reacted with a smirk.



"So what? She was here alone and I invited her first." He replied which makes Baekhyun's eyes widen in surprise. I chuckle so much drama as always from Baekhyun. Baekhyun however also smirk afterward and it was the evil vibe. I didn't feel good. He stares at the boy and then turns his head to me. He was looking at me mischievously. 

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03/06 - I saw comments and new subbies ! Thanks so much ^^ I also appreciate if you leave comments for each chapter since I am actually work on something for the story >< Lastly, I hope the story keep your warm !! Once again, thanks !!


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 42: Just finished reading this whole story and it's great!!! I like how the drama ain't too dramatic 🤣 props to sehun got being the matchmaker tho. Him and yerin are such good pairing HAHAHA
Chapter 9: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

well that was extremely..FUNky..lols..the meeting..the way his nini was like he is still mine..this is funny!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 8: hei author Park_Rafa88!! seems she is already aware of what might occur between them..i do wonder how this will be for their friendship..i get the sense that they trust each other alots..

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 6: hei author Park_Rafa88!!

i am excited and curious as to what happens next between her and baekhyun!!

⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
Chapter 41: What a beautiful ending <333
Chapter 41: Baekhyun should not have worried much. He's the best husband and father! Btw, is nayeon pregnant again 🤣 can't wait for baekhyun's version!

Thank you for updating authornim 🌹
Chapter 6: I kept this subscribed for so many months, finally got time to read this fic, I'm in chapter 1 and it's so interesting to see their dynamics... Can't wait for more things to unfold...
Chapter 40: It was so sweet that baek is such an understanding person here🥰
Nlnz2016 #9
Chapter 40: Baek is the perfect husband and father. Glad that he could comfort Na and make her feel loved too.
Chapter 40: So sweet of Baekhyun to comfort
and reassure his love to Nayeon💕